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American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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Kinda weird how in threads involving murder of people (Boston bomber, etc) posters are chastised for their "blood lust" and there's a huge debate about it, but when it involves animals... yeesh.

Not sure why you think I'm somehow ok with steaks.

Didn't say you were. You said hunting is worse because of the end goal. The reality is the end goal of hunting isn't to end a life, it's to respect the life you took by using what you can. To me that's a lot less messed up than eating a burger and not even thinking about the animal it came from.

KC Denton

Out of curiosity, what do hunters think about people who don't care about animals such as pigs, cows and deer, but are concerned about the hunting of predatory animals with endangered or still recovering populations such as lions and wolves?
You realize women used to go round up the chickens and chop their heads off not too long ago? This isn't just some male thing (based off your asinine penis comment) and people prior to the advent of refrigerators all did just fine.
What are you...did you even read the post you quoted? When did I refer to gender at all in that post? And what does gender have to do with killing and it's effect on the brain? Man or woman, I'd be worried about someone who hunts for sport. You're making a comment about a post I made earlier in the thread, if you have that big a problem with it, let me know. But if it's such an asinine comment, I don't understand why it upset you so much. Maybe it's because... nah nevermind.

I get it, some people hunt because they have to. I just highly doubt anyone on this message board hunts because they have to. Hunting to survive has never once been an issue for me, even at my hungriest. I'm just lucky I guess.


I see you need to be educated on the difference between hunting for food and hunting for a trophy on a safari

So you're ok with a nice 8 point rack on the wall as long as the hunter also gets some delicious venison sausage?

Seems like a weird distinction to me but I'm not here to judge.


Poor Lion, it's unfortunate but I'm sure the poacher will get his.
Holy shit at the eye for an eye justice though.
People so easily become the monsters they oppose, doesn't take much of a push does it.
Out of curiosity, what do hunters think about people who don't care about animals such as pigs, cows and deer, but are concerned about the hunting of predatory animals with endangered or still recovering populations such as lions and wolves?

Former hunter. I don't really like the hunting of wild lions or wolves. Especially when the latter involves shooting them from planes.


Almost any client - professional relationship where the client is paying the professional to act on their behalf, the client is (generally) unlikely to be held culpable as long as he can prove he had no knowledge of the wrong doing. Tax filing errors, legal errors resulting in contempt, improper permitting resulting in poaching.....





No matter who prepares your tax return, you, the taxpayer, are ultimately responsible for all of the information on your tax return. Therefore, never sign a blank tax form.

You may not go to jail for something the tax preparer did, but you definitely will get fined+ for it.

Regarding legal errors, the client is on the hook if the lawyer does something stupid. Everything I've found in my super short googles search basically resulted in the lawyer getting in trouble because he fucked over the client (IE he didn't tell the client that the statute of limitations had passed so he just kept putting off the client instead of telling him the truth.)

Just like the tax returns, the client has to sign off on papers before the lawyer can continue with the lawsuit/hearing. And the lawyer can't actually do anything in court until the client signs off on it.

Edit -


"You cannot advise a client to commit a crime. You cannot ask or help a client to submit forms to an agency or the court which you know contain lies. You cannot participate in anything that causes the court to be deceived. Knowingly doing so subjects the client and attorney to criminal prosecution," she points out.


I just got back from Africa, I can't imagine how dark and twisted your soul most be to want to do this to one of those animals. To see these animals in the wild is an unbelievable experience and one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. To want to destroy that and let it suffer for 40 hours is evil I cant even comprehend. I can only hope that karma catches up with him.


lol this guy's gonna get away, apology be damned, but what's the likelihood his life back in the States is utterly fucked?

shit man he could just move to a different state and start fresh :/
Hunting for food I'm cool with. Killing an animal because your life is threatened... I completely understand. Hunting just to take a life because you think that's thrilling? You're on my list of people I want nothing to do with. There's something dark about a person like that, IMO. Taking a life should not be what you do on your vacation.


Extradite his dumb ass to Zimbabwe. Let him spend 5-10 years in a prison there.

Would be a fantastic warning to all other Nimrods.

Wait this is interesting. How do you mean "Nimrod" here? As the mighty Biblical hunter, or as the goofball knucklehead hunter Elmer Fudd (named "Nimrod" sarcastically by Bugs Bunny)?

Are you against the very institution of hunting, or are you against doofus knucklehead hunters?



Yes, the client still has to pay the interest and penalties but is not held responsible for the errors of the preparer, while the prepared is charged with fraud. So the client is not held culpable for any wrong doing.

"You cannot advise a client to commit a crime. You cannot ask or help a client to submit forms to an agency or the court which you know contain lies. You cannot participate in anything that causes the court to be deceived. Knowingly doing so subjects the client and attorney to criminal prosecution," she points out.

well yeah, no shit. If the client commits a crime knowingly they are going to be prosecuted. This quote is the opposite of what we are talking about.
I hope this guy actually goes to prison for this and his business goes under. Fucking disgusting asshole.

Hunting for food I'm cool with. Killing an animal because your life is threatened... I completely understand. Hunting just to take a life because you think that's thrilling? You're on my list of people I want nothing to do with. There's something dark about a person like that, IMO. Taking a life should not be what you do on your vacation.
Trophy hunting has no place in the modern world. Especially paying huge amounts of money just to go kill something that's loved and endangered? That's the mark of a sociopath.
Seriously Fuck that guy.

He injured the lion with a crossbow bolt and then waited 40 hours to finish him off?

So sad. Such a beautiful animal.
I usually don't post in threads like this but this part pissed me off so much I had to come in here and say that. How could someone do that and feel good about themselves? Poor thing. I hope the cubs aren't just left to nothing.

There's no way in hell he wasn't aware of what he was doing-especially if he shelled out that much money. This fucker is basically saying "I"m sorry I was caught"
This is how I read it.
I never said that. I call him a liar because he plead guilty to lying to Federal Authorities in the past about his illegal poaching activities. I also believe he is lying now about Cecil. He did the exact same thing to Cecil by luring it out of a protected sanctuary.

Did he know the lion he shot was Cecil? It's irrelevant but I am sure his guides knew and he said he listened to them. They also destroyed the collar, so if they didn't know before, they certainly knew after.

The "remorse" he feels is not for killing the lion. How can anyone believe that given his history??? His remorse is for being exposed and suffering the consequences of internet justice.

Completely agree. Given his past infractions deceit, and the hard-on for big game trophies, this POS harbors NO remorse. He deserves every bit of grief thrown his way.


This is so goddamn infuriating. How is it even possible to become such a huge selfish fucking douchebag? Fuck him and all the assholes doing this shit.
Out of curiosity, what do hunters think about people who don't care about animals such as pigs, cows and deer, but are concerned about the hunting of predatory animals with endangered or still recovering populations such as lions and wolves?


im from an area where hunting is pretty big. the hunters ive interacted with are huge conservationists.

a few ive talked to in a group chat today about this are disgusted by it


Out of curiosity, what do hunters think about people who don't care about animals such as pigs, cows and deer, but are concerned about the hunting of predatory animals with endangered or still recovering populations such as lions and wolves?

As long as it's contributing to a conservation effort or is needed for the ecosystem to thrive, I'm okay with it but personally I would never hunt something that I can't use as food. Hunting in Africa though is pretty sketchy. I have no respect for someone hunting a declining animal just for sport, even if it's technically legal in whatever country they're in.
Okay guys, time to cool off here.

Don't post with the deliberate intent to antagonize other posters. Don't wish for people to be killed or raped in prison.

I really hate threads like this where most of the people I have to ban (most, not all) are people I generally agree with, but who can't help but go over the line, fueled by passion.

Calm down. Being calm does not mean you have to not care.

Certainly not trying to tell you what to do, but maybe add this (or part of it) in the OP?


So basically because GAF hates rich hunters, everything that is on the GUIDE'S LEGAL BUSINESS to handle, take care of, and conduct is now the responsibility of the HUNTER. Yeah, no. The business is state sanctioned, and exists so people don't have to do all of these things. They are supposed to handle the hunt, they are supposed to handle the permits and permissions. The hunters who pay come along, do as they are told when they are told to do it and go home with the trophy.
He went through a licensed Hunting Operation to obtain what he believed to be a legal license to hunt a lion. He did nothing wrong on his part legally, which is why the Tour Guide and the landowner are now sitting in jail and he is not.

You really think the guy waving around $55,000 in Zimbabwe isn't in a position of power here?

He's knows exactly that a stack of bills can get him anything and everything he wants.

Have you ever left the US?
So basically because GAF hates rich hunters, everything that is on the GUIDE'S LEGAL BUSINESS to handle, take care of, and conduct is now the responsibility of the HUNTER. Yeah, no. The business is state sanctioned, and exists so people don't have to do all of these things. They are supposed to handle the hunt, they are supposed to handle the permits and permissions. The hunters who pay come along, do as they are told when they are told to do it and go home with the trophy.

if the guide took him on this hunt, it was a bribe, not a fee


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
I usually don't post in threads like this but this part pissed me off so much I had to come in here and say that. How could someone do that and feel good about themselves? Poor thing. I hope the cubs aren't just left to nothing.

This is how I read it.

Cecil now leaves behind a pride of lions, including females with whom he mated and 24 of his cubs. Those cubs, preservationists say, will now likely be killed by other lions.



Hunting for food I'm cool with. Killing an animal because your life is threatened... I completely understand. Hunting just to take a life because you think that's thrilling? You're on my list of people I want nothing to do with. There's something dark about a person like that, IMO. Taking a life should not be what you do on your vacation.

How do you feel about people who "eat for taste", which most meat-eating (animal killing) falls under? Alternatively, they could sustain themselves on non-animal food (or at the very least fish and insects) and acquire the same nutrients.
So basically because GAF hates rich hunters, everything that is on the GUIDE'S LEGAL BUSINESS to handle, take care of, and conduct is now the responsibility of the HUNTER. Yeah, no. The business is state sanctioned, and exists so people don't have to do all of these things. They are supposed to handle the hunt, they are supposed to handle the permits and permissions. The hunters who pay come along, do as they are told when they are told to do it and go home with the trophy.

Maybe he's legally off the hook.

But again, an experienced hunter like him doing minimal research prior to the trip should have known something wasn't right. And once the "hunt" began, you'd have to be willfully ignoring several red flags to continue with the kill.
Wait this is interesting. How do you mean "Nimrod" here? As the mighty Biblical hunter, or as the goofball knucklehead hunter Elmer Fudd (named "Nimrod" sarcastically by Bugs Bunny)?

Are you against the very institution of hunting, or are you against doofus knucklehead hunters?

Both. The first one sarcastically and the second one literally.

I do dislike hunting as a "sport". But I can live with people shooting overpopulated animals for food.

This on the other hand is disgusting. No other way around it. The guy is a despicable human being and I really hope he sees the inside of some absolute shithole of a prison in Zimbabwe for a good few years.
I may have to, although I was really hoping some reading comprehension and the generally good advice of "don't wish horrible deaths on people, even if you dislike them" would be sufficient.
I do find it weird that people are wishing death on him for giving death to the lion. Like what are you even upset about at this point? You're just as bad as him.

That's it, I'm switching sides.


Maybe he's legally off the hook.

But again, an experienced hunter like him doing minimal research prior to the trip should have known something wasn't right. And once the "hunt" began, you'd have to be willfully ignoring several red flags to continue with the kill.

Or he could be well you knoe lying to save himself?


I do find it weird that people are wishing death on him for giving death to the lion. Like what are you even upset about at this point? You're just as bad as him.

That's it, I'm switching sides.

Wishing death and actually killing something is completely different. But both are still wrong.
That's not even the same thing, idiot.

He killed it illegally.

If done legally where the proceeds would have gone to preservations of the reserve and the animals then I would have absolutely no problem.
So what you are saying is that your moral standard is based on existing laws. If Lions aren't endagered, shoot them in their fucking faces to your heart's content. If the law is struck down, wipe them out—all of them.


You really think the guy waving around $55,000 in Zimbabwe isn't in a position of power here?

He's knows exactly that a stack of bills can get him anything and everything he wants.

Have you ever left the US?

The guide's business was legal, and was licensed by the state to do this.

if the guide took him on this hunt, it was a bribe, not a fee

Again, this is a LEGAL business. The Guide just didn't hold up his end. He just did whatever.
This shouldn't be legal in the west in any shape or form. This guy should get a hefty jail sentence and revoking his gun license.

I doesn't matter to me which lion this is, it is wrong.


Maybe he's legally off the hook.

But again, an experienced hunter like him doing minimal research prior to the trip should have known something wasn't right. And once the "hunt" began, you'd have to be willfully ignoring several red flags to continue with the kill.

Disagree. There is no reason to think he knew about any of the shady shit going on. Like I said, usually these hunts are "hey you wait there we'll rustle you up a lion/giraffe/antelope" and then you shoot it.


Disagree. There is no reason to think he knew about any of the shady shit going on. Like I said, usually these hunts are "hey you wait there we'll rustle you up a lion/giraffe/antelope" and then you shoot it.

The only reason to think this guy did anything wrong is because

1) we hate the rich
2) we hate hunters
3) we really hate rich hunters


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
Poaching is gross and I hope he gets appropriately punished for it. And by that I mean prison time, community service, etc.
Disagree. There is no reason to think he knew about any of the shady shit going on. Like I said, usually these hunts are "hey you wait there we'll rustle you up a lion/giraffe/antelope" and then you shoot it.

Do these hunts always start in a national park known for a famous lion?

The only reason to think this guy did anything wrong is because

1) we hate the rich
2) we hate hunters
3) we really hate rich hunters

Not at all. I think none of these things.

And he's a poacher, not a hunter.
He went through a licensed Hunting Operation to obtain what he believed to be a legal license to hunt a lion. He did nothing wrong on his part legally, which is why the Tour Guide and the landowner are now sitting in jail and he is not.

Even if he didn't do anything wrong "legally" (which I doubt is the case), he still paid thousands of dollars to hunt endangered species for fun, not just this lion. That is some behavior that should be publicly vilified. I
The guide's business was legal, and was licensed by the state to do


Show up in an impoverished country and say "here's some hard American cash if you do some things for me"

The dentist had ALL the power. This is a guy who goes around the world killing animals to get a chubby, he knew exactly what he was doing. Never mind he has a history of breaking the law and getting away with it.

Again, have you ever been to a developing country?

Oh and by the way, I find it interesting how you hold the government of Zimbabwe in such high regard. I'm sure the permit and legal system is just like Switzerland.

Just to add, if having sex with children in Zimbabwe were legal with a paid permit, does that make it perfectly ok? After all, state sanctioned!


So basically because GAF hates rich hunters, everything that is on the GUIDE'S LEGAL BUSINESS to handle, take care of, and conduct is now the responsibility of the HUNTER. Yeah, no. The business is state sanctioned, and exists so people don't have to do all of these things. They are supposed to handle the hunt, they are supposed to handle the permits and permissions. The hunters who pay come along, do as they are told when they are told to do it and go home with the trophy.

This is pure stupidity, tell yourself that if it makes you feel better but is complete bullshit.
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