
You can now rent a private AMC theater for just $99 | CNN Business
A crisp Benjamin Franklin will get you your own private movie theater.

AMC allows rentals of up to 20 people. According to its website, rates start at $99, excluding tax, and increase to $349 depending on the movie, the theater's location and any other add-ons like food and drink. AMC's FAQ page lists renting a microphone to greet guests as an extra $100 charge, while more time to enter an auditorium, beyond the standard 15 minutes, will cost another $250.
Here is the link to the website: Rent a theater
Right now the movie choices suck (for the $99 price) and aren't worth that prince if you don't have enough people, also $100 extra for snacks :/
Though, my birthday is coming up, might not be a bad idea if the movie choice changes.
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