Walking my cocker spaniel puppy (omg cute) and then I'll be over Philia!
Walking my cocker spaniel puppy (omg cute) and then I'll be over Philia!
The fountain is 3x3 on the grid. The benches are 2x1. Indeed, you cant.
EDIT: Is it impossible to center benches with the fountain!?
The fountain is 3x3 on the grid. The benches are 2x1. Indeed, you cant.
What's worse, for me, is that you can't center a 2-wide path on a fountain either.
As for the benches, being able to change the direction would have been also welcome.
Thanks for that MicH!
In other news I think I've managed to do something very special today. I seem to have streetpassed legitimately (rather than using the MAC cheat) a fellow GAFer!
I'd post a pic but tumblr is being stupid.
LOL, give me another 20 mins. I'll be digging up all of those dig spots at MicH's place now.
Mwahaha! Taking advantage of a town being open and having Katie.
Also, Tucker said he's leaving on the 18th. I am SOOOOOO happy.
P.S. Can I buy a perfect apple from someone? I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I literally can't get them to happen naturally for me.
EDIT: Is it impossible to center benches with the fountain!?
This fella called Zamtendo.. Very cool. Someone who posts in this thread?
Why are you so racist against elephants?!?!
I can take ages if you sell/eat/give the first one, if I'm not mistaken.P.S. Can I buy a perfect apple from someone? I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I literally can't get them to happen naturally for me.
After getting the gold watering can, is there any point in maintaining a perfect town or checking in with Elizabeth each day?
Chance of a Jacob's Ladder appearing in your town?
Why those bushes keep dying?
Too many other bushes or trees in the area or bad luck. If it keeps happening it is likely the former. But sometimes bushes just randomly decide not to grow and when you replant it is grows up perfectly fine.Why those bushes keep dying?
Too many bushes and trees in a 7x7 area (15 is the max). I seem to recall there is some limit on the number of bushes you can place in a row without a gap as well.
Mother f--!!
Roscoe moved out recently and I didn't even know!
And now I'm stuck with Jeremiah... *sigh*
Thank you Philia for the black cosmos! Your town is truly a gem!
Is there a good gyroid checklist anywhere?
Is there a chance I could get in on that action? I don't understand the limitations...
That would probably be 20, since you can't plant a bush next to a buildinghouse (or even in front of the door)... and they don't have to be continuous. Pretty sure it's doable, actually.12. The number it would take to trap a villager in their house.![]()
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, but if I'm understanding it correctly, it's wrong.Just to check, you can get around the rule where a center tree sapling dies by having eight around it by waiting till the eight are fully grown and then planting the sapling, right?
Doesn't seem to be the case, so I think it's the latter, but I'd like to make some experiments with this. The "7x7" rule is working a bit differently than usually explained, I'm leaning to think this is the same for this one.Too many bushes and trees in a 7x7 area (15 is the max).
Thankfully, you can get Nintendo Zone stuff from the parking lot. I parked as close to McDonald's as I could and was able to connect to NZ and then downloaded a pumpkin pie from Pelly. It took a couple tries because the signal was weak but at least it works.
Thankfully, you can get Nintendo Zone stuff from the parking lot. I parked as close to McDonald's as I could and was able to connect to NZ and then downloaded a pumpkin pie from Pelly. It took a couple tries because the signal was weak but at least it works.
Why didn't you just go inside? Grab yourself some o' dem apple pies![]()
Why not choose the comfort of McDonald's, buy a McWrap and download your pie(s)? Or Burgerking if that's more your style![]()
I'm restarting my time travel town since Chief just left all of a sudden. Fuck this.
Opening up for you guys to come grab my hybrids later today
Celiac. I'd rather not have to see all that stuff.![]()
Ahaha London Streetpassing =P he got juniored for those beg threads lolThis fella called Zamtendo.
More a lurker than a poster, but he used his avatar on the bedsheets which is why I knew it was him.
Dang, my village is already full ;-;
Anyone interested in dinosaur models? I have some complete sets of fossils to give away for free for anyone interested. The sets I have on offer are:
Have you and BPB been doing the "two days forward, two days back" method for cycling villagers?
Anyone interested in dinosaur models? I have some complete sets of fossils to give away for free for anyone interested. The sets I have on offer are:
Sure.Can I take that one?
The next site to be added to i.nintendo? Wish tumblr would fix their login page.Nintendo is tweeting about sharing QR codes for this game on Pinterest now. Went there. Looked through some followers. Saw some things.
No problem, I'll probably get the skull again soon enough.Well I'm not interested in the sets, but the parasaurus skull is the last fossil I need. Can I just get the skull? I'd love to get Blathers off my back . . .
He'll ask you for 70 times that, so be prepared ^_^I just played for half an hour and owe Tom Nook 10,000 Bells. I got the impression he'd like to break my kneecaps.
First, you register someone's friend code, and ask her/him to register yours.So who'd like to be friends? How does that work in this game, the manual was sparse. I'm just kinda going with it right now!