Yeah, i got you. it's why i love Cohh spoiler talk so much.The Last of Us has always been shades of grey. The characterisations are not there purely to make you like or hate them. Joel, Ellie, Abby and even minor characters.
Abbys journey was moving past revenge to redemption. Like Joel in the first game, coming to terms with the evil shit you had done and trying to rebuild in the emptiness. She is a reflection of both Joel and Ellie - the lengths hatred and revenge will drive you to, and that it will only engender more cycles of hate.
Joel was the character at the end of this redemption, he had found peace. Abby committed her revenge and was dealing with rebuilding, she went through life altering personal changes trying to find meaning. She abandoned the WLF as she grasped onto Lev and Yara in the same way Joel had grasped on to Ellie.
Ellie was stuck on her fixation with hate and revenge - never feeling complete until she gained revenge. The same way we see Abby fixated on it in flashbacks to her younger years. Both characters reject love while fixated on hate.
In the end Ellie was about to complete and continue the cycle of hate but it was her understanding of Joel that pulled her back. She didn't care for Abby, she was the one character who stayed her hand when it mattered most. Ellie finished the story as redeemable, not losing to the hatred, while Joel and Abby did not.
At least that's my take on it.
Some people are going to pull something and hold on to it and say this is incredible and look to others and think, "why don't you feel the same way". While others will pull the same thing or something else and say "this is a mess".
The game is polarizing.
Honestly, ND abusing false marking, sony's double standard with censorship, the critics all giving this game a perfect score and acting like it's the Schindler's list of video games and Neil acting like a child on twitter doesn't help, people will expect a masterpiece when they spent their hard earned 60$, so when the game doesn't deliver to some the backlash is immense.