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Amiibo Thread 7 | Now Lucina, now you don't

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Close ups of the face please.


Best I can do. What do you think?

Wave 4 Haul A (in-store)

4 Silver Mario (me + dad)
2 Jigglypuff (already accounted for)
2 Greninja
1 Marth
1 Robin
1 Lucina
1 Splatoon Trilogy

Wave 4 Haul B (by mail, not pictured)

4 Ness
3 Charizard
4 Jigglypuff
3 Lucina (1 if Walmart fails me)
1 Robin
1 PAC-Man
1 Wario

Sorry about Ness guys, I got 2 and my dad got 2. I open one and keep one sealed, the third is for a friend and I might be trading the fourth already.

So I should have available for trade:
3 Jigglypuff, 2 Silver Mario, 2 Lucina (if Walmart pulls through), 1 Robin and 1 Rosalina. I'm looking for sealed NA Little Mac and NA/JP Villager for now. I also need Ike and Shulk.
Went to Gamestop, got the very last Ness, and I only had to wait in line for two minutes. Overall, very good.

And, I don't know how to write this without being offensive so I'll keep it brief, but man I just hate Gamestop and the people who shop there. I think I go there once every 18 months, and I always hate it.

Random overheard tidbit. Someone saw a father bring his two elementary-aged children to a Target and walk out of the store each carrying two bags full of Amiibos. Another one said they took the Silver Marios and put them in a cooler in the outdoor section so they can go back today and get two more.

Also, several people admitted that they buy multiples for quick trading, but if they don't get what they want, they just scalp them on eBay (which again makes me think most who buy multiples are scalpers and/or high exclusive traders that contribute to scalping and ruin the experience for everyone).
For grins I went to TRU and BB close to my work.

TRU had some of the common's and Silver Mario, but no Greninja, not surprised.

The Best Buy next door had absolutely nothing, not even what could be considered a common. I had to ask to see if I just missed the display and apparently they were all sold out of everything. Really just wanted a Meta Knight for my son, he loves Kirby and it's the one he's missing from that "series" (anyone want to trade a Jiggly for a Meta by any chance?)


Okay, here's the deal. Top row belongs to my roomie, everything else is mine. One Marth and one Silver Mario, Greninas well as DeDeDe are going to my trade pile? My roomie got lucky. Rest of Amiibo are coming in the mail, GameStop 6-pack as well as Splattoon triple pack, duplicates of all which WILL be returned (I just wanna choose best paint jobs and return the duplicates). ONLY exception is Wario; I will be keeping 3 total, one sealed (like Rosie, my only other duplicate), one to use, and one for my father for Father's Day (he's gonna love it!).

Everyone in all 3 lines today was so friendly and civil, and here were lots of trades going in the line, in fact I got an extra metal Mario for trading an Inkling girl single. Here was no scalping and the one guy who was attempting to sell Ike and WFT was promptly shooed away; this is how it should be.

Target, GameStop, and TRU did a fan-fucking-tactic job today; everyone was taken care of for the most part, and we helped each other find decent online deals and set up straight trades; truly amiibros everywhere.

See guys, we CAN beat the scalpers. As for my trade pile, it is all going for trades or directly at cost!
I'd be interested in a Marth with a straight sword.


Jealous of the Greninjas. My TRU was sold out even at 1 per customer and having like 100 in stock.

Hope TRU.com ships them out soon.

Also, Gamestop shipped my Shulk order from back in February. I don't know how that happened.


i got both inklings, charizard, and wario off the shelf at best buy while grabbing splatoon.

There were five pacman figures but i deccided i don't actually care about him.

i don't think i'll be putting any effort into acquiring the others i like. the mythical status of the fire emblem characters combined with store exclusives broke me.

And this week was it's 35th anniversary :'(


Went to the only 3 Toys R Us' in Austin and every single one of them were sold out of Greninja. I have an extra Jigglypuff if anyone would like to trade a Greninja for.
Well, I was able to grab all but Marth, Lucina, and Robin at the Toys R Us I worked at as by the time I was off shift those three (only 4 each) were already nabbed up. I'm really glad my store does one per customer and does tickets, as well as not let the employees hold items for themselves. Also picked up a Mega Man that was the last in our store and area afaik. Cardboard is a bit damaged, but I'm not looking to sell these things.

After on a whim, I went 5 minutes out of the drive back home to a Gamestop (Both by the TRU were slammed from what was being reported) to see if Robin and Lucina might be in and no hope of seeing Ness. No L&R, but turns out that one of the two Ness they received was still in :). So maybe I'll make an attempt for Lucina and Robin tonight.

The Target across from the Toys R Us I work at was already sold out of Jigglypuff, as they allowed 2 per customer and apparently the employees have been holding some for themselves. They and Walmart really need to tighten their shit up.

Just to give some numbers from TRU:

16 Greninjas in addition to the 10 Pre-order
16 Silver Mario
8 Wario
~8 Charizard
4 Marth
4 Lucina
4 Robin

Don't recall Splatoons or Pac Man (in addition to the 10 preorders), though there was quite a bit of Splatoon.

Edit: The squirt gun thing I didn't know about until today. Some places had them, some didn't.
I understand not everyone was able to go out this morning and those who were may not have been able to find everything they wanted. But I do want to applaud Target and Toys R Us for having a decent amount of stock in most markets for this round of their store exclusives, especially TRU.


Went to gamestop and, even though they didn't get any Lucina's or Robin's, I did get this


so I'm fairly happy right now. Splatoon triple pack on the way from Best Buy (delivery estimated for today at that), now to cross my fingers for amazon!


Targets and Best Buy were barren as usual. Lady at best buy said they only got enough Lucina's to fill preorders and apparently they had people lining up as far back as yesterday at noon. Not sure what happened with Splatoon. They had several preorders for the amiibo but I was the only one who preordered the game and I didn't see any copies on the floor. No poster either.

Toys R US had decent amount of splatoon amiibos including the triple pack and plenty of pac man. I ended up grabbing him and Sonic since they still had a few left. This was all around noon or so after the big morning rush.


great local gamestore called me up and got me an extra robin! Picked up splatoon 3 pack!

Also was able to pre order all of wave 5a/b


well, I got jigglypuff, greninja, and charizard after waiting at target for an hour and a half and TRU for an hour and a half.

wario and pacman are on the way from walmart.com

splatoon 3 pack are on the way from bestbuy.com

that just leaves robin and lucina.. with my last hope being amazon later this afternoon.


Neo Member
Welp Target was almost horrible because they kept insisting they only got like 4 of each or none but we powered on in anyway and what do you know? They had like 16 Jigglypuffs, so I got that, Silver Mario, and the Splatoon 3-pack. Then I made my way over to TRU who handled the whole thing beautifully and had me leaving with my Greninja in less than 30 minutes. Just waiting for my Gamestop orders to show up and this wave will be closed. Overall a successful day with some minor hiccups!

Now to prepare myself for the Kid Icarus duo in July....... *sigh*


I had really good luck today. I first walked into Target and grabbed a Jigglypuff and they had a bunch left. Then I went to Gamestop and grabbed Charizard, Pacman, and Wario. Then I waited in line at TRU and got a Greninja even though there was like 50 people in front of me. I have Ness and Splatoon pack coming from gamestop in the mail. Now I only need Robin and Lucina. Let's hope Amazon works out!


I REALLY want to type in all caps as I write this down but I'll refrain from doing so.

Posted earlier this morning how I got to TRU at 5AM and there was already 14-16 people ahead of me. Reading estimates of shipments of Robin and Lucina to different stores, I decided to try elsewhere.

Decided to drive by my local Best Buy since they didn't have any exclusives and not much buzz. Lo and behold no one was lined up as of 5:30 AM. Got out of my car and secured my spot. Butt on pavement, didn't give a fuck.

I was the only one there until 8:00 AM when another guy showed up after getting a ticket number from TRU. Prior to him showing up my only interaction with others were polite good mornings to the employees.

The line grew then from 2 to 16 people between 8 and 9:30.

At 9:30 they let me in early (!) and I was told I could get 1 of each Amiibo I wanted. Eyes immediately locked on the 3 I wanted (Lucina, Robin, Splatoon 3 Pack) and the Amiibo high hit me. I was so happy to have gotten what I wanted I ended up getting 1 of everything:

For those curious on numbers it was: Splatoon 3 Pack (3), Squid Girl (4), Squid Boy (4), Pac Man (5) Wario (4) Charizard (5) Lucina (2) Robin (2) Silver Mario (6).

I sang so happily loud in my car on the way home you have no idea. :) Good luck to everyone else!
A friend just snagged me a Greninja since I couldn't make a trip to a Toys R Us, super excited for that. Just need to get Robin and Lucina from Amazon and I'm golden for this wave.
My local Best Buy had Charizard, Wario and Splatoon 3 pack. I wasn't expecting to get Amiibos with my Splatoon purchase today, but hell why not. Best of luck to all you hunters today.
Got my Greninja. TRU had quite a bit left and I was like 25th in line. They ran out of Lucina and Robin fast. They had quite a bit of silver Mario.


Corporate Apologist
Ok, got Wario, Jigglypuff, and Silver Mario. I should be getting Charizard, Pacman, and Greninja though a preorder (And they better come, since I had ample changes to get them in store)

Didn't really want the Splatoon Amiibos, so I passed on the three packs at a few store. Hopefully not a mistake. Now all I have to do is hope I can get Robin and Lucina off of Amazon.


I was 5th in line at TRU so I JUST missed Robin and Lucina, so that was rough...but they had 5 Marths, and so it was still an incredible day of good luck. I was able to get everything except Robin and Lucina. A lot of stores in the area that were supposed to get them did not, so I may keep looking to see if they appear on a shelf at some point.

Also,there are rumblings of 20 Meta Knights bound for my local Best Buy later today, anyone else heard anything about this?
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