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All PSP bullshit goes in here


jarrod said:
Well, I'm hearing $34.99 fwiw. $39.99 seems excessive, though it's also possible (shades of GBA launch). I still expect Nintendo games (and small scale 3rd party stuff) at $29.99 probably though.

I'd wager that quite a few games come at 29.99. The lower limit isn't $29.99. For example, according to IGN Ping Pals is launching for $19.99.

IGN - Ping Pals


Shoryuken said:
I'd wager that quite a few games come at 29.99. The lower limit isn't $29.99. For example, according to IGN Ping Pals is launching for $19.99.

IGN - Ping Pals
Good to know... seems EB is overpricing everything then in regards to DS (they have Ping Pals at $29.99).


It's unclear if the NBA/NFL Street games will also be launch games with that wording or simply joining later... I really think it depends on when Sony's ready moreso than EA though. The lack of any Madden PSP announcement is sort of surprising though, given that it's EA's flagship series. :/
jarrod said:
It's unclear if the NBA/NFL Street games will also be launch games with that wording or simply joining later... I really think it depends on when Sony's ready moreso than EA though. The lack of any Madden PSP announcement is sort of surprising though, given that it's EA's flagship series. :/

It's not too surprising since by the time the PSP is released in the US the NFL season will be over and EA likes to release their sports games during the seasons (or near the start).


jarrod said:
IThe lack of any Madden PSP announcement is sort of surprising though, given that it's EA's flagship series. :/

More reason they'll hold of rushing it to the US market at an awkward time (after football season), and make a better version that'll release next August.

Ed: SSX beat me :p


Yeah, I expect Madden sooner or later... it's just sorta weird that EA hasn't said anything yet. Maybe they plan on pushing the Street games this spring and real sports next fall?

But why hasn't EA announced Urbz and GoldenEye for PSP yet either? They're arguably next in line for signifianct EA franchises, so where's the PSP versions? EA was very vocally so pro-PSP initially, yet their bigger IPs seem to be going to DS almost exclusively early on. :/


"GAF's biggest wanker"
DS has its Eastern AND Western launch this year, so its not surprising that the picture of EA support is clearer for the DS at this time. Meanwhile Sony has yet to even declare the official Japanese launch date of the PSP and the North American launch date is likely in March 2005 at best. Even so, EA has shown their two titles intended for Japanese launch and has indicated 4 others that are in development. Given the circumstances, it doesn't seem noncommittal of EA to have provided what little detail they have thus far. No reason to announce Madden for PSP now if we're not seeing it until the 2006 rev.


Well, it could be seen that the lack of Madden PSP is evidence that Sony never intended a NA launch this year all along (given that EA had no problem waiting for Nov/Dec to launch Madden alongside GC, Xbox and now DS). And while a lack of Madden could be explained away with seasonal issues, it doesn't explain why DS gets Bond and Urbz while PSP doesn't. I dunno, despite EA's glowing words their actual game announcements for PSP so far don't seem nearly as enthusiastic as the support they showered over GC & Xbox right away...


Depending on the success of the DS, Ping Pals will find it's niche amongst schoolgirls who HAVE to accessorize their avatar like they can on AIM.


You guys are dumb and naive. Why do you have a problem with $40 games? That's an excellent price, I think.

If you think about it, you're actually saving money. Let's assume that the games cost $40 and the machine costs $300. If that's true, then you're actually saving $340 because the $40 pricetag is a reason not to buy it in the first place!

So, with DS:

Games x 2 = $60
Machine = $150
Total Paid: $210


Games x 2 = $80
Machine = $300
Total Not Paid: $380

Sony is giving the better value here, guys.


So, with DS:

Games x 2 = $60
Machine = $150
Total Paid: $210


Games x 2 = $80
Machine = $300
Total Not Paid: $380

umm..what???? thats the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

and your forgetting psp will require a memory stick and they're not cheap.


Junior Member
However, we decided to select Need for Speed Underground Rivals and Tiger Woods PGA TOUR as our initial launch titles because they are both hugely popular and have proven to resonate with gamers worldwide. We wanted to make sure that the first titles out of the gate are ones that demonstrate the power of the new console.

Looks like 2 EA launch games. I also think you can put no GE or Urbz down to seasonal issues. EA would definitely want to release those for Christmas on psp.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
jarrod said:
Well, it could be seen that the lack of Madden PSP is evidence that Sony never intended a NA launch this year all along (given that EA had no problem waiting for Nov/Dec to launch Madden alongside GC, Xbox and now DS).
NA launch was pushed into 2005 back in late Feb., well before EA announced any specific support for the PSP.

And while a lack of Madden could be explained away with seasonal issues, it doesn't explain why DS gets Bond and Urbz while PSP doesn't. I dunno, despite EA's glowing words their actual game announcements for PSP so far don't seem nearly as enthusiastic as the support they showered over GC & Xbox right away...
They've got 6 games in the works, 2 being readied for the Japanese launch (how often does a western dev do that?) and 2 are currently unidentified and could very well be versions of one or both of GoldenEye and Urbz. I guess they could be more enthusiastic, but why? They seem enthusiastic enough as it is.


kaching said:
NA launch was pushed into 2005 back in late Feb., well before EA announced any specific support for the PSP.
Was it? I thought it wasn't until E3 that any western delay was made official? We certainly had unspecific EA support confirmed by then though.

kaching said:
They've got 6 games in the works, 2 being readied for the Japanese launch (how often does a western dev do that?) and 2 are currently unidentified and could very well be versions of one or both of GoldenEye and Urbz.
Yeah, it's entirely possible. I'd be a little surprised if Rogue Agent doesn't show up.

It's also worth noting though that EA is planning to have Urbz for JP DS launch. In fact both Activision and Atari are planning on JP releases for their DS & PSP games.

kaching said:
I guess they could be more enthusiastic, but why? They seem enthusiastic enough as it is.
PSP needs something SSX/Madden caliber at this point, and EA doesn't really seem interetsed in delivering anything on that level so far. Same goes for Square Enix... to be honest the PSP launch lineup strikes me as more similar to PS1 than PS2 currently, a wide variety of interesting software sure but no real killer apps and uncertain future commitments from significant publishers. I'm just surprised Sony isn't pushing EA for something better.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Yep, roundabout Feb. 25 >> http://money.cnn.com/2004/02/25/commentary/game_over/column_gaming/index.htm

It's also worth noting though that EA is planning to have Urbz for JP DS launch. In fact both Activision and Atari are planning on JP releases for their DS & PSP games.
Sure, but then, the DS is launching in Japan after it launches in the US, right? They're both preparing their content primarily to be ready for the NA launch, whereas EA is specifically preparing PSP content for the Japanese launch.

PSP needs something SSX/Madden caliber at this point, and EA doesn't really seem interetsed in delivering anything on that level so far. Same goes for Square Enix... to be honest the PSP launch lineup strikes me as more similar to PS1 than PS2 currently, a wide variety of interesting software sure but no real killer apps and uncertain future commitments from significant publishers.
Makes sense, PSP isn't a true heir to the throne like PS2 was.


kaching said:
Er, that very article you linked to mentions EA already planning 8-12 PSP games. Meaning they were on board before any official western delay.

kaching said:
Sure, but then, the DS is launching in Japan after it launches in the US, right? They're both preparing their content primarily to be ready for the NA launch, whereas EA is specifically preparing PSP content for the Japanese launch.
They're getting ready for the first market it'll launch in, just like DS. EA's made signifianct moves recently at furthuring their operations in Japan (which now even extend to development at EA Tokyo). Make no mistake, none of the announced EA games are being prepped "primarily" for Japan, regardless of timetables.... EA's looking at things globally here.

kaching said:
Makes sense, PSP isn't a true heir to the throne like PS2 was.
Sure but I just find it concerning that Sony wasn't able to do better. They really need stuff like GTA, Madden or Final Fantasy if they intend to push this platform to their mainstream core audience, and so far they aren't getting those games. The only thing coming close to a 3rd party killer app seems to be Dynasty Warriors (for the JP market) but even then DS is getting it's own version too.

Fisrt party wise Sony's doing well though with GT4 and Hot Shots... they should get started on SOCOM PSP imo too.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
jarrod said:
Er, that very article you linked to mentions EA already planning 8-12 PSP games. Meaning they were on board before any official western delay.
Didn't say they weren't. Just pointing out that the NA launch delay happened far enough in the past such that saying Sony always intended to delay and that no announcement of Madden indicates this is rather moot.

They're getting ready for the first market it'll launch in, just like DS. EA's made signifianct moves recently at furthuring their operations in Japan (which now even extend to development at EA Tokyo). Make no mistake, none of the announced EA games are being prepped "primarily" for Japan, regardless of timetables.... EA's looking at things globally here.
Yes, there's a trend establishing itself and maybe it won't be as unusual to see large Western pubs thinking more globally and acting to be a part of Japanese hardware launches before long but, in the meantime, its not exactly commonplace and they are putting themselves in the position to have to deliver content to more regions than they normally would in a launch timeframe. This doesn't strike me as a lack of enthusiasm on their part.

Sure but I just find it concerning that Sony wasn't able to do better. They really need stuff like GTA, Madden or Final Fantasy if they intend to push this platform to their mainstream core audience, and so far they aren't getting those games.
Well, two of the games you've mentioned in this and your previous post - SSX and GTA - weren't initially touted as heavy hitters, they emerged as such. It wasn't clear how good either of those titles had the potential to be until a few weeks before their release but even that wasn't sure to guarantee they'd become system sellers like a Madden or FF. In addition, the FF games that really push systems have rarely been available at or near launch.

And to some extent, this is subjective of course. For example, NFSU has emerged as a potentially lucrative new franchise for EA so bestowing a version of it on the PSP is unlikely to be EA's idea of merely throwing Sony a bone. NFSU may not be of interest to you, but it certainly seems to have caught the interest of at least 2 million other gamers.

Fisrt party wise Sony's doing well though with GT4 and Hot Shots... they should get started on SOCOM PSP imo too.
I'd definitely like to see a strong 1st party presence at the PSP launch. But, GT4 isn't anymore a launch title for the PSP than Madden is...and no announcement of SOCOM...makes you wonder who's less enthused about the PSP, EA or Sony themselves ;)


snapty00 said:
You guys are dumb and naive. Why do you have a problem with $40 games? That's an excellent price, I think.

If you think about it, you're actually saving money. Let's assume that the games cost $40 and the machine costs $300. If that's true, then you're actually saving $340 because the $40 pricetag is a reason not to buy it in the first place!

So, with DS:

Games x 2 = $60
Machine = $150
Total Paid: $210


Games x 2 = $80
Machine = $300
Total Not Paid: $380

Sony is giving the better value here, guys.

What does that have to do with anything? Do you think you are the first to point out that the DS will be cheaper?

It's an interesting phenomena, the whole price thing and gamers (at least some of the ones on these boards). It's interesting that in real life I could never imagine a scene in a parking lot, where a Toyota Camry owner walks up to a BMW M series owner bragging about how much money he saved... but here people get so passionate over a couple hundred bucks.


Fafracer forever
Panajev said:
The I/O issues you mention seems to me fault of the low memory for data and instructions which was given to the VU0: plus, but also due to the differences between VIF0 and VIF1... IIRC there are some VIF codes missing in VIF0.
Memory would be fine if there were better ways to get stuff in and out.

You could DMA in and out of the VIF0, but there was no dual buffering support: that was only for VU1. On VU1, to solve problems I double buffer and I split internally each buffer in two, so that each buffer has its Input and Output section.
Actually there is still some double buffering support for VU0. But you're looking at the wrong area - largely linear streaming data is not 'that' difficult to handle well on VU0. But the more general purpose algorithms I am looking at very rarely use such data arrangement.
They usually prone to lots of semi-random stuff, and that means that even in "good" scenarios you will be facing lots of tiny packet transfers.
I love how VIF works actually - but it is designed to work best with streaming data. And macro mode instruction set isn't ideal when it comes to I/O either.

And the 'independant' micro mode is not particularly independant at all because VU0 has no internally controlled output path - which forces you to tie down the CPU either way, not nearly as large a gain over macro mode as it could have been.


Memory Stick pro now goes to 4GB!



Unconfirmed Member
MCV carries DS launch details for the UK on Thursday for those interested. I can't tell you about it now as it was a freelance project for the magazine. Sorry. :)


Folder said:
MCV carries DS launch details for the UK on Thursday for those interested. I can't tell you about it now as it was a freelance project for the magazine. Sorry. :)

should be in the DS topic, no? :p
btrboyev said:
umm..what???? thats the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

and your forgetting psp will require a memory stick and they're not cheap.

Don't try to make sense of snapty00's posts. You won't get very far.


You know, that headline got me thinking...
If it's as easy to shift a PS2 game to PSP as we are lead to believe, DQVIII would be one hell of a title to launch with :)
Jonnyram said:
You know, that headline got me thinking...
If it's as easy to shift a PS2 game to PSP as we are lead to believe, DQVIII would be one hell of a title to launch with :)

That's what I was thinking. The majority of Square-Enix's games are ports/upgrades when it comes to handhelds so it'd make sense. If not DQ8, possibly DQ6 Remake running on the DQ5 remake engine or DQ8 engine?


The only catch is that they don't seem to be embracing the PSP at all, so will they ever support it? Besides, a PSP port would surely reduce the PS2 sales, which doesn't look so good on paper.
Jonnyram said:
The only catch is that they don't seem to be embracing the PSP at all, so will they ever support it? Besides, a PSP port would surely reduce the PS2 sales, which doesn't look so good on paper.

If they were to announce it then they should wait a few months after DQ8 is out since it'll be through the majority of its sales. Announce a PSP version with some extras (new characters, mini games ect).


Square Enix will never release DraQue on a platform with less than a 10 million installed base... just look at GameCube. I really think PSP's going to have to earn Square Enix support being the newcomer, not the other way around... and Square Enix has already gone on record saying they're not interested in just porting games to PSP.


btrboyev said:
umm..what???? thats the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

and your forgetting psp will require a memory stick and they're not cheap.
Grow a brain, plsthx.

kpop100 said:
What does that have to do with anything? Do you think you are the first to point out that the DS will be cheaper?

It's an interesting phenomena, the whole price thing and gamers (at least some of the ones on these boards). It's interesting that in real life I could never imagine a scene in a parking lot, where a Toyota Camry owner walks up to a BMW M series owner bragging about how much money he saved... but here people get so passionate over a couple hundred bucks.
You need to grow one, too.


snapty00 said:
You need to grow one, too.

I don't need to grow a brain to understand your entry level, 5 year old's level of sarcasm? I got ya, if the PSP games were say $30 you'd only be saving $150 by not buying the PSP + 2 games not $170..woooohoooo that's some funny ass shit bro..


jarrod said:
Square Enix will never release DraQue on a platform with less than a 10 million installed base... just look at GameCube. I really think PSP's going to have to earn Square Enix support being the newcomer, not the other way around... and Square Enix has already gone on record saying they're not interested in just porting games to PSP.

Exactly. Square Enix just doesn't throw support around willy nilly. They've always said that they'll support the platform that offers them the best returns on their investments. Right now (certainly considering the sales they've made since they began GBA development) that platform is the NDS.


kpop100 said:
I don't need to grow a brain to understand your entry level, 5 year old's level of sarcasm? I got ya, if the PSP games were say $30 you'd only be saving $150 by not buying the PSP + 2 games not $170..woooohoooo that's some funny ass shit bro..
If you knew it was a joke, you wouldn't have written a book on why I'm "wrong."


kpop100 said:
What does that have to do with anything? Do you think you are the first to point out that the DS will be cheaper?

It's an interesting phenomena, the whole price thing and gamers (at least some of the ones on these boards). It's interesting that in real life I could never imagine a scene in a parking lot, where a Toyota Camry owner walks up to a BMW M series owner bragging about how much money he saved... but here people get so passionate over a couple hundred bucks.

Last time I checked, the Camry outsells any BMW at an alarming rate. So if you want to bring that analogy into the equation, you might want to keep it into context.


Sony's defence for not announcing the launch date is that the PS launch date was only announced the month before its release... This bugged me, because they ignored what they did for the PS2, so I went checking for PS2 launch details and found the March launch date was known as far back as September 1999:

Had a chuckle at the supposed launch titles too :)


Tag of Excellence
I always wonder who purchases these pool games since I hardly know of anyone who does. I knew this one poor handicapped kid who would only play pool games back when I did retail but aside from him no one even glances at the cases in the store.
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