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Aliens and UFOs

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Quote from former CIA director John O. Brennan:

But I think some of the phenomena we’re going to be seeing continues to be unexplained and might, in fact, be some type of phenomenon that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and that could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life
'article: https://www.ibtimes.co.in/ex-cia-director-opens-about-ufos-831270
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Dude who hacked NASA computers does an interview with WIRED. This is fairly old now, 2006 I think.

"The search for proof of the existence of UFOs landed Gary McKinnon in a world of trouble.

After allegedly hacking into NASA websites -- where he says he found images of what looked like extraterrestrial spaceships -- the 40-year-old Briton faces extradition to the United States from his North London home. If convicted, McKinnon could receive a 70-year prison term and up to $2 million in fines.

Final paperwork in the case is due this week, after which the British home secretary will rule on the extradition request.

McKinnon, whose extensive search through U.S. computer networks was allegedly conducted between February 2001 and March 2002, picked a particularly poor time to expose U.S. national security failings in light of the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

McKinnon tells what he found and discusses the motivation behind his online adventures in this exclusive phone interview with Wired News.

Wired News: What was your motive or inspiration for carrying out your computer hacking? Was it the War Games movie?

Gary McKinnon: This is a bit of a red herring. I have seen it but I wasn't inspired by it. My main inspiration was The Hacker's Handbook by Hugo Cornwall. The first edition that I read was too full of information.... It had to be banned, and it was reissued without the sensitive stuff in it.

WN: Without this book would you have been able to do it?

McKinnon: I would have done it anyway because I used the internet to get useful information. The book just kick-started me. Hacking for me was just a means to an end.

WN: In what way?

McKinnon: I knew that governments suppressed antigravity, UFO-related technologies, free energy or what they call zero-point energy. This should not be kept hidden from the public when pensioners can't pay their fuel bills.

WN: Did you find anything in your search for evidence of UFOs?

McKinnon: Certainly did. There is The Disclosure Project. This is a book with 400 testimonials from everyone from air traffic controllers to those responsible for launching nuclear missiles. Very credible witnesses. They talk about reverse-(engineered) technology taken from captured or destroyed alien craft.

WN: Like the Roswell incident of 1947?

McKinnon: I assume that was the first and assume there have been others. These relied-upon people have given solid evidence.

WN: What sort of evidence?

McKinnon: A NASA photographic expert said that there was a Building 8 at Johnson Space Center where they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. I logged on to NASA and was able to access this department. They had huge, high-resolution images stored in their picture files. They had filtered and unfiltered, or processed and unprocessed, files.

My dialup 56K connection was very slow trying to download one of these picture files. As this was happening, I had remote control of their desktop, and by adjusting it to 4-bit color and low screen resolution, I was able to briefly see one of these pictures. It was a silvery, cigar-shaped object with geodesic spheres on either side. There were no visible seams or riveting. There was no reference to the size of the object and the picture was taken presumably by a satellite looking down on it. The object didn't look manmade or anything like what we have created. Because I was using a Java application, I could only get a screenshot of the picture -- it did not go into my temporary internet files. At my crowning moment, someone at NASA discovered what I was doing and I was disconnected.

I also got access to Excel spreadsheets. One was titled "Non-Terrestrial Officers." It contained names and ranks of U.S. Air Force personnel who are not registered anywhere else. It also contained information about ship-to-ship transfers, but I've never seen the names of these ships noted anywhere else.

WN: Could this have been some sort of military strategy game or outline of hypothetical situations?

McKinnon: The military want to have military dominance of space. What I found could be a game -- it's hard to know for certain.

WN: Some say that you have given the UFO motivation for your hacking as a distraction from more nefarious activities.

McKinnon: I was looking before and after 9/11. If I had wanted to distract anyone, I would not have chosen ufology, as this opens me up to ridicule.

WN: Tell me about your experiences with law enforcement and the procedures you have gone through.

McKinnon: I was arrested by the British National Hi Tech Crime Unit in March 2002. They held me in custody for about six or seven hours. My own computer and ones I was fixing for other people were taken away. The other machines were eventually returned, but they kept my hard drive that was sent to the U.S. It was November 2002 when the U.S. Department of Justice started their efforts to extradite me.

WN: The British Crown Prosecution Service dropped charges against you because your activities did not involve British computers.

McKinnon: I was to be officially charged in 2003 but a warrant wasn't given until 2004.... In June or July 2005, I was scooped from the street by Scotland Yard. I was kept at Belgravia Police Station overnight. I just wore what I had on when I was out; I didn't get a chance to wear a suit in court. I was given police bail.

WN: When will they make a decision about extradition?

McKinnon: It's down to the Home Secretary, John Reid. The deadline for representations is 21 June 2006. Even after that date, it could be as much as 11 months for him to decide on my fate.

WN: How have you been coping?

McKinnon: God, it's very worrying and stressful. It's been worse because I'm unemployed. I worked on and off in IT, contracting and stuff, before this, but no one will touch me with a large barge pole now."



Neighbours from Hell
I've been thinking a lot about life and existentialism lately and I've been thinking theoretically on what it would mean if we were the only intelligent life in the entire universe(even though I think it's highly unlikely) but I decided to think about what it would mean regardless. And I was thinking that because the universe is so unfathomably massive, if by chance we are the only intelligent life out there in the universe that makes us so damn special and unique.

And then I thought but does it, though? In a universe this massive I'm sure there are plenty of unique things out there we've yet to discover. Just because we have intelligence doesn't necessarily make us special in comparison. One small comet could wipe us all out in an instant, let alone tons of other things out there in the universe. And just like that in an instant, we'd be gone and our planet would be gone and the universe wouldn't change one bit, and would continue on like we never existed.

But then I thought well if we do continue on and we are the only intelligent life, then we could accomplish things that change the landscape of the universe forever. Like intergalactic travel and colonies that expand over galaxies.

But then I thought, is that really changing the universe? To us it would be amazing, but in the end we are all just made up of matter. And matter takes different forms and does different things. Once you get out to that macro of a scale, the actual tasks being done become meaningless. Not meaningless to us, but meaningless to the universe. We can't destroy the universe or end it. All matter just exists within it. And each form of matter has its own role. We'd just be one form of matter doing something within the universe. Just like a star does, or a black hole, or a meteor. The universe doesn't care what the matter does.

All of our accomplishments as human beings and as a species are measured within the context of ourselves. Look what we did, we created an aircraft that can make it to outer space. We got to the moon! We (eventually) landed on Mars! All amazing achievements. But all the applause and amazement comes from ourselves. No stars out there are applauding us. No planets, or comets or meteors or black holes care.

So in the end are we truly special and unique or are we not at all?

Just something I thought about.
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I've been thinking a lot about life and existentialism lately and I've been thinking theoretically on what it would mean if we were the only intelligent life in the entire universe(even though I think it's highly unlikely) but I decided to think about what it would mean regardless. And I was thinking that because the universe is so unfathomably massive, if by chance we are the only intelligent life out there in the universe that makes us so damn special and unique.

And then I thought but does it, though? In a universe this massive I'm sure there are plenty of unique things out there we've yet to discover. Just because we have intelligence doesn't necessarily make us special in comparison. One small comet could wipe us all out in an instant, let alone tons of other things out there in the universe. And just like that in an instant, we'd be gone and our planet would be gone and the universe wouldn't change one bit, and would continue on like we never existed.

But then I thought well if we do continue on and we are the only intelligent life, then we could accomplish things that change the landscape of the universe forever. Like intergalactic travel and colonies that expand over galaxies.

But then I thought, is that really changing the universe? To us it would be amazing, but in the end we are all just made up of matter. And matter takes different forms and does different things. Once you get out to that macro of a scale, the actual tasks being done become meaningless. Not meaningless to us, but meaningless to the universe. We can't destroy the universe or end it. All matter just exists within it. And each form of matter has its own role. We'd just be one form of matter doing something within the universe. Just like a star does, or a black hole, or a meteor. The universe doesn't care what the matter does.

All of our accomplishments as human beings and as a species are measured within the context of ourselves. Look what we did, we created an aircraft that can make it to outer space. We got to the moon! We (eventually) landed on Mars! All amazing achievements. But all the applause and amazement comes from ourselves. No stars out there are applauding us. No planets, or comets or meteors or black holes care.

So in the end are we truly special and unique or are we not at all?

Just something I thought about.

Interesting. I've always wondered if we really are 'intelligent' beings. Its difficult to compare us to anything except Earth life and that could be bottom of the barrel.


Dude who hacked NASA computers does an interview with WIRED. This is fairly old now, 2006 I think.

"The search for proof of the existence of UFOs landed Gary McKinnon in a world of trouble.

After allegedly hacking into NASA websites -- where he says he found images of what looked like extraterrestrial spaceships -- the 40-year-old Briton faces extradition to the United States from his North London home. If convicted, McKinnon could receive a 70-year prison term and up to $2 million in fines.

Final paperwork in the case is due this week, after which the British home secretary will rule on the extradition request.

McKinnon, whose extensive search through U.S. computer networks was allegedly conducted between February 2001 and March 2002, picked a particularly poor time to expose U.S. national security failings in light of the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

McKinnon tells what he found and discusses the motivation behind his online adventures in this exclusive phone interview with Wired News.

Wired News: What was your motive or inspiration for carrying out your computer hacking? Was it the War Games movie?

Gary McKinnon: This is a bit of a red herring. I have seen it but I wasn't inspired by it. My main inspiration was The Hacker's Handbook by Hugo Cornwall. The first edition that I read was too full of information.... It had to be banned, and it was reissued without the sensitive stuff in it.

WN: Without this book would you have been able to do it?

McKinnon: I would have done it anyway because I used the internet to get useful information. The book just kick-started me. Hacking for me was just a means to an end.

WN: In what way?

McKinnon: I knew that governments suppressed antigravity, UFO-related technologies, free energy or what they call zero-point energy. This should not be kept hidden from the public when pensioners can't pay their fuel bills.

WN: Did you find anything in your search for evidence of UFOs?

McKinnon: Certainly did. There is The Disclosure Project. This is a book with 400 testimonials from everyone from air traffic controllers to those responsible for launching nuclear missiles. Very credible witnesses. They talk about reverse-(engineered) technology taken from captured or destroyed alien craft.

WN: Like the Roswell incident of 1947?

McKinnon: I assume that was the first and assume there have been others. These relied-upon people have given solid evidence.

WN: What sort of evidence?

McKinnon: A NASA photographic expert said that there was a Building 8 at Johnson Space Center where they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. I logged on to NASA and was able to access this department. They had huge, high-resolution images stored in their picture files. They had filtered and unfiltered, or processed and unprocessed, files.

My dialup 56K connection was very slow trying to download one of these picture files. As this was happening, I had remote control of their desktop, and by adjusting it to 4-bit color and low screen resolution, I was able to briefly see one of these pictures. It was a silvery, cigar-shaped object with geodesic spheres on either side. There were no visible seams or riveting. There was no reference to the size of the object and the picture was taken presumably by a satellite looking down on it. The object didn't look manmade or anything like what we have created. Because I was using a Java application, I could only get a screenshot of the picture -- it did not go into my temporary internet files. At my crowning moment, someone at NASA discovered what I was doing and I was disconnected.

I also got access to Excel spreadsheets. One was titled "Non-Terrestrial Officers." It contained names and ranks of U.S. Air Force personnel who are not registered anywhere else. It also contained information about ship-to-ship transfers, but I've never seen the names of these ships noted anywhere else.

WN: Could this have been some sort of military strategy game or outline of hypothetical situations?

McKinnon: The military want to have military dominance of space. What I found could be a game -- it's hard to know for certain.

WN: Some say that you have given the UFO motivation for your hacking as a distraction from more nefarious activities.

McKinnon: I was looking before and after 9/11. If I had wanted to distract anyone, I would not have chosen ufology, as this opens me up to ridicule.

WN: Tell me about your experiences with law enforcement and the procedures you have gone through.

McKinnon: I was arrested by the British National Hi Tech Crime Unit in March 2002. They held me in custody for about six or seven hours. My own computer and ones I was fixing for other people were taken away. The other machines were eventually returned, but they kept my hard drive that was sent to the U.S. It was November 2002 when the U.S. Department of Justice started their efforts to extradite me.

WN: The British Crown Prosecution Service dropped charges against you because your activities did not involve British computers.

McKinnon: I was to be officially charged in 2003 but a warrant wasn't given until 2004.... In June or July 2005, I was scooped from the street by Scotland Yard. I was kept at Belgravia Police Station overnight. I just wore what I had on when I was out; I didn't get a chance to wear a suit in court. I was given police bail.

WN: When will they make a decision about extradition?

McKinnon: It's down to the Home Secretary, John Reid. The deadline for representations is 21 June 2006. Even after that date, it could be as much as 11 months for him to decide on my fate.

WN: How have you been coping?

McKinnon: God, it's very worrying and stressful. It's been worse because I'm unemployed. I worked on and off in IT, contracting and stuff, before this, but no one will touch me with a large barge pole now."

If what this guy discovered is credible, it would have potentially frightening implications for the modern world. Just think about it: our governments and militaries will have successfully stockpiled functioning zero-point-energy systems while the rest of common civilization remains chained to limited supply power and fuel--we're effectively enslaved. It's possible that non-terrestrials have hijacked our governments and militaries already... which would unfortunately explain a ton of stuff happening lately.


If what this guy discovered is credible, it would have potentially frightening implications for the modern world. Just think about it: our governments and militaries will have successfully stockpiled functioning zero-point-energy systems while the rest of common civilization remains chained to limited supply power and fuel--we're effectively enslaved. It's possible that non-terrestrials have hijacked our governments and militaries already... which would unfortunately explain a ton of stuff happening lately.
I think it was credible because the US were trying to throw the book at him and big time over this.
He 100% found some thing he wasn't supposed to see.


I think it was credible because the US were trying to throw the book at him and big time over this.
He 100% found some thing he wasn't supposed to see.

I think I believe that, too, but then there was a lot of buzz around so-called computer hacking and the need to tighten restrictions and monitor how we use computers. For instance, it wouldn't at all surprise me if this guy got turned into an example for nothing more than altering some urls to walk through a directory and stumbled across an staff documentation page that gave him the steps and creds to remote desktop into a NASA computer that was publicly accessible on the web because... stupidity, and probably someone worked remotely with that box fairly frequently so it made sense.

Just some food for thought that we are dealing with the dumb types who think that url manipulation should be a crime and that you should be limited to the buttons on the web page. They have no respect for our access to documents made publicly available if no link exists pointing to those documents.


Gold Member
2006? .....okay so whats come of this?

is he secretly enslaved as an international hacker by the govt now? or maybe working on ufo shit for them.


2006? .....okay so whats come of this?

is he secretly enslaved as an international hacker by the govt now? or maybe working on ufo shit for them.

It seems that his extradition was eventually blocked in 2012 on the grounds that he is severely ill (aspbergers, depression) and turning him over to the US would be a human rights violation because up to 60 years in prison certainly wouldn't help his condition.

I figure this was a behind-closed-doors deal that gave the British gov a nice public image in exchange for holding this dude under close monitoring the rest of his life while also painting him out to be borderline mentally challenged (extreme asp-y) and questionable with regard to details. I'd also like to point out that in later articles he seems more convinced that the cigar shaped object he saw was an actual satellite and not a UFO. Sure sounds to me like he reached an agreement on his punishment rather than walking scott free.

Which, honestly, he didn't hurt anyone. Up to 60 years in prison is overkill for what amounts to some poor passwords being cracked and accessing a publicly accessible computer in 2002... people have actually hurt actual children and gotten out of prison in the span of time this dude has been sweating bullets.
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No idea, could be explainable but looks a lot like videos I posted weeks back in another part of the world

Obviously, the color is different and its nighttime but notice the behavior similarity here:

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No idea, could be explainable but looks a lot like videos I posted weeks back in another part of the world

Obviously, the color is different and its nighttime but notice the behavior similarity here:

Got here to say this
It's two, three weeks I see light orbs in the sky every night, they last like 3-4 seconds, then disappear
I always see them from 1 only, to groups of 2-3, what the hell?
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Got here to say this
It's two, three weeks I see light orbs in the sky every night, they last like 3-4 seconds, then disappear
I always see them from 1 only, to groups of 2-3, what the hell?

Idk but they're being seen all over the world. Could be an elaborate hoax but it goes back about 90 years.


If what this guy discovered is credible, it would have potentially frightening implications for the modern world. Just think about it: our governments and militaries will have successfully stockpiled functioning zero-point-energy systems while the rest of common civilization remains chained to limited supply power and fuel--we're effectively enslaved. It's possible that non-terrestrials have hijacked our governments and militaries already... which would unfortunately explain a ton of stuff happening lately.
The issue with 'free' energy, is that we as a species are not fucking ready for it.

Imagine, if you will, that zero-point energy, a technology that could power cities, ended up as a shrunk down version in your car. How many cars would you need to buy to have the same amount of potential energy as the atomic bomb?

We cannot trust some human societies with firearms, rockets and nuclear energy, before we get in to real, world-ending levels of power systems. It's an unfortunate situation but if paying my leckie bill is the alternative to getting alluha akbarred by the nuke trucks from Command and Conquer, then that's fine by me.


I haven't posted in this topic for a while, but i think i've come up with an explanation to the tictac videos and the 14000mph 200G aircraft that doesn't affect the environment, and the mad bit is, it isn't even a new theory. Let me explain:

I believe what we are seeing is advanced technology, but it isn't aircraft, aliens, spaceships, foreign governments or even an alternate human civilisation, it is more mundane: Holographic reprojection.

It answers everything: Why the objects can be seen, but don't effect the surrounding environment (because the craft does not exist), why it looks like they disappear in the blink of an eye, at the speed of light or the flick of a switch; the 'reprojection device' is being turned off.

You may think, well how the hell does RADAR pick it up? Honestly, i'm not sure HOW it picks it up, that's the advanced tech part(i would assume some kind of LASER or high-frequency equipment, think HAARP), but WHY would you want RADAR to detect these craft? Because it's the ultimate in counter-intelligence. Think, if you will, of these scenarios:

1) Britain flies 10 jets towards Iran. Iran has 30 defensive cannons ready to shred the shit out of those jets. But wait, those 10 are now 1000 jets, with 990 of them being fake. What the hell can Iran do?

2) Russia flies 10 jets towards the Ukraine, but wait, they aren't Russian jets, they're Chinese fake reprojected jets that look Russian, in order to kick off a war between two enemies.

3) (I started this post by saying this isn't a new theory) What if two planes, under the control of a 'foreign' government, were to fly straight in to two buildings, which happen to be symbols of the capitalistic west. But wait, they aren't jets, they're cruise missiles, reprojected to look like passenger planes and this event is the green light needed to invade a region to rape them of their natural resources. Does this scenario sound familiar? It should, because in 2001 a small group of conspiracy theorists believed that those 9/11 passenger planes were just holographic images hiding cruise missiles.



The issue with 'free' energy, is that we as a species are not fucking ready for it.

Imagine, if you will, that zero-point energy, a technology that could power cities, ended up as a shrunk down version in your car. How many cars would you need to buy to have the same amount of potential energy as the atomic bomb?

We cannot trust some human societies with firearms, rockets and nuclear energy, before we get in to real, world-ending levels of power systems. It's an unfortunate situation but if paying my leckie bill is the alternative to getting alluha akbarred by the nuke trucks from Command and Conquer, then that's fine by me.
I've heard it my whole life. If you must sacrifice some freedom for the sake of security, then you deserve neither freedom nor security.

In the span of time we have kept nuke trucks out of the hands of fringe terrorists, we have basically alluha akbarred the only planet we have with fossil fuels...


I haven't posted in this topic for a while, but i think i've come up with an explanation to the tictac videos and the 14000mph 200G aircraft that doesn't affect the environment, and the mad bit is, it isn't even a new theory. Let me explain:

I believe what we are seeing is advanced technology, but it isn't aircraft, aliens, spaceships, foreign governments or even an alternate human civilisation, it is more mundane: Holographic reprojection.

It answers everything: Why the objects can be seen, but don't effect the surrounding environment (because the craft does not exist), why it looks like they disappear in the blink of an eye, at the speed of light or the flick of a switch; the 'reprojection device' is being turned off.

You may think, well how the hell does RADAR pick it up? Honestly, i'm not sure HOW it picks it up, that's the advanced tech part(i would assume some kind of LASER or high-frequency equipment, think HAARP), but WHY would you want RADAR to detect these craft? Because it's the ultimate in counter-intelligence. Think, if you will, of these scenarios:

1) Britain flies 10 jets towards Iran. Iran has 30 defensive cannons ready to shred the shit out of those jets. But wait, those 10 are now 1000 jets, with 990 of them being fake. What the hell can Iran do?

2) Russia flies 10 jets towards the Ukraine, but wait, they aren't Russian jets, they're Chinese fake reprojected jets that look Russian, in order to kick off a war between two enemies.

3) (I started this post by saying this isn't a new theory) What if two planes, under the control of a 'foreign' government, were to fly straight in to two buildings, which happen to be symbols of the capitalistic west. But wait, they aren't jets, they're cruise missiles, reprojected to look like passenger planes and this event is the green light needed to invade a region to rape them of their natural resources. Does this scenario sound familiar? It should, because in 2001 a small group of conspiracy theorists believed that those 9/11 passenger planes were just holographic images hiding cruise missiles.


I'll give you points for the intriguing thoughts even if I'm not compelled to believe it. There are other aspects of these objects that lend to their tangible-ness such as radar returns and thermal imaging.

Basically, you're boiling down military encounters with these objects to military encountering a laser pointer but still can't explain why the object appears solid and gives off heat. If it was, for instance, a cruise missile cloaked to look like a tic tac UFO, it still wouldn't explain traveling at 14000 mph or doing a disappearing act.

One last thought regarding the conspiracy theory... people on those flights actually died. How do the conspiracy theorists account for that?... Did the government off those passengers?


I've heard it my whole life. If you must sacrifice some freedom for the sake of security, then you deserve neither freedom nor security.

In the span of time we have kept nuke trucks out of the hands of fringe terrorists, we have basically alluha akbarred the only planet we have with fossil fuels...
It's really interesting/strange that this topic has come up, because I came here today to discuss how we power our interplanetary vessels going to Mars and how we colonise it (the first nation to set up a power plant wins).

Anyway. There's a difference between sacrifice some freedom and the complete destabilisation of society as we know it. The fact is, the only way to assure that we as a species advance with tech and energy is to build a closed off nation, that only allows in people of a certain psychological pre-disposition, wealth, education level and ideological beliefs.

Why do you think Hydrogen fuel cells aren't in cars yet and that we've instead gone for 'battery' powered? Hydrogen fuel cells for cars exist, 6 years ago i went to the factory where they were physically building them for a German car maker (And i haven't heard shit since)

We cannot allow joe public to get their hands on energy tech that would make Hiroshima look like an elephant's fart.


I'll give you points for the intriguing thoughts even if I'm not compelled to believe it. There are other aspects of these objects that lend to their tangible-ness such as radar returns and thermal imaging.

Basically, you're boiling down military encounters with these objects to military encountering a laser pointer but still can't explain why the object appears solid and gives off heat. If it was, for instance, a cruise missile cloaked to look like a tic tac UFO, it still wouldn't explain traveling at 14000 mph or doing a disappearing act.

One last thought regarding the conspiracy theory... people on those flights actually died. How do the conspiracy theorists account for that?... Did the government off those passengers?
Going off of my very old and very rust knowledge of RADAR, it is possible to fool it using electronic 'jammers', so in theory, if you were able to concentrate energy in an area, it would be detected by RADAR (which is what you want). As for Thermal, Lasers and electricity is hot. That's the best i've got.

It's only clocking in at 14000mph on the RADAR/ground detecting equipment, which would be very easy to fool. It would also explain why these things appear to dip below the waves without causing a splash, and how they 'disappear' so quickly. Plus, this tech is theoretically possible, without going to hidden civilsations or aliens.

I don't believe (or didn't, i'll change my mind if this tech is unveiled in decades to come) that those planes were holograms. But the conspiracy theorists across several different theories, agree that the people on those flights were killed, yes. Some even say that the planes were hijacked and ditched at sea. That's for a different thread though


You're basically describing project blue beam, another conspiracy theory, that has ufos as a new false flag, using holographic images, some nutters, even say this is why chemtrails are a thing, its to spread aluminium oxide into the sky to project on to, or something.....

If u buy into any of that of course
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You're basically describing project blue beam, another conspiracy theory, that has ufos as a new false flag, using holographic images, some nutters, even say this is why chemtrails are a thing, its to spread aluminium oxide into the sky to project on to, or something.....

If u buy into any of that of course
Project blue beam gives more weight to the holographic images, but chemtrails are always mis-understood and for some reason, labelled as a conspiracy theory, when it isn't. Companies openly admit that 'cloud seeding' takes place, all over the world, as a way to reflect back the sun, encourage clouds to form and rain (don't ask me how that works) and to bind to some of the nasty chemicals in the air.

Most conspiracy theories today aren't conspiracy theories at all, they're the truth that isn't allowed to be known just yet. There's myriad examples across the last 20 years and yes, i believe 9/11 was, in some part, a false flag. Just like the yanks did the gulf of tonkin, Saddamns WMDs, Syria's Gas attacks, Lybia's whoknowswhat pearl harbour and the sinking of the lucitania.

as for holograms i do believe it. Why go to war with expensive (30 million quid+) bits of equipment, when you can roll over a foreign country with nothing more than Kenny Loggins' LASER rock show.


I think I believe that, too, but then there was a lot of buzz around so-called computer hacking and the need to tighten restrictions and monitor how we use computers. For instance, it wouldn't at all surprise me if this guy got turned into an example for nothing more than altering some urls to walk through a directory and stumbled across an staff documentation page that gave him the steps and creds to remote desktop into a NASA computer that was publicly accessible on the web because... stupidity, and probably someone worked remotely with that box fairly frequently so it made sense.

Just some food for thought that we are dealing with the dumb types who think that url manipulation should be a crime and that you should be limited to the buttons on the web page. They have no respect for our access to documents made publicly available if no link exists pointing to those documents.
If you watch his interviews he talks about how there were people from other nations doing the same thing.


It's pretty crazy that these things just show up to our nuclear sites and we're powerless to do anything. Been going for 40 years now and the best the military can say is "what do you want us to do?" lol. Literally shutting down the Russian and American silos, starting the countdowns, pure fuckery.

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Not sure anyone can claim what these are, but the consistency of the sightings is very interesting.

I found this incredibly fascinating. It would go a very long way to explaining a lot of encounters (even modern ones), and if you take this in conjunction with what the former head of intelligence was quoted saying then it might make perfect sense.


I found this incredibly fascinating. It would go a very long way to explaining a lot of encounters (even modern ones), and if you take this in conjunction with what the former head of intelligence was quoted saying then it might make perfect sense.

Exactly the way the WW2 pilots on all sides of the war describe them too, orbs of light that shine brightly.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's some type of energy, whether it be plasma etc that has being used as a programmable vehicle of sorts. We could be talking about tech a million years ahead of us, even a billion.
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Exactly the way the WW2 pilots on all sides of the war describe them too, orbs of light that shine brightly.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's some type of energy, whether it be plasma etc that has being used as a programmable vehicle of sorts. We could be talking about tech a million years ahead of us, even a billion.
Tech is one way of describing it. Just like the forces behind these glowing orbs could be described, by some, as a form of life, right? At some point the line between technology, magic, and power over reality blur, just as to the Q in Star Trek technology is just a crude means of doing the same thing their brains have the power to accomplish (ie. why would you waste time waiting for fire to bring water to a boil when you can just raise the temperature of the water beyond the boiling point?).

I begin to wonder if the beings we're interacting with are more akin to the moderators you might run across in an online game.


Tech is one way of describing it. Just like the forces behind these glowing orbs could be described, by some, as a form of life, right? At some point the line between technology, magic, and power over reality blur, just as to the Q in Star Trek technology is just a crude means of doing the same thing their brains have the power to accomplish (ie. why would you waste time waiting for fire to bring water to a boil when you can just raise the temperature of the water beyond the boiling point?).

I begin to wonder if the beings we're interacting with are more akin to the moderators you might run across in an online game.

Yeah I'm thinking its technology-based but it just looks like magic to us. The same way you could show your phone to a 1700s scientist or the most intelligent human of that time period and it would look fucking alien, even to him. Now, that was only 400 years ago, what would 10,000 years ahead of us look like? A million? 100 million? Magic, alien, to the point where we try to rationalize anything to make sense of it when it's literally impossible. You would need years just to get up to date in a general sense of what the technology is doing.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Not sure anyone can claim what these are, but the consistency of the sightings is very interesting.

I'm a man of science, but also very open minded. I'm down with the idea of there being other intelligent life in the universe and in our galaxy, but I'm not sure I can wrap my head around the idea of these things being Gods who are doing the work for the God of God's, creator of the universe.

As I said, I'm open minded, but that could be a stretch too far for me.


They are not gods lmao

Imagine 1000s of years ago seeing these things, what else would they describe them as, if of course they were being seen all that time ago, well judging by painting and descriptions, thats a possibility, of course they were all smashing DMT back then too, so that could also explain why they were seeing weird shit lol
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Yeah back then there would be no other explanation for most people. Gods and angels would be the most fitting description.

Imagine a advanced race descending down on your planet on your civilization is living in caves metaphorically speaking.

Ive seen it happen on Star Trek enough to say that yes people would think they are gods lmao.


I'm a man of science, but also very open minded. I'm down with the idea of there being other intelligent life in the universe and in our galaxy, but I'm not sure I can wrap my head around the idea of these things being Gods who are doing the work for the God of God's, creator of the universe.

As I said, I'm open minded, but that could be a stretch too far for me.
But not as open minded as you think you are. We still don't know what this reality is we're living in, and we may never know during human existence. What I passively propose above is such a creature that isn't like us that lives only in a loose sense but serves some natural purpose of some sort. I made a reference to the Q, but that isn't really a great analog but certainly does describe a higher level intelligence that no longer even needs technology to do a thing. You can turn your nose up at the notion of a god or gods, but the programmer isn't impressed by your intellect either.
Imagine 1000s of years ago seeing these things, what else would they describe them as, if of course they were being seen all that time ago, well judging by painting and descriptions, thats a possibility, of course they were all smashing DMT back then too, so that could also explain why they were seeing weird shit lol
Eh. You sound too much like IDKFA in how open minded you are about the possibility of the beings we're encountering. They may be nothing like us. They may not even age. They may have no cities and no social structures. What we think is technological could be like waving an arm to them.
Yeah back then there would be no other explanation for most people. Gods and angels would be the most fitting description.

Imagine a advanced race descending down on your planet on your civilization is living in caves metaphorically speaking.

Ive seen it happen on Star Trek enough to say that yes people would think they are gods lmao.
You're only thinking down a very narrow lane. Like, sure, nothing about what you guys are saying is implausible. Naturally, we believe there are people and cities on other planets. We believe that there are technologies far beyond our own that are propelling beings between planets and stars. I tell you that is only one very narrow possibility, though. After all, this universe behaves very computationally, and one could suggest that it's equally as possible that we exist in a universe so massive in size and spread across such a huge span of time that the likelihood of two technological races existing at the same time and in close enough proximity to meet one another is far far less than 1%. What then of the beings we're encountering? Even if you suppose they're coming from some other dimension, it's still the same very narrow lane of thinking that we assume they're just like us.
Yeah I'm thinking its technology-based but it just looks like magic to us. The same way you could show your phone to a 1700s scientist or the most intelligent human of that time period and it would look fucking alien, even to him. Now, that was only 400 years ago, what would 10,000 years ahead of us look like? A million? 100 million? Magic, alien, to the point where we try to rationalize anything to make sense of it when it's literally impossible. You would need years just to get up to date in a general sense of what the technology is doing.
I knew as soon as I typed the word magic that it was a mistake. Don't fixate on it. Not everything that does is a form of technology. I can wave my arm and cause the air to stir or exhale really forcefully and make a breeze. These things occur naturally for me, whereas a box fan is technology. It may not always require some form of technology to explain what these entities are doing, although there may be much we can learn from how they accomplish it. I simply propose that whatever they are may not be anything like whatever we are. Even the assumption that a ten thousand year gap in technological advancement could even be a gross understatement for what it is they're doing.

Another lane of thought is this whole universe is a simulation that does whatever it pleases. Micro processors could have poofed into existence inside a space craft that appeared in our outer atmosphere and crashed to earth -- we would never know that it did!


Unconfirmed Member
Something I've wondered about before... Can you actually 'break' the laws of physics etc. if they are just ideas invented by a sentient ape orbiting a particular star? Doesn't it just mean the apes that thought they understood the way the universe works were wrong? It's quite arrogant of them to assume that the laws are hard and fast and therefore able or unable to be broken.


Something I've wondered about before... Can you actually 'break' the laws of physics etc. if they are just ideas invented by a sentient ape orbiting a particular star? Doesn't it just mean the apes that thought they understood the way the universe works were wrong? It's quite arrogant of them to assume that the laws are hard and fast and therefore able or unable to be broken.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Laws of Newtonian physics + outer space. There's one example where our understanding had to broaden. What we presently see as breaking the laws of physics is just us not having a complete grasp of the natural laws.


Something I've wondered about before... Can you actually 'break' the laws of physics etc. if they are just ideas invented by a sentient ape orbiting a particular star? Doesn't it just mean the apes that thought they understood the way the universe works were wrong? It's quite arrogant of them to assume that the laws are hard and fast and therefore able or unable to be broken.
If we were wrong, our repeatable and observable scientific tests - which are used in more areas than physics, would all have to be wrong about everything we understand. From what light is to how electricity works, from how flight works to what gravity is.

I would say we are very clued up on the idea of what physics is and how it works within our realms. The confusion comes from the mass majority of people not know what physics is, how it works and how we know for sure what it does. For example, as you go beyond the speed of sound, the laws of pressure become inverse.


Wait am I being criticised for being open minded, thats a first
No, it's the opposite... the collective ideas in this thread revolve around race a lot like ours with technology that serves similar purpose as ours to do all the things that that we rely on. We don't include any room for "life" that operates in a way we've never seen before. It's too mystical I guess.


No, it's the opposite... the collective ideas in this thread revolve around race a lot like ours with technology that serves similar purpose as ours to do all the things that that we rely on. We don't include any room for "life" that operates in a way we've never seen before. It's too mystical I guess.

Don't think I've ever said they'd be like us, and if "they" do exist, then its pretty obvious nothing is like are current understanding of technology.

If it turns out that yes its everything "believers" have suspected for decades, is in fact 100% true, then it'll turn our understanding of everything on its head, and I don't just mean in terms of flying saucers, but technology would be a huge one for sure, that much is obvious

Even if its military, the same applies
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I'm a man of science, but also very open minded. I'm down with the idea of there being other intelligent life in the universe and in our galaxy, but I'm not sure I can wrap my head around the idea of these things being Gods who are doing the work for the God of God's, creator of the universe.

As I said, I'm open minded, but that could be a stretch too far for me.

Yeah me either, it's more the consistency of the reports that intrigues me from all over the world for a thousand years. They mostly seem to describe the ball of light or orbs that we see on camera today.


Don't think I've ever said they'd be like us, and if "they" do exist, then its pretty obvious nothing is like are current understanding of technology.

If it turns out that yes its everything "believers" have suspected for decades, is in fact 100% true, then it'll turn our understanding of everything on its head, and I don't just mean in terms of flying saucers, but technology would be a huge one for sure, that much is obvious

Even if its military, the same applies
I know I'm just attacking everybody's thinking today -- this is probably my favorite thread on the site.

I consider something to be like us if they operate in a similar manner to us. ie. reliance on technology.

It's narrow thinking. Plausible. But narrow.

We don't really consider all of the possibilities.


I know I'm just attacking everybody's thinking today -- this is probably my favorite thread on the site.

I consider something to be like us if they operate in a similar manner to us. ie. reliance on technology.

It's narrow thinking. Plausible. But narrow.

We don't really consider all of the possibilities.

Well what is common look of these things generally? Greys basically, thats how everyone describes them

Now logically u could argue thats because everyone is just repeating what the last person said, basically mirroring. Some argue this is because roswell has influenced everyone's stereotype of what an "alien" looks like.

This does make perfect sense, which would then lead to the fact that could be a government disinformation scenario, to cover up secret military craft

This also makes sense

But the one issue I have with that, the depiction of greys, have been about long before that, in ancient arts and crafts, cave painting, I've seen first hand aboriginal paintings of their gods, and they're basically identical.



And thats nothing, these similar types of depiction are seen all through history and cultures, could be a coincidence, but odd that they all look extremely similar. Same as pyramids, they're everywhere across the planet, yet apparently we didn't even have contact with eachother, but all of sudden everyone across the globe decided to build pyramids (not an easy task even nowadays)

But I could argue, people stole these depictions and used it to give more credit to their story

Why this is a fun topic


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
But not as open minded as you think you are. We still don't know what this reality is we're living in, and we may never know during human existence. What I passively propose above is such a creature that isn't like us that lives only in a loose sense but serves some natural purpose of some sort. I made a reference to the Q, but that isn't really a great analog but certainly does describe a higher level intelligence that no longer even needs technology to do a thing. You can turn your nose up at the notion of a god or gods, but the programmer isn't impressed by your intellect either.

Eh. You sound too much like IDKFA in how open minded you are about the possibility of the beings we're encountering. They may be nothing like us. They may not even age. They may have no cities and no social structures. What we think is technological could be like waving an arm to them.

You're only thinking down a very narrow lane. Like, sure, nothing about what you guys are saying is implausible. Naturally, we believe there are people and cities on other planets. We believe that there are technologies far beyond our own that are propelling beings between planets and stars. I tell you that is only one very narrow possibility, though. After all, this universe behaves very computationally, and one could suggest that it's equally as possible that we exist in a universe so massive in size and spread across such a huge span of time that the likelihood of two technological races existing at the same time and in close enough proximity to meet one another is far far less than 1%. What then of the beings we're encountering? Even if you suppose they're coming from some other dimension, it's still the same very narrow lane of thinking that we assume they're just like us.

I knew as soon as I typed the word magic that it was a mistake. Don't fixate on it. Not everything that does is a form of technology. I can wave my arm and cause the air to stir or exhale really forcefully and make a breeze. These things occur naturally for me, whereas a box fan is technology. It may not always require some form of technology to explain what these entities are doing, although there may be much we can learn from how they accomplish it. I simply propose that whatever they are may not be anything like whatever we are. Even the assumption that a ten thousand year gap in technological advancement could even be a gross understatement for what it is they're doing.

Another lane of thought is this whole universe is a simulation that does whatever it pleases. Micro processors could have poofed into existence inside a space craft that appeared in our outer atmosphere and crashed to earth -- we would never know that it did!

I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot, which was probably my fault. I do find it hard to wrap my head around these things having names and somebody suggesting their gods, but......

I would never dismiss outright the possibility of a grand creator, or beings that are on another realm of reality to us. We've not even begun to scratch the surface of understanding our reality or why we're even here. There is still so much we don't know and as you said, we'll probably never know either.


But not as open minded as you think you are. We still don't know what this reality is we're living in, and we may never know during human existence. What I passively propose above is such a creature that isn't like us that lives only in a loose sense but serves some natural purpose of some sort. I made a reference to the Q, but that isn't really a great analog but certainly does describe a higher level intelligence that no longer even needs technology to do a thing. You can turn your nose up at the notion of a god or gods, but the programmer isn't impressed by your intellect either.

Eh. You sound too much like IDKFA in how open minded you are about the possibility of the beings we're encountering. They may be nothing like us. They may not even age. They may have no cities and no social structures. What we think is technological could be like waving an arm to them.

You're only thinking down a very narrow lane. Like, sure, nothing about what you guys are saying is implausible. Naturally, we believe there are people and cities on other planets. We believe that there are technologies far beyond our own that are propelling beings between planets and stars. I tell you that is only one very narrow possibility, though. After all, this universe behaves very computationally, and one could suggest that it's equally as possible that we exist in a universe so massive in size and spread across such a huge span of time that the likelihood of two technological races existing at the same time and in close enough proximity to meet one another is far far less than 1%. What then of the beings we're encountering? Even if you suppose they're coming from some other dimension, it's still the same very narrow lane of thinking that we assume they're just like us.

I knew as soon as I typed the word magic that it was a mistake. Don't fixate on it. Not everything that does is a form of technology. I can wave my arm and cause the air to stir or exhale really forcefully and make a breeze. These things occur naturally for me, whereas a box fan is technology. It may not always require some form of technology to explain what these entities are doing, although there may be much we can learn from how they accomplish it. I simply propose that whatever they are may not be anything like whatever we are. Even the assumption that a ten thousand year gap in technological advancement could even be a gross understatement for what it is they're doing.

Another lane of thought is this whole universe is a simulation that does whatever it pleases. Micro processors could have poofed into existence inside a space craft that appeared in our outer atmosphere and crashed to earth -- we would never know that it did!
Well lets make this assertion:

What defines a God as a God? What constitutes the being as a God? Onmipotence?


I think the idea of God, if true, is very different than what we could ever imagine. It probably started as a form of technology that we could understand and has evolved over billions of years into something that we could only describe as magic. That's assuming it has any relation at all to what we know today. All speculation because I'll never know and even if my brain was 10x more capable than it currently is, I probably still wouldn't comprehend it.
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