Stop drinking so much sugary soy lattes and sitting on your asses all day millennials. You're killing yourselves. Literally. Or keep pretending you're depressed because of Tr*mp and other nonsense. None of my concern.
Wonder how many millennials out there are actually depressed compared to ones that make themselves depressed by reading bad news on twitter all day.
Wonder how many millennials out there are actually depressed compared to ones that make themselves depressed by reading bad news on twitter all day.
American millennials aren't exactly the picture of health.
They're seeing their physical and mental health decline at a faster rate than Gen X did as they age, a new Blue Cross Blue Shield report found.
The report attributed this millennial health decline to both physical conditions, such as hypertension and high cholesterol, and behavioral health — particularly rises in rates of depression, hyperactivity (such as anxiety or ADHD), and substance abuse.
The report found that rates of depression and hyperactivity among American millennials increased by about 30% from 2014 to 2017.
These findings are underscored by previous reports that analyzed data from Blue Cross Blue Shield's Health Index. One found that major-depression diagnoses were rising at a faster rate for millennials and teens than they were for any other age group.
American millennials' mental and physical health is on the decline — and they're on track to die faster than Gen X, a new report says
American millennials are seeing their physical and mental health decline at a faster rate than Gen X did, a Blue Cross Blue Shield study found.