I wouldn't mind one of these, especially since I tossed out the boxes. Nice clean pics.
Oh wow, that looks rather neat. Wonder if I'd be able to get one somehow. Maybe I could ask, though not sure when the next time I would go to GS.
My Pit amiibo was sitting on my shelf in the packaging for a week. I finally broke down and opened him up. Definitely one of the best looking Amiibos by far.
edit - also did Silver Mario go live anywhere for US yet? I see that Best Buy added the picture to the listing...
Nope, still just a placeholder for both BB and Amazon, which is weird for BB.
Nintendo's online store is so bad. I'm glad they don't actually sell amiibo there.
So a week ago Kid Icarus card packs were up. I figured sure why not I love opening packs I'll throw down a little cash and get some.
They arrived today and are literally the same fucking cards you get for buying the game. On the site it even shows a picture of the booster pack. But what I got was just basically replacement cards that I already owned.
Probably the most disgusting bait and switch I've ever seen in my life.
So now I get to ship them back and get a refund. And I'm not even sure they will refund my shipping back costs either. Clearly they are in the wrong but who knows.
And there is like no formal return process either. I have to ship them back with a letter stating that I want a refund. I feel like I'm stepping out of 1995 today with this shit.
Yay, just opened up my box and was like WTF is this. Literally don't have the strength to take care of this right now. Fuckers.
Yeah, I got duped on this one too! I thought they were booster packs based on the picture. All the cards aren't the same in each pack, but very similar. =(Yay, just opened up my box and was like WTF is this. Literally don't have the strength to take care of this right now. Fuckers.
I've been away from AmiiboGaf for about a month now (When it's in Community I forget to visit). Did Amazon ever go up?
Too bad we can't put this gif in the next title. ;p
Nintendo just keeps getting me to throw them money with their merchandising. Had lucina preordered and just now ordered the splatoon squid cushions from amiami. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/de...platoon+cushion$pagemax=40$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1Figma Lucina back in preorder! Nice pair-up with Amiibo Figma of course!
Nintendo just keeps getting me to throw them money with their merchandising. Had lucina preordered and just now ordered the splatoon squid cushions from amiami. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/de...platoon+cushion$pagemax=40$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1
Lewd!While you're ordering Figma Lucina, don't forget to grab some new Splatoon cushions for your amiibo to rest on!
Orange Squid Cushion
Lime Green Squid Cushion
I need to start getting commissions from getting you guys to buy stuff.
EDIT: Nighteater pls
Well Target finally cancelled the Jigglypuff order attached to my cancelled credit card. Why like other retailers they don't try to get another form of payment instead of canceling I don't know. And why they kept attempting to charge my card weeks before the item is released is also a mystery.
Not a good showing Target.
Figma Lucina back in preorder! Nice pair-up with Amiibo Figma of course!
I gave in to temptation and just preordered her. It really is a great looking figma.
I make no guarantees.dat plot
Horizon pls don't get banned too
Wouldn't surprise me.
The 29th will be one exciting day for us. What are your plans, Amiibros?
I work that day and it being a Friday, I get paid on that day. I won't be camping out or anything like that. All I need is Ness and I'll end up having to trade for it if Ness is never available for online ordering. Other than that, I'll be playing Splatoon!
Are you talking about the cards that come with the 3DS stand?
Perfect for those that purchased Kid Icarus: Uprising on the Nintendo eShop!
These items help you maximize the enjoyment you receive from your Nintendo eShop purchase of Kid Icarus: Uprising. A durable plastic stand makes long play sessions comfortable and enjoyable. AR Idol Cards that spring to life and battle each other when viewed through the Nintendo 3DS Cameras.
If this same message was put in the one you bought, then it's clearly your own fault since it says these are meant for the E-Shop version since that didn't come with cards. If the message wasn't there then idk, whatever. I don't think they ever sold cards for this, just a few promos and then the Club Nintendo pack for the US iirc, which I still have sealed somewhere...
Doc is my fav from these lots.
Gonna be heading out early to line up for Jigglypuff. Come home then go to Gamestop when store opens to pick up Splatoon along with Ness and inklings amiibo. Play Splatoon all day and patiently wait for my best buy order of all the non exclusives to arrive.The 29th will be one exciting day for us. What are your plans, Amiibros?
I work that day and it being a Friday, I get paid on that day. I won't be camping out or anything like that. All I need is Ness and I'll end up having to trade for it if Ness is never available for online ordering. Other than that, I'll be playing Splatoon!