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Aliens and UFOs

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I want to believe. Trust No-one.

That sums up my stance on aliens and UFO's at the moment.
Yes, unfortunately, that is probably the only good path to take on this and many other topics. You want to believe the feds, but then the feds have lied before. You want to believe what you see, if you see something, but then there's no guarantee it's not a sophisticated projection. There's simply too much deception in the world to believe much of anything.


This was well before consumer drones existed, but yes it is just balloons. This guy was a charlatan and very incompetent one at that. His failed predictions and getting caught is why he faded into obscurity the same year of this news report.

It does nothing of the sort. Where do you see it making any extreme movements? It moves like a balloon following wind currents. At one point the prophet says it is going to the air force base then it shifts to the complete opposite direction.

Whoa, where did I say extreme movements? That's a different poster. Not me. The news reporter said it was moving fast.

The "shifting" directions alone seem bizarre for a ballon. Somehow, he has an accomplice that can put the ballon over them, but as soon as they see it, the thing goes all over the place. When before it was completely still. Makes no sense.
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To me, the guy seems crazy and unbelievable. But I still haven't heard a single decent theory about what it is. For me, CGI or a hoax alongside the news station is the only thing that makes any sense. But then again, are other videos also a hoax? People in Japan, India, etc just decided that wanted to copy the imagery of these glowing orbs because it was easy or already established in some way? Just seems like a ton of effort for 12 years all over the world.
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I’ll leave it alone as I’m not trying to shit up the thread,
or be an insufferable deboonker , nor do I really care. I just remember this guy in particular being full of it back when it was fresh, and I was following it apparently 15yrs or so ago. It sort of throws a wet blanket over the whole subject though when you see the judgment of the people who are persuaded by even the really bad fakes.


It sort of throws a wet blanket over the whole subject though when you see the judgment of the people who are persuaded by even the really bad fakes.

It's so basic that you have no idea what it is. No way that's a ballon. That makes less sense than the drone theory and they weren't even commercially available at the time.
Think about it logically. It doesn't move like a ballon first off, and isn't visible to them until a specific moment. Okay, why didn't they spot it on approach? Sure, a guy let go of it, somehow conceal its approach and guide it to that exact location, right? Then it suddenly starts moving side to side. So if the wind is blowing it, how did he even guide it in the first place? You have to at least see my point.
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It’s interesting that the ufos over the shop are pyramid shape and that around the world are pyramids while no civilization at that time is known to know each other. Coincidental? Could explain why they built them that way right?


I mean explain this one to me. First off, no known aircraft move like this. Secondly, even if it was human, why would human-controlled craft be so jerky? We hover or use straight flight paths with slight veers unless we're dogfighting.

This flight path makes absolutely no sense for human reconnaissance or travel. You're not doing any favors to our sense of sight.

Freezing temps btw

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I mean explain this one to me. First off, no known aircraft move like this. Secondly, even if it was human, why would human-controlled craft be so jerky? We hover or use straight flight paths with slight veers unless we're dogfighting.

This flight path makes absolutely no sense for human reconnaissance or travel. You're not doing any favors to our sense of sight.

Freezing temps btw

That's a good one.



I definitely don’t remember this. A giant pyramid floating over the Pentagon in 2018, seems topical.

It’s a stupid looking link lol. It’s footage from an actual show though.
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Gold Member
I definitely don’t remember this. A giant pyramid floating over the Pentagon in 2018, seems topical.

It’s a stupid looking link lol. It’s footage from an actual show though.

Thats because it was over the Pentagron not the Pentagon
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Interesting footage of this phenomenon. I’d have to think that with such technology (that appears to defy the limitations of known physics), if they are really not of this world, the reason we are seeing them is either because:

1) they want us to
2) they are indifferent to whether we do

If these crafts can change directions at high speed with no concern for g-forces, accelerate to ridiculous speeds from a standstill in seconds, and climb tens of thousands of feet and achieve space in the blink of an eye as we’ve observed (all of which indicate gravity is a non-factor to them), then cloaking themselves should be absolute child’s play and they should have no trouble concealing their presence from us. So why don’t they? Compromising the element of surprise and allowing the observation of your capabilities from one you intend to engage in conflict with is nothing but tactically disadvantageous. Why would they allow that if they intended conflict.....unless they are so confident in their abilities and deem us so insignificant a threat that tactics are no longer a pressing consideration, or they don’t intend malice to us at all.

I’d prefer to believe in the latter, but if it’s the former and they do intend hostilities, our lives will be very short lived anyway if that technology is any indication of their capabilities. Eh, I’m not worried either way. Would be a cool way to check out.


The mandated Pentagon disclosure report arrives in June:

Most of us can handle it. Doubt we'll see the smoking gun but they'll leave it open enough to where people can connect the dots even more. And people with subconscious superiority issues can still tell themselves their the greatest thing the universe ever evolved. You can't outright confirm it no matter how strong the evidence is. Theres a small % of the population that would freak the fuck out and we need everyone to sustain the world economies.
I would guess the evidence mounds over the next 10 years where many scientists and world leaders lean toward the high likelihood of a superior race or some sort of vistors, but always leave an out for people who fear that.
I mean flat earthers are a thing, there will always be an outlet against it, no matter how strong the evidence eventually gets.
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I mean explain this one to me. First off, no known aircraft move like this. Secondly, even if it was human, why would human-controlled craft be so jerky? We hover or use straight flight paths with slight veers unless we're dogfighting.

This flight path makes absolutely no sense for human reconnaissance or travel. You're not doing any favors to our sense of sight.

Freezing temps btw

It looks like it goes almost monotonically towards the ground - could be some debris bouncing in the atmosphere.

Has this been posted yet? This has been a journey and can not wait to see the outcome.

I’ve also watched some of this for some passing time. Just remember to take grain of salt. I myself believe I have seen the tic tac ufo when I was a child but then again, maybe it was a cloud...I was a child after all.

I find the motivations for all these races to be absolutely ridiculous. They need biological slaves, they need experiment fodder, they need minerals "only found on Earth/Luna", they are conducting black magic (lol). . .any race that can find and get to Earth shouldn't have any of these motivations. By that point they should have robots, should have advanced computers capable of simulations that make any sort of in vitro biological experiments obsolete, should be able to mine literally any plant between Earth and their homeworld. That's the big thing that got me away from seeing the answer to the UFO problem as "extraterrestrials". It's just illogical. It's got to be something Earth-based.
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Debris that literally hangs in the air then shoots off horizontally with insane speed?

It could conceivably be a matter of perspective. It's hard to tell with a night video, unfortunately. The only thing you can see for sure on its path is that it goes behind some far-off objects at the end.

Not saying its not potentially a craft, but it appearing to come down and never go back upwards knocks it down a peg. Going upwards is a sure sign of the artificial.
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It could conceivably be a matter of perspective. It's hard to tell with a night video, unfortunately. The only thing you can see for sure on its path is that it goes behind some far-off objects at the end.

Not saying its not potentially a craft, but it appearing to come down and never go back upwards knocks it down a peg. Going upwards is a sure sign of the artificial.

Well my thing is the slowing down doesn't match any debris I've seen. It comes to almost a complete stop, does left and right turns, then suddenly accelerates. No matter the perspective, the behavior is just very different from debris. With debris, there's a constant of falling which isn't happening here. Whatever that is, it looks like its made out of an energy source of some sort


Yet another country with fighter pilots telling a very similar story. Over 2000 people saw this in addition to the pilot.

The pilot literally shot at this thing and it absorbed the gunfire, which is the same story that was told by UK fighter pilots during WW2.

They're all mistaken telling the same story?

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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
It’s interesting that the ufos over the shop are pyramid shape and that around the world are pyramids while no civilization at that time is known to know each other. Coincidental? Could explain why they built them that way right?

If you want to build high and your only option is stacking stone, your options are limited. If you try vertically stacking it, it will crumble past a certain height. Pretty much all medieval churches in Europe before they realized they could use arches and buttress to support the structure is height capped by this. If you stagger it, however, you can go as high as big you can make the base.

There's a tradition of building pyramidal shaped buildings going as far as the Ziggurats.


IF we get disclosure, my only question would be "Why now, why not 10, 50, 100 years ago?"

There's a video of Bill Gates talking about the coronovirus. He's asked a question, "do you think there will be another pandemic"

He replies "Yes, and the next one is the one that people will really take notice of (and then smiles while turning to his wife)"

Tinfoil hattery, but could the next virus be Alien? As in, a virus that comes from outside of our planet, not necessarily brought here by Greys on a mission.

Going super tinfoil: Is there a meteor on its' way to Earth that we can't stop - only break up in to smaller chunks, that has been detected to contain lifeforms/bacteria/material that is alien to our planet? Could a similar event have happened when the Dinosaurs were wiped out and the stuff on that meteor gave rise to mammals?

I don't trust full disclosure. As a conspiracy theorist, I don't trust the main stream story 🤷‍♂️


IF we get disclosure, my only question would be "Why now, why not 10, 50, 100 years ago?"
This is my question too

Conspiracy theory people have said for ages that a fake ufo invasion was coming, it was the final piece of the jigsaw in terms of NWO control
Linking chemtrails, Blue beam and the pandemic (or test run lol)
If u believe in that type of thing

I mean not hard to believe is it really, and the fact government are acting like this is a new thing, and wanna be open is utter bullocks. Asu said why now, when its obvious they've known about this shit since the 1930 if not longer (foofighters etc etc)

So yeh I'm on the fence about this all, but at least we're getting info. But really some of us have always know its bullshit and of course ufo are a real thing, just now at least we can say, yes ufo they are real too people who claim its all bullshit and made up by crazy rednecks

Interesting time to be a live, I hope it all back fires tbh, and US gets blamed for holding back humanity (since they've had the tech for decades, if you believe the Canon)

I highly doubt we'll get any real answers, they'll play dumb


This is my question too

Conspiracy theory people have said for ages that a fake ufo invasion was coming, it was the final piece of the jigsaw in terms of NWO control
Linking chemtrails, Blue beam and the pandemic (or test run lol)
If u believe in that type of thing
The pandemic was a weapons/tech test. Whether it was planned or unplanned and the event was taken advantage of, i don't know. I do know that the new vaccine everyone is taking is possibly the Holy Grail for Humanity, as it could possibly lead us to medication that could cure any known illness. Imagine that; being able to save Billions of lives forever onwards.

Chem trails exist and are real. I still don't understand why it's a conspiracy theory, there are websites that talk about it. It's called cloud seeding, and it's some form of 'Green' thing to save the planet.

Blue beam, I believe it. I don't think it will be an alien invasion though. Maybe originally it was planned to be that, but with the internet and everything, it would be almost impossible to co-ordinate. Swap aliens with a Virus or meteor and i'll believe that

I mean not hard to believe is it really, and the fact government are acting like this is a new thing, and wanna be open is utter bullocks. Asu said why now, when its obvious they've known about this shit since the 1930 if not longer (foofighters etc etc)

So yeh I'm on the fence about this all, but at least we're getting info. But really some of us have always know its bullshit and of course ufo are a real thing, just now at least we can say, yes ufo they are real too people who claim its all bullshit and made up by crazy rednecks
It's weird init? If there have been aliens for centuries and we have been in contact/aware of them, what has changed our/their minds? When you combine that with all of the other conspiracy theories (most of which turn out to be true) how could you question any of them if the biggest of them all 'Do aliens exist?' turns out to be true? Is a mass depopulation event coming like the conspiracy theorists said?

What does it mean for society though? Image if Aliens DIDN'T exist (in the traditional sense) but the US came out and said "aliens do exists, here's our evidence" (and they just present their own advanced drone tech masquerading as aliens), everything we believe in or perceive is then up for question. Religious institutions would go fucking wild. I can't imagine the Middle-East agreeing that Mohammed and Allah are all powerful, but hey, here's some Greys because America said so.

And all of that would be based on a lie.
Interesting time to be a live, I hope it all back fires tbh, and US gets blamed for holding back humanity (since they've had the tech for decades, if you believe the Canon)

I highly doubt we'll get any real answers, they'll play dumb
It is interesting because we have no idea what the truth is. The lie i mentioned above; what is stopping a false-flag happening where 'disclosure' happens, but it's all bollox? If we believed aliens were here contacting us, what would that do to society? Would average Joe go in to work on Monday and say "Fuck me Dave, have you seen that about those aliens? Little cunts best not be taking up seats in the boozer", or would pay just think "fuck it. Everything i've believed is a lie, why am i working and not just robbing everything, seems as laws were built upon a lie?"

Like you say, interesting, very interesting time to be alive.

That's before we look in to the ramping up of space travel, out of nowhere, and a wishy washy trip to Mars and a return to the moon after 60 years? Come the fuck on. What kind of timing is that?

And to finish off this rambly rant; The official line of why we haven't gone back to the moon is that we 'lost' (lol) the technology (FROM SIXTY FUCKING YEARS AGO!!!) to return to the moon and have only now managed to calculate it all again...BUT!!! There's no chance, none whatsoever, that ancient civilisations had access to lost technology/understanding, that we don't have nowadays. No chance, it's madness conspiracy bollox...is the official line.

Can't go to the moon because we lost old tech 60 years ago
Ancient humans didn't have access to lost tech because reasons.

It's all fishy.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
And to finish off this rambly rant; The official line of why we haven't gone back to the moon is that we 'lost' (lol) the technology (FROM SIXTY FUCKING YEARS AGO!!!) to return to the moon and have only now managed to calculate it all again...B

The technology is not lost - we're still sending rockets, we still maintain space habitats and all the related technologies (like the ISS).

In order to actually build, operate and maintain something of the size of the Apollo project you need a shitton of artifacts: from low level construction blueprints to operational protocols, and so on. Most of those files were lost, destroyed, or bought by private collectors or corporations. Wich means you need to reenginer the whole thing to generate those artifacts - granted the effort isn't that big because a lot of the things that were novel back then aren't anymore, but it's still a colossal undertaking.

Imagine if you were told to build the pyramid of Ghiza. The technology is not lost, but you'd have to spend a good chunk in order to engineer it, make blueprints, then set protocols, hire personnel etc.


The technology is not lost - we're still sending rockets, we still maintain space habitats and all the related technologies (like the ISS).

In order to actually build, operate and maintain something of the size of the Apollo project you need a shitton of artifacts: from low level construction blueprints to operational protocols, and so on. Most of those files were lost, destroyed, or bought by private collectors or corporations. Wich means you need to reenginer the whole thing to generate those artifacts - granted the effort isn't that big because a lot of the things that were novel back then aren't anymore, but it's still a colossal undertaking.

Imagine if you were told to build the pyramid of Ghiza. The technology is not lost, but you'd have to spend a good chunk in order to engineer it, make blueprints, then set protocols, hire personnel etc.
I appreciate the breakdown, it does sound like we're disagreeing on the semantics of 'lost'. By lost I mean, we no longer have it. We had it, now for whatever reason, we don't.

The pyramids would be a collosal undertaking and it ties back to ancient tech. I'm not talking space wands and magic, but simple things like the materials they used, are they still available? Has pollution, time and radioactivity killed off, hidden or mutated the plants, water and minerals that could once be used as a super cement, are now gone forever?

Watch any Ray Mears episode and its unbelievable to see what we no longer know. The average man would die in the wilderness. We have lost that knowledge.

But the point was, why now? Why are we going back to the moon in such a scale and scope that humanity has never seen before? I don't believe that India, China, the mid East and NK have ALL just got the tech, at the same time, to build a rocket to get to the moon and Mars. I would expect it to be a staggered approach, not the interplanatory equivalent of the Whacky Races


I appreciate the breakdown, it does sound like we're disagreeing on the semantics of 'lost'. By lost I mean, we no longer have it. We had it, now for whatever reason, we don't.

The pyramids would be a collosal undertaking and it ties back to ancient tech. I'm not talking space wands and magic, but simple things like the materials they used, are they still available? Has pollution, time and radioactivity killed off, hidden or mutated the plants, water and minerals that could once be used as a super cement, are now gone forever?

Watch any Ray Mears episode and its unbelievable to see what we no longer know. The average man would die in the wilderness. We have lost that knowledge.

But the point was, why now? Why are we going back to the moon in such a scale and scope that humanity has never seen before? I don't believe that India, China, the mid East and NK have ALL just got the tech, at the same time, to build a rocket to get to the moon and Mars. I would expect it to be a staggered approach, not the interplanatory equivalent of the Whacky Races

Cold war was the reason, passive aggressive wins, like our flag is on the moon, we lost the drive to go back, once that was over, add to that iraq and other proxy wars, there's more profit in war, why waste money going to a rock in space.

Resources were moved away from nasa, so easy to see why now. Now space isn't about super powers, its about corporations, why u think the government backed musk? He's half way there already, less capital is required to now further space exploration.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Cold war was the reason, passive aggressive wins, like our flag is on the moon, we lost the drive to go back, once that was over, add to that iraq and other proxy wars, there's more profit in war, why waste money going to a rock in space.

Resources were moved away from nasa, so easy to see why now. Now space isn't about super powers, its about corporations, why u think the government backed musk? He's half way there already, less capital is required to now further space exploration.

At the height of the Apollo program NASA commandeered a large amount of the federal budget, almost 10%. These days it gets about 0.5%.


At the height of the Apollo program NASA commandeered a large amount of the federal budget, almost 10%. These days it gets about 0.5%.

Well there u go, can't keep going to the moon on that budget, why private companies like telsa are pushing it now, and nasa gets to piggy back off it.

No doubt we'll be mining the moon in the next 10 years, I mean we have rockets that can land themselves, not impossible to think they could be carrying minerals inside


Well there u go, can't keep going to the moon on that budget, why private companies like telsa are pushing it now, and nasa gets to piggy back off it.

No doubt we'll be mining the moon in the next 10 years, I mean we have rockets that can land themselves, not impossible to think they could be carrying minerals inside
Let's hope they don't come back with tiberium
With the over-abundance of people, cameras, phones and other media why have there not been any clear video of 'ufo's' or 'aliens'. The only stuff I see is photoshopped crap. If 'ufo's' were really out there you would think that people all over the world would be posting this stuff left and right. Usually we only get a few dodgy pictures and clips of military aircraft.
So the militairy footage and the facts about speed and movement of filmed UFO'sare also crap? Yeah keep beiing in denail.....


Count of Concision
I don't buy the "UFO's are foreign drones" argument because I refuse to believe that any nation can have superior military tech (and especially superior aerospace tech) to a country which has has a $500B+/yr military budget for decades now, and which has always had the best military/airplane tech. China til this day steals our tech, yet I'm supposed to believe that they have drones capable of utterly outclassing anything we have (or that we'll publicly admit to)? I just don't see it.


I don't buy the "UFO's are foreign drones" argument because I refuse to believe that any nation can have superior military tech (and especially superior aerospace tech) to a country which has has a $500B+/yr military budget for decades now, and which has always had the best military/airplane tech. China til this day steals our tech, yet I'm supposed to believe that they have drones capable of utterly outclassing anything we have (or that we'll publicly admit to)? I just don't see it.

The other thing is apparently they've hiding it since WW2 or even before, considering the sheer number of reports from extremely credible sources from all over the world.


The other thing is apparently they've hiding it since WW2 or even before, considering the sheer number of reports from extremely credible sources from all over the world.

If they release that info, and they've known since 1940s........people will go apes shit

I reckon it won't go back that far (the disclosed info that is)

If they do, then US is gonna catch alot for shit

I mean most who even slightly follow the subject, know the Canon, roswell etc etc

Wonder if roswell will be disclosed finally, even if its a test craft mistaken (not the shitty balloon story)


Interesting footage of this phenomenon. I’d have to think that with such technology (that appears to defy the limitations of known physics), if they are really not of this world, the reason we are seeing them is either because:

1) they want us to
2) they are indifferent to whether we do

If these crafts can change directions at high speed with no concern for g-forces, accelerate to ridiculous speeds from a standstill in seconds, and climb tens of thousands of feet and achieve space in the blink of an eye as we’ve observed (all of which indicate gravity is a non-factor to them), then cloaking themselves should be absolute child’s play and they should have no trouble concealing their presence from us. So why don’t they? Compromising the element of surprise and allowing the observation of your capabilities from one you intend to engage in conflict with is nothing but tactically disadvantageous. Why would they allow that if they intended conflict.....unless they are so confident in their abilities and deem us so insignificant a threat that tactics are no longer a pressing consideration, or they don’t intend malice to us at all.

I’d prefer to believe in the latter, but if it’s the former and they do intend hostilities, our lives will be very short lived anyway if that technology is any indication of their capabilities. Eh, I’m not worried either way. Would be a cool way to check out.
No shit.
If they can travel the stars they can flatten us to dust with no effort.


If they release that info, and they've known since 1940s........people will go apes shit

I reckon it won't go back that far (the disclosed info that is)

If they do, then US is gonna catch alot for shit

I mean most who even slightly follow the subject, know the Canon, roswell etc etc

Wonder if roswell will be disclosed finally, even if its a test craft mistaken (not the shitty balloon story)

Yeah, I just don't how we would have technology in the 1940s that could absorb gunfire without damage, accelerate to Mach speeds in reverse while going in another direction. And if we did have that tech, why didn't we use it during a World War? Why was the war such a long struggle if we had tech 150 years ahead of the competition.


This is my question too

Conspiracy theory people have said for ages that a fake ufo invasion was coming, it was the final piece of the jigsaw in terms of NWO control
Linking chemtrails, Blue beam and the pandemic (or test run lol)
If u believe in that type of thing

I mean not hard to believe is it really, and the fact government are acting like this is a new thing, and wanna be open is utter bullocks. Asu said why now, when its obvious they've known about this shit since the 1930 if not longer (foofighters etc etc)

So yeh I'm on the fence about this all, but at least we're getting info. But really some of us have always know its bullshit and of course ufo are a real thing, just now at least we can say, yes ufo they are real too people who claim its all bullshit and made up by crazy rednecks

Interesting time to be a live, I hope it all back fires tbh, and US gets blamed for holding back humanity (since they've had the tech for decades, if you believe the Canon)

I highly doubt we'll get any real answers, they'll play dumb


I'm also on-board for this

Been said for years this is the next big event/step (project blue beam etc etc)

With holograms, deep fakes, mkultra etc etc, not hard to believe this could be pulled off

But let's see what they release
The covid hoax shows that they wouldn't even need holograms! They could fake it all on tv and every one would believe it.
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