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Amazon Customer Lists: Never will you find such a wretched hive of scum and villainy.


cabel: That player did not beat Halo on Legendary in 6 minutes, he beat a LEVEL in Halo on Legendary in 6 minutes.
Norse said:
That entire conversation did more to damage nintendo followers, than anything.

That's some embarrassing crap there. Looked like two 12 yr olds talking and one seemed a sissy. Up to you to decide which one it was.

It's embarrassing that the Xbot dude is serious.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Little kids that whine and moan about these type of things don't bother me, but people who pull facts out of their ass are sooo annoying. I hate when I see someone just make a comment and pass it off as fact. I can let some fanboy comment about nintendo slide, I just tell myself that person is a dumbass. But when they start saying all these factless rumors and statistics, I get pissed.


cabel: That player did not beat Halo on Legendary in 6 minutes, he beat a LEVEL in Halo on Legendary in 6 minutes.

Er.. that's what cabel said! Reading comprehension is fun ;)
Cabel: I love you man. That was bloody hilarious. I had to leave the computer lab because I started busting out laughing.

Justin Bailey

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T-1000_Model3 said:
Jesus Christ some of you are the laziest fucks I've seen. Type the word out instead of spitting out initials for once.
Let me know what SA is and I'll get back to you.

And no,I won't give you a break. To email or instant message someone over a review,epsecially some kid who reviewed a game? The guy is a snot nosed little shit,taking time to email him only shows that there are way too many fanboys in this forum. Instead of patting this guy on the back and asking for his cup size,you should be laughing at him for doing such a stupid thing.
AFAIK, Cabel was j/k when he PUNK'D the XB kid over AIM. So u should prolly jes lighten up, ASAP (maybe get a little R&R). Also, assuming your ISP can properly resolve the DNS, you should check out somethingawful.com for more IM pranks that will make u LOL.

This is all IMO, BTW.


Queen of Denmark
People who pretend that they are the sages of messageboards by announcing, when they see people arguing/debating/exchanging written ideas on anything video-game related, that "You are both just fanboys did you ever think of that i bet not in no one really won here guys come on i am smart" are hilariously stupid. Just because a prank AOL conversation is about videogames doesn't mean that cabel was "DEFENDING NITNENDO HONOR". It means he was having a bit of fun at someone's expense -- with reasonably funny results, too.

kilik327: um no... u see i dont want to pay money to collect fucking coins
kilik327: or pay 50$ for mario kart
I especially liked that one.


Acrylamid said:
It's amazing that you jump from one writing style to the the exact opposite between two consecutive answers and 'kilik327' doesn't even notice it. :)

Then he says in the next line - "also im no faggot dude"

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