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Air purifier for smoke


Gold Member
I need an air purifier that can clean the air when i smoke mmm..."cigarettes" indoor, is one of these good or they are only good against dust and shit? And is dyson overrated and you have better products to advice (maybe specific against smoke)? As you can notice this thing also cool the air that is a good bonis during summer because it consume way less than a my regular AC but it is not a deal breaker if you have something cheaper without the cooling feature.

Thanks in advance.


An air filter might help with smell, but it won't keep your walls clean. I've scrubbed plenty of houses people smoke in and it's obvious
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist


I need an air purifier that can clean the air when i smoke mmm..."cigarettes" indoor, is one of these good or they are only good against dust and shit? And is dyson overrated and you have better products to advice (maybe specific against smoke)? As you can notice this thing also cool the air that is a good bonis during summer because it consume way less than a my regular AC but it is not a deal breaker if you have something cheaper without the cooling feature.

Thanks in advance.
I’ve been using air purifiers going on three decades. They’re not going to help you if you’re trying to hide the odor of cigarette or marijuana smoke.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Are you a cop? you have to tell the truth, this is the internet afterall.
I am a level 13 zeta timecop and the fact that you were even able to communicate with me right now tells me that you are in possession of some serious time meth.

Going to need you to surrender that to me and also give up any other substances that you have because Lord knows that I'm going to need them on the trip home.


So i bought the 300s model, i guess the default filter is not enough to eliminate the smoke right?

Why do you say that the toxin filter is better than the smoke filter?
Default white filter is good. It's 3 of 5 for smoke and toxins like car exhaust, and is great to keep pollen away. When the Quebec smoke blew deep into the east coast, I was running three 300s with white filters. The smoke quality became red, and later purple, which is really bad. I changed the white filters (new) to the green filters (also new) and I noticed I didn't smell anything related to the fire smoke. My body also debloated once I began using the toxic smoke filters. (I used to get really bloated from the smoke when working in China.) For this reason I think the green filters are worth the extra push. Having the basic 300 is a great start.
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I got this bad boy a month ago for our bedroom. We also have a Ventana airwasher (humidifier) cause it's wicked dry in denver. We smoke weed often in the bedroom and this air purifier is totally fine. The room was pretty dusty and this definitely helps


Dude i have 2 questions:

Is the toxin filter the green one?
What is the difference with the white standard one?

Are both equally good for smoke?
Green one is great for fire smoke. I bought several of those. Rough estimate is that the green one cleans noticably better overall than original filter. The latter is a 3/5 for all categories and green is 5/5 for all categories but pet dander.
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Gold Member
Green one is great for fire smoke. I bought several of those. Rough estimate is that the green one cleans noticably better overall than original filter. The latter is a 3/5 for all categories and green is 5/5 for all categories but pet dander.
Got it thanks.

In the end i bought the lenoit 300s under your advice btw.


Smoking is for the weak. You just breath in the pollution while going to work to get your daily dose of lung cancer.


I’ve been using air purifiers for over 20 years, and I can pretty much guarantee you they don’t get rid of smoke. Reduce the effects? Maybe slightly, but not in any way that’s going to be enough for someone who’s bothered by it or affected negatively by it.
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