Analogue’s 4K Nintendo 64 launches next year for $249 (Pre-orders open October 21st)


Junior Member
If they could make a PAL cart perform exactly like it’s NTSC version without downloading a ROM, that’d be literal magic.

Ulysses 31

If they could make a PAL cart perform exactly like it’s NTSC version without downloading a ROM, that’d be literal magic.
Never heard of any emulator being able to do that.

It will probably auto switch to 50 Hz when you run PAL games. My modded N64 asks if I want to run NTSC or PAL games at start up.


I wish it had a clear casing at launch so I'll probably wait until more color options are announced/launched.
Did they do that with the Snes version? If I‘m not mistaken there was a Snes that sold out at some point and didn’t get any more restocks.

Ulysses 31

Did they do that with the Snes version? If I‘m not mistaken there was a Snes that sold out at some point and didn’t get any more restocks.
Super NT with transparent case.



Extremely tempting. But I already have both my NTSC and PAL N64's hooked up to a retrotink 5x, so I really cant justify getting this. But god damn I am still tempted.
The announcement mentions multiplayer twice and has wifi functionality. Is this going to have online multiplayer or is the multiplayer local/couch and i am reading too much into this?
only two colours, guess I have a 50% chance of Analogue actually shipping the right one this time. They sent me wrong MegaDrive version out of the three (EUR when I ordered the JPN colour) then followed it up by sending me the neon-green pocket instead of the neon-blue. For a company who write such smart and pompous sounding social media posts they sure are idiots when it comes to logistics.


These look fantastic however isn’t analogue the company where the internals are just a complete cheapo mess?

Paired with an Everdrive for convenience this could be a great piece under the TV.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
These look fantastic however isn’t analogue the company where the internals are just a complete cheapo mess?

Paired with an Everdrive for convenience this could be a great piece under the TV.

That was the case with their earlier work - their consolized Neo Geo MVS and the earlier versions of the Analogue NT that used actual Famicom guts + the Playchoice 10 hardware to make a Frankensteined system. They've been much better since they went the FPGA route, and I'd argue that their consoles are a lot more appealing now because of the advantages of that approach vs. using the originals.


Gold Member
Pretty awesome, but what’s way more exciting is if this will eventually get openFPGA support. This could be a MiSTer competitor if they decide to open up the platform more. But I doubt they’ll do that since it’d devalue their other FPGA consoles.
Yeah, but with new MiSTer clones barrier for entree is quite low at under $200, so Analogue can’t just coast as usual.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Yeah, but with new MiSTer clones barrier for entree is quite low at under $200, so Analogue can’t just coast as usual.
Yeah, but if the Analogue 3D can actually use other cores, it could potentially be a better value than the MiSTer clones. It’s got 4K output and built-in N64 ports, and is presumably more consumer-friendly than the MiSTer. Plus the hardware is aesthetically pleasing.

But I have serious doubts that they’ll voluntarily add OpenFPGA functionality.


ChatGPT 0.001

Looks the part, I love the design, but I like playing my original N64 which is awesome, but a lot of people are actually interested in this for the technical aspects.

n64 cruisin usa GIF by namslam


LOL that render looks ass, gotta love sharp edges enjoy papercuts when dusting that thing. Also what the fucks going on with that pad? Not all N64 games used the left right prong grip. Suppose people will just have to use their old beat up original pads. Even with scaling N64 games visually will look like shit, there's only so much you can do.
Ask why Nintendo waited several months to sue Palworld creators…

Why did they wait years to sue Yuzu and get Ryinjinx shutdown.

Nintendo DGAF

I think it was after they discovered that roms were being uploaded through the discord.

Also, I think I see what they're going for with the $250 heh.


Also what the fucks going on with that pad? Not all N64 games used the left right prong grip.

I love this normal looking controller with C buttons and a hall stick. Maybe it doesn't cover every possible real N64 scenario, and that would be a problem if it wasn't a standard controller port, and those games were very numerous.

It's not included, just made by 8bitdo and marketed with it. Use anything.

not a fan of that controller design tho.

I don't understand how every single one of these modern N64 controllers miss the fact that the majority of N64 shooters allow you to aim with the stick and move with the D-Pad.

so an optimal modern N64 controller would IMO have 2 analog sticks and a switch that lets you switch between 2 modes.

one mode that has the N64's stick mapped to the left stick and the C Buttons to the right stick.
and one that maps the stick inputs to the right stick, and maps the Dpad to the left stick.

with that 8bitdo controller they are marketing alongside the console, you literally can not play games like Perfect Dark, GoldenEye, Quake 2, or Turok 3 optimally.

I agree that mode-switching would be very elegant. But was there an actual benefit to using D-Pad instead of C-Buttons? Is it just to aim with your right thumb instead of left? You need to pay the high price of losing access to two face buttons. I liked C buttons in 007 because they were more precise with no chance for incorrect inputs...same reason Tetris is better played with a joycon than pro controller because the separated "d-pad" won't ever create a false down input and slam your piece down. I mean dpad would have been fine too, but I thought C was good plus had A and B near it. The dpad seems more like a preference than an established optimal config.


I agree that mode-switching would be very elegant. But was there an actual benefit to using D-Pad instead of C-Buttons? Is it just to aim with your right thumb instead of left?

99% of people are used to aim with the right thumb, as it is the default now and has been for 2 decades. it's not that easy to just switch hands back and forth.
however, there are of course games like Daikatana that only allow for C-Button movement... so maybe a third mode that maps C to the left stick or the D-Pad would actually be also a great idea here lol.

You need to pay the high price of losing access to two face buttons.

I am not sure I understand what you mean there... why would you lose 2 face buttons?

I liked C buttons in 007 because they were more precise with no chance for incorrect inputs...same reason Tetris is better played with a joycon than pro controller because the separated "d-pad" won't ever create a false down input and slam your piece down. I mean dpad would have been fine too, but I thought C was good plus had A and B near it. The dpad seems more like a preference than an established optimal config.

8bitdo's newer controllers all have a high precision D-Pad that has very tactile feedback. so such a d-pad would not be worse or less precise than the C-Buttons.

when it comes to emulating a D-Pad on a stick. what Steam's controller settings allow is having a tactile rumble feedback if you emulate a d-pad or WASD on your stick. something similar could be implemented in such an N64 controller if people would want to emulate the D-Pad on the left stick. but the option of using the actual D-Pad would still be there of course.

most of these shooters also only need A and B for less important stuff like reload and interact. almost all games map jump to the L button in these configs. quickly reaching over to B or A to reload isn't an issue I think. that's literally how people play modern shooters.
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99% of people are used to aim with the right thumb, as it is the default now and has been for 2 decades. it's not that easy to just switch hands back and forth.
however, there are of course games like Daikatana that only allow for C-Button movement... so maybe a third mode that maps C to the left stick or the D-Pad would actually be also a great idea here lol.

I am not sure I understand what you mean there... why would you lose 2 face buttons?
Because the D-Pad doesn't have A/B nearby and C does. It comes down to whether this is irrelevent...IMO it isn't.
most of these shooters also only need A and B for less important stuff like reload and interact. almost all games map jump to the L button in these configs. quickly reaching over to B or A to reload isn't an issue I think. that's literally how people play modern shooters.
I'm in a minority -I dislike modern twin stick FPS setups and use a m/kb. If I want to play a FPS on console it's probably on N64 (or maybe Wii). My preference is to not move away my aiming thumb for a function like reload or interact. Using the default 64 setup, your thumb is firmly planted on the stick and never has to move away to reach anything as in a modern game -similar to how you never lose aim with a physical mouse. That way, all 6 buttons are available to your right thumb instead of only 4...where it gets complicated is everyone being used to reversed sticks, but if someone can't adjust back to a N64 style, I suspect they might also be nonplussed by A and B being on a side of the controller they aren't holding, I just think more work would be needed to solve this. As for the L button -you're losing the R button so you haven't gained anything, nor lost.
8bitdo's newer controllers all have a high precision D-Pad that has very tactile feedback. so such a d-pad would not be worse or less precise than the C-Buttons.
I really might have to buy this controller. Ironically if I got this console I would use an existing N64 controller, and the 8bitdo pad for Switch or Ship of Harkinian. But I'd be pleasantly surprised if it was good enough to replace a real one on real hardware (nothing else has yet, it's the sticks!)

I'm not exactly in disagreement no one should make a 3 prong controller because I'm a huge fan of the original, warts and all. I just can't find it outrageous when today's controller maker really, really wants to make something else instead. If there was ever a gamepad that said "update me for a modern audience" at a glance it was 64. I think the only hardware solution with all options for all games is a Xbox style twinstick controller with 6 face buttons, with all your stick/dpad crossing modes.


Because the D-Pad doesn't have A/B nearby and C does. It comes down to whether this is irrelevent...IMO it isn't.

for most people I bet it is.

I'm in a minority -I dislike modern twin stick FPS setups and use a m/kb. If I want to play a FPS on console it's probably on N64 (or maybe Wii). My preference is to not move away my aiming thumb for a function like reload or interact. Using the default 64 setup, your thumb is firmly planted on the stick and never has to move away to reach anything as in a modern game -similar to how you never lose aim with a physical mouse.

well, that isn't really the case is it? one of the downsides of a mouse for aiming is that you do not have infinite range. on a controller I can do a 900° turn if I want to, without pause and without loosing my ability to aim at any point.
with a mouse you will need to lift up and reposition your mouse every so often, which means you lose aim during that point.

if you are good on a controller you can press reload or any other face button just as quickly as a mouse player can readjust a mouse.
then there's of course claw grip or paddle controllers, but that's less relevant to this topic.

I think the only hardware solution with all options for all games is a Xbox style twinstick controller with 6 face buttons, with all your stick/dpad crossing modes.

that would be my preferred solution yes.

maybe they could make the controller narrower and have a single central analog stick.

there's room for improvement from this rough edit I made there of course, but a central analog stick on a more narrow controller could in theory be used with both hands
...just an idea :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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I wasn't a big N64 fan but it's impressive what they've done here. The price is really good and the if they can get 100% compatibility, that's a huge win for FPGA. I'll only play clone consoles that do FPGA at this point.

I really like the look of the system and controller. It's almost like a "What if....the system was still called the Ultra 64 and looked like this?"
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for most people I bet it is.

well, that isn't really the case is it? one of the downsides of a mouse for aiming is that you do not have infinite range. on a controller I can do a 900° turn if I want to, without pause and without loosing my ability to aim at any point.
with a mouse you will need to lift up and reposition your mouse every so often, which means you lose aim during that point.

if you are good on a controller you can press reload or any other face button just as quickly as a mouse player can readjust a mouse.
then there's of course claw grip or paddle controllers, but that's less relevant to this topic.

that would be my preferred solution yes.

maybe they could make the controller narrower and have a single central analog stick.

there's room for improvement from this rough edit I made there of course, but a central analog stick on a more narrow controller could in theory be used with both hands
...just an idea :messenger_grinning_sweat:
This controller mockup is...unsettling.


Gold Member
only two colours
And one too many. The white one really makes no sense. If this came out a few years ago, you’d have people making meme ads for this spoofing that notorious “white vs black PSP” ad, lol.

Ask why Nintendo waited several months to sue Palworld creators…

Why did they wait years to sue Yuzu and get Ryinjinx shutdown.

Nintendo DGAF
The first system of this kind, the Analogue NT, came out seven years ago. And the point of these machines (on paper, of course) is that they allow you to play original cartridges. Nintendo would have more ground going against Everdrive carts, or the hundreds of clone consoles with preloaded ROMs on them. And they aren’t. I think Analogue is safe.
I'd love one of these but they're gonna be a bitch to get hold of. Also, it would be nice if this actually improves the framerates because that's as much of an issue as the low resolution and textures.


One of the green rats
that's actually a decent price for a change.
If you had nothing an N64, everdrive, and a ossc upscale would cost a lot more than that.
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Ulysses 31



Ulysses 31 Ulysses 31

You ignored the first part?

The reason for this is once again not magic: the Super Nt runs without an operating system in the way. Yet when you run an emulator on your desktop, it has to share resources with a thousand other processes that also want access to your video card, your sound card, your input devices, etc. This time sharing results in added latency. A software emulator can reasonably expect to get within 30-50ms of the latency of a pure hardware approach.

But again, it's not magic: there is nothing preventing an emulator written in C from running on bare metal, without an operating system in the way. It isn't done only because the demand isn't there to produce a robust real-time kernel environment that gives software emulators direct ownership access to all hardware resources. And thus, emulator developers cannot bypass the need to share these resources. Yet.

And also, latency is a different topic from emulation accuracy. The emulator itself doesn't produce the latency. All outside 3rd party factors do.
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Ulysses 31

Ulysses 31 Ulysses 31

You ignored the first part?

And also, latency is a different topic from emulation accuracy.
I never made the point that FPGA was magic compared to the other options, did I? FPGA has latency on other points so that's why it gets my preference.

Latency is part of the accuracy though.


I never made the point that FPGA was magic compared to the other options
No, you just claimed FPGAs are inherently more accurate.

Latency is part of the accuracy though.
Not really, no. Because the emulator itself doesn't produce the extra latency. It doesn't have anything to do with it.

But either way, here's the quote in case you missed it:

there is nothing preventing an emulator written in C from running on bare metal, without an operating system in the way.

You just need to remember, this whole rumor that FPGAs are inherently more accurate was started by Analogue themselves and their marketing.

They never elaborate on it, it's just the same advertise talk you see in ad catalogues.
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