Just to be clear - this thread isn't discussing the fact that her design won't be changed despite the reactions, I'm aware that thread exists. I guess you could say "Not another Angela thread." but whatever, if the mods deem this to be closed, so be it.
I am a huge Silent Hill fan - and I mean huge. It is simply one of the best video game franchises - for me - of all time. The fact that Silent Hill 2 (the original) still makes 'Top 10 Video Game of all Time' lists, should speak for itself. I was absolutely devastated when Silent Hills was cancelled. Even now, the mere thought of what could have been brings a tear to me eye.
And if I'm being perfectly honest with you, despite all the bullshit from Dusk Golem about Silent Hill coming back, blah, blah, blah - I was coming to terms with the fact that this was it. It's done, over and finished. Move on. It's been a rough ride post Team Silent, but other than Book of Memories, I enjoyed everything I played in some way and grew to appreciate it. In fact one of my controversial gaming opinions, if you will, is that Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is an excellent game and is deserving of Team Silent praise.
So when Silent Hill Transmission was announced and they showed Silent Hill 2, I was all fucking in. It looks incredible visually, sounded great and brought back so much nostalgia, I couldn't have been happier. At this point I'm like, be happy you're getting something right? You could have got nothing at all. Then it goes silent (no pun intended) for quite some time. Then comes the Sony trailer in the State of Play. The whole thing was leaked so we knew it was coming but... I did not expect that.
This version of Angela... is wrong. The character model and performance look disconnected from one another. The character feels alienated from what she should have been - and most annoyingly - a certain set of fans are saying that it's just 'far-right arseholes who are triggered because she looks like a realistic person and isn't designed to be fuckable anymore.' and I could not disagree with this more.
There's only a few characters in Silent Hill 2. If you discount the dog and the town itself which is designed to be a character, you literally have 6. James, Angela, Laura, Maria, Eddie and Mary. And in a game this revered and respected, you have to get that right. It's not hard because you have SIX characters to create and whilst we haven't seen Eddie as of yet, I am perfectly happy with James, I think Laura is a huge improvement over the original and I'm sceptical but accepting of Maria. But Angela... I just do not like what I can see and hear. I would actually go so far as to say I hate this vision of her.
It is not because she isn't 'fuckable' anymore. It isn't because her model has changed. It's not because I'm some far right arsehole and it's not because I'm just hating the game because it's made by Bloober. (I haven't actually played a Bloober game before.)
However, it is because she doesn't look like she fits in with the visual design of the game. Her animations were terrible. Every single line the actress said just completely fell flat on it's face. There was no emotion in the way she spoke. The character literally looks and feels like an asset from the Unity Store that's been used in hundreds of quite cheap Steam titles. Her performance in the role literally sounded like Bill Murray in the Ghostbusters game on PS3/360 where he clearly did not give a single shit and was there for a pay day.
Angela is a huge part of James story within Silent Hill and her story is heart breaking. I can't see my heart being wrenched whilst this new Angela is walking up a burning staircase. The character just does not look, sound or feel right and I genuinely think its going to have a huge impact on the game overall. Certainly when Abstract Daddy is going to feel so ambivalent and numb that I really don't see myself giving a shit about her or her story. I'm not sure if this is all down to that Sweet Baby, but it definitely stinks to me and it's got fuck all to do with her looks or politics. It's a bad re-design that looks bad, sounds bad and acts bad.

I am a huge Silent Hill fan - and I mean huge. It is simply one of the best video game franchises - for me - of all time. The fact that Silent Hill 2 (the original) still makes 'Top 10 Video Game of all Time' lists, should speak for itself. I was absolutely devastated when Silent Hills was cancelled. Even now, the mere thought of what could have been brings a tear to me eye.
And if I'm being perfectly honest with you, despite all the bullshit from Dusk Golem about Silent Hill coming back, blah, blah, blah - I was coming to terms with the fact that this was it. It's done, over and finished. Move on. It's been a rough ride post Team Silent, but other than Book of Memories, I enjoyed everything I played in some way and grew to appreciate it. In fact one of my controversial gaming opinions, if you will, is that Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is an excellent game and is deserving of Team Silent praise.
So when Silent Hill Transmission was announced and they showed Silent Hill 2, I was all fucking in. It looks incredible visually, sounded great and brought back so much nostalgia, I couldn't have been happier. At this point I'm like, be happy you're getting something right? You could have got nothing at all. Then it goes silent (no pun intended) for quite some time. Then comes the Sony trailer in the State of Play. The whole thing was leaked so we knew it was coming but... I did not expect that.
This version of Angela... is wrong. The character model and performance look disconnected from one another. The character feels alienated from what she should have been - and most annoyingly - a certain set of fans are saying that it's just 'far-right arseholes who are triggered because she looks like a realistic person and isn't designed to be fuckable anymore.' and I could not disagree with this more.
There's only a few characters in Silent Hill 2. If you discount the dog and the town itself which is designed to be a character, you literally have 6. James, Angela, Laura, Maria, Eddie and Mary. And in a game this revered and respected, you have to get that right. It's not hard because you have SIX characters to create and whilst we haven't seen Eddie as of yet, I am perfectly happy with James, I think Laura is a huge improvement over the original and I'm sceptical but accepting of Maria. But Angela... I just do not like what I can see and hear. I would actually go so far as to say I hate this vision of her.
It is not because she isn't 'fuckable' anymore. It isn't because her model has changed. It's not because I'm some far right arsehole and it's not because I'm just hating the game because it's made by Bloober. (I haven't actually played a Bloober game before.)
However, it is because she doesn't look like she fits in with the visual design of the game. Her animations were terrible. Every single line the actress said just completely fell flat on it's face. There was no emotion in the way she spoke. The character literally looks and feels like an asset from the Unity Store that's been used in hundreds of quite cheap Steam titles. Her performance in the role literally sounded like Bill Murray in the Ghostbusters game on PS3/360 where he clearly did not give a single shit and was there for a pay day.
Angela is a huge part of James story within Silent Hill and her story is heart breaking. I can't see my heart being wrenched whilst this new Angela is walking up a burning staircase. The character just does not look, sound or feel right and I genuinely think its going to have a huge impact on the game overall. Certainly when Abstract Daddy is going to feel so ambivalent and numb that I really don't see myself giving a shit about her or her story. I'm not sure if this is all down to that Sweet Baby, but it definitely stinks to me and it's got fuck all to do with her looks or politics. It's a bad re-design that looks bad, sounds bad and acts bad.
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