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Android |OT2| - Patent pending

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Aka I leaked out something I probably wasn't suppose to say so I have to backtrack. Nothing has officially been announced, and it's probably being worked on. It may or may not come, and she spoke to soon. :p

Fuck that, it's obviously coming so get the hell on itttttttt


So much for SMS integration in Hangouts coming soon.


yeah, so they are working on it and going to release it, but it wasn't supposed to come out yet
Page talks a lot of shit.
You know, it was refreshing to hear someone speak seemingly extemporaneously after a barrage of over-rehearsed tone inflections and hand gestures. The guy with the recent speech impediment was speaking the most naturally.

However, it got disingenuous when he was complaining about negativity in the industry only to resort to the "we're the good guys; they're the bad guys" BS regarding Microsoft and Oracle. Even if he truly feels that way, which he shouldn't, he should've added a little disclaimer. Something along the lines of "these companies feel the need to act in this counterproductive, hyper-competitive manner because of..." would have helped to avoid feeding that very negativity he complained about. Instead, he fed right into the partisan bickering that tech blogs and financial analysts love.
So what's the next big noteworthy event? I'd say it's LGs event at the end of the month right? Because they're likely to announce the Optimus G2. And if it's used as a reference device for the Nexus 5 like the Optimus G was to the nexus 4 then we might get some indications on what to expect from the specs.

At least I'm pretty sure the G and N4 shared a lot of the same specs. So yeah that should be interesting.


So what's the next big noteworthy event? I'd say it's LGs event at the end of the month right? Because they're likely to announce the Optimus G2. And if it's used as a reference device for the Nexus 5 like the Optimus G was to the nexus 4 then we might get some indications on what to expect from the specs.

At least I'm pretty sure the G and N4 shared a lot of the same specs. So yeah that should be interesting.

Probably, course I'm stumped why they didn't talk a spit lick about 4.3 yesterday.
Probably, course I'm stumped why they didn't talk a spit lick about 4.3 yesterday.
probably because it sucks? I'm starting to believe that they're holding back all the notable stuff for a big 5.0 update at the end of the year.

If 4.3 was anything to brag about, they would have, simple as that.


You know, it was refreshing to hear someone speak seemingly extemporaneously after a barrage of over-rehearsed tone inflections and hand gestures. The guy with the recent speech impediment was speaking the most naturally.

However, it got disingenuous when he was complaining about negativity in the industry only to resort to the "we're the good guys; they're the bad guys" BS regarding Microsoft and Oracle. Even if he truly feels that way, which he shouldn't, he should've added a little disclaimer. Something along the lines of "these companies feel the need to act in this counterproductive, hyper-competitive manner because of..." would have helped to avoid feeding that very negativity he complained about. Instead, he fed right into the partisan bickering that tech blogs and financial analysts love.
It's also counterfactual considering the "vs" narrative exists because Google encroaches on competitive territories.

You are a publicly owned corporate entity. You don't get to pretend to be a charity.


The regulations bit is interesting. As much as big corporations like to complain about regulations, they are actually advantageous for established players.

The hurtles with entering the telecom industry is because of the massive hurdles you have to leap at the federal, state, and municipal level ranging from bands, to putting up towers, to ripping up streets, etc.

Or for a more recent example, the online sales tax bit. Amazon was all for that. Why? It erases a potential competitive advantage from a new competitor. That is a move that entrenches the current players in the market.


probably because it sucks? I'm starting to believe that they're holding back all the notable stuff for a big 5.0 update at the end of the year.

If 4.3 was anything to brag about, they would have, simple as that.

Bah, practically nothing on my wanted list was addressed (hangouts and the new maps look halfassed). I'd rather put my sim in a jailbroken iPhone than buy one of the flagship Android devices available right now.
Bah, practically nothing on my wanted list was addressed (hangouts and the new maps look halfassed). I'd rather put my sim in a jailbroken iPhone than buy one of the flagship Android devices available right now.
who woulda thunk that the apple event might be the more exciting one. iOS7 should be interesting.

But yeah google dun goof'd with this event. I basically didn't care for anything other than hangouts, and yeah it's halfassed but it's still something I can use. Other than that, big mehs all around.

bob page

Bah, practically nothing on my wanted list was addressed (hangouts and the new maps look halfassed). I'd rather put my sim in a jailbroken iPhone than buy one of the flagship Android devices available right now.

The new maps is incredible. It's literally one of the best websites I've ever used.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Bah, practically nothing on my wanted list was addressed (hangouts and the new maps look halfassed). I'd rather put my sim in a jailbroken iPhone than buy one of the flagship Android devices available right now.

Dude hangouts is obviously half baked, but maps?

Seriously maps is some next level shit up in here! Not to mention the new map APIs. Maps if anything was the biggest bright spot from the conference.
That's not saying much. Also All Access I can't even summon the energy to give a fuck about because I'm pretty sure google hasn't located canada on any map yet.


The new maps is incredible. It's literally one of the best websites I've ever used.

I never use the website anymore so that does nothing for me. Hey I'm not saying that Google didn't announce a lot of cool stuff yesterday but none of that stuff announced affects me right now. A Nexus S4 is a great product but I'm not buying it while Chrome is still shit. Hangouts is useless to me without SMS integration. It'll take developers a while to get up to speed with Android Studio and using those location and game APIs. Etc.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I never use the website anymore so that does nothing for me. Hey I'm not saying that Google didn't announce a lot of cool stuff yesterday but none of that stuff announced affects me right now. A Nexus S4 is a great product but I'm not buying it while Chrome is still shit. Hangouts is useless to me without SMS integration. It'll take developers a while to get up to speed with Android Studio and using those location and game APIs. Etc.

you do know this is a developer conference right

because its a developer conference

for developers

bob page

you do know this is a developer conference right

because its a developer conference

for developers

I'm willing to bet tons of developers are going to start prioritizing apps for Android because of the new toolkit. So many devs were grateful for it. This conference was all about building their infrastructure, which is definitely going to help them in the long run.


hasn't stopped them in the past.

I really only see last year as a standout to be honest. Last year was surprisingly consumer directed. The years before it though? Not so much. Its still a developer conference. Their own fault though for letting the perception get out of hand. Any time you have to come out and publicly remind people that your developer conference will be developer focused, you have fucked up somewhere.

If they want a second consumer show for the year, they should make one, not hijack I/O or send mixed messages.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
you do know this is a developer conference right

because its a developer conference

for developers

They did jack shit to try and cultivate a world wide network of android devs. Sure they made new tools, but everything is still so US centric in today's global market it's not only foolish, but a broader misstep by Google to gain global developer mindshare.
Oh my goood the three lines for the pull out menu in the new music app retract and expand with the menu hnnnggghhhh /designboner

How about when you pull up the Now Playing bar from the bottom and it bumps off the orange nav bar on top?

Yeah, the new app design is gorgeous. I love it. I just wish there was an option to change the menu color, but I suppose they wanted to keep the color tone the same throughout Google Play and Google Play Music.
The biggest news this week:
Archos Reveals The $200 80 Xenon Tablet: Android 4.1, 8-inch 4:3 Screen, And (Surprise!) A 3G Radio

1024x768 IPS screen
Qualcomm Quad-Core CPU @ 1.2 GHz with 1GB RAM
4GB Storage + Expandable MicroSD slot (up to 64GB)
2 Megapixel Back Camera, VGA front Camera
ARCHOS Media Center Applications
Built-in GPS
Pure Android Experience: Powered by an unskinned version of Android™ 4.1, Jelly Bean
3G: WCDMA 2100
2G: GSM 850/900/1800/1900

If it had NFC it would be GOAT
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