After 15-20 or so flawless amiibo deliveries from Amazon, my Ganondorf arrived today in less than mint condition. The card back was completely bent over the top of the plastic to squeeze him in the box. It was bizarre, because the box he came in was the perfect size to fit an amiibo box. The height/width were right on. They had actually rotated it the other way, then bent the card to fit it in. There was like 5 inches of open space at the top of the box where they could have just gently set the amiibo in correctly. I think they might be deliberately trolling amiibo fanatics at this point lol.
Another hilarious issue for new-in-box people was that the clear plastic support that rests in front of Ganondorf's legs had come loose in the box and was lodged up near his head. I kinda shook it back and forth to see if I could get it to fall but it was completely stuck. Pretty funny.
None of this was a problem for me because I opened him up right after that haha. Ganon himself is in fine shape. I have been saving all the card backs though (not even sure why, just didn't feel like throwing them out). I didn't start carefully cutting off the main part of the boxes until wave 2 though, so most of my wave 1 ones are way more damaged than Ganon's, even with the huge crease.
In other news, Classic Mario from Walmart has still seen no update. Now 2 days after the original delivery date, and still "processing." Groan.