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Al-Qaeda Has up to 20 Suitcase Nukes in USA.

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Has anyone read the book by Paul L. Williams Osamas Revenge? It states that the serial numbers and russian makers have been confirmed, by British intellegence, pakistani, saudi, american, and russian intellegence agencies.

How do you defend agains a weapon that weights 60 pounds? Its power is 10 kilotons. If it were to be put in the same place as ground zero, it would kill millions.

That could be the end of the world as we know it.

Tenet has said that attack will happen before 2005, along with a harvard professor.

Time to move to central and south america.


so when the hell did they get those 20 nuke cases? after 9-11 and the entire world going after them? or before but for some reason they decided not to use them? If those nukes exist in the U.S. and al-qaida can use them we wouldn't be speculating right now.


I put a suitcase nuke on the moon. This has been confirmed by British, Pakistani, Saudi, American, and Russian intellegence agencys.


From the publisher

Former consultant for the FBI on organized crime and international terrorism and a seasoned investigative reporter, Paul Williams reveals the potential for nuclear terrorism on U.S. soil in this shocking exposé. Based on the findings of U.S., Israeli, Pakistani, and U.K. intelligence, Williams describes how the theft of tactical nuclear weapons from Russian arsenals have in all likelihood made their way to al-Qaeda cells throughout the United States in preparation for the next terrorist attack.
Williams presents evidence showing that, in the chaos following the demise of the Soviet Union, the Chechen mafia got their hands on portable Russian nuclear weapons. Between 1996 and 2001, they negotiated the sale of twenty nuclear “suitcase bombs” to representatives of Osama bin Laden. According to Williams, reliable sources indicate that these bombs may already be in the possession of al-Qaeda cells in New York, Washington, Miami, Chicago, Las Vegas, Houston, and Los Angeles. In addition, bin Laden has recruited former Soviet scientists and technicians to maintain these weapons and recharge their nuclear cores so that they may be deployed immediately on his command. In 2001, he issued a statement boasting of a “Hiroshima” against America.

Doth Togo

Gianny said:
Has anyone read the book by Paul L. Williams Osamas Revenge? It states that the serial numbers and russian makers have been confirmed, by British intellegence, pakistani, saudi, american, and russian intellegence agencys.

How do you defend agains a weapon that weights 60 pounds? Its power is 10 thousand kilotons. If it were to be put in the same place as ground zero, it would kill millions.

That could be the end of the world as we know it.

Tenet has said that attack will happen before 2005, along with a harvard professor.

Time to move to central and south america.

Agencies, not agencys.

Spell check is your friend.

Doth Togo

Gianny said:
From the publisher

Former consultant for the FBI on organized crime and international terrorism and a seasoned investigative reporter, Paul Williams reveals the potential for nuclear terrorism on U.S. soil in this shocking exposé. Based on the findings of U.S., Israeli, Pakistani, and U.K. intelligence, Williams describes how the theft of tactical nuclear weapons from Russian arsenals have in all likelihood made their way to al-Qaeda cells throughout the United States in preparation for the next terrorist attack.
Williams presents evidence showing that, in the chaos following the demise of the Soviet Union, the Chechen mafia got their hands on portable Russian nuclear weapons. Between 1996 and 2001, they negotiated the sale of twenty nuclear “suitcase bombs” to representatives of Osama bin Laden. According to Williams, reliable sources indicate that these bombs may already be in the possession of al-Qaeda cells in New York, Washington, Miami, Chicago, Las Vegas, Houston, and Los Angeles. In addition, bin Laden has recruited former Soviet scientists and technicians to maintain these weapons and recharge their nuclear cores so that they may be deployed immediately on his command. In 2001, he issued a statement boasting of a “Hiroshima” against America.

Chicken Little ownage.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
If that were the case, I can't imagine why they wouldn't have already been detonated. The US has always been at risk for a biochemical/nuclear strike, it's nothing new, and there's no real point in getting hysterical over it now. Harvard professor or no, this guy sounds like he's just trying to sell a book...


they call me "Man Gravy".
we've already been through this.

This has been thoroughly debunked - the "suitcase nukes" don't exist. No credible proof of their existence has ever been produced. Furthermore, the fact that they have been bandied about and associated with every terrorist group on the planet, from the Chechans who originally got them to Al-Qaeda, only discredits their existence even more. Finally, unless these terrorists are trained nuclear technicians who have complete access to maintenance materials and replacement parts, these "suitcase nukes" that went missing in the early 90's are all but useless except for some radioactive material that is much more dangerous as a "dirty bomb" than as a suitcase-sized nuclear weapon. This whole thing is ludicrous and people just need to shut up about it.
Its a tactical nuke, so yes, while it will be destructive, it won't destroy a city or anything. Secondly, this just sounds like fear mongering to sell a book. Thirdly, if there is a nuke in my city, what am I supposed to do, jump on it? I ain't gonna worry too much about it myself.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Gianny said:
Tenet has said that attack will happen before 2005, along with a harvard professor.

So if I'm still alive in the year 2005 do I get a prize...or what? Also, said anonymous 'Harvard Professor' person should be fired on the spot on Jan. 1, 2005, assuming we're not all camping out in our bomb shelters shoveling down some Spam.


Unconfirmed Member
Bregor said:
Yeah I doubt a suitcase nuke is 10 thousand kilo tons. That is half the size of the hiroshima bomb, and dated russian technology did not fit it in a suitcase.

I could tell you that I have spoken to someone who has security clearence and is a terrorism advisor to the government who said the US has all of those suitcases accounted for or "painted" and you should put just about as much stock into it as what this guy tells you. He is probably working with incomplete information at best.
More sensationalism. Not to sound like an over-confident American, but I think they would have already used those nukes if they had them. And like Nerevar said, its old, old news. Just somebody trying to make money off of people's fear. Fuckin media never fails to disgust me.


scola said:
Yeah I doubt a suitcase nuke is 10 thousand kilo tons. That is half the size of the hiroshima bomb, and dated russian technology did not fit it in a suitcase.

I could tell you that I have spoken to someone who has security clearence and is a terrorism advisor to the government who said the US has all of those suitcases accounted for or "painted" and you should put just about as much stock into it as what this guy tells you. He is probably working with incomplete information at best.

The Hiroshima bomb had a yield of about 15 kilotons. 10 thousand kilotons is 10 megatons, and is bigger than most nukes on ICBMs today.

To get a yield of 10 megatons, you need a multi stage thermonuclear device. These are large, complicated, and touchy devices, and require tritium (which has a short half life) to work correctly.

A typical suitcase nuke had a yield of 1 kiloton or less. None were ever built with a yield even approaching 10 megatons.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
So each suitcase bomb is 1/5 the size of the largest bomb detonated to date? 50 megatons.. color me doubtful...


Unconfirmed Member
Bregor said:
The Hiroshima bomb had a yield of about 15 kilotons. 10 thousand kilotons is 10 megatons, and is bigger than most nukes on ICBMs today.

To get a yield of 10 megatons, you need a multi stage thermonuclear device. These are large, complicated, and touchy devices, and require tritium (which has a short half life) to work correctly.

A typical suitcase nuke had a yield of 1 kiloton or less. None were ever built with a yield even approaching 10 megatons.

Ah I was under the impression that the hiroshima bomb was 20 Kilotons and I just transliterated the thousand while not thinking twice about it. thank you.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
scola said:
Ah I was under the impression that the hiroshima bomb was 20 Kilotons and I just transliterated the thousand while not thinking twice about it. thank you.

Yeah I think it was about 13 Kilotons... so one megaton is about 77 hiroshima bombs or so...


There is a lot of uncertainty about the exact yield of the Hiroshima bomb. Estimates vary between 10-20 kt.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Bregor said:
There is a lot of uncertainty about the exact yield of the Hiroshima bomb. Estimates vary between 10-20 kt.

Ok ok so 1 megaton is between 100 to 50 Hiroshima bombs... and the suit case bombs would be 1000 to 500... color me doubtful... :)


Tracking down 20 suitcase bombs? Sounds like a job for

Uhh, suitcase nukes do exist, and to put things in perspective, there are 1,000 megaton warheads. So 10,000 kilotons = 10 megatons. According to this excerpt, a suitcase nuke could potentially have 1% of the power of a missle launched warheard. Sounds reasonable to me.


No doubt terrorists will do something within the next few years. I hope they don't, but I find it hard to believe that 9/11 is the last and perhaps worst attack America has ever seen. I'm just being a realist, that's all. I don't know about this suitcase nuke thing, though. Its been a WHILE since 9/11, if they could keep on attacking us, I'm sure they would. And there's no way Russians knew how to fit so much explosive nuclear power into a friggin' suitcase, especially two decades ago.


Ninja Scooter said:
are suitcase nukes really in suitcases?

no kidding, it would be really disappointing if they were in backpacks or something lame like that. they need to be in those shiny silver/gray suitcases.
Error Macro said:
Uhh, suitcase nukes do exist, and to put things in perspective, there are 1,000 megaton warheads. So 10,000 kilotons = 10 megatons. According to this excerpt, a suitcase nuke could potentially have 1% of the power of a missle launched warheard. Sounds reasonable to me.

No, the largest bomb ever was the Czar bomb by the russians, a 50 megaton monster, which is 2 and a half times larger then any other explosion by an atomic weapon. I would imagine a 1,000 megaton bomb might leave a crater the size of New England or something ridiculus like that. And its nearly impossible to get anywhere near a megaton in strength with a fission atomic weapon of that size. The only weapons that can do that are hydrogen (see fusion) bombs, which to work needs a regular fission bomb to start a fusion reaction with materials surrounding it. There are very bulky, and really only found on the sides B 52s, and in a missle silo.

Besides, 10-15 megatons is the size of most ICBMs in the American stockpile (publically at least).


they call me "Man Gravy".
yoshifumi said:
no kidding, it would be really disappointing if they were in backpacks or something lame like that. they need to be in those shiny silver/gray suitcases.

they are in backpacks. "Suitcase" bombs don't exist.

The small-scale nuclear weapons developed by the Russians includes nuclear land mines and backpack-sized nuclear weapons, consisting of three chambers and a fuse. They weren't very strong and were NEVER stationed anywhere near Chechnya / middle east, for the simple reason Russia felt no threat. Most were in Eastern Europe or Moscow, and most that were in Eastern Europe were pulled back to Moscow. And, like I said before, without proper maintenance and parts, are worthless.


Would you guys agree on mutual self destruction if this is to take place? I know where would not be an specific country to attack, but we have to agree that the usa as we know it might end. We might get different areas on the country on their own, forming their own country.


Error Macro said:
Uhh, suitcase nukes do exist, and to put things in perspective, there are 1,000 megaton warheads. So 10,000 kilotons = 10 megatons. According to this excerpt, a suitcase nuke could potentially have 1% of the power of a missle launched warheard. Sounds reasonable to me.

Holy crap where did you find 1,000 megaton warheads from? Like Jazz said, the largest bomb ever detonated was around 50 megatons, and was a absolute monster of an explosion. 1,000 megatons would probably take out a whole country.


dem said:
I put a suitcase nuke on the moon. This has been confirmed by British, Pakistani, Saudi, American, and Russian intellegence agencys.

I hope you didnt put that suitcase by my moon condo. I just finished fixing that place up, and I dont want some moon dust fucking my shit up.
Gianny said:
Would you guys agree on mutual self destruction if this is to take place? I know where would not be an specific country to attack, but we have to agree that the usa as we know it might end. We might get different areas on the country on their own, forming their own country.

!! @_@ !!
No country, and you're talking about mutual destruction? What are you suggeting, randomly tossing bombs about?

I also disagree this would end the USA as we know it. Would 20 nuclear weapons going off in major cities be completely disastrous? Yes. But that would still leave a majority of the country, and we'd have plenty of government on varying levels remaining. Splitting into several countries would be MORE problematic, since it would create more borders and potential competitors.
Mermandala said:
Don't fret, maybe the terrorist foolishly used Samsonite suitcases for their nukes.

That'd make quite the advertising campaign for Samsonite, wouldn't it? "Samsonite: Tough Enough to Contain Armageddon."
When a country gets blown to shit , I don't think the job of world policeman passes on to the closest country

it shud though :p
While I think this is highly exaggerated, the same people in this thread that are claiming that it will never happen, are the same types that would have claimed that a 9-11 type scenario would/could never happen, even after what happened in 93.

Again, this book probably extremely exaggerates things, but to act like it will never happen, or could never happen, is just plain stupid.

Acting like we'll never get attacked is what allowed the 93, and most importantly, 9-11, incidents to occur in the first place.

Not taking your enemy very seriously, as to all possibilities of potential attack, is not only foolish in the extreme, but also exactly what they want us to do.
The Promised One said:
While I think this is highly exaggerated, the same people in this thread that are claiming that it will never happen, are the same types that would have claimed that a 9-11 type scenario would/could never happen, even after what happened in 93.

True, airliners are a lot harder to come by than suitecase nukes are. Planes are pretty rare man.
Cerebral Palsy said:
True, airliners are a lot harder to come by than suitecase nukes are. Planes are pretty rare man.

Wow. You're obviously not getting the point. Try reading the rest of my post.

The Promised One said:
Acting like we'll never get attacked is what allowed the 93, and most importantly, 9-11, incidents to occur in the first place.

Not taking your enemy very seriously, as to all possibilities of potential attack, is not only foolish in the extreme, but also exactly what they want us to do.

Moving on.
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