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Anandtech is shutting down


Oh, man. I'm really sad about this, but wish the remaining staff all the best in their future endeavours. I was that weird kid who would run home from middle school and boot up the computer and open up Anandtech to read new articles, literally more than daily, it was so central to me ending up in a compute field. It might be why I'm on this forum now.

At least the site and history will be preserved, a sad fate but better than what happened to Techreport where overnight without warning the years old community they just redesigned the site into some sort of shopping blog and not only that but re-credited historical articles by Scott, Kampman etc to the no-name shopping bloggers. Utterly decimated the community instantly. This is sad but somewhat better than that I guess.

The only constant is change, the writing seemed to be on the wall in an unspoken way for the last few years, but this is a bummer. Best of luck, and thanks for all the fish.

I'd wish Anand to come out and say something for the end.



It is sad to see. I learned so much about the actual technical side of computer parts and what to look for from there. I'm glad to see that they are keeping the forums running still. I remember lurking on the site for a couple of years before registering and using the forums back in like 2000-2001


Damn, I used to read that site when it was hardcore. I also used to work for Future, the company that bought it out, and it was really not worth much at that point. Pouring one out for classic Anandtech, but it has been dead to me for a long time.


Honestly, it's been in purgatory for years now. I'm sort of glad they put it and its community out of their misery.

While the very few things they did publish were great and as usual very detailed (that you couldn't get anywhere else), it was once in a blue moon, and increasingly of very niche tech.

A lot has been lost, but it was lost years ago.
An incredible run.

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Anandtech, MadOnion, Toms Hardware Guide, Guru3D, [H]ardOCP ... ah yes, the early 2000's.

It had a good run, I remember it well from back in the days of overclocking etc.

The enthusiast PC landscape is looking bleaker than the average UK high street.


Anandtech, MadOnion, Toms Hardware Guide, Guru3D, [H]ardOCP ... ah yes, the early 2000's.

It had a good run, I remember it well from back in the days of overclocking etc.

The enthusiast PC landscape is looking bleaker than the average UK high street.
Overclocking is mostly dead and tech is progressing much more slowly now. My 3080 is already almost 4 years old and it still kicks ass. It will probably still be a solid card in 2-3 years. Those factors plus GPUs costing an arm and a leg and CPU performance increases really only being relevant for super high refresh rate monitors means the entire PC tech scene is stagnant now.


Call me sappy but it's still up there in my favourites bar staring at me. It's odd to think no new content will be coming out of it, even with the slowdown in the last several years.

The ghost in the shell


Overclocking is mostly dead and tech is progressing much more slowly now. My 3080 is already almost 4 years old and it still kicks ass. It will probably still be a solid card in 2-3 years. Those factors plus GPUs costing an arm and a leg and CPU performance increases really only being relevant for super high refresh rate monitors means the entire PC tech scene is stagnant now.

Like most things in life these days, everything is safe, vanilla & as a result, dead.

Give me an overclocked 500mhz Katmai P3 running @1ghz mated to a TNT2 and 64mb of PC133 Ram running CAS2 timings on Windows 98. :messenger_sunglasses: Then watch it overheat running 3DMark 99 on loop. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


The internet is fucking dead, all it remains are American social media hellsites that are mostly bots now anyway and very few forums like neogaf. Everything else is either dead, decaying or captured by the cult. I remember a time when I was excited visiting my favorite sites on the internet, now it's just fucking depressing

It took me almost a decade to get a new TV because my previous one was still great and when I did a couple of years ago it was so difficult to find legit information on it, most of the sites I used to visit for reviews were dead and only one forum remained (avsform iirc) and still it wasn't what it used to be. It's just AI generated trash now and horrible "articles" that are basically paid marketing, google of course doesn't help because it has deranked every useful site and only promotes corporate slop. The Dead Internet Theory has become true


The internet is fucking dead, all it remains are American social media hellsites that are mostly bots now anyway and very few forums like neogaf. Everything else is either dead, decaying or captured by the cult. I remember a time when I was excited visiting my favorite sites on the internet, now it's just fucking depressing

It took me almost a decade to get a new TV because my previous one was still great and when I did a couple of years ago it was so difficult to find legit information on it, most of the sites I used to visit for reviews were dead and only one forum remained (avsform iirc) and still it wasn't what it used to be. It's just AI generated trash now and horrible "articles" that are basically paid marketing, google of course doesn't help because it has deranked every useful site and only promotes corporate slop. The Dead Internet Theory has become true

So many "reviews" or top 10 etc articles are just selling affiliate links, and very well may never have touched the products allegedly reviewed. And I wish there was an extension like sponsorblock but for blocking all those shitty fucking robot voice YouTube videos which invariably contain sweet fuck all for actual content or information.

The enshittification of everything continues
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Like most things in life these days, everything is safe, vanilla & as a result, dead.

Give me an overclocked 500mhz Katmai P3 running @1ghz mated to a TNT2 and 64mb of PC133 Ram running CAS2 timings on Windows 98. :messenger_sunglasses: Then watch it overheat running 3DMark 99 on loop. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
You go back much further than me. When I first got into PC building the AMD Athlon XP-M 2500+ was the OCing beast.


The internet is fucking dead, all it remains are American social media hellsites that are mostly bots now anyway and very few forums like neogaf. Everything else is either dead, decaying or captured by the cult. I remember a time when I was excited visiting my favorite sites on the internet, now it's just fucking depressing

It took me almost a decade to get a new TV because my previous one was still great and when I did a couple of years ago it was so difficult to find legit information on it, most of the sites I used to visit for reviews were dead and only one forum remained (avsform iirc) and still it wasn't what it used to be. It's just AI generated trash now and horrible "articles" that are basically paid marketing, google of course doesn't help because it has deranked every useful site and only promotes corporate slop. The Dead Internet Theory has become true
RTings is pretty good for reviews. But yeah, I think the internet peaked circa 2009-2012. It's been a slow downhill slide since then.


So many "reviews" or top 10 etc articles are just selling affiliate links, and very well may never have touched the products allegedly reviewed. And I wish there was an extension like sponsorblock but for blocking all those shitty fucking robot voice YouTube videos which invariably contain sweet fuck all for actual content or information.

The enshittification of everything continues

The google fucks have deliberately ruined legit review sites by deranking them both in search results and youtube and reddit has ruined forums by replacing them and then turning every community into shit either with their awful moderation or their shitty algorithm driving away rational individuals and pandering only to complete troglodytes. I hate the American tech industry so fucking much it's unreal


The google fucks have deliberately ruined legit review sites by deranking them both in search results and youtube and reddit has ruined forums by replacing them and then turning every community into shit either with their awful moderation or their shitty algorithm driving away rational individuals and pandering only to complete troglodytes. I hate the American tech industry so fucking much it's unreal
A few hundred guys got really rich off the internet and ruined it on their way out. Sam Altman is about to completely finish it off.


A few hundred guys got really rich off the internet and ruined it on their way out. Sam Altman is about to completely finish it off.

Yeap, the countdown to the day where social media will just be chatbots talking to other chatbots and upvoting themselves to create a fake consensus has already started and I'm afraid the population is already dumb enough to believe it. It's all so depressing now
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Yeap, the countdown to the day where social media will just be chatbots talking to other chatbots and upvoting themselves to create a fake consensus has already started and I'm afraid the population is already dumb enough to believe it. It's all so depressing now
Someone needs to create a paid walled garden internet with no bots or ads.

AOL, it's time to make a comeback.


Someone needs to create a paid walled garden internet with no bots or ads.

AOL, it's time to make a comeback.

That would require us giving our real identities and given what is already happening in Europe and many other parts of the world with free speech I assume that's exactly what they want to happen, you'll have a dead internet full of bots and a "genuine" walled garden internet where "misinformation" and other types of wrongthink are punishable by law. So to summarize, abandon all hope ye who enter here


You go back much further than me. When I first got into PC building the AMD Athlon XP-M 2500+ was the OCing beast.

Started tweaking on the P2 Deschutes 333mhz but it kicked on more a few years later. I remember the Celeron 533A was a beast to clock, easily upto 1.2ghz. 3dfx Vs ATI Vs Nvidia was a great battle too around 1999-2001.

Sites like Anandtech and those others from the era were a great source of info and the ones that had forums were even better.

Good times.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Back in college I worked for the campus IT department. I used to build, lord, probably 50 desktops and laptops a week? A mix. I would read this site as OS's loaded or whatever. You fellow IT folks know half the job is just waiting around as tasks complete.

My salute. But I am surprised they couldn't just sell the site.


Back in college I worked for the campus IT department. I used to build, lord, probably 50 desktops and laptops a week? A mix. I would read this site as OS's loaded or whatever. You fellow IT folks know half the job is just waiting around as tasks complete.

My salute. But I am surprised they couldn't just sell the site.

They did sell the site in 2014, and then even that company was bought out, but I guess it slow rolled down to no viability

It's odd with how much love for them I see online even years or a decade+ after their peak, that they never really seemed to ask for help, funds for up to date hardware reviews or anything, but Ian Cuttress detailed the disagreements he had with its later mismanagement in his video about it
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I didn't see this thread, sorry.

This is really sad. Have been visiting them for years, ever since I started browsing the web.


Very sad. The internet is fully captured by large corporate interest and it sucks. There’s still some good stuff but everything is video format now. All these vestiges of the 2000’s net are disappearing.
That's crazy. It used to be my go to for tech reviews. I guess I've replaced them with YT over the years.

I wonder why they didn't just sell it or pass it off to someone else.
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That's crazy. It used to be my go to for tech reviews. I guess I've replaced them with YT over the years.

I wonder why they didn't just sell it or pass it off to someone else.
I dunno, Ian made a video talking about the later owners mismanagement, I guess they must have ran it into the ground into commercial non-viability, which is shocking how much I still see comments online about loving it. They never really seemed to ask for help getting funds for up to date new reviews. But they slowly lost all their best people.

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