Thank you THANK YOU. I said this same thing for Milo, and even Richard Spencer. The moment we stop debating their points with a CLEARLY stronger point of view, the moment theirs gains leverage. I think those on the left think that they're living on a slippery slope trying to stifle free speech, and act with violent protest, the moment they assume it's acceptable for them to reciprocate, or even feel like they're taking the high ground.
Dude. Dude.
Think about how much you have posted on this site alone--just on NeoGAF, and just on the subject of politics. Think about how many hundreds of posts you have on these subjects. But yet despite all that, we haven't even been able to get through to someone like you. If we can't get through to a supposed ally like you and are on completely different wavelengths, what hope is there for people like Coulter or Milo or Spencer? We can't even get through to you that it wasn't "debate" that took Milo down but a really incredible stroke of luck that he turned out to be a pedophile-sympathizer, which turned out to be a step too far. Not any debate took him down--just him turning out to think pedophilia isn't that bad.
Same with say O'Reilly. No amount of debate with him or anything took him off the air. It's only once advertisers pulled their ads once he turned out to have sexually harassed women (again, not for anything he said, or any amount of debate, or even just the fact that he's a women-harassing pile of garbage by itself got Fox to pull him, not even
that was enough, but rather advertisers pulling their ads
because of that fact is what got Fox to act) that made him get kicked. And even then he's very likely to wind up finding some gig elsewhere, taking his audience with him, and being just fine and things not being anything different at all.
And of course the same was true with the transgender bathroom bill in North Carolina. Was it "debate" or whatever that got the Republicans that supported that shit scared? No, it was the NCAA and other businesses and all the toooooootaly, super-evil-inherently-because-they're-billion-dollar-corporations-and-all-those-guys-are-inherently-evil-because-wall-street pulling their money from the state that got those motherfuckers to even somewhat consider changing their minds (and even there, even after all that, they still tried all manner of bullshit and hemming and hawing).
But despite your hundreds of posts on this site, despite all the debate you've done, we can't even get a supposed ally like you on your side and to understand this. If debating you is like trying to lift the world on our shoulders, then what hope is there for anything to be gained from debating people like Milo or Coulter? If just debating you, an ally, is like pulling blood from a stone on these issues, how can you even begin to attempt to argue in good faith that there's anything at all to be gained from debating people like this?
The fact that debating an ally like you is like pulling blood from a stone is the direct counter-point to every single thing you're saying here. That you don't see that and continue down this road really says it all and is better than any argument I could ever make myself, so thanks for that.