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ANT-MAN | Production Thread

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Ultron is a important aspect of Pym history, but no way a huge part of it. I mean Pym himself only encounters Ultron a handful of times Ultron has shown up. Hell for all we know Stark might be tinkering with an abandoned Pym project and starts the whole thing.

Folks need to get on Pym he is so much more then a wife beater and the guy who created Ultron.

The fact that this movie will be introducing Scott and (possibly) Hope as Ant-Man and Wasp in the MCU is my biggest gripe with it just because I consider Hank and Janet great characters. I'm also actually more disappointed that Yellowjacket has been removed from Pym rather than his involvement with Ultron.


The fact that this movie will be introducing Scott and (possibly) Hope as Ant-Man and Wasp in the MCU is my biggest gripe with it just because I consider Hank and Janet great characters. I'm also actually more disappointed that Yellowjacket has been removed from Pym rather than his involvement with Ultron.

I am praying that they are trying to steal the time gem and it de ages Pym.


How come I had never seen this before?
Link to video please


I expect this film be great but people who won't shut up about Wright not being attached will call it shit because no wright marvel is doomed

Ooooo Slattery is back hmmm some Howard and Hank pym team up. Wonder if Hank is working for Stark maybe show them building arc reactor or something


Ultron is a important aspect of Pym history, but no way a huge part of it. I mean Pym himself only encounters Ultron a handful of times Ultron has shown up. Hell for all we know Stark might be tinkering with an abandoned Pym project and starts the whole thing.

Folks need to get on Pym he is so much more then a wife beater and the guy who created Ultron.

I know, I'm just saying they're already fine taking away history from him so I wouldn't see the issue if they retconned his romance.

Now, I do think they should have just stuck with Pym. The wife beating shit was gross in the comics but I dont' see why they couldn't just not include that. Mr. Fantastic is the biggest piece of shit and yet I don't think people would make a huge fuss about him being in the movies.


T.I.? Huh. Bill Foster maybe? And then he could be the Bill Foster to Rosario Dawson's "Claire T
" in the Netflix series
if Claire T isn't really some dumb anagram of Elictra

I'm getting more and more hyped for this movie. I never cared about Edgar Wright directing it, and all of his fanboys' bitching and moaning that he isn't attached is just pathetic at this point. Let it go. If it sucks, it sucks, and you'll have your fun eventually. Stop trying to ruin it for the rest of us though.
So with John Slattery...

Anyone think that means Howard Stark had worked with Hank Pym then?

maybe not worked with but if the Latino Review rumour from the other week is true, then there is a scene with Pym meeting with high ranking SHIELD officers including Howard Stark, Peggy Carter and Alexander Pierce.
So Dominic Cooper is young Howard Stark, and John Slattery is old Howard Stark? That's kinda weird. I thought they did a complete recasting with Dominic.


So Dominic Cooper is young Howard Stark, and John Slattery is old Howard Stark? That's kinda weird. I thought they did a complete recasting with Dominic.

I thought so too. But I'm okay with having having a Young Howard and Older Howard played by two different actors.


Not really, but you know Edgar's movie would have been better than whatever this ends up being.



No thanks.

Also motherfuckin Walt Disney Stark is back!!!!

So with John Slattery...

Anyone think that means Howard Stark had worked with Hank Pym then?

Slattery was already old Howard in Iron Man 2.

I thought so too. But I'm okay with having having a Young Howard and Older Howard played by two different actors.

The more Stark the better.


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
I'm really hoping Hank originally designed the A.I. program that eventually led to Jarvis and Ultron, but Howard Stark fucked him over somehow so, in a round about way, he can still be Ultron's creator.


Fuck this movie. I'm watching Hot Fuzz tonight in retaliation.

I am actually watching Hot Fuzz right this moment! Has nothing to do with this movie tho, Hot Fuzz is just a fucking amazing movie.

It is to bad that Wright left the project, I now have serious doubts about this project. But hey, marvel hasn't made a bad movie yet, only disappointing ones (I look at you iron man 2 and 3), so Ant-man still gets the benefit of the doubt.


Hmm I saw some filming in downtown San Francisco at 4:30am on 4th Street. I was out getting coffee. They were filming some greenish car driving around.

Car commercial or Ant Man?


I don't know anything about Ant-Man but is super excited for anything MCU related. Guardians of the Galaxy made me buy every single film from Marvel Studios.

Is Hank Pym the man behind the mask of Ant-Man, and he is the creator of Ultron? Is Howard Stark the father of Iron-Man? (I haven't watched Iron-Man 2 yet).


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
Hank is the original Ant-Man but he'll be retired at the time of the movie. Paul Rudd will be playing the newer Ant-Man. Howard is Tony's father. He has a minor role in IM2, and a much larger one in the first Captain America.


Dammit. I was talking to the barista about the filming and she said 'yeah I heard it was a movie' holy fuck did I miss my chance to take the very first pics from the ant man production?

They did ask me to walk on the other side of the street while they filmed against the convention center there.

Saw extras around there too I believe
They're gonna film and do all the effects in less than a year?

I'm sad about Wright bowing out, but this worries me more than anything. I assume they know what they're doing though. I'm going to guess they've already started on any major CG set pieces prior to filming.
Definitely looking forward to this. The concept is unique for a superhero film and sounds like it has a ton of potential for both comedy and drama, the cast is great, plus I think Ant-Man as a hero will truly shine on a big screen. IMO comic books simply isn't a good enough format to show off his powers and Marvel Studios will be able to remedy that.

Now it's all about whether they can execute and based on Marvels track record I think they just might.


Will Ant-Man be the first film of Phase 3?
Then followed by Dr Strange, Captain America 3, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Black Panther? Or do you think we'll get more of the usuals like Iron-Man and Thor?


Will Ant-Man be the first film of Phase 3?
Then followed by Dr Strange, Captain America 3, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Black Panther? Or do you think we'll get more of the usuals like Iron-Man and Thor?
Yes to the first of Phase 3.

I don't think we'll get an Iron Man 4. Doc Strange, Cap 3, Thor 3, and GotG 2 yes. Black Panther...eh. We can hope. :)


Will Ant-Man be the first film of Phase 3?
Then followed by Dr Strange, Captain America 3, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Black Panther? Or do you think we'll get more of the usuals like Iron-Man and Thor?

I think Thor 3 is being thrown in to P3 at some point.


I only know Antman through both seasons of Avengers: EMH. If it's not even going to be Pym for most of it, I know very little. And we fear what we don't understand. But Marvel have done very well for the past couple films, so let's hope this is of a similar quality.

The first thing that comes to mind is that if Pym is old, then there's the whole "Why haven't we heard of him sooner" thing. I know why they couldn't in previous films because of real life stuff like scripts and blah blah, but it doesn't help itself by starting the film with an established Antman/Giantman who has lived to retirement age and is mentoring his replacement. Unless they address it. Which they probably would do. All of that is an assumption, which could very well be proven to be completely wrong if they decide to do a non-standard (from my knowledge) timeline.
The only confirmed movies for Phase 3 are:

  • Ant-Man
  • Captain America 3
  • Thor 3 (probably Ragnarok)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy 2
  • Avengers 3

Not officially confirmed but highly likely to happen in Phase 3:
  • Dr Strange is basically a done deal as well with a script and director on board (though not officially announced by Marvel).
  • Inhumans apparently has a script and is being shopped out to directors who will likely put their own spin on said script the same way Gunn did with GotG (though again, not officially confirmed by Marvel).


Junior Member
The only confirmed movies for Phase 3 are:

  • Ant-Man
  • Captain America 3
  • Thor 3 (aka Ragnarok)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy 2
  • Avengers 3

Not officially confirmed but highly likely to happen in Phase 3:
  • Dr Strange is basically a done deal as well with a script and director on board (though not officially announced by Marvel).
  • Inhumans apparently has a script and is being shopped out to directors (though again, not officially confirmed by Marvel).
We don't know if Thor 3 will be Ragnarok, but it is likely.
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