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Americans. Your opinion?

What's your opinion? Simple.

  • Ofcourse 100% true

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Yeah makes sense I guess

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Reaching a bit. Pretty pessimistic.

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Good point here and there but nah not really

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fuck off with this BS

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 11 40.7%

  • Total voters


Top universities globally:
USA #1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, and on and on and on....
Netherlands: #72
Barack Obama Applause GIF by Obama

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
It's a whole bunch of factors, honestly. The western world has been in decline for a while. I'd say the biggest reasons are diet, pharmaceutical industries, and the push for no accountability. Like pigs being led to slaughter. You'll see tons of commercials for all sorts of problems, but not one saying the benefits of exercise or drinking more water.

A lot of other nations have been improving though, so maybe things are just evening out
It's is a whole a bunch. I agree


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
In all seriousness, it’s not just America that’s getting dumber from my view. From what I can tell, everyone seems to be getting dumber. Or at least western countries.

Though I guess it’s not quite fair to say that people are getting dumber, I think it’s more like dumb people are getting louder. In no uncertain terms, I wholeheartedly blame social media for this. That’s not the only problem, but it’s easily the largest contributing factor in my opinion.


In all seriousness, it’s not just America that’s getting dumber from my view. From what I can tell, everyone seems to be getting dumber. Or at least western countries.

Though I guess it’s not quite fair to say that people are getting dumber, I think it’s more like dumb people are getting louder. In no uncertain terms, I wholeheartedly blame social media for this. That’s not the only problem, but it’s easily the largest contributing factor in my opinion.

That's thoroughly explained in the video.

But why watch when you can kneejerk react and can't look behind the needed clickbait title that's neccessary to get picked up by the YT algorithm hence it's by design, not sincere because that get's you zero views.


The defensive patriotism on display is scary af btw.
Country build on immigrants lol
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Yeah, I’ll definitely check it out later once I’m done with work.
Isn't IQ an ever-changing scale based on the latest standard distribution where 100 is the average? I could be wrong.

It would be kind of funny to find out our new "100" is equivalent to 1967's room temp IQ.


Is this guy a Brit talking about how bad America has become? Lol. Lmao even.

I'll give it a watch tonight before bed, but the cherry picked examples and youtuber "gocha" videos interviewing idiots on the streets doesn't give me good cause to believe he's making points in good faith.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I'd never heard of Kensington Ave before and then in the same day, I saw it mentioned in this thread and then a podcast I listened to.

Is it the Baader-Meinhof effect, the "algorithm", a little of both? 🤔


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Is this guy a Brit talking about how bad America has become? Lol. Lmao even.

I'll give it a watch tonight before bed, but the cherry picked examples and youtuber "gocha" videos interviewing idiots on the streets doesn't give me good cause to believe he's making points in good faith.

Brits don't even own London anymore.


Is this guy a Brit talking about how bad America has become? Lol. Lmao even.

I'll give it a watch tonight before bed, but the cherry picked examples and youtuber "gocha" videos interviewing idiots on the streets doesn't give me good cause to believe he's making points in good faith.

Top universities globally:
USA #1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, and on and on and on....
Netherlands: #72
I don't think being in the top 0.4% globally is a bad thing, especially considering the massive gulf in difference when it comes to cost; US better be claiming the top spots for the amount of debt you'll be putting yourself in.


America was off from the beginning. How can you say all men are created equal when there’s tall and short people, smart and stupid people. The only thing they do right is pronouncing their R’s.


Equal rights. Lmao. At what cost?

Trail of tears for starters.

Founded/claimed previous civ infrastructure etc

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Shit is a global pandemic now. Honest answer. And all this shit is accelerated by our fucking cell phones. You know which apps are guilty as fuck.
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a phenomenon illustrating that those who are overconfident in their ability may not actually be the top performers, whereas those who believe they are average, or even slightly below, often demonstrate great skill.


Equal rights. Lmao. At what cost?

Trail of tears for starters.

Founded/claimed previous civ infrastructure etc

Without having to watch the whole 18 minute video -I'm already aware of the words uncomfortably not exactly matching reality, such as the massive elephant in the room of slavery. "Equality". Doesn't change the point here that the meaning was never to try and suggest everyone is an equal height even though they really aren't. The idea is equal rights regardless of height. Seems obvious but then you have people being disingenuous just to stir shit.
Hey ChatGPT, why is America the best country in the world?
While it's not accurate to label any country as the "best" because countries can be evaluated based on various factors and personal perspectives, America or the United States does have several positive aspects that many people admire:

  1. Diversity: The U.S. is a melting pot of cultures, races, and religions, making it one of the most diverse countries in the world. This diversity is celebrated and contributes to a rich cultural landscape.
  2. Opportunities: The U.S. is often seen as a land of opportunity. Many people immigrate to the U.S. in search of better job opportunities, education, and a higher standard of living.
  3. Education: The U.S. is home to some of the world's top universities and research institutions. The country is known for its high-quality education and innovative research.
  4. Freedom and Rights: The U.S. Constitution guarantees certain rights and freedoms to its citizens, such as freedom of speech and religion.
  5. Economic Power: The U.S. has one of the largest and most influential economies in the world. It's a global leader in several industries, including technology and entertainment.
  6. Natural Beauty: From the Grand Canyon to Yellowstone National Park, the U.S. boasts a wide range of breathtaking landscapes and natural wonders.
However, like any other country, the U.S. also faces challenges, such as income inequality, healthcare accessibility, and political polarization. It's important to consider both the strengths and weaknesses when evaluating a country.

Hey ChatGPT, why is America the worst country in the world?
It's not accurate or fair to label any country, including America or the United States, as the "worst" because countries are complex entities with various strengths and weaknesses, and personal perspectives can greatly influence how one evaluates a country. However, there are several challenges and issues that the U.S. faces, which some people may point to as reasons why they view it negatively:

  1. Income inequality: The gap between the rich and the poor in the U.S. is significant and has been growing for decades. This has led to issues such as homelessness, poverty, and limited access to opportunities for many.
  2. Healthcare: The U.S. is one of the few developed nations without universal healthcare, and healthcare costs are significantly higher than in many other countries. Many Americans struggle to afford healthcare or health insurance.
  3. Political polarization: The political climate in the U.S. has become increasingly divisive in recent years, leading to gridlock in government and difficulty in addressing important issues.
  4. Gun violence: The U.S. has a higher rate of gun violence than many other developed countries, and gun control remains a contentious issue.
  5. Incarceration rates: The U.S. has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, with a disproportionate number of minorities represented in the prison population.
  6. Climate change: While the U.S. is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, there has been resistance to addressing climate change at the federal level and implementing sustainable policies.
  7. Education system: Although the U.S. has some top-ranked universities, its K-12 education system faces challenges, such as unequal funding and performance gaps between schools in wealthy and low-income areas.
These challenges, among others, can contribute to a negative perception of the U.S. However, it's essential to consider both the strengths and weaknesses of a country when evaluating it.

Hey ChatGPT, why is America the average-est country in the world?

While it's not entirely accurate to categorize America or the United States as "average" because countries can vary greatly in numerous aspects, there are certain areas where the U.S. may be considered average or middle-of-the-road compared to other countries. Some examples include:

  1. Life expectancy: The U.S. has an average life expectancy when compared to other developed countries. While it's higher than in some countries, it's lower than others, and it has been decreasing in recent years due to factors such as the opioid crisis and rising suicide rates.
  2. Happiness index: In the World Happiness Report, the U.S. usually ranks within the top 20 countries but is not among the top 10. This ranking is based on factors such as income, social support, and life expectancy.
  3. Internet speed: The U.S. has average internet speeds when compared to other developed countries. Although it has made progress in recent years, it still lags behind some countries in terms of both speed and accessibility.
  4. Maternity and paternity leave: The U.S. is one of the few countries that does not guarantee paid maternity or paternity leave at the federal level, placing it behind many other developed nations in terms of family support policies.
  5. Renewable energy: While the U.S. is one of the world's largest producers of renewable energy, it still relies heavily on fossil fuels for its energy needs. The percentage of renewable energy used in the U.S. is similar to that of many other countries.
  6. Voter turnout: Voter turnout in the U.S. is average compared to other developed countries. While it has improved in recent elections, it's still lower than in many other democracies.
Again, it's important to remember that countries can be evaluated based on various factors, and personal perspectives can greatly influence how one views a country. The U.S. has both strengths and weaknesses, and some aspects may be considered average while others may be seen as exceptional or challenging.



Sad America GIF

Please don't misinterpret my post and insinuate such a gif reaction Bossman. You know my heart is in a good place.

My English isn't that great and if I offended someone I'm dearly sorry.

Fwiw. I know I made a shitty thread. Perhaps i should use translate from now on to come across as efficiently as can be.
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So. I get the American love hate. BUT two things I have noticed in the past.

1.) the rest of the world seems to be drowning in American culture. If they want it or not. I do agree that some recent aspects of our culture has made us “dumber”. BUT… if the rest of the world is drowning in our culture. It will eventually catch up to everyone else too!

2.). My wife is Russian. My neighbor is from Spain, and my friend is from Mexico.

The one thing they always make remarks about is how hard Americans “can” work.

We are built tougher. I’m not sure it is for the better. Our work life balance is messed up. But we can historically “go” like no other place.

Though plenty of other countries can too. I think it is still a defining trait of United States. (Mexico, Germany, Canada, China, Japan, Russia) they can too.

Again though, it is better or worse. Just perception. I think work life balance needs to be addressed around the world going forward.
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I myself love certain aspects of America. The video title was clickbait but if you watch you know. And it goes for other countries as well. Poorly made OP. Lots of kneejerk reactions.


Gold Member
So. I get the American love hate. BUT two things I have noticed in the past.

1.) the rest of the world seems to be drowning in American culture. If they want it or not. I do agree that some recent aspects of our culture has made us “dumber”. BUT… if the rest of the world is drowning in our culture. It will eventually catch up to everyone else too!
A little provocation here: the aspects of American culture that conquered the world are pretty much those that America could/wanted to throw all the money into.

Cinema in the west today is mainly Hollywood, because Hollywood had more money than anyone else to make movies.
Cinema wasn’t invented in the US, and local movies had great success in their respective countries until the 70s, when the production value gap got irredeemably skewed in favor of the US. Nowhere else in the world could Jaws or Star Wars be made, and where they couldn’t make those movies, they didn’t even think they could. Money, more than talent, helped American cinema and TV trump every other nation and spread all over the world.

Money begets opportunity, and opportunity begets creativity. This is why American culture (mostly entertainment, really) could get so varied and offer themes and styles that couldn’t be produced anywhere else. So, it’s money that made American culture widespread. It’s not inherently superior - it’s simply more varied, and flamboyant and bombastic to a degree that simply can’t be matched anywhere else.

Sure, then there’s all the scientific culture America produced. Again, being the richest nation in a world devastated by the biggest war in history helped just a little bit there. The world needed science to advance, and American money made research possible, again, to a degree that was impossible anywhere else.


It's a whole bunch of factors, honestly. The western world has been in decline for a while. I'd say the biggest reasons are diet, pharmaceutical industries, and the push for no accountability. Like pigs being led to slaughter. You'll see tons of commercials for all sorts of problems, but not one saying the benefits of exercise or drinking more water.

A lot of other nations have been improving though, so maybe things are just evening out
My opinion is it is in decline due to central banks using legalized counterfeit to steal from the middle class and poor.

In the United States, we adopted a central bank after two failed attempts that stuck and have been in servitude ever since. The Federal Reserve caused the great depression.
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