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Alchemy: Let's redo the Star Wars sequel trilogy.


Thought experiment:

It's 2012, Disney just bought out LucasArts, Star Wars suddenly has a truckload of capital behind it and you are asked to plot out, in broad strokes or fine detail, the events of the Sequel Trilogy.

The EU has NOT been retconned, and won't be. Mara Jade is still considered a thing, Talon Kaarde, Tycho Celchu, etc. Most of that stuff hasn't happened yet, though. Basically you need to navigate pre-existing post-Jedi plot and integrate an original storyline that will be worthy of a trilogy.

Can it even be done?

You must provide:
  • A valid enemy
  • A valid opposing force
  • A valid source of force users besides Luke and Leia.
  • A valid reason for a hero's journey (for lack of a better wording)
  • An acknowledgement of how C-3PO and R2 have both witnessed more or less the entirety of the 6 movies that have come before.
  • A three-movie summary with an ultimate payoff that improves on the cheesy shortcomings of Return of the Jedi.

You must avoid:
  • Totally rehashing the original trilogy in 3 different, mutually isolated, ways.
  • Resurrecting anybody whose death in past films was the whole point of those films.

What would you do?


Thrawn Trilogy, and build up to the New Jedi Order only Anakin Solo lives instead of sending the old EU into the death spiral it was going through.

(Dark Nest, Star Wars Legacy of the Force (Not the Legacy comics which were pretty good for a somewhat distant Star Wars sequel.), Jacen falling to the Dark Side before Kylo Ren was a thing, Daala somehow becoming head of the New Republic!?!! And I hear it got even worse with everything involving Abeloth.
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Pretty easy George Lucas’s script treatments Filoni and Favreau directing: Darth Talon as the sexy red sigh lord vs Rey Nobody not a Palpatine. From what I read the first order and the Knights of Ren were more explicitly a cult of fanboys acting like the rebellion instead of this secret empire clone.
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What time is it?
Chewy invents a time machine and Luka and Han travel back in time way before the Empire even existed. They live out their lives together in peace, falling asleep in each others arms every night.


You first then.
What a low effort troll post lol, thanks for taking a break from picking ur nose long enough to type that out

Part of my point for writing this thread was a tacit acceptance of how any sequel trilogy would have been more or less pointless/impossible if the EU had remained in place, so I have to really refigure the altitude of the events, at least until they've time to mature into a serious deal.

So, off the top of my head...
  • A valid enemy - A faction of the New Republic has responded to recent economic woes caused by the machinations of an incognito GA Thrawn by doubling on Empire'like values, perceiving that past as being more prestigious and admirable, essentially spawning a new Empire from within the ranks of the New Republic. Civil War threatens, the leader of this splinter group is relying on rhetoric and avoiding any direct confrontation with his opponents to paint himself as a strong leader. He gets support from Thrawn and the Imperial Remnant and stormtroopers who have finally learned how to shoot start massacring distant worlds. Dithering among the rest of the Republic gives the Splinter space to fuck things up.

  • A valid opposing force - The members of the Splinter Imperium, they're poorly trained and stupid but they will do anything they're told and yell loudly. They're backed up by hardbitten ex-Imperials and the distant overarching influence of Thrawn.

  • A valid source of force users besides Luke and Leia. - Well, Luke's Jedi Academy has spawned some younglings but besides that there simply aren't any refined force users still alive in the galaxy. I hate Joruus C'baoth as a villain so like fuck him. But there are some nascent dark Jedi who have gravitated towards the Splinter Imperium and they're working together to kinda get a handle on why they can do things others can't. Eventually they commit atrocities and control the brains of billions in the name of freedom.

  • A valid reason for a hero's journey (for lack of a better wording) - This is the tough part. It can't be a next generation thing because they all have their own stuff in later novels, so it has to be a Luke, Han and Leia thing, or something adjacent to them. I think I might go the path of a member of Rogue Squadron or somesuch - like a more relevant Finn - who has been personally affected by the Splinter's actions, and who has to navigate a pretty complex galaxy for the first couple of films before they can access the assistance of the Original Trilogy's star characters. They don't have nascent force powers, their personality is a somewhat fallible mix of Han Solo and Luke, again without any kind of force powers.. For the sake of variety they've got a striking flaw, like they're mute or have to communicate in R2-like Lingua-technis or something.

  • An acknowledgement of how C-3PO and R2 have both witnessed more or less the entirety of the 6 movies that have come before. - Their knowledge is kinda gated behind the prestige of their position as Leia's personal droids, anyway very little of what will happen will rely on plot threads that were tied off in Return of the Jedi, so they won't have too much to input.

  • A three-movie summary with an ultimate payoff that improves on the cheesy shortcomings of Return of the Jedi. -
    First movie, the splinter's masters combine with Thrawn to select a patsy and get him in a position where he can exploit economic woes and use a variation on the SA to scare up power over some key, undereducated but influential and martially powerful industrial worlds. During these SA raids, the protagonist gets triggered.

    Second film, Rather than copying Empire, we'll copy another big 'second' film, so it'll be The Two Towers. Thrawn's carefully laid plans are laid bare by the protagonist, and at great cost the new republic prevents an attack, lead by Thrawn's patsy and their pawn, on their monstrous mobile government superstarship, Admiral Ackbar remaining un-panfried still. At the end of the film the protagonist is off to the Jedi Academy because apparently Thrawn's found a way to turn the Ysalamiri into a projected force-dampening field, and he's going in to round up Jedi and clone them (yes, I went there).

    Third film: I guess Nush isn't reading this wall of text so peanut butter picked a pack of nush's nostrils. The Patsy loses all mental control and starts directing his armies to slaughter anyone he doesn't like. By now Thrawn has moved onfrom this basket base leader and has gone off to start the events of the Thrawn Trilogy by seeking out Captain Pellaeon, but not before he sends a bunch of assassins to try and take out, well, pretty much everyone in the New Republic command structure. The entire Republic finally gets up in fury at the Splinter's actions and determines to somehow take him out. But they have no idea how to do it. It turns out the rapidly expanding Splinter's built off a hive-like mental communication network constructed in the Force by the nascent dark jedi of the first film, so Luke takes out the Force and restarts it, like Neo in the third Matrix film, effectively cutting the nervous system out of the entire Splinter organization and robbing their peons of the subliminal control the dark jedi have had over them. The mass of peons who had made up the bulk of the Splinter slowly go back to being diligent workers and try to move on. The New Republic shakes off this brief but intense distraction, move their gov't to Coruscant to be less susceptible to attacks, and the Thrawn Trilogy can start.
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Gold Member
Star Trek GIF


People grow dissatisfied with the liberal elitist néw republic vote in a space nazi chancellor and start worshiping the sith. Basically MAGA for Coruscant.
  • A valid enemy: Badu, some sort of evil capitalist by-product that has filled galactic power voids through wheelin and deelin
  • A valid opposing force: He's cloning for bad reasons and just scrounging up old empire gear for his guards, cause it's cheap and no one wants to touch it
  • A valid source of force users besides Luke and Leia.: it just so happens that the moon of his home planet only exists because it was struck by a force strong meteor that carved the planet in two
  • A valid reason for a hero's journey (for lack of a better wording): a coming of age moon lad, nature-loving type...sophisticated society without access space travel, can see the evil capitalist ruining the planet and space.
  • An acknowledgement of how C-3PO and R2 have both witnessed more or less the entirety of the 6 movies that have come before.: these two idiots land on the moon after a centuries of meanial jobs at the ownership of this capitalist, planet lord on his party yacht in orbit. They actually lie to the moon hero because they secretly want an adventure again
  • A three-movie summary with an ultimate payoff that improves on the cheesy shortcomings of Return of the Jedi.: Movie one, crash the party boat, save a chick, crash land it into the tallest tower on capitalist planet. Movie 2: force strong moon-lad trains with the help of someone studying the force like it's a retro, uncommon belief system. Turns out its all true. They tackle an off shoot problem with force powers with a lot of "woah, its real" moments. Movie 3: force sensitive moon lad has to decide if these powers should exist under the jedi system or something new. Its a lot of power. Can control the force strong moon. Now the hero has a death star. Undose the capitalist lord once and for all. Movie 1 enemy is dead. His scary looking underling escapes and won't go back to a shitty lifestyle without an capitalism. He vows to research the dark side of the force assuming there is an opposite. End.


It was going absolutely fine with 7 and Snoke being Plagueis until 8 came along essentially throwing everything 7 had worked towards in the trash.


Gold Member
Thought experiment:

It's 2012, Disney just bought out LucasArts, Star Wars suddenly has a truckload of capital behind it and you are asked to plot out, in broad strokes or fine detail, the events of the Sequel Trilogy.

The EU has NOT been retconned, and won't be. Mara Jade is still considered a thing, Talon Kaarde, Tycho Celchu, etc. Most of that stuff hasn't happened yet, though. Basically you need to navigate pre-existing post-Jedi plot and integrate an original storyline that will be worthy of a trilogy.

Can it even be done?

You must provide:
  • A valid enemy
  • A valid opposing force
  • A valid source of force users besides Luke and Leia.
  • A valid reason for a hero's journey (for lack of a better wording)
  • An acknowledgement of how C-3PO and R2 have both witnessed more or less the entirety of the 6 movies that have come before.
  • A three-movie summary with an ultimate payoff that improves on the cheesy shortcomings of Return of the Jedi.

You must avoid:
  • Totally rehashing the original trilogy in 3 different, mutually isolated, ways.
  • Resurrecting anybody whose death in past films was the whole point of those films.

What would you do?
No, no you are jumping ahead....lets first redo the Prequel trilogy because its the foundation the rest is built on. You cant make any good star wars stuff when you have that pile of crap to stand on.

I will gladly write out a draft for that FIRST
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It was going absolutely fine with 7 and Snoke being Plagueis until 8 came along essentially throwing everything 7 had worked towards in the trash.

Same, FA wasn't the best, but at least it set soms ground work for the sequels, then......well that was dumped in favour of a rose arc......great


I already redid them by pretending they don't exist. The story ends with Return of the Jedi. The "sequel" trilogy takes place hundreds of years later and can do whatever it wants without the trappings of the OT.
I think Marvel did a comic series about this. The great great grand nephew of Luke is a drug addict not a force user and Luke comes back as a force ghost to tell his dealer “you don’t want to sell him death sticks”. Rey has an immaculately conceived force baby from the heavy petting and force healing genetic material swapping in the current cannon?

Honestly TROS would have been fine with two tweaks they seemingly backed out on. Chewie stays dead and so does Rey. Kylo lives and reboots the Jedi.
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i feel like one of the few people who actually enjoyed them. wasn't even interested in star wars until 2015 when TFA came out 🤷‍♂️ do i find they're perfect movies or reeeeeeeally good movies?? no but i've seen much worse movie trilogies/universes (*cough*marvel*cough*)
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
We'll, I'd keep the first order. Didn't think they were a bad idea.

I'd get rid of the resistance and replace them with a proper, Galactic Republic. I'd make the GR as strong, if not stronger, than the first order. This would actually make it a war by two opposing factions of equal strength.

Knights of Ren would have a far bigger impact in the story and be absolute, bad ass, force sensitive agents of death.

Luke, Han and Leia would have bigger roles. Leia would be a Jedi, Luke wouldn't be a pussy and would be almost godlike, and Han would be a high ranking officer of the GR, although I'd keep his death from the trilogy.

Snoke wouldn't be a clone. I'd actually make him an older, dark side Ezra. Links nicely then to the overall story, and Ezra has come close to dark side.

Ray is pretty much the same, but is a nobody. Would also make Fin a Jedi as well.

No Starkiller base and absolutely no Palps coming back from the dead.

Really can't think of an overall story, but my template has to be better than the film's Disney shat out.


Skip a couple of hundred years. New characters, new established history, new threat from another galaxy.

The worst thing about both the prequels and the sequels were that both were stories that didn’t need to be told. They were backstory and epilogue.

Make the fucking effort, and do something original, using the previous films as recorded history... A bit like LOTR leans on a lot of history for its story.


ChatGPT 0.1
Redoing the Star Wars sequels could gain interest if they can figure out how to acquire big stars like Tom cruise, chris Evans etc. if not they’ll be straight up trash movies.
Star Wars Episode VII: The Fallen Order. Former padawan Cal Kestis escapes from an elite group of sith inquisitors while trying to rebuild the fallen Jedi Order

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Mandalorian. A Mandalorian bounty hunter is tasked to deliver an extremely powerful force sensitive baby to the imperial remnant, but he bonds with it in the process.

There, 2/3 of it done.


Elden Member
Something I would have had fun with is making an galactic level threat looming in the first film, that you gradually find out was only being prevented by the sheer power of the Empire. With it gone and the weakened military state of the galaxy, that extra-galactic thread emerges and attacks. It would be rather fun to see that the Dark Side actually served a purpose in the galaxy, they were the powerful "check" needed to keep such other evils at bay (evil fighting evil basically). You could then have a whole narrative about grey force users, or at least make the stakes for our new heros even higher (basically give in to power and use it to protect the galaxy at the cost of your soul basically, or choose the noble route and potentially doom everyone). Sadly I think the concept is too dark for Star Wars/Disney


Gold Member
It was going absolutely fine with 7 and Snoke being Plagueis until 8 came along essentially throwing everything 7 had worked towards in the trash.
Screaming manchild with punchable face dildo ren
Sweaty bath genitor storm trooper with questionable humor
Boring ass mary sue with questionable acting

That movie was far from absolutely fine, people just positive re-value ep7 because the sequel are grotesquely horrible, but ep7 was not exactly all that good...

Snoke was good tho.
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What's done is done. It's best to move on with new movies, new stories, new characters and don't fuck up. I don't want it to be like the Terminator where they retconned the original trilogy
Should have left the Skywalker saga alone and done something new. Return of the Jedi ended perfectly there was no need for 7,8,9 especially 8 and 9 those are worse than sequel movies.


Star Wars was always overrated.

One day we will see episode 10 11 and 12, and people will say "Kylo and Ren, that was a real Star Wars".


Screaming manchild with punchable face dildo ren
Sweaty bath genitor storm trooper with questionable humor
Boring ass mary sue with questionable acting

That movie was far from absolutely fine, people just positive re-value ep7 because the sequel are grotesquely horrible, but ep7 was not exactly all that good...

Snoke was good tho.
No you're right, maybe I just wanted Snoke/Plagueis that much I disregarded some of the other characters qualities.

Kylo I guess could've turned out to be a good character depending on how they treated 8/9, but we now know how that went.
As for the other two, I completely agree. I am not a fan of either Rey or Finn. Hell throw Poe into that too.

I do think again that 7 had potential though. Phasma could've been good, but she wasn't really.
Knights of Ren could've been great, but they had maybe 5 minutes of screen time and got wrecked by Kylo somehow.

Luke obviously could've been amazing, but got treated like garbage.

But yes, what happened didn't go well and yeah you're right.
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Rat Rage

What would you do?

1. Fire the whole markeing department
2. FIre every who's an "advisor", but at the same time works in marketing
3. Fire everyone who knows what "focus testing" means.
4. Hire good, pationate writers and directors who actually give a shit about Star Wars
5. Let them come up with someting cool and awesome. No fan service, no bullshit, no focus on marketing. The only goal: to make awesome, exciting and cool Star Wars movies.
6. Rehire all people fired in step 1 to 3. Then fire them again (just for fun).


Thought experiment:

It's 2012, Disney just bought out LucasArts, Star Wars suddenly has a truckload of capital behind it and you are asked to plot out, in broad strokes or fine detail, the events of the Sequel Trilogy.

The EU has NOT been retconned, and won't be. Mara Jade is still considered a thing, Talon Kaarde, Tycho Celchu, etc. Most of that stuff hasn't happened yet, though. Basically you need to navigate pre-existing post-Jedi plot and integrate an original storyline that will be worthy of a trilogy.

Can it even be done?

You must provide:
  • A valid enemy
  • A valid opposing force
  • A valid source of force users besides Luke and Leia.
  • A valid reason for a hero's journey (for lack of a better wording)
  • An acknowledgement of how C-3PO and R2 have both witnessed more or less the entirety of the 6 movies that have come before.
  • A three-movie summary with an ultimate payoff that improves on the cheesy shortcomings of Return of the Jedi.

You must avoid:
  • Totally rehashing the original trilogy in 3 different, mutually isolated, ways.
  • Resurrecting anybody whose death in past films was the whole point of those films.

What would you do?
Yuuzhan Vong war.
Swap the rebellion/empire dynamic. It's rebel empire versus the republic.

Keep the same characters/actors. Rey turns, joins Kylo. Luke, Han and Leia train Finn. You can even keep Snoke. Just make him an actual threat.
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