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Animal Crossing Mafia |OT| - Making Animal Friends Is Awesome!


Clock bells chime in the distance


Total Votes for this Round (5 needed for majority)
(a strike means the player voted for, then unvoted, the player)


Tomakasatnav (0)

nin1000 (3)

High noon was marked with silence. Then, a shootoff of votes.

Timeaisis, an Ordinary Villager, is gone for good.

Karkador said:

You are an Ordinary Villager

You are aligned with the Town.

You have no abilities other than voting. Your vote is your power!

You win when only Town-aligned players remain.

The game thread is here.

Time left:

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I have nothing to say, but false hope excites me.


Clock bells chime in the distance


Squidyj the Hoarder is gone for good.

Karkador said:

You are a Hoarder!

You are aligned with the Town. You win when only Town-aligned players remain.

They said you could become anything, so you became a curator at the Museum of “My House is an Incomprehensible Mess” . Some day, the future generations will be thankful to inherit the payload of cultural artifacts you're preserving...or so you say.

If you are Evicted during the Night Phase, the Happy Home Academy will be unable to Evict on the following Night Phase. (You have so much stuff, they'll have to work two nights to get it all out.)

A Village-voted Eviction during the Day Phase will still be finished by the end of the day, with no extra effect. (More people available to throw you out)

Feel free to PM me any questions about your role. The public game thread is here.

On Night 9, the HHA will not be able to evict.

Day 9 Officially Begins


Time Left Until Day 9 Ends
Holy shit! Shame we've lost one of the most actives, but this is great news for us!

Also I'm so sorry Timeaisis I was convinced :C

The votes I've kicked off have been pretty shitty sorry guys

Tom, still no activity?


Farewell, you glorious Bulldog. I always thought of your avatar as some kind of Squid sandwich, with the grill marks being squid ink, rather than actual grill marks.

Well, this sucks for the HHA. I was prepared to go after Squidy if they'd left him alive. (Because TBH, it's weird that they've left him alive this long.) They also lost a nighttime eviction. So rah for the home team!
But on the other hand, losing Squidy sucks, because he was so relentless.

Anyway, time to press on. I have a big post written up, but I'm grabbing lunch, so I'll post it in a bit.


Well fuck about Timeasis.
I know I am mostly responsible for this fuckup. But holy hell about squids role. That sure is a good thing for us this round.
I haven't had a PM about last night, so I've checked in with Karkador and will post once I know.

If we took the two Gossips as being Town, that would mean Darryl or Nin could be HHA, but I don't know if that Gossip role could go both ways. I want to say no since they have night time chat, but there was a role they had to try and 'recruit', but then you'd have two HHA together.. hm.


All right… I wrote all this up before the day actually started, but now I'm chopping a lot of it.

This list was supposed to be in order from least suspicious to most suspicious, but the order kept changing as I reviewed each player, so now there's no real order after the confirmed roles.

OK, so at this point, there are six people left:

RetroGamer42 (Me): Not much to say here. I'm a Town Gossip, and I know that I'm town. At this point, assuming that we are hunting the Lost Partner, I feel like it's a safe assumption that the LP does not have a secondary role. It's possible, but I think it's unlikely.

Razmos: I'm pretty sure Razmos is town for the same reason that I'm giving for me being town. He's a confirmed Gossip via Darryl and Timeaisis. I don't think there's another role there.

Tomakasatnav: Tom has a role, and while we can't actually confirm it, he has not actually been wrong about night movements, to our knowledge. I think it's unlikely that he would get all of the guesses so far right. I think he is most likely town. I also don't see how a light sleeper would help the HHA, except maybe to point out where the commuters are.

Those are the known roles still in the game. Now things get murkier, because I'm pretty sure that one of our "Ordinary Villagers" is lying about who he is.

RobotNinjaHornets: During the last day we cleared RNH because Franconp was willing to sacrifice him to prove his own ability. I still agree that this doesn't make sense, but it is possible that Franconp was making an empty threat in order to convince people. I don't think it's likely, but it's possible.

Darryl: Darryl doesn't say a whole lot. When he does, he's pretty aggressive. I've been assuming that it's with the Town's best interests at heart, but I don't really know. I don't see anything damning about Darryl, but I don't see anything super redeeming, either.

Nin1000: Nin's made a pretty amazing target of himself, I've got to admit. I can't really say that I believe Nin is HHA, but all of my efforts to prove otherwise have been stymied in one way or another. Either way, he's on the chopping block, and he knows it.


I haven't had a PM about last night, so I've checked in with Karkador and will post once I know.

If we took the two Gossips as being Town, that would mean Darryl or Nin could be HHA, but I don't know if that Gossip role could go both ways. I want to say no since they have night time chat, but there was a role they had to try and 'recruit', but then you'd have two HHA together.. hm.

It's real convenient how you ignored me calling you out the other day. No voted (and during such a crucial stage in the game). You have done a great job staying distanced the entire game. It reeks of a self preservation strategy.

You couldn't make that huge window to respond and vote. Yet here ya are. The moment the game starts you're fucking kicking again.
You couldn't make that huge window to respond and vote. Yet here ya are. The moment the game starts you're fucking kicking again.

Sorry that it was my friend's birthday on Sunday and not today?

And I am actually sorry I wasn't able to impact on the vote, can't remember what it was at when I had to go out, since I thought the argument for timasis was pretty weak - he was active in the last game but not this game?

Anyway, we've got a good chance at it today with HHA not able to act tonight. I think my light sleeper role is confirmed since the clarification of role ability with Kalor, just up to you whether you think I'm HHA with my (lack of) voting and stuff.


I think it might be a good idea this turn, since we are relatively safe, to evict Tomas.

I practically know nothing about him and we can't afford to have such a blank space at this point in the game

Out of everyone left he seems the most suspicious (except for Nin, I can't tell what is going on there)


I think it might be a good idea this turn, since we are relatively safe, to evict Tomas.

I practically know nothing about him and we can't afford to have such a blank space at this point in the game

Out of everyone left he seems the most suspicious (except for Nin, I can't tell what is going on there)

Really? I mean, we have a roleclaim (Light Sleeper) from him, whereas most of the other players are claiming Ordinary Villager. It's possible that he's lying, but I personally think he's pretty clearly Town.


Honestly, the way you feel about Toma is how I feel about Darryl. I can't get a read on him.

I've been out here front and center trying to chase scum the entire game. I've thrown accusations and tried to build arguments every turn. Toma has done next to nothing but dodge an eviction one time. He is the least constructive player in our roster. He has thrown off the same warning flags that Hobo did. Just sitting there, waving passing hands at anything that comes his way.


Toma has done next to nothing but dodge an eviction one time. He is the least constructive player in our roster. He has thrown off the same warning flags that Hobo did. Just sitting there, waving passing hands at anything that comes his way.

What do you make of his roleclaim, then? If he is a light sleeper, doesn’t that make him being the Lost Partner seem a little unlikely?

(I'm not trying to argue, btw, so much as follow your line of reasoning.)


What do you make of his roleclaim, then? If he is a light sleeper, doesn’t that make him being the Lost Partner seem a little unlikely?

(I'm not trying to argue, btw, so much as follow your line of reasoning.)

I already posted about this and you already responded. The Light Sleeper role itself has hardly seemed like a role that benefits town from the start. It's already shown to be a neutral role, having helped only HHA right now to get Haly.

I don't know why you think those are guaranteed Townie roles. Squidy had a town role. Hippie had a town role. In implementation, those roles clearly helped town. How does Tomas being a Light Sleeper help town? Can you name a single way? Because it certainly was not to pick up Ourobolus, whose HHA power made him immune.

In addition to that, if you read my post I made just a page or so ago. There are lots of weird quirks that stuck out. Such as our 3 HHA refusing to vote on him during a heated time when one of their own was beginning to go under the knife. This all was just made more suspicious by Toma refusing to respond to my post in time for the night to end. Completely deflecting it.
Right. Since there's at least Darryl pushing for me, for whoever is town: If I'm evicted, all my night reports have been as given to me, so you don't need to worry second guessing any of that tomorrow.

Since we've lost Rage, we've been sorely lacking annotated maps! I've tried my best to sneakily do this at work this morning, hopefully everything is accurate. I've done 3 separate maps around the 3 role claims:




Sorry that some are not very readable.

I've put ? next to the gossips since it's a role claim, but I think they've all been confirmed by players next to them. Personally, I'm looking at those next to the role claims: RNH, Darryl, Nin. (That said, I could see gossip being a HHA role given they were too looking for a particular role)

I only really have my thoughts on RNH at the moment though.

RNH: Don't think RNH is HHA (though he could be a HHA member (or the recruited) that hasn't needed to act in my area as another HHA is still about? Don't know how many we think we have left..)

- RNH sits in a spot that was in both mine and Kalor's area. On the few nights we were both 'listening' we never had activity on the same night - so RNH didn't have any activity?

- I had no activity on the night (Night 3?) that there was no kill. I'm assuming Ouro was making the moves as he was undetectable, but would RNH being visited triggered it? I'm guessing so (please correct me if we know that's wrong?) so I don't think he's been recruited and Ouro recruited outside of my area.


I really dont know where to go with my thoughts at this point in the game.
We are 6 players left and i really feel unconfortable saying anything against other players now since everything i said and did the past couple of days was stirr shit up.
I will think about the last remaining players and will put them into thoughts later on.
I will point fingers towards everyone since we are only 6 players left guys!
Shit is going to get down now !


How does Tomas being a Light Sleeper help town? Can you name a single way? Because it certainly was not to pick up Ourobolus, whose HHA power made him immune.

I cannot think of a way based on what has occurred in this game. BUT, we've already had another light sleeper who has been evicted. Kalor was confirmed as a light sleeper, and confirmed to be town when he got taken out. Has there been any indication so far that we have multiple versions of the same role? I've only seen Town Gossips. (I suppose it's possible that Razmos is an HHA gossip, but I don't think it's super likely.)

Additionally, back to my original point that you ignored. If we assume that the last mafia is the Lost Partner, do you really think that this would also be combined with another role? I really think the Lost Partner was an Ordinary Villager.

I don't have time to look into the rest of your points right now, but I will later this morning.


Something that just occured to me: Why would Ouro need an HHA power to make him immune to an HHA player? We know that Kark laid out these powers purposefully, so why would he give Ouro immunity to the Light Sleeper role if the Light Sleeper were HHA? He could just tell the HHA Light Sleeper to lie.
I already posted about this and you already responded. The Light Sleeper role itself has hardly seemed like a role that benefits town from the start. It's already shown to be a neutral role, having helped only HHA right now to get Haly.

I don't know why you think those are guaranteed Townie roles. Squidy had a town role. Hippie had a town role. In implementation, those roles clearly helped town. How does Tomas being a Light Sleeper help town? Can you name a single way? Because it certainly was not to pick up Ourobolus, whose HHA power made him immune.

In addition to that, if you read my post I made just a page or so ago. There are lots of weird quirks that stuck out. Such as our 3 HHA refusing to vote on him during a heated time when one of their own was beginning to go under the knife. This all was just made more suspicious by Toma refusing to respond to my post in time for the night to end. Completely deflecting it.

On the flip side, how does Tom being HHA help them? All they'd get from that is that someone was doing an action every other night. What use is that to them?

Link to the day where the HHA were refusing to vote for him pls.


Something that just occured to me: Why would Ouro need an HHA power to make him immune to an HHA player? We know that Kark laid out these powers purposefully, so why would he give Ouro immunity to the Light Sleeper role if the Light Sleeper were HHA? He could just tell the HHA Light Sleeper to lie.

I get what you are trying to say, the argument makes sense to me but this game has been strange and full of surprises.
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