That's basically it. Even though it failed to live up to all of the hype (and frankly considering what people were expecting it never could), but it is a viable processor choice, and depending on what you want to use it for it could be the superior processor choice. That's a major improvement over AMD's position for the last several years, where it was so far behind on the performance curve that it was outclassed by Intel even on a on price/perf basis in some price brackets. It was so bad that even as "value CPUs" you would struggle to have recommended them.
We can all breathe a sigh of relief that it's a contender. At least for now - they need to stay on their toes lest the same thing happen to them again in the future.
Is the 6600k outdated yet? Or am I good for another few years?
I think you're better off getting 7700KI still game at 1080P and have a 1060 and 2500k. I hate the naming on CPUs so badly, based on reviews are any of the ryzen family a good option to upgrade from my 2500k at a better price then intel?
Only gaming? Get the 7700K.I still game at 1080P and have a 1060 and 2500k. I hate the naming on CPUs so badly, based on reviews are any of the ryzen family a good option to upgrade from my 2500k at a better price then intel?
Only gaming? Get the 7700K.
Yeah they got a ton of bugs to iron out, including SMT. Myself I expect Bulldozer-like 20% improvement after all the fixes are out including from Microsoft.It will interesting for people to dig into exactly why AMD is farther behind per clock in CPU intensive gaming benchmarks than in other CPU intensive benchmarks. It could just be the way the architecture works, but it could also be something that could be fixed on the BIOS side or on the compiler/dev side.
Not for 1440p+ gaming.
I don't get the negativity at all, these things are bringing what used to be incredibly overpriced Intel HEDT core count down to mainstream pricing. Ryzen literally is the Affordable Core Act. Intel spent years locking more than 4 cores behind absurd price premiums just because they could.
Those days are gone now, you can get the performance of my 5820K for half the price I paid and that's a great thing no matter how you slice it. The only reason I'm not bothering with Ryzen is, well, I already have the 5820K. Let's see what 2nd gen Ryzen can do, it would be fun to be back on AMD for the first time since my original Athlon 64 3700+ circa 2004.
Still think it's hilarious that people are blaming intel for all these years of non invention and that AMD gets a free pass.
Welp, I waited for Ryzen. Time to pull the trigger on that $200 7600k at Microcenter.
Still think it's hilarious that people are blaming intel for all these years of non invention and that AMD gets a free pass.
Yeah, gaming performance isn't as high as most woukd like, but the thought of 1600X being a $200-$230 6 core sounds good.
People blame Intel, because they pulled some illegal shit to fuck AMD over when AMD was ahead tech wise that lost them untold revenue. Revenue that helped Intel have a way higher R&D budget. I'm glad AMD has a competitive product again..
Ryzen 1700 (non-X) at 3.9GHz vs i7 7700K at 5GHz. Is something wrong with Joker Production's testing methodology, because it looks like the non X version is keeping up with the 7700K pretty well. Generally a couple frames lower or even-ish as I scrub through the video, but the regular 1700 is just 30 bucks (or same?) from the 7700K and gives you 4 more cores to play with and performs just as well with a 1.1GHz deficit.
Looking at the AMD reddit, people are saying the Gigabyte board is the one to go for at the moment. Seems like that's the one Joker used. Maybe Gigabyte is faster with the Bios updates and what not? Maybe the ASUS board is the issue really? Seems like a lot of reviewers got that board.
Ryzen 1700 (non-X) at 3.9GHz vs i7 7700K at 5GHz. Is something wrong with Joker Production's testing methodology, because it looks like the non X version is keeping up with the 7700K pretty well. Generally a couple frames lower as I scrub through the video, but the regular 1700 is just 30 bucks (or same?) from the 7700K and gives you 4 more cores to play with and performs just as well with a 1.1GHz deficit.
Looking at the AMD reddit, people are saying the Gigabyte board is the one to go for at the moment. Seems like that's the one Joker used. Maybe Gigabyte is faster with the Bios updates and what not?
Looks like High end Gigabyte motherboards with most recent bios (Like the one Joker used in his review) is showing much better results in gaming and the like & actually running ram at 3000+.
Pretty clear other motherboard manufacturers have undercooked bios.
GPU load is at 99% throughout the video. That's a measure of GPU performance, not a CPU test.Ryzen 1700 (non-X) at 3.9GHz vs i7 7700K at 5GHz. Is something wrong with Joker Production's testing methodology, because it looks like the non X version is keeping up with the 7700K pretty well.
When we approached AMD with these results pre-publication, the company defended its product by suggesting that intentionally creating a GPU bottleneck (read: no longer benchmarking the CPUs performance) would serve as a great equalizer. AMD asked that we consider 4K benchmarks to more heavily load the GPU, thus reducing workload on the CPU and leveling the playing field.
He even uploaded new video with RAW performance numbers to prove he was not making shit up.
Thanks for the tip, I hope that is consistent across most 1700 chips.One point to note though, the 1700 is the only chip that anyone should buy. Given that we've seen numerous reports that Ryzen clocks out at 4/4.1ghz and that the 1700 can get anywhere between 3.8-4ghz on air, you're not paying for much of anything with the 1700x and 1800x chips.
Thanks for the tip, I hope that is consistent across most 1700 chips.
Will wait for dust to clear before diving in, right now seems like easy improvement over my 4690.
Yeah, I preordered the MSI Carbon, but tempted to cancel and get the Gigabyte Aurus instead...The motherboard initially appears to have a big impact on CPU and particularly memory overclocking, so I'd recommend holding off until all boards are fully updated and tested before laying down any cash.
GPU load is at 99% throughout the video. That's a measure of GPU performance, not a CPU test.
You have to use a fast enough GPU setup, reduce the resolution, or reduce graphical options as much as necessary to prevent the GPU from ever hitting 99/100% if you are running a CPU test.
It is incredibly frustrating that so many sites/youtube channels have no idea what they're doing when testing the gaming performance of a CPU - and worse, that AMD encouraged reviewers to set up GPU-bottlenecked tests.
I just wish theese chips would clock higher, this way it is a huge disparity in gaming performance between them and unlocked intels, atleast for gaming. Maybe the chips with smaller core counts could reach 4.5 GHZ? I have a decent AIO watercooler, it seems it would be a waste to put it on r7. Any overclocking tests under water out there?
It's unlikely they'll OC much further. The issue is the low power Samsung 14 nm process they use. The voltages needed for higher frequencies ramp up a lot going past 3.3 Ghz, so the current max clocks for the high end parts are already a bit inefficient. Maybe they could get some improvements with Zen 2 just with architectural improvements, but I think GloFo 14nm is the biggest bottleneck. AMD might have caught up design-wise, but Intel is still way ahead when it comes to process nodes.
I am a bit confused about why AMD decided to do this forced launch. It is clear that motherboard BIOSes across the board are unfinished and it's hurting their first impression. Intel has nothing in the horizon, if they would launch this 2 weeks or a month later it would be almost the same situation except with most likely better performance and less discrepancies.
It might be the same scalability issue in heavily communicating threads that is also a factor in other benchmarks.I don't understand... How does this make any sense? These games scale past 4 threads and love them!
Source - PCGH
This too, they even disabled SMT and it performed... The same?
Is something wrong? Hmm, frame-times would be very interesting to see.
That's not really true though?Those days are gone now, you can get the performance of my 5820K for half the price I paid
I agree as to the significance of the WD2 results, but your remark about the 7700k doesn't hold true in frametimes at Computerbase at least:The biggest disappointment for me is the performance in Watch Dogs 2. Here we have a game with near perfect scaling upto 16 threads on Intel architecture and even AMD's previous generation FX chips yet the 7700K commands a convincing lead over the 1800x.
If there was ever a game that showed what CPU performance was going to be like with future titles with better multi threading this is it and yet Ryzen still disappoints. This runs counter to the standard assumption that as games become more multi threaded that Ryzen will start to peel away from the 4C8T pack.
Make no mistake, Ryzen is no Bulldozer and AMD have a very solid base to build on here, but gaming is such a crucial workload for buyers of high performance desktop systems that it is disappointing that it's the architecture's Achilles heal.
I think they should have aligned it with the Vega launch. OTOH perhaps they knew the 1080Ti was coming soon and wanted to get them out around the same time for people upgrading to that GPU.
Thing is this happens with most new platforms, Intel has had the same problems in the past and at least there are no reports of mobos killing CPUs.
Really decent improvement by disabling SMT. Does that point to something that can be improved via software?
That's pretty slimy.
You don't see an issue with the suggestion of benchmarking a given piece of hardware using a methodology designed specifically not to benchmark that piece of hardware?No, its pretty normal..
Yeah I know, I mean it's understandable that new CPU on new architecture is even more prone to problem at launch, but the fact that new BIOSes were still being released one day before launch, or even on launch day means that it's way, way too rushed.
The market of those who would upgrade to 1080ti is probably a bit small for them to do that trade off, IMO. But yeah, it still make sense, we don't know how many are just sitting on their gen 2, 3, 4 Intel CPU etc, just waiting for Zen and jump on the next flagship GPU at the same time.
I would say so. IIRC, back in the Athlon64 day, as well as Bulldozer, new updates from Microsoft were required for them to run at full speed. That plus motherboard OS, optimization from game developers, should gain us some substantial improvements.
No, its pretty normal..
I'm struggling to see the logic of some here. We have a aggressively priced CPU that is noticeably faster in most situations apart from a few percent on rare non CPU bound gaming on titles that were optimised for an Intel dominated market and people are suggesting Intel is the way to go still?
Hmmm, not seeing it.
GPU load is at 99% throughout the video. That's a measure of GPU performance, not a CPU test.
You have to use a fast enough GPU setup, reduce the resolution, or reduce graphical options as much as necessary to prevent the GPU from ever hitting 99/100% if you are running a CPU test.
It is incredibly frustrating that so many sites/youtube channels have no idea what they're doing when testing the gaming performance of a CPU - and worse, that AMD encouraged reviewers to set up GPU-bottlenecked tests.
I usually go with the best chipset and mobo but I now tend to think a bit more economical.
Looking at the ASRock AB350 one currently - anything speaking against AB350 versus X370 for average workstation/gaming usage?