Got all the ones I wanted at BB
Got all the ones I wanted at BB
Toys R Us never puts out the new waves, you line up and go to the registers where they have the newest Nintendo release and the Amiibos straight out of the box.
Sorry but it looks like you missed out, they probably sold everything at opening.
Yeah I stopped by one after TRU to pick up Super Mario Maker at Best Buy and they had 2 ZSS, Ganondorf and Olimar left. Since I got everything at TRU (and Dr. Mario in the mail) I left them for someone else. I'm sitting on too much trade bait as it isBest Buy is stocked today? Great!
Glad to see the success stories, everyone. The only thing I've been able to do so far was walk to the closest Meijer which didn't even get their shipment in. They don't even know when it will come in and they said only three people showed up for amiibo which means I would've had a pretty good chance had they got them in. I'll be able to get to TRU in about an hour so I'm really hoping I can find something.
Happy for you all that got what you wanted!
Got to Best Buy 15 minutes early. I was the first and only person in line until it opened. they had all the Amiibos. More Ganons than anything. They only had a handful of classic Marios. Good luck everyone!
Anywhere to get 8bit and Olimar online right now?
That's what I'm hearing. Ganon's still up right now but I'll hold off until I get there and see. Thanks!TRU stocks were really good in columbus for me. Only ganondorf is nowhere to be seen
but he's on gamestop atm
I need to go on a Gamestop adventure, find me that Ganondorf at the very least. D:
Also when can we pick up the Duck Hunt/ROB/G & W pack?
I need to go on a Gamestop adventure, find me that Ganondorf at the very least. D:
Also when can we pick up the Duck Hunt/ROB/G & W pack?
If it's anything like the one I went to it may be too late to get him in store. They only got like 6 of him and 6 of the Mario at the store I went to and they were gone in seconds.
Your bestchoice would be this now.and only?
Tried it, when you go to check out it removes it from your cart. Gave it a good few tries too, assuming they sold out.
Also thanks for the info Tigro!
Well to be fair if he's anything like the other Zelda ones then I'm sure he'll be back.
Someone in front of me boght the last Ganondorf at my TRU and the lady who rung him up screams, "We are now sold out of the Gandalf Amiibo!" I almost lost it, haha.
so what amiibo of the smash line still remain? Falco, Retro 3 pack (Duck Hunt, GW, ROB), and DLC Chars?
so what amiibo of the smash line still remain? Falco, Retro 3 pack (Duck Hunt, GW, ROB), and DLC Chars?
so what amiibo of the smash line still remain? Falco, Retro 3 pack (Duck Hunt, GW, ROB), and DLC Chars?
Must be a TRU inside joke or something cause at mine they couldn't say his name and just called him "Gandolf" too![]()
If it's anything like the one I went to it may be too late to get him in store. They only got like 6 of him and 6 of the Mario at the store I went to and they were gone in seconds.
Your bestchoice would be this now.and only?
The manager that came out today to tell everyone at TRU what was going on said something about thanking everyone for coming out for this new Pokemon thing. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.
Are Marth and Captain Falcon still good trade fodder? I really need the Toys r Us exclusives.
Just came back from Toys R Us, Target and Best Buy. Got 6 Amiibos and Mario Maker today. This is the first time I lined up for Amiibos. A good 30 or so people In line. What am I doing to myself?
Do you have both of these? What do you need exactly?
I do have them both. I need Greninja, Lucario, Ike, Lucina, and Robin. Dunno what Marth and Falcon are worth together now as far as trades go.
I feel a bit dumb about ordering from Walmart when I easily found everybody today. Toysrus had plenty of Bowser Jr's as did Target with Dr. Mario and I went to the Gamestop close by and they had 8 of every Amiibo still so I got the other 4 there. I cancelled with Walmart but with my luck it was too late so i'll probably still get em in the mail.