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Al-Qaeda Has up to 20 Suitcase Nukes in USA.

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The Promised One said:
Not taking your enemy very seriously, as to all possibilities of potential attack, is not only foolish in the extreme, but also exactly what they want us to do.
Ummmm....does that mean that the U.S. needs to have contingency plans for mutant Al Qaeda operatives with genetically-enhanced bird wings on their backs wielding LazerDeathRay2000 rifles?

Yes, you need to anticipate potential threats. However, ignoring threats which are patently ridiculous helps to reduce the problem space down to, say, FINITE size.


wait, so the guy with the BS in physics and the guy who's talked directly to an analyst are the willfully ignorant ones?

stick to video games dude.


Gianny said:
Time to move to central and south america.

You're welcome in Brazil, dude, you and all American people! But please, don't bring in your baggage Bush or other dull people like him, because we have many stupid politicians already. And our people already dies of hunger, lack of jobs/health/security too. I do not want that the population is also bombed, we die for as much other forms already.

So, don't bring Bush with you! Thanks!
Not that I think a global Apocalyptic attack is imminent, but reading this makes me glad to be living in Cincinnati.

"When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati. Everything happens ten years later there." -Mark Twain


Unconfirmed Member
IAmtheFMan said:
Not that I think a global Apocalyptic attack is imminent, but reading this makes me glad to be living in Cincinnati.

"When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati. Everything happens ten years later there." -Mark Twain
That rocks, its like being able to see the future!
Thaedolus said:
Holy crap where did you find 1,000 megaton warheads from? Like Jazz said, the largest bomb ever detonated was around 50 megatons, and was a absolute monster of an explosion. 1,000 megatons would probably take out a whole country.

Largest detonated != largest warhead. There's a reason why they haven't ever been detonated. If I actually told you where my information came from, you'd probably have some Valve guys bust down your front door and Steam you to death. Or something. I'd probably be dead as well.


Error Macro said:
Largest detonated != largest warhead. There's a reason why they haven't ever been detonated. If I actually told you where my information came from, you'd probably have some Valve guys bust down your front door and Steam you to death. Or something. I'd probably be dead as well.
I'm sorry, but I have to call bullshit on that statement. If you REALLY had access to that kind of information, then you would know enough not to even HINT at that kind of crap on an internet message board. People with extremely high levels of security clearance -- ESPECIALLY DoE clearances -- are far more secretive than you can imagine.
-jinx- said:
Ummmm....does that mean that the U.S. needs to have contingency plans for mutant Al Qaeda operatives with genetically-enhanced bird wings on their backs wielding LazerDeathRay2000 rifles?


Fortunately, Master Chief will save us all.


-jinx- said:
I'm sorry, but I have to call bullshit on that statement. If you REALLY had access to that kind of information, then you would know enough not to even HINT at that kind of crap on an internet message board. People with extremely high levels of security clearance -- ESPECIALLY DoE clearances -- are far more secretive than you can imagine.
i think he was making fun of scola dude


Cerebral Palsy said:
I have 40 Alf lunchbox nukes


Don't fuck with me.


Post of the fucking WEEK dude. Hahaha.


I'm hoping this isn't true simply because that I don't want my death to be used by Bush as a crutch to implement even more draconian, ass-backwards, and counter-productive foreign policy.
xsarien said:
I'm hoping this isn't true simply because that I don't want my death to be used by Bush as a crutch to implement even more draconian, ass-backwards, and counter-productive foreign policy.

How about a campaign commercial?


Acting like we'll never get attacked is what allowed the 93, and most importantly, 9-11, incidents to occur in the first place.

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

If Americans saw a memo from their intelligence agencies saying that "Osama bin Laden determined to strike the US", and hints that hijackings will occur...Americans would not allow for it to happen. Yeah, Bush let them happen, but you can't fault Americans for that.

In this case, we have a book from some known people, and some anonymous people, who probably aren't currently involved with the CIA or FBI. We can't take it as seriously as warnings from these organizations.

What can you do about this anyways? In the case of 9/11, they could have ramped up airline security (at least on US flights, and locked their cockpit doors), and could at least arrest those they knew were going to hijack planes.

In this situation, the people and government can't do much about it. It's up to the CIA and FBI to be on top of such things.
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