And it is glorious. App data in the cloud? This is awesome.
I don't usually like white phones but that looks hot.More like the LTE Nexus 4 is the White Whale
iCloud what? Lol
So now that the xfon sucks and key lime pie is delayed. Is there a chance they show KLP when they announce the Nexus 5 later this year or are they going to wait until google i/o next year.
that would actually be ideal, give us some stuff to look forward to rather than relying on rumors for all of it in october.At the IO before ICS hit, they talked about some features that were coming in it, but they didn't show it until the GNex reveal.
In other words, expect them to demo/release ICS v3 (polish, unified messaging) at this IO, then maybe talk about features in KLP (Chrome and Android synergy).
Google smartwatch being made by motorola:
So whatever happened to that S3 multi-window premium suite update that was supposed to happen half a year ago?
I can't wait for the XWACH MAXX.
Seems to be rolling out for some.So whatever happened to that S3 multi-window premium suite update that was supposed to happen half a year ago?
So whatever happened to that S3 multi-window premium suite update that was supposed to happen half a year ago?
i know Sprint got it weeks ago and T-Mobile got it recently.
it might get pushed up a week now that the GS4 got pushed up...I guess this means AT&T will have it before the end of the month and Verizon will have it by the end of July!
you missed this:http://www.droid-life.com/2013/05/13...r/#more-108051
Pctx, ban urself
edit: oh of course I'm late. I must have missed it, lol
You people need to calm down on the XPhone hype.
I just got the update today on Tmobile! It's so fucking awesome, man.So whatever happened to that S3 multi-window premium suite update that was supposed to happen half a year ago?
it might get pushed up a week now that the GS4 got pushed up...
Ban pctx, bring back Coppy.
Google Play Services APK teardown part2 is up
reading through it now, looks like app data snycing will be a thing - same as with game saves.
Google Play Services APK teardown part2 is up
reading through it now, looks like app data snycing will be a thing - same as with game saves.
Turns out it was a dude that paid to have his backplate whited up.LOL that's hilarious if that's actually the XFON
Turns out it was a dude that paid to have his backplate whited up.
Dat Flickr "reporting" by shitty enthusiast sites.
In case you guys missed it: BlackBerry event live thread
In case you guys missed it: BlackBerry event live thread
why's it in the windows phone thread
why's it in the windows phone thread
BlackBerry went 3rd party.
Too little too late.
So literally the only half decent thing on blackberry is going to be on iOS and android? What is the point in getting a BlackBerry again? Oh an lol at the wp snubBlackBerry went 3rd party.