ian to the max
Saharah says some funny things after redecorating your house.
Have fun going after that 1.1 million plateau.
I'm thinking we're going to need TWO full sets per room (one with corresponding wallpaper and flooring/carpet) in order to pull that trick off.
That means two beds per room. We'll also need every lucky item in the game... and some actual luck on top of that (namely stocking up on villager pictures).
At least the HHA prizes are all exterior-based after 150K.
Trying to do the trick mentioned earlier where you put your tools where your letters go. Doesn't seem to work..is there a trick to it?
Trying to do the trick mentioned earlier where you put your tools where your letters go. Doesn't seem to work..is there a trick to it?
Trying to do the trick mentioned earlier where you put your tools where your letters go. Doesn't seem to work..is there a trick to it?
Are you putting them on read letters so that they become presents?
How can I get to play with random people on the island?
AC y u do dis
Dude, you need to check my town The bushes have grown!I had about 63:30 and an average play time of about 2:33 minutes yesterday. Haven't played yet today.
Ah thanks for that. I don't mind losing my sparkle.The rain DOES water the flowers. It DOES NOT make them sparkle, but they still get watered. No wilted flowers the next day.
Oh nice I attained perfect town today and didn't even expect it. What are the requirements? It allows you to modify the town hall and build a nice little clock.
Now I just have to hold on to it.
Might just be my imagination, but I think the animals are able to pronounce some names in the game. They're definitely saying something phonetically close to mine.
How do you unlock the Museum Shop? I've donated loads of items from each category but I don't have the option to upgrade yet.
It won't unlock until you've played the game and talked to Blathers daily for a full two weeks.How do you unlock the Museum Shop? I've donated loads of items from each category but I don't have the option to upgrade yet.
Isabelle tells me to water my flowers but I have no watering can yet. :/
There's a minimum day requirement, and after that it appears to be a random day where Blathers considers it.
Oh nice I attained perfect town today and didn't even expect it. What are the requirements? It allows you to modify the town hall and build a nice little clock.
Now I just have to hold on to it.
it's been 5 days since i got the petition signed where the hell is my club
it's been 5 days since i got the petition signed where the hell is my club
And I am guessing villagers will never buy it if you put it up for sale on the flea market.
Crushed, but I had Cyrus remake the bed. Even though it's not as awesome, I hope Leonardo likes it...
I wish the game would let you design socks/tights as well...
I want a pair of green stripe socks darnit...tights would be good too
The whole grinding for bells thing on the island is starting to get really tedious and old for me and it takes waaaay too long to make bells on the mainland. Ugh.