Many in this thread resent "giving" freedom of speech to those whose views they find toxic.
If such a thing is "given", can it be taken away?
Who decides?
There is no defensible answer. That's why our laws AND social norms are so much in favor of an inalienable right to free speech. Public universities are the intellectual heart of the country and should uphold the core principles of the society they serve. Free speech is the most fundamental of those principles, it is the mechanism that safeguards the protection of all other principles.
It is no test of tolerance to accept free speech you agree with. Others will have views you find abhorrent, yet they have the right to speak them. Others will feel that you have views that they find abhorrent, yet you too have the right to speak them.
It is the most successful approach to human expression that has ever been conceived.
Be careful in your attempts to dismantle a mechanism that you will someday need to protect yourself.
I have lived my whole life in Alabama. I've seen racism, homophobia, xenophobia, ultra-conservative Christian values, etc. I've been exposed to all of it, yet somehow I'm pretty dang liberal/progressive. I get that it's scary and frustrating to see people in authority, let alone the fucking president, spreading hateful messages. Even still, I believe in the true definition of Free Speech and not the flimsy cherry picked definition wherein we create polarizing bubbles of accepted discourse.
I'm strongly Pro-Choice, but if somebody who is Pro-Life is asked to speak at a university that's largely conservative I think it's okay to let those people speak. Protests should be about important things, and while I don't want to tell people what to protest about I am alarmed at how many protests seem to be popping up trying to shut down discourse. It's almost ironic.
Thank you THANK YOU. I said this same thing for Milo, and even Richard Spencer. The moment we stop debating their points with a CLEARLY stronger point of view, the moment theirs gains leverage. I think those on the left think that they're living on a slippery slope trying to stifle free speech, and act with violent protest, the moment they assume it's acceptable for them to reciprocate, or even feel like they're taking the high ground.
But folks keep thinking that this approach actually works.
You mean, like any argument you think you have by throwing a fit about what somebody has to say, versus engaging in aggressive debate and winning with stronger ideas? Or are you all out of ideas?
Naive at best.
This isn't a debate. This is radicalization. And each and every one of you are using the 1st Amendment to defend that. Or implicit bias (seeing the best in the folks you can relate to).
Their rights are not being stifled when the people or the institution, not the government, states that they do not want their platform used for these bigoted lot.
It's like neo-nazis in a rock venue. Many of them try to control the mosh pit, and then pretty much take over the joint. Managers and bouncers who try to speak to them to get them out? Get walked all over, lose the crowd, or worse.
That best case scenario works with like minds. Those who are also looking to engage in talks. They are not.
So you speak their language by getting them the fuck out of there by any means necessary. Win the crowd back. And if you don't have the physical resources for that, use whatever leverage you got. But the goal is the same.
They. Must. Go.
Evil prevails when good people do nothing. Nothing comes in many forms.
The one I'm seeing in this thread? Is the one MLK Jr. hated enough to infamously write about.