Fuck yes! And with two coasters to boot, that's a great deal.
JoeBoy101 said:I despise Resurrection, but Alien 3 wasn't that bad, and to get all the features and everything, I might bite down. Alot may rest on the packaging. I'm still irritated I had to import the Alien Head Quad set for the DVDs.
I'm sorry, Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions are still not out on bluray for separate purchase in the US? :lol All three came out 23rd March 2009 separately, 4 months after the collection here in Europe.PhoncipleBone said:It will be a few years then. We still haven't gotten the last two Matrix movies separately yet. And the fifth and sixth discs probably arent going to be anywhere but this box set.
Discotheque said:Crazy features discs. But I'm not making the same mistake I did with the Matrix collection.
This time I'm waiting for individual releases. I only want the first two.
RadioHeadAche said:Same here. I'm not a fan of the series, so that price is way too much for me when I only want two of the movies.
It does seem really expensive in the US. The standard non-egg set is £37.49 ($58.45) on Amazon UK compared to $97.99 (£62.85) on Amazon US. I'd recommend importing if it wasn't from Fox and therefore fairly likely to be region-coded.MadmanUK said:Why is this so expensive in the US? The US list price is $140 whereas the UK RRP is £50 (around $75).
Interviewer: Do you have anything to do with the new Aliens stuff they are putting out?
Cameron: I just did a complete remaster of Aliens personally, uh, with the same colorist I worked with from Avatar and it's spectacular. We went in and completely denoised and degrained it, up-rezzed it, color corrected it from end to end, every frame and it looks amazing. It looks better than it did in theaters, originally, because it was shot on a high speed negative, a new negative that didn't pan out too well and got replaced the following year so it was pretty grainy... we got rid of all the grain and it's sharper and clearer and more beautiful than it's ever looked and we did that to the long version.
No self respecting Alien fan would ever acknowledge Resurrection. WHAT FOURTH MOVIE? I VAGUELY REMEMBER 3. ALIENS? AWESOME. ALIEN? GOD DAMN AMAZING.Tedesco! said:I really don't understand the Aliens hate at all, unless it's just Cameron/Avatar backlash. I have a soft spot in my heart for Alien 3, if only because of the massive train wreck that it was. The original edit was o.k., but the Assembly Cut really is worth a watch and makes Alien 3 a better movie. Resurrection is pure shit. I consider myself to be a very big fan of the Alien series, and even I can barely watch the movie in one sitting.
You probably won't be able to for a long time.Scullibundo said:If you can trust anybody to look over the process, its Cameron. I can't wait to see it. The film stock that was process for its theatrical release was shot to shit, so I'm glad to see it finally getting the treatment it deserves. Better be able to buy this shit separately.
:lol I wishjambo said:Day one, can't wait for this to finally come out.
Then it's just Star Wars and LotR Extended BR next year and we're set.
jambo said:Maybe if we all wish really hard at the same time...
Jangaroo said:No self respecting Alien fan would ever acknowledge Resurrection. WHAT FOURTH MOVIE? I VAGUELY REMEMBER 3. ALIENS? AWESOME. ALIEN? GOD DAMN AMAZING.
JoeBoy101 said:I despise Resurrection, but Alien 3 wasn't that bad, and to get all the features and everything, I might bite down. Alot may rest on the packaging. I'm still irritated I had to import the Alien Head Quad set for the DVDs.
afternoon delight said:I loved the grain in Aliens, especially the beginning infiltration in the tunnels. I loved it.
Cosmic Bus said:
DiatribeEQ said:Loved Resurrection & loathed Alien3. Perhaps it was "Bald Ripley" that turned me off to it? I dunno. Loved Alien, Aliens and Alien: Resurrection, so it's not like I'm against the franchise. Hell, Sigourney Weaver was my first "Female Badass" for me, growing up as a kid.
That is a fear, but if Cameron is personally supervising the process then it should come out VERY nice. If it were just some random Fox guy, then I would be really worried. But Cameron knows his shit, and will treat this well.Snaku said:Welcome to DVNR Hell. =/
First up today, there's been a small degree of panic in some quarters online in the last couple days about director James Cameron's recent comments on the remastered Aliens transfer. Cameron was video interviewed over at Coming Soon.net about Avatar, and about 5:30 into the clip he talks about the new Aliens HD master for the upcoming Blu-ray. To quote: "It's spectacular. We went in and completely de-noised it, de-grained it, up-rezzed, color-corrected every frame, and it looks amazing. It looks better that it looked in the theaters originally. Because it was shot on a high-speed negative that was a new negative that didn't pan out too well and got replaced the following year. So it's pretty grainy. We got rid of all the grain. It's sharper and clearer and more beautiful than it's ever looked. And we did that to the long version, to the 'director's cut' or the extended play."
As you might expect, all that talk of de-noising and de-graining has some fans freaked out that the release is going to suffer the same excessively DNR-ed fate as Fox's recent Predator: Ultimate Hunter Blu-ray. Here's the deal: Everyone we trust who was involved, and/or has actually SEEN the new Aliens HD master for Blu-ray, reports to us that the film looks terrific. To the degree that DNR was used, it was applied carefully and with a light hand, with an eye toward striking the proper balance between maintaining the detail and integrity of the image and the desire to reduce grain and address the deficiencies of the stock used at the time. There is apparently STILL grain left in the image, it's just no longer excessive or distracting. Plus, Cameron is no slouch when it comes to the presentation quality of his films on disc, and he approved this transfer and master. Look, there's a VERY big difference in digital mastering when the filmmakers are directly involved in the process, as opposed to when they're not. So we're told the disc looks great, we trust that it looks great and I'll personally work to directly confirm that. My own feeling is that Predator was probably an aberration. Fox has generally been doing very good mastering work for Blu-ray in the last year or so, and I suspect this is going to be a non-issue when we all get our hands on the Aliens disc. 'Nuff said for now. By the way, it's a good interview at Coming Soon, so do check it out.
True. If you listened to his director's commentary on Aliens (the Quadrilogy version IIRC?,) he could damn near be a cinematographer. Lenses, film stock, different lighting setups etc. He almost seemed more technical rather than expanding on the story and characters... Almost.PhoncipleBone said:That is a fear, but if Cameron is personally supervising the process then it should come out VERY nice. If it were just some random Fox guy, then I would be really worried. But Cameron knows his shit, and will treat this well.
It's obvious they're not being biased regarding the troubled production of Alien 3. If anybody on GAF actually got their head out of their ass and listened to the extras for this film (also off Quadrilogy,) they'd know David Giler and a host of other people involved in the production absolutely railed against how the film-making process went down. He basically lit up a cigarette and went to town. Then there was the death of Jordan Cronenweth, Fincher's (completely understandable) eruptions, Terry Rawlings' modest approval of the final edit, the argument between Goldenthal and the sound editors regarding the use of certain SFX, on and on and on.Wreckage and Rage: Making ALIEN3
Development Hell: Concluding the Story
Tales of the Wooden Planet: Vincent Ward's Vision
Stasis Interrupted: David Fincher's Vision
Xeno-Erotic: H.R. Giger's Redesign
The Color of Blood: Pinewood Studios, 1991
Adaptive Organism: Creature Design
The Downward Spiral: Creative Differences
Where the Sun Burns Cold: Fox Studios, L.A. 1992
Optical Fury: Visual Effects
Requiem for a Scream: Music, Editing and Sound
Post-Mortem: Reaction to the Film
Enhancement Pods
And we will finally have the full documentary about Alien 3, which is the whole reason Charlie Deluzurka (spelling?) wanted to work on the DVD set in the first place.buckfutter said:Will probably fork out the money for the whole set... Alien and Aliens are the only essentials, but I have a soft spot for Alien 3. If only because it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be - it's just not really in the same ballpark as the prior films. It's the Ringo of the Alien series. Which I guess makes Resurrection the Yoko Ono.
Yasae said:Anyway.
What's wrong with it?gdt5016 said:Yeesh.
Um, the wax mannequin on the left compared to the grizzled trunk of testosterone on the right. The image on the right does have excessive grain, but there is at least still detail and texture to the face. The image on the left has nearly no grain, but at the expense of fine detail by glossing over it all. It is horrifying.mckmas8808 said:What's wrong with it?
mckmas8808 said:What's wrong with it?
There's a full UK spec list here and the US one here. Looks to be identical. The US one has nicer box art without the ugly Blu-ray banner and BBFC rating, but it's also quite a bit more expensive for some reason.Maxrunner said:I might buy the uk version of the anthology, i assume there wont be any differences between uk and us versions like the quadrilogy dvd where there was some stuff missing from region2 set.
StoOgE said:The one on the right looks like a film.. the one on the left looks like a wax museum.
Agreed.Solo said:Fuck this noise! I refuse to own Alien 3 and Resurrection under any circumstances. Will wait for individual Alien and Aliens releases.
Yasae said:True. If you listened to his director's commentary on Aliens (the Quadrilogy version IIRC?,) he could damn near be a cinematographer. Lenses, film stock, different lighting setups etc. He almost seemed more technical rather than expanding on the story and characters... Almost.
I would hope someone with that kind of eye wouldn't accept a botched transfer. Also:
It's obvious they're not being biased regarding the troubled production of Alien 3. If anybody on GAF actually got their head out of their ass and listened to the extras for this film (also off Quadrilogy,) they'd know David Giler and a host of other people involved in the production absolutely railed against how the film-making process went down. He basically lit up a cigarette and went to town. Then there was the death of Jordan Cronenweth, Fincher's (completely understandable) eruptions, Terry Rawlings' modest approval of the final edit, the argument between Goldenthal and the sound editors regarding the use of certain SFX, on and on and on.
It's one of the harshest behind-scenes features I've ever seen Fox release. Then again, "The views expressed in this commentary do not reflect the views of 20th Century Fox..."
the fuck?Yasae said:Anyway.
It is worth it for the set just for the documentaries on the making of the last two. I despise Resurrection, but the documentary on how it was made is fantastic. That is how I justify owning the last two. And we will finally get the full uncut version of "Wreckage and Rape" in this set. I am curious to see just how badly they badmouthed Fox in that lost 30 minutes.madara said:1 and 2 only thanks. Nothing and nothing else exists to me.