Werewolf Jones
He's been getting NTR'd since S1.
That count as NTR? weaksauce.
Why? It's always good when a show has antagonist that is truly hated.
He's not an antagonist and hasn't done anything to deserve the hate. He's trying to do the right thing through means available to him.
Episode 19
Oooooh yeah LORD SLAINE-SAMA has made his move. Everything planned out, everyone under his thumb. No one can stop him this time, not even Inaho Shitlord Dickface! It was pretty fun seeing everything come together throughout the episode on both sides. It's too bad Asseylum is still pining over Inaho. She could have had everything, now LORD SLAINE-SAMA is just going to have to discard her like another distraction. RIP!
Episode 19
Oooooh yeah LORD SLAINE-SAMA has made his move. Everything planned out, everyone under his thumb. No one can stop him this time, not even Inaho Shitlord Dickface! It was pretty fun seeing everything come together throughout the episode on both sides. It's too bad Asseylum is still pining over Inaho. She could have had everything, now LORD SLAINE-SAMA is just going to have to discard her like another distraction. RIP!
Lord Slaine sama? that would like Slaine sama sama in japanese...
Slaine fans seems as delusional as Slaine himselfHe's not an antagonist
and hasn't done anything to deserve the hate. He's trying to do the right thing through means available to him.
The Slaine hate is as boring and as unwarranted as it was last season.
He's not an antagonist and hasn't done anything to deserve the hate. He's trying to do the right thing through means available to him.
What right thing? he's trying to gain power... not that I complain, I prefer Slaine conqueror to Slaine thirsty.
Slaine fans seems as delusional as Slaine himself
Of course he's an antagonist. The whole show has been told from earthlings perspective, with villains being the martians. You could argue if Slaine is villain or not, but he's definitely antagonist, as he;s the main obstacle that stands against the "good end" which in this situation means Earth repelling the invasion.
He was useless and dumb in S1. And in S2 he;s murdering humans, using princess as excuse to to something that's directly against her wishes and he's trying to bassicaly enslave the humanity. Really stand up guy.
Just because he deluded himself into thinking what he does is right doesn't change that. Few people, even those who commit the biggest attrocities, think of themselves as evil. They mostly delude themselves into thinking their the good guys.
At the end of S1, he could have helped Inaho kill the guy who swore to kill the princess, and was responsible for starting this mess. Instead, he decided to help Saazbaum, and shot someone he knew was in very friendly terms with the princess. How can the hate be undeserved?
Whatever. In the end, we all know who will win the war. I just hope Yuki-nee and Inko will still be there to see it.
Every bad guy thinks they're doing the right thing. I don't see how creating a new empire by seizing land on earth via military force is a good thing.
I don't think he's a bad guy tho. Still think he'll end up teaming with Inaho at the end.
More like Slaine's mindset is weaksauce.
He couldn't handle the jelly.
How appropriate as Slain is up their with Makoto as worset anime characters of all time. I have been getting yandere vibes for weeks now from fake princess.I'm getting some School Days ending vibes from Slanie, princess and fake princess.
Inaho's smile at the sandwich Yuki gave him was so moe.
Everythig he's doing now is in reality out of ego and propably also revenge on how shitty he was treated before he became a lord. We haven't seen even a slighest sight of any noble intention from him this season.Slaine is trying to end the war and simultaenously change the Vers Empire. That requires sacrifice. He isn't doing any of it out of ego or desire to for power..
The focus has always been primarly on Earth side. Even in S1 Slaine was on Earth side.The story focus has been evenly split between Slaine and Inaho from the jump. It's not that one is the protagonist and the other isn't or that one is the good guy and the other is bad. That's a far too simplistic take.
I agree with HorribleSubs' description from the start of the season - Fuck Slaine: The Anime.#GetRektSlaine
That delicious NTR.
Oh god lolMy little Inaho can't be this cute.
Uggghhhhh I have too many other shows that I need to catch up on! I can't deal with this! Darn you crunchy!Just as a heads-up: if you watched the latest episode anytime besides in the last few hours, you should probably go watch it again -- apparently Crunchyroll screwed up the translations on a fair number of the lines, including some that had their meanings completely changed, and they only just updated their subtitles sometime earlier today.
Between this drop in quality just to get the show out on time and the endless delays like the ones for Kill la Kill when it was airing, I'd rather take the latter...
Well, that whole amnesia thing got settled so fast that I don't even know why it was necessary.
Clearly to stall this second season as long as possible?
It's a well known fact that outside of their robots they are a pretty rubbish group. I blame all that red sand they eat.The Martians are terrible architects. If the floor is so uneven that a wheelchair could fall over it poses a tripping hazard as well. I wonder how many have tripped and fallen on their head.
wait.... so what was the scene before the opening theme about this week? Was it a flashback?
So... what powers inaho's eye? I feel like it was explained before... but I forget. Always thought it piggybacked off some other cloud network to computate a bunch of stuff... but maybe not?
yeah... also why doesn't hime have fancy mars hover wheel chair?The Martians are terrible architects. If the floor is so uneven that a wheelchair could fall over it poses a tripping hazard as well. I wonder how many have tripped and fallen on their head.
The scene before the OP was just a continuation of what was going on last week. I think a lot of us were expecting some epic battle of Inaho vs 3 Mars Knights, instead they just tactically retreat. '
no i mean when slaine was crying about tube hime
no i mean when slaine was crying about tube hime
yeah... also why doesn't hime have fancy mars hover wheel chair?
no i mean when slaine was crying about tube hime