Empyrean Heaven
Good, I haven't missed Amazon yet.
Did Toys R' Us ever apologize for the 3AM fiasco?
Did Toys R' Us ever apologize for the 3AM fiasco?
So theoretically if you main'd a character with a super-rare Amiibo, like Ness or Jigglypuff, and they put out a card for those characters at a later date, you'd be willing to just grab that and be set?
I guess I just figured almost all of us were in this for having the figures since the functionality is so limited outside of Smash and having a figure of our favorite Nintendo characters is still kind of novel.
I do care that they have functionality with games, but I'd like to see more with the internal software for the consoles and handhelds. They just need to think of some great ways to use them.A lot of people do care. I guess the toy collector mentality keeps some people from seeing it.
I want Smash amiibo because I like using them in Smash. I'm not buying any Mario Party amiibo and not lusting over gold mario because I'm not a mint-in-box collector, and I don't care about Mario Party. And I know a fair number of people who actually are using the figures in Smash.
They lost $39 (potentially by never restocking).
But then I added how how much I spent: $507.
Ultimately it doesn't make a point because they aren't understocking them to piss you off.
That is a big driver, especially for the people paying tons of money to collect them. Go into an Amiibo thread outside this one though and you get the "physical DLC" comments where the worth of the Amiibo is just the functionality and this group seems to get more and more irritated that Amiibo are doing more and more interesting things. They don't like the price, they don't want the "clutter" but they do want the functionality. Cards better serves that market.
This is a daring and thought-provoking accusation that totally hasn't been brought up before (and totally ignores that part where Nintendo makes no money/loses money from not having product on shelves).
It's beyond baffling Nintendo believes Amiibo cards are a solution to the scarcity issue, as if any of us actually really cared about the in-game functionality of these figures.
Oh believe me, I'm right there with you, with Jigglpuff especially. But if you're even considering going to a scalper, at least wait until you know for certain there's no way you're going to get these. You're not looking for exclusives from the sound of it, so there is still a good chance you might be able to find one or all of the ones you need in-store.
Good, I haven't missed Amazon yet.
Did Toys R' Us ever apologize for the 3AM fiasco?
Huh, interesting! I had no idea that kind of demand for the existing functionality was there.
That's not why they're doing amiibo cards.
This is a daring and thought-provoking accusation that totally hasn't been brought up before (and totally ignores that part where Nintendo makes no money/loses money from not having product on shelves).
Well nothing has yet. Unless you can find a cause for a class action lawsuit or something else that hurts their wallets, Nintendo is going to keep ignoring the West.
We are an afterthought to them.
Yeah, their Twitter proves they have no shame.
I distinctly remember someone at Nintendo talking about cards as a potential solution for people who weren't able to get their hands on harder to find Amiibos, but obviously the only Amiibo cards right now are those Animal Crossing cards which serve a very different purpose.
Interesting point you make about the Japanese market and cards though!
Haha. Math is hard.They profit more off of less people buying
That's not why they're doing amiibo cards.
The amiibo cards are really more for Japan (and plus Animal Crossing figures would be ridiculous). In Japan, the toys-to-life market just isn't there and amiibo isn't doing all that well there. Cards, on the other hand, are still huge so by putting the same functionality in a card, it opens the entire market up. As Iwata said, when they revealed amiibo, Japanese analysts, investors etc. claimed they were too big to catch on in Japan, and they are right.
Nintendo doesnt really give a damn about the fans. Just look at the exclusives. Now some people understand the hell third parties went through with this company. I remember Pete Hines grilled Nintendo a new one about their shitty communication skills.
*waits patiently for chance to pre-order Robin, Lucina, & Splatoon 3-pack at GameStop with credit*
Darn. Least I was able to get Ness via Web In-Store.Unless they change their mind later, it looks like in store preorders won't be happening. Hopefully online preorders still happen.
Darn. Least I was able to get Ness via Web In-Store.
Not gonna try for Pac-Man or Wario since I'm sure they won't be hard to find (i.e people know who they are in comparison to Fire Emblem).
Unless they change their mind later, it looks like in store preorders won't be happening. Hopefully online preorders still happen.
What?polygon's fault, not their's
Don't, and don't import either unless you're really okay with the money. It's not worth it in the end. Just get some sleep and make your peace. Don't lose sight of what's really going on, as cool as Amiibos are they are, in a sense are just consumer trophies and you shouldn't need to hurt or stress yourself to get them.
I actually got lucky with Rosalina & ordering her online. Even got two, one for me & one for a giveaway to show my appreciation for the community.Lucina and Robin are the only ones left that I'm dying to get. I still need Jiggly but if worst comes to worst I'll line up on release day like I did with Rosie.
I actually got lucky with Rosalina & ordering her online. Even got two, one for me & one for a giveaway to show my appreciation for the community.
Thankfully, there's only 3 exclusives this time around & I got the one that I only cared for.
Maybe I'll aim for Amazon since I could slowly work up some credit & put it towards the pre-order since I wouldn't be charged until it shipped.
The cards will be even worse as I wholeheartedly expect them to be blind packed.
I'm iffy either way... I mean on one hand if you blind packed them they would take up less room and you can get people to buy duplicates. on the other hand each card has to have a chip in it so it can function like an amiibo which means the cost to create the cards will be a lot higher than just normal cards which means compared to something like magic/pokemon that would be 4-5 bucks a pack for 10+ cards you could be looking at like $10 a pack for like 5 cards.
I was shocked when I saw they were adding a Villager costume. Just seems in bad taste when he's the rarest amiibo there is... he is getting reprinted in Japan though, I guess.I'm a little salty that the next set of Mario Kart costumes includes more rares, recently-sold-out, impossible to find, or unreleased characters
I was shocked when I saw they were adding a Villager costume. Just seems in bad taste when he's the rarest amiibo there is... he is getting reprinted in Japan though, I guess.
I distinctly remember someone at Nintendo talking about cards as a potential solution for people who weren't able to get their hands on harder to find Amiibos, but obviously the only Amiibo cards right now are those Animal Crossing cards which serve a very different purpose.
Interesting point you make about the Japanese market and cards though!
only animal crossing card I'd bother with is Isabelle but I doubt I'm alone in that
I don't know if I'd ever bother with amiibo cards. I never have really gotten into card stuff before. Especially if they're blind packed.
That would be awesome if you can pick and choose instead of get blind packs. You'll only have to preorder 5 monts in advance though.
You KNOW the AC cards will be blind packs. Pokemon cards have always been blind buys, & I'm sure with how many they plan to make (I think one was numbered 90-something), they'll make more money having people buy blind packs compared to "you get these 5 in this pack".
cards come in 4 rarities, common, uncommon, rare, unicorn.
each pack contains 3 commons, 1 uncommon and either a second uncommon, a rare or a unicorn.
the rarity lines up with the ammibo rarity. odds to get a second uncommon 80%, odds to get a rare 19.5% odds to get a unicorn .5% odds you will get over 100 mario cards before you get a single unicorn 99.99%
actually with the animal crossing cards did they confirm that they will work like amiibos again in the sense that they will have a chip in them and save data and what not? I know that is how actual amiibo cards would have to work to function like an amiibo, but they could totally have animal crossing cards just have a code to scan on the back of the card via camera like they have done in the past with cards, and could just have it part of their amiibo line since it's physical add on content.
amiibo line is NFC, not physical add on content.
Besides, they said outright that this is NFC.
Lol, well I guess when you break it down like that
Eh, it's just not the same for me. Even if I miss an amiibo, I still know what I was aimming for and missed. I've never cared much for the idea of picking up a pack of cards without the slightest cool of what you could get. I know that's part of the appeal of it for those interested, but it's not for me.
I got a notification from NowInStock for Robin & Lucina at Amazon. Is it acting up or is it really happening?
EDIT: Checked Amazon, still nothing for now. Looks like it was just acting up, false alarm. ;_;
Every time new Amiibo go up for pre-order