The SE Nozomi is headed to At&t:

So Verizon has 2 720p phones, the Galaxy Nexus and Rezound.
ATT has two 720p phone, the LG HD whatever and the Sony whatever.
Sprint is not getting any because it has to sacrifice its Android portfolio to please to Apple god.
What kind of flagship phone is TMobile getting?
Gingerbread just pushed out to the Samsung Droid Charge this morning. Just got it.
The latest comscore report was released yesterday(?). I really thought WP7 was going to become a third option for smartphones, guess we will see after the holidays, but its filling the webos shoes. Android up, ios up a bit less (was prior to 4s release), rim way down.
Android will just going to eat into RIM's marketshare until the whole world admit its going to be a duopoly.
What's GAF consensus on the Galaxy Note? Because I'm about to fall for it.
RIM seems to be very strong here. The phones are cheap and do what people want from a smart phone.
What's GAF consensus on the Galaxy Note? Because I'm about to fall for it.
Why is comScore still including RIM and Symbian in their smartphone category?
m amazed there are any symbian phones in the us. Who sells them?
Samsung Fascinate is receiving it too!Gingerbread just pushed out to the Samsung Droid Charge this morning. Just got it.
Samsung USA/Verizon/AT&T/Sprint/T-Mobile Mafia have finally decided to release the Gingerbreads this fall!How timely.
goto settings -applications- usb settings. change it to ask you about the manner of your conection. mind u im running a custom rom so yours might be differwnt.fellow Galaxy S owners HELP!
i'm so tired with all the problems with this phone, i don't even know where to start. right now i am trying to get into Kies to see if there are any fixes i can download. but even that doesn't seem to work, because i plug my phone in and it just automatically connects as a USB storage device, no option to launch Kies (it used to be there but for some reason isn't anymore).
so how do i use Kies from the phone? i tried just starting Kies on my PC but it can't find the phone.....
edit: holy shit, Kies on my PC wanted to update, so of course i said yes, and now it says "update file corrupted"......... wat. fucking Samsung seriously.
m amazed there are any symbian phones in the us. Who sells them?
E series phones are hot.
goto settings -applications- usb settings. change it to ask you about the manner of your conection. mind u im running a custom rom so yours might be differwnt.
Are there any new news on ICS's release date on Nexus S?
I want this so bad D: (Yeah, I tried the custom ISC roms but they were buggy/slow)
So Verizon has 2 720p phones, the Galaxy Nexus and Rezound.
ATT has two 720p phone, the LG HD whatever and the Sony whatever.
Sprint is not getting any because it has to sacrifice its Android portfolio to please to Apple god.
What kind of flagship phone is TMobile getting?
Music Beta sure is amazing. But since I don't have any data plan (shit is damn expensive here) I still have to keep 2 or 3 albums in my SD Card. At least when I am at home I can connect through my WiFi and enjoy some of my 1100 songs. (I didn't upload them all because I am checking if they have Album, Artists and Covers). I am also using the page on my laptop to listen to music, somehow I prefer it over my always beloved Foobar 2000.
its on employee phones. I'd assume before xmas.
** FLAC, ogg and aac files are transcoded to 320kbps mp3.i like google music too esp with unlimited data...have not uploaded all my music though
was interested to see it supports music in FLAC format recently...
I'm actually liking TW4. It's not as in your face as Sense is, and it adds some nice extras. The widget picker ui sucks though.Just got my epic touch 4g!
Touchwiz isn't that bad but definitely rooting this bad boy.
Alac went open not too long ago. They need to hurry up and add transcoding support for it so the rest of my library can stop sitting lonely on my hdd here. It's my one remaining gripe with the service.
I would be amazed if you could actually hear the difference between 320kbps MP3 and a lossless codec from a phone's headphone jack. Phones don't exactly have the best sound quality for music playback.
I don't need to them to actually be ALAC while in the cloud. I just want the uploader to actually recognize them and then transcode from there. As is, I have a few hundred tracks that are sitting on the wayside.
You could transcode them yourself if it's only a few hundred tracks.
Do you realize just how many minutes of my life that would take?
Best phone I've used next to the Galaxy Nexus. Can't wait till it gets ICS, the big screen demands itWhat's GAF consensus on the Galaxy Note? Because I'm about to fall for it.
RIM seems to be very strong here. The phones are cheap and do what people want from a smart phone.
two xperias for 2012:
previously leaked flagship LT26 nozomi: