What a bummer. VZW has easily the best coverage (at least in our area), but the phone selection is just so dire.
Maybe verizon will stop being dicks by october or something. There's always a chance.
It's because you have yet to leave them a one star review on Google Play calling them out on it.Is there a reason why the uploaded picture quality on Instagram is so bad for Android? While selecting the pictures they look perfect but once they're uploaded they become low-res and pixelated.
I never had this problem on my iPhone 4S. As a matter of fact I sent a picture to my 4S taken on my HTC One then uploaded it from both phones to test it. The iPhone one was fine super high-res but the HTC One was once again pixelated and reduced in quality.
It's one of my most used apps and I've stopped uploading pictures because of this issue. It makes it seem as if I'm using a flip phone to take these pics.
Maybe verizon will stop being dicks by october or something. There's always a chance.
Stuff my I/O goody bag, Google!
It's so obvious it's an LTE nexus 4 that will also come in white. Already leaked.
Asked this in the Nexus 4 thread as well:
How much screen on time are you getting usually with your Nexus 4 and are you using any battery saving apps? I might get a Nexus 4 soon but the non-removable battery is really driving me away from it.
Also, how is your daily usage like? Music, internet, etc
Coupled with the superior resistance to water (compliant with IP55 and IP58 standards), the camera button makes the Xperia ZR an ideal camera phone for the outdoorsy. The ZR will withstand being submerged in 1.5 meters of water for up to 30 minutes (for your reference, the Xperia Z can be submerged into 1 meter of water for the same time). Just like the Z, the ZR features plastic flaps that cover the ports and Sony touted the anti-shatter film on the display that should enable it to resist mechanical shocks better than other phones.
Nexus 4 revision, likely with LTE. Very, very unlikely a new Nexus.
It's so obvious it's an LTE nexus 4 that will also come in white. Already leaked.
The real question is if there will be a Verizon version of it as rumored. Google has shown in the past they like playing ball with Verizon because Money Good(tm), so if the Xoom and Gnex are any indication we might see a Verizon N4 with The Nation's Largest And Most Expensive 4G LTE Network(tm).
Lol, that's certainly one way to look at it. Another way to interprete what happened is that Google is not playing ball with Verizon because they like money (the Xoom and Gnex were poor sellers) but because Verizon is the biggest carrier in North America and Google felt it fair to offer their developers a CDMA option. However, if the release and update issues with the Xoom and Gnex are any indication, we'll never a Verizon N4.
Fuck Verizon.
.Wired said:Here’s my Samsung Galaxy S4. [Pichai holds up the phone.]
How’s that eye-tracking thing working out?
I actually never used it.
Lol, what reality do you live in?Uh huh. This completely ignores the fact that nobody has done more for Android's cause in the US than Verizon has. The launch of the original Motorola Droid and Verizon's huge advertising campaign basically launched Android in North America. Granted, Verizon was only doing it because at the time the iPhone was exclusive to AT&T and they needed something to counter that, but it doesn't change history and Verizon's crucial role in Android's early success. Verizon's motive was greed, but the outcome was the first beachhead against Apple and the iPhone in the US. The downfall of the Walled Garden started with Verizon and the Motorola Droid.
The Xoom was the first attempt at a real Android tablet and Verizon tried to launch it the way they did with the Droid. However Android 3.0 Honeycomb was quite obviously nowhere near ready for use and that was entirely on Google, you can't blame Verizon for Honeycomb being shitty. The Xoom bombed because Honeycomb sucked, period.
The Gnex was always a niche device, no one expected it to sell Galaxy numbers. It still managed to sell somewhere around 1 million US devices over it's lifetime even though it was exclusive to Verizon in the US. The reality is that in the US, if you want to sell even relatively small numbers of devices, you need to be available from carriers. Google knows this, everyone knows this. So it's better to be on Verizon and sell a million than be only available unlocked for full price from Google's website and sell vanishingly few to none in the US. I've never even seen someone with an N4 in the real world here in the US, but I have seen people with Windows Phones. And I've seen Gnex's too besides my own.
don't know if it's true but man that facebook home thing is a total flop. Wonder why they thought anyone wanted that.
don't know if it's true but man that facebook home thing is a total flop. Wonder why they thought anyone wanted that.
The app is also being totally destroyed in reviews. I just knew no one would want to keep that installed on their phone past the experimental stages. It's well designed and all but most people won't want to look at that shit all the time.
don't know if it's true but man that facebook home thing is a total flop. Wonder why they thought anyone wanted that.
lol horribleAlso a huge failure, Mark Zuckerberg's acting.
Also a huge failure, Mark Zuckerberg's acting.
Also a huge failure, Mark Zuckerberg's acting.
I guess they got blinded by the numbers their mobile apps are attaining, thinking that means everyone uses Facebook on the go and want more out of the (shitty) experience. Too bad they didn't realise people don't want their friend's ugly mugs on their phones all the fuckin time
I'm a Verizon customer in NYC debating switching to T-Mobile. Do we have any T-Mobilers here?
What's the deal with Nexus 4s not being usable on Verizon? I thought it was supposed to work on all carriers
What's the deal with Nexus 4s not being usable on Verizon? I thought it was supposed to work on all carriers
don't know if it's true but man that facebook home thing is a total flop. Wonder why they thought anyone wanted that.
Mobile Messaging Apps: A Primer
Little by little, these mobile messaging apps are eating away at the mindshare of grand web-based social networks, even as they recreate their own social content platforms online to extend and bolster their mobile offerings. Facebook was slow to recognise the threat but has since countered with its own Messenger app, and additional offerings like SnapChat-rival Poke. How seriously Facebook is taking the mobile messaging app threat now is evident in its most recent mobile effort: Facebook Home an Android launcher that seeks to elbow its way past rival apps by foregrounding Facebooks own chat channel atop other apps.
you're welcome everybodyWell, that settles IO. Keep your expectations in check.
Verizon is a CDMA carrier and Nexus4 is a GSM phone.
Nexus 4 doesn't support the CDMA network that Verizon runs on, can't run it on Verizon.
you're welcome everybody