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Aliens and UFOs

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take it with a grain of salt but it must have been a slow news day... saw on the media box this morning that the pentagon announced its going to be more dedicated to looking into ufos. Apparently the vudeos they have released publicly are the least convincing material they have and supposedly they have a video that is within 50 feet of a UFO “cockpit”

No doubt tbh

If they're showing that thermal video of the ufo rotating, god knows what else they have.

I really wanna see the older stuff as well, like 1940+ photos and earlier videos, since they're hard to fake overall

Interesting times, or could be a great way to get an unlimited budgeting for the military, due to an 'unknown' force entering US airspace

Good business, especially if they're already military drones being filmed

Double bubble


No doubt tbh

If they're showing that thermal video of the ufo rotating, god knows what else they have.

I really wanna see the older stuff as well, like 1940+ photos and earlier videos, since they're hard to fake overall

Interesting times, or could be a great way to get an unlimited budgeting for the military, due to an 'unknown' force entering US airspace

Good business, especially if they're already military drones being filmed

Double bubble


Interesting times indeed.
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Haha, fair enough. He was my first real introduction into a lot of different stuff I was and still am very fascinated about. Saw him live twice in my mid twenties. Good stuff. Then again, I'm a nutcase myself so yeah.


Haha, fair enough. He was my first real introduction into a lot of different stuff I was and still am very fascinated about. Saw him live twice in my mid twenties. Good stuff. Then again, I'm a nutcase myself so yeah.

Some of it sure, then he goes full blown intergalactic reptilian pedos in the royal family lol, I check out at that point, he makes the subject of UFOs far less credible, and does a massive disservice to the subject

In my opinion anyway, as entertainment sure why not, but I just can't get on board with what he's selling
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I see where you're coming from.

For me this is just a guy who felt something was fundamentally wrong and chose to search for answers. Good for him. What I do with that information is my responsibility and mine alone.

And regarding making the UFO subject less credible, just look at your own post about the Pentagon not releasing tons of information that's being withheld from us and tell me where the true problem lies in regards to credibility. Not many tools to work with in would say.

If we lived in a reality in which there's no need for secrecy because it was love that was the main intention behind everything we wouldn't have the need for people like Icke to research and try to make some fucking sense out of it all. Ofcourse his shit is tainted with disinfo and personal narrative injections. That's human and I can looks past that.

Shit is nuts though 🤣
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For some reason I thought of that old NASA study that cost taxpayers 2 million dollars. It involved understanding how world religions would react to the revelation of other intelligent beings. Seems more interesting now.


I feel the biggest reason would indeed be religion that makes full disclosure very, lol, awkward. My my...


Right, and they spend 2 million on it during the cutback years when nasa was penny pinching.

Yeah pretty dense seeing as religion has been a core influence regarding fundamental friction>violence in our social construct. Then again in no way I take money>for>reason at face value.


People trying to put in words and describe something that is out of their point of reference and is inherently tied to their sense of being/identity.

He used to have all his stuff available yeeeaaars back. 9 hours of content or so. Good stuff. Wish I still had it.
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People trying to put in words and describe something that is out of their point of reference and is inherently tied to their sense of being/identity.
I don't consider Jacques Vallee or J. Allen Hynek to be especially religious. It's really just common sense, based on historical behavior.



Take a look at the consistency of these reports of "lights" following these aircraft. Even look at the pics in this video from the WW2 bombers and tell me there's not a huge similarity.

To this...

Literally, there are like 400 videos of orbs like this on youtube from all over the world going back to the 1940s and many reports dating back before Christ, balls of a light streaking through the air erratically in groups.
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I see where you're coming from.

For me this is just a guy who felt something was fundamentally wrong and chose to search for answers. Good for him. What I do with that information is my responsibility and mine alone.

And regarding making the UFO subject less credible, just look at your own post about the Pentagon not releasing tons of information that's being withheld from us and tell me where the true problem lies in regards to credibility. Not many tools to work with in would say.

If we lived in a reality in which there's no need for secrecy because it was love that was the main intention behind everything we wouldn't have the need for people like Icke to research and try to make some fucking sense out of it all. Ofcourse his shit is tainted with disinfo and personal narrative injections. That's human and I can looks past that.

Shit is nuts though 🤣

No I agree, how can it be 100% credible, considerong everything. But its the best we have to work with doesn't mean I dont have doubts
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Has this been posted yet? This has been a journey and can not wait to see the outcome.

I’ve also watched some of this for some passing time. Just remember to take grain of salt. I myself believe I have seen the tic tac ufo when I was a child but then again, maybe it was a cloud...I was a child after all.


I don't consider Jacques Vallee or J. Allen Hynek to be especially religious. It's really just common sense, based on historical behavior.

Apologies, didn't see your post.

I agree. My response was highlighting the way folks back then had to interpret and give wording to it which made it ways into the many religious text's. We have a lot of history that's unknown to us.

Michael Tsarion for example has a lot stuff to say regarding the concept of fallen angels and why the oldest text's describes them as such. What a ride.
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I’ve also watched some of this for some passing time. Just remember to take grain of salt. I myself believe I have seen the tic tac ufo when I was a child but then again, maybe it was a cloud...I was a child after all.

Oddly enough, this video touches on damn near everything I read about around 2000. Every one of those races aligns with a shit load of text files I downloaded. I should probably take a few notes from this thing and then see about some spelunking expeditions around Mt. Shasta...


I just wish they'd leave abduction story's out of this for now. It really muddies the water, you can't confirm it with any evidence, so keep it separate

Just focus on what we do know and evidence we do have, not some "well heres a story I cant back up with any evidence"

It takes away from the rest of the subject.......for now.


Oddly enough, this video touches on damn near everything I read about around 2000. Every one of those races aligns with a shit load of text files I downloaded. I should probably take a few notes from this thing and then see about some spelunking expeditions around Mt. Shasta...

My intuition says that all/most/and maybe more of these races exist. Feels so weird saying it though, like saying water is wet. Said that, my intuition also says that the information about these races is inherently muddled in a general sense ofcourse. The specific details regarding their attributes etc should be taken with a grain of salt imho.

Imagine talking about bacteria before the microscope was discovered. Before you were fucking crazy, now it's an accepted fact in such a way you don't even think about it.
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Been watching about CE5 events. Pretty crazy. There are groups that can literally call down those orbs of light through meditation. They've been doing it for years with very high accuracy. One dude even did on live tv for a local news station.
The thing is, the orbs don't do anything too wild. They float around and make so quick acceleration runs but that's it.
Still researching it but the fact that different groups are doing this on camera is interesting. They claim theres this conscious connection between us and them and they believe their technology is based around exploration of consciousness. Supposedly its more powerful than we imagine.
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Been watching about CE5 events. Pretty crazy. There are groups that can literally call down those orbs of light through meditation. They've been doing it for years with very high accuracy. One dude even did on live tv for a local news station.
The thing is, the orbs don't do anything too wild. They float around and make so quick acceleration runs but that's it.
Still researching it but the fact that different groups are doing this on camera is interesting. They claim theres this conscious connection between us and them and they believe their technology is based around exploration of consciousness. Supposedly its more powerful than we imagine.

Yup. Technology as a concept has many ways of being next to our mathematical and physical bolts & screws approach to it =)
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Yup. Technology as a concept has many ways of being next to our mathematical and physical bolts & screws approach to it =)

My logical brain just has issues with a group of people walking out into the wilderness and claiming their about to make orbs of light appear and then they do, over and over for years. And all over the world too. I mean, they're ALL hoaxes?
Even solo CE5 from people considered 'insane.'

What are the chases? Explain it logically how this guy can do this on command and so many others.

Yeah, I just expect most things to make sense from a nuts and bolts perspective. Even the idea of other civilizations makes sense considering the scale of the universe, but the conscious technology connection is just different. I just dont want to entertain it but its difficult not to see a string of such similar events as bullshit.
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My logical brain just has issues with a group of people walking out into the wilderness and claiming their about to make orbs of light appear and then they do, over and over for years. And all over the world too. I mean, they're ALL hoaxes?
Even solo CE5 from people considered 'insane.'

What are the chases? Explain it logically how this guy can do this on command and so many others.

Yeah, I just expect most things to make sense from a nuts and bolts perspective. Even the idea of other civilizations makes sense considering the scale of the universe, but the conscious technology connection is just different. I just dont want to entertain it but its difficult not to see a string of such similar events as bullshit.

Wonder if this is how people started to pray in ancient times was to actually try summoning these things? Maybe, maybe not. Idk much about religious stuff but is there a record of the first prayer?


Towards the end they bring in a former Pentagon official that says the videos shown are the least compelling forms of evidence they have. States they have one on camera "50ft from the cockpit of a fighter jet."

He also mentions that they were quite sure they weren't made by foreign powers either.


The Fartist

Gold Member
I pop in here from time to time to check out any interesting videos and finally have a video of my own to share, well actually my girl shot it this morning. It doesn't really get going until 00:30. have a look.

Wild stuff, I've never seen anything like it.
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I pop in here from time to time to check out any interesting videos and finally have a video of my own to share, well actually my girl shot it this morning. It doesn't really get going until 00:30. have a look.

Wild stuff, I've never seen anything like it.

You've never seen a point light source out of focus? Looks like she had manual focus on and it was set very close because even the window went out of focus. It's called bokeh.
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The Fartist

Gold Member
You've never seen a point light source out of focus? Looks like she had manual focus on and it was set very close because even the window went out of focus. It's called bokeh.
Yes I have, what gets me is the increase in size, the spinning/rotating lights and then the sudden disappearance. Also, it was sitting still. 🤷‍♂️


Yes I have, what gets me is the increase in size, the spinning/rotating lights and then the sudden disappearance. Also, it was sitting still. 🤷‍♂️
Great example around 00:32-00:36 mark in particular.

What could be this light source is anyone's guess because there's basically nothing to even go by. Maybe it disappeared because it was slowly moving to the left and simply went behind that utility pole. Around 00:22 mark it crosses that cord from the right to the left, so it probably is moving slowly to the left. It could be as simple as lantern.
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This thing shut down an international airport in China 11 years ago. Multiple angles. Keep watching because it shows more perspectives later in the vid

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It's a bit shitty being a logical believer. For decades I've wanted it all to be real. But now, every video I see makes me think we're on the march to Project Bluebook.

Flying The X Files GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski


Well with cgi now being easy for anyone, its impossible

Why these military videos are more important than ever, well, as credible as a government released video cant be


This thing shut down an international airport in China 11 years ago. Multiple angles. Keep watching because it shows more perspectives later in the vid

Wow, that looked like it could have been an attempt at communication... what else could the objects have been doing? If chinese airports are anything like the ones I've seen, there are a ton of flashing lights and lines and rotating lights...


It's a bit shitty being a logical believer. For decades I've wanted it all to be real. But now, every video I see makes me think we're on the march to Project Bluebook.

Flying The X Files GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski
I've read this post multiple times, and I'm just not confident I understand what you're saying. Project Bluebook was the Airforce's failed attempt to actually study UAP. In contrast, we have former very high ranking officers who are giving us every reason to believe that some form of life is responsible for the UAP captured on camera from military jets. When someone who would know the facts tells you what you're seeing is a genuinely unsolved unidentifiable phenomena and represents the least compelling of the evidence they've gathered that should be cause for increased curiosity.


Still waiting for someone to take a logical stab at these people basically meditating and orbs appearing in the sky. They can do it on command on live TV.


Still waiting for someone to take a logical stab at these people basically meditating and orbs appearing in the sky. They can do it on command on live TV.
Oddly enough this is not the first time I've come across this subject matter. My dad went on a major philosophical/astro-physical kick about 15 years ago. According to a shit load of weird stuff he dug up on the internet, there are people who can cause manna to manifest in the air and drop like dust or grains around them. By all "internet accounts" it's a wondrous material that is very nutritious for consumption. This was also around the same time that he was learning about cloud busting and people who can stare at a cloud in the sky and make it dissipate and go away.

I'd rather place less emphasis on the cloud busting part of what I wrote, because I do think that those people who have supposedly reached a higher level of consciousness to the point of causing "manna" to materialize in the air around them sounds not too dissimilar to the people praying orbs into visiblity.

It all falls into the bucket of we just don't have enough knowledge to understand. It's like with the discovery of quantum mechanics and spooky behavior--setting aside the how for a moment, we will never truly understand the why.
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Still waiting for someone to take a logical stab at these people basically meditating and orbs appearing in the sky. They can do it on command on live TV.

the prophet dude has a pocket mic, so the dude with a drone can hear him 'call for them'. he flys a drone high up with a mirror attached underneath (doesnt need to be large to reflect) or with some blinking led light, and it appears to be a ufo.

at a guess anyway, that would actually be pretty easy to do tbh
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I've read this post multiple times, and I'm just not confident I understand what you're saying. Project Bluebook was the Airforce's failed attempt to actually study UAP. In contrast, we have former very high ranking officers who are giving us every reason to believe that some form of life is responsible for the UAP captured on camera from military jets. When someone who would know the facts tells you what you're seeing is a genuinely unsolved unidentifiable phenomena and represents the least compelling of the evidence they've gathered that should be cause for increased curiosity.
I want to believe. Trust No-one.

That sums up my stance on aliens and UFO's at the moment.

Still waiting for someone to take a logical stab at these people basically meditating and orbs appearing in the sky. They can do it on command on live TV.
It's bollox


the prophet dude has a pocket mic, so the dude with a drone can hear him 'call for them'. he flys a drone high up with a mirror attached underneath (doesnt need to be large to reflect) or with some blinking led light, and it appears to be a ufo.

at a guess anyway, that would actually be pretty easy to do tbh

I don't think it's easy at all unless the new station is in on it. So a high-altitude drone in 2006 that can hover and look completely round, and they didn't see it in the sky before despite looking for it the entire time on a completely clear day.
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I mean explain it logically then. Explain how all the CE5 meetings are all bollox from different groups and somehow the orbs look and behave the same, and somehow they show up on camera too. CGI?
Uri Geller bent a spoon live on TV. It was bollix.

I saw a guy levitate a cup once. It was bollox


My logical brain just has issues with a group of people walking out into the wilderness and claiming their about to make orbs of light appear and then they do, over and over for years. And all over the world too. I mean, they're ALL hoaxes?
Even solo CE5 from people considered 'insane.'

What are the chases? Explain it logically how this guy can do this on command and so many others.

Yeah, I just expect most things to make sense from a nuts and bolts perspective. Even the idea of other civilizations makes sense considering the scale of the universe, but the conscious technology connection is just different. I just dont want to entertain it but its difficult not to see a string of such similar events as bullshit.

This guy specifically was exposed as a fraud by his accomplice. I don’t have a source because it was so long ago, but the way he did it was just getting his accomplice nearby to release a balloon. They would do it at a fixed time and location then the accomplice would notify him via a pager.


This guy specifically was exposed as a fraud by his accomplice. I don’t have a source because it was so long ago, but the way he did it was just getting his accomplice nearby to release a balloon. They would do it at a fixed time and location then the accomplice would notify him via a pager.

That makes less sense than the drone theory. It was a clear day and they couldn't see anything then suddenly they see a white balloon directly above them?

And if you watch the video, it's changing directions and "moving really fast" then stops. Sounds nothing like a ballon.
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That makes less sense than the drone theory. It was a completely clear day and they couldn't see anything then suddenly they see a white balloon directly above them?
This was well before consumer drones existed, but yes it is just balloons. This guy was a charlatan and very incompetent one at that. His failed predictions and getting caught is why he faded into obscurity the same year of this news report.
And if you watch the video, it's changing directions and "moving really fast" then stops. Sounds nothing like a ballon.

It does nothing of the sort. Where do you see it making any extreme movements? It moves like a balloon following wind currents. At one point the prophet says it is going to the air force base then it shifts to the complete opposite direction.
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