Never played an Animal Crossing game before. Just downloaded it, very curious.
Is the game also good if you don't have much time?
Is the game also good if you don't have much time?
Gah! never getting any char spawns! Never getting any Rainbow Trout either. Is there a trick to this?
Catch/scare away all other fishGah! never getting any char spawns! Never getting any Rainbow Trout either. Is there a trick to this?
Gah! never getting any char spawns! Never getting any Rainbow Trout either. Is there a trick to this?
How is he doing that?!
Soooooo does anybody know how can I kick somebody out of my village...?
I was planning to make a brige with perfect placement but sadly some new neighbour started building his house just were I wanted the brigde.
I know it's a bir cruel but I really need that brige <How can I invite him to leave fast and nicely?
I don't want to spend a couple weeks sending him boots and tires on the mail like I hand to in the DS game :|
Never played an Animal Crossing game before. Just downloaded it, very curious.
Is the game also good if you don't have much time?
Soooooo does anybody know how can I kick somebody out of my village...?
I was planning to make a brige with perfect placement but sadly some new neighbour started building his house just were I wanted the brigde.
I know it's a bir cruel but I really need that brige <How can I invite him to leave fast and nicely?
I don't want to spend a couple weeks sending him boots and tires on the mail like I hand to in the DS game :|
One more thing, is it possible to create your character's body/ features like in skyrim for eg? When I started the game there was nothing like that.
One more thing, is it possible to create your character's body/ features like in skyrim for eg? When I started the game there was nothing like that.
Nope. Everyone has the same body type and your face/default hairstyle is determined by the questions Rover asks you in the very beginning of the game with no indication that he's doing so.
You'll make time if you get hooked into it. *chuckles* But yeah, you can choose to do only a couple of things if you want. It's really how well you can stop yourself from wanting to advance further with your town faster.
With hats, shirts, pants, socks and shoes available to wear as you please as well as being able to change hair style and color and wearing contact lenses to change eye color later on, what kind of customization do you still need?One more thing, is it possible to create your character's body/ features like in skyrim for eg? When I started the game there was nothing like that.
Never played an Animal Crossing game before. Just downloaded it, very curious.
Is the game also good if you don't have much time?
Thanks, so the real time aspect doesn't influence the speed of the game so much as the amount of time you put into to it?
From the size of the OTs it's clear that there's a serious risk I'll have to do with less sleep in the coming weeks...
With hats, shirts, pants, socks and shoes available to wear as you please as well as being able to change hair style and color and wearing contact lenses to change eye color later on, what kind of customization do you still need?
With hats, shirts, pants, socks and shoes available to wear as you please as well as being able to change hair style and color and wearing contact lenses to change eye color later on, what kind of customization do you still need?
How about just building the bridge a little bit to the side?
Seriously, you people are so anal.
There is no way to make them move out faster. Just ignore them, unless they walk up to you to talk (they might tell you they're leaving). Also refuse their requests.
Now isn't this the cutest Animal Crossing gif ever ?
Poor Porter never seems to be having any fun. Nice to see him do something other than opening and closing gates for once.
(I found the gif here)
God damn it Cyrano.
After torturing you for 2 weeks hoping you would get out my town, you finally think about leaving. Then you decide to stay anyway despite me not asking you to stay.
Fuck you.
Thanks, so the real time aspect doesn't influence the speed of the game so much as the amount of time you put into to it?
From the size of the OTs it's clear that there's a serious risk I'll have to do with less sleep in the coming weeks...
I will give you that one. Stupid that you can't change thatskin colour :J
Great! I'll come overMicH I'm gonna open up my gates in a minute or 3. Come hang out for a bit and I'll get you your clock.
What's there to do after checking the shops and talking to all your citizens each day?
I will give you that one. Stupid that you can't change that
Great! I'll come overis there anything you need?
Earn your bells.
So wait, the basin around the waterfall where the water enters your town doesn't count as a waterfall for char-fishing? That's what counted as "waterfall" in all the other games. I don't think I've ever even seen a fish in the waterfall on my beach.
Sure! I'm just waiting for you to open your gatesIf you want to donate to my Roost Cafe, go right ahead, otherwise I don't need anything![]()
Sure! I'm just waiting for you to open your gates![]()
Quick question: my new trees keeps on dying over and over, and yes, the space around it is clear (cherry and lychee). Other trees within the same location has been fine. Any idea why?
Oh. That's it? No way to work around that? It was my way to create a farm of all other fruits in an area...If you have too many trees within a area some will die.
On a random note, whoever has the night shift at the post office is rude as FUCK. >:O
OMG I completely forgot about him.As soon as I walked out my door I was met by an axolotl named Dr. Shrunk. He wanted me to collect signatures so he could open a club in Main Street. Hells yeah!
I do love entertainment
I immediately collected he six signtures required and brought it back to him. He said he would do his best to build the venue as fast as he can, so we'll see whenever it will be available.
Porter has found a new place in my heart. This is great.