What actually is the data you speak of?
So far I've only seen claims of data and not anything we can study and observe ourselves. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if there isn't any raw data to actually look at (instead of having someone just say this and that without nothing to show) how would he be able to implement that to the videos?
That these various governments have admitted they have recorded UAPs using different instruments, specifically radar and visual. But even if you, I, or Mick had the actual datasheet, does that mean it's gospel at that point? It would just look like a bunch of numbers. Here you go, a PDA with 100,000mph instant acceleration.
Mick himself is making a claim too, so why listen to him when he claims the same object is a balloon and then a flare? What gives him the credentials to be an expert in various fields? He was a video programmer with no experience on any of the instruments we're speaking of. Now he gets paid to go on CNN etc and has a following because he busted a few softball pitches.
But when it comes to the more compelling cases, he assumes more of a sniper behavior.
He does interviews, but selectively. Then he asks only questions that he can muddy the water and disparage claims by not even listening to him. "Did you really know the size of that craft if you didn't know the distance?" When 10 seconds earlier the pilot told him the distance.
Then he ignores the other pilots that were with him. Isolate, divide and conquer. He can't really bring in the radar operators because it then begins to paint a more comprehensive stance against his claims. At this point, you've got 5 experts in various fields with collaborating accounts. That doesn't seem intelligent to address if you're steering the narrative away from UFO to a plane.
The radar operator even by himself is difficult to dissect. The guy is just looking at data. Mick isn't stupid, he understands that layers of expert accounts are not just hot air, and it completely goes against his claim that it was some ordinary "plane" debunk. So yeah he's not going to do anything to conflict that. He's making it out like he wants the entire picture, but he's very selective.
So yeah, the softball pitches, Mick and others can make claims(some definitive) all day long, but they're very intelligent how they frame the more compelling cases. Let's be objective and get the whole story, but also be sure to leave out stuff that isn't self-serving.