I think they did that to mine, too. Shame that there's nothing there now that I'll now bite because it's $5 cheaper.
Could anyone confirm this?
I think they did that to mine, too. Shame that there's nothing there now that I'll now bite because it's $5 cheaper.
How do I redeem it? lol
How do I redeem it? lol
Amazon turned all my $5 credits into regular credit that I could use on anything. Amazon is the best company ever.
That's what I was doing and listening to all intel. Still didn't collect them all. Will do another playthrough some other time for them.Yea, I put in 5 on normal, then less than 4 on whatever the hardest difficulty was for the achievement. I'm not sure how you can get to 9 unless you spend a lot of time combing for intel.
Wait, what do you mean used on anything? How?
I would like to get The Darkness 2 $2,49, however I already used my credit. Is there anyone willing to help out? I can Paypal money.
anyone comment on origin/kingdoms controller support? I'm assuming its in there, but how well does it work?
anyone comment on origin/kingdoms controller support? I'm assuming its in there, but how well does it work?
Amazon turned all my $5 credits into regular credit that I could use on anything. Amazon is the best company ever.
Beat the game with the 360 controller so it works fine.
parity with the 360 version so all the button prompts and whatnot match (with a 360 pad of course)
anyone comment on origin/kingdoms controller support? I'm assuming its in there, but how well does it work?
Yeah, still operating as before. If it really was all turned into credit to be used on whatever I'd immediately blow it on Soul Hackers, or if they did it JUST for this promo I might've gotten ME3It's automatically tied to your account. If you go into checkout of a game and the credit doesn't insert itself, the credit doesn't apply.
Amazon turned all my $5 credits into regular credit that I could use on anything. Amazon is the best company ever.
I asked them.
Beyond Dark Souls, there was nothing I really wanted and that credit would go to waste. Coupled with the fact that I spend a lot of money on amazon every year (If it ain't food, I buy it from Amazon) they turned it into neutral credit I could use on whatever I wanted. Being the dirty poor that I am, I started combing through items I wanted but again only really wanted Dark Souls (Waiting for BL2 + XCOM GotY editions, Max Payne 3 will be cheaper soon); So I bought my brother Scribblenauts Unlimited for the 3DS and an Adventure Time shirt for his birthday on the 17th. Dark Souls and my personal greed can wait until the next sale.
This is doing the game a disservice. I just tried the last few stages on easy difficulty, and it took absolutely all the tension out of it.Depends on the difficulty, I didn't care much for the gameplay so just bumped it down to easy and ran through it. Says 5 hours on my steam account, but I know it was quite a bit less (left game idle).
Did somebody help you?
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008ALUBYQ/?tag=neogaf0e-20Does borderlands 2 on amazon activate on Steam?
Those are all steam redeemable right? Says Steam DRM but you never know with Amazon sometimes...
Nope, not yet.
Maybe I'm not seeing it, but where is the coupon? Im interested in getting X-com.
Turns out I still have at least one more $5 coupon, even though I only got one email - at least it's showing in the basket. Where are you people checking your credits within Amazon? Can't seem to find anything about it.
Contacted support and had my $5 coupons switched to a global one for a total of 65 bucks, plus they let me keep the $5 coupons I think which is amazing. Ended up grabbing the Kingdoms of Amalur bundle and Blacks Ops II, lol. Only took them like 30 minutes to do it. Amazing.
wth? what'd you even SAY to them?
Sweet Jesus. What are you doing to contact them? Calling a help line? E-mail? What?
Contacted support and had my $5 coupons switched to a global one for a total of 65 bucks, plus they let me keep the $5 coupons I think which is amazing. Ended up grabbing the Kingdoms of Amalur bundle and Blacks Ops II, lol. Only took them like 30 minutes to do it. Amazing.
Contacted support and had my $5 coupons switched to a global one for a total of 65 bucks, plus they let me keep the $5 coupons I think which is amazing. Ended up grabbing the Kingdoms of Amalur bundle and Blacks Ops II, lol. Only took them like 30 minutes to do it. Amazing.
You guys are welcome
Happy new year!
I just sent them an email asking about it...You gotta wait for a few hours I think. I mailed them for a refund a while back and it took 2 hours for them to respond.
You alright my good man?!?!
Yeah, I'm just happy everyone has been able to capitalize on getting their credit turned into generic credit that can be used as the see fit. It's great to be able to help people.
Does that include all that useless Airmech / Whatever Quest credit? That would be hysterical.