Oh man, I think I either missed the peak turnip price or have the random pattern. It went super low then bounded back up to 11X, then dropped back to 90. And I have almost 100k tied up in turnips. I haven't been able to check the price religiously because of work.
I'm also worried the routine of every day is wearing me out. I used to time travel all the time in the original and Wild World, but I've strictly kept it all above board this time, mostly because I can fit in most of a day's work into my commute.
Anyone have suggestions to liven it up? I'm still pretty early relatively, since I got it late. I've just got Kicks, TT Mart and got signatures for Club LOL. Also about to get my first new room on the ground floor.
My routine is usually water all flowers, get all fossils, sell stuff from past island farming, visit all shops, and other small tasks as they pop up. Haven't even started any PWPs or trying to get more.