the liberal stench is strong in this thread
Gonna be a crazy few months up till November. Trump is going to win in a landslide though, I think the country will vote for new blood in DC over existing corruption. just my 2 cents

the liberal stench is strong in this thread
Gonna be a crazy few months up till November. Trump is going to win in a landslide though, I think the country will vote for new blood in DC over existing corruption. just my 2 cents
What makes you believe this?
the liberal stench is strong in this thread
Gonna be a crazy few months up till November. Trump is going to win in a landslide though, I think the country will vote for new blood in DC over existing corruption. just my 2 cents
What makes you believe this?
So... how about those republican policies? What's your defense of those?
Or is this about "Winning" to you?
I'm glad you're happy now because with that attitude you won't be happy for longthe liberal stench is strong in this thread
Gonna be a crazy few months up till November. Trump is going to win in a landslide though, I think the country will vote for new blood in DC over existing corruption. just my 2 cents
the liberal stench is strong in this thread
Gonna be a crazy few months up till November. Trump is going to win in a landslide though, I think the country will vote for new blood in DC over existing corruption. just my 2 cents
feelings I presume.
the liberal stench is strong in this thread
Gonna be a crazy few months up till November. Trump is going to win in a landslide though, I think the country will vote for new blood in DC over existing corruption. just my 2 cents
That's very mature.
The same feelings these people had when they believed Romney would win also. You had Karl Rove almost breakdown on Fox News because he couldn't handle reality. I expect the same election night.
So at first I was going to post a specific response to each point, but I realized most of them could be summarized by the following:
Now tell me how you feel about walls and Muslims.
So at first I was going to post a specific response to each point, but I realized most of them could be summarized by the following:
Now tell me how you feel about walls and Muslims.
No no, it's better this way. All the smug superiority, with none of the work!Is "tell us how you really feel" a new GAF thing? We used to take screenshots and pretend to have open browser tabs with porn names but I can adjust if this is what we do now.
Is "tell us how you really feel" a new GAF thing? We used to take screenshots and pretend to have open browser tabs with porn names but I can adjust if this is what we do now.
So at first I was going to post a specific response to each point, but I realized most of them could be summarized by the following:
Now tell me how you feel about walls and Muslims.
The level of maturity in my post was no different than the rest of the comments in this thread. Probably more mature to be honest.
I never said I love Trump but I cannot support Hillary and I think the latest polling from Washington Post that shows Trump +2 over hillary will continue in his favor until November.
I totally get that GAF in general is no friend to fiscal conservatives / libertarians but I'm not afraid to stand for:
1. Better use of tax dollars and a tax code that is reasonable
2. Less policing of other countries
3. Smaller federal government and shifting more to the states
4. An audit if the Fed
5. Enforcing immigration laws like every other country does
6. Rights of unborn babies especially late term
7. Addressing social security insolvency
Hillary doesn't do anything for me on this.
Stay classy and don't respond to each point. That's fine. Apparently spending tax dollars wisely and the life of a 20+ week baby is lmao. 😊
I'm happy with a wall, sure. I'd rather we just enforce immigration laws just like every other country does.
Muslims? I dont believe we should ban any group that's stupid, regarding refugees I think you have to be very smart and careful about what you do especially with isis saying they are sending people as refugees.
I know I'm outnumbered in this forum but that's fine. Have a great day.
Whenever I see a list of things "fiscal" conservatives stand for, it always translate to the following in my head:
1) Punish women
2) Enable states to abuse minorities and the poor
3) Take Social Security away from old people
I must be a cynic.
I still don't get this. The wall won't work, will cost more that it will ever actually do, and whoever start building it will be out before it even start to look like a "wall". Also, your country DOES ENFORCE THOSE LAWS. "Oh, but all those dirty, job-stealing 'migrants!". Yes, there is undocumented people working BECAUSE YOUR COUNTRY TRIVES ON SLAVE-LEVEL WORK AND EXPLOITATION.
If a person sees a protest and goes "well that makes me want to vote for the racist/bigot/sexist guy" then they were already going to vote for him anyways. This protest doesn't help or hinder him.
The level of maturity in my post was no different than the rest of the comments in this thread. Probably more mature to be honest.
I never said I love Trump but I cannot support Hillary and I think the latest polling from Washington Post that shows Trump +2 over hillary will continue in his favor until November.
I totally get that GAF in general is no friend to fiscal conservatives / libertarians but I'm not afraid to stand for:
1. Better use of tax dollars and a tax code that is reasonable
2. Less policing of other countries
3. Smaller federal government and shifting more to the states
4. An audit if the Fed
5. Enforcing immigration laws like every other country does
6. Rights of unborn babies especially late term
7. Addressing social security insolvency
Hillary doesn't do anything for me on this.
This guy seems like a nice person. Seriously?
No thread for the San Diego protests?
Just search Twitter for videos/pictures. Here's a few
This guy seems like a nice person. Seriously?
Oh wow it looks like day 3 of Comic-Con when all the religious fucks come out.
This type of thinking is so strange, where is the self control? Rioting isn't protesting.
So speak with your vote or protest peacefully. Violence is the most immature and unintelligent form of communication..
So speak with your vote or protest peacefully. Violence is the most immature and unintelligent form of communication..
So speak with your vote or protest peacefully. Violence is the most immature and unintelligent form of communication..
It's pointless to use rioting as a form of protest, it only adds to the anger and frustration. It doesn't help ease the situation in any way, it only escalates things negatively.
The level of maturity in my post was no different than the rest of the comments in this thread. Probably more mature to be honest.
I never said I love Trump but I cannot support Hillary and I think the latest polling from Washington Post that shows Trump +2 over hillary will continue in his favor until November.
I totally get that GAF in general is no friend to fiscal conservatives / libertarians but I'm not afraid to stand for:
1. Better use of tax dollars and a tax code that is reasonable
2. Less policing of other countries
3. Smaller federal government and shifting more to the states
4. An audit if the Fed
5. Enforcing immigration laws like every other country does
6. Rights of unborn babies especially late term
7. Addressing social security insolvency
Hillary doesn't do anything for me on this.
America most certainly does not enforce immigration laws. We even send billions in tax returns to illegals who claim children living in another country. We have sanctuary cities and a major problem with drug / illegal activity coming from the southern border. No other country is as lax with illegal immigration as America.
You're probably right that some employers are exploiting them. You know why? Because the government is inept when it comes to immigration. If we knew who was in the country and made sure they had the proper identification (visa, green card or whatever) then employers couldn't do that. Additionally, our government refuses to punish employers who hire illegals, so they are encouraging the behavior which encourages illegals to come north.
So? Can people not control themselves? Why stoop to his level?
They come out to comic con? Wow.
I laugh every time watching the coverage of these events when they have to quickly cut away because someone with a Fuck Trump sign walks into the frame. Happened twice so far today on msnbc.
We live in times where people can voice there opinions freely and should feel safe to do so. Violence causes fear and anger, there are better ways to protest. According to examples shared here there are cases that violence helped but for the most part violent protests fuel the fire. It brings about awareness of course, but it paints a terrible picture of those involved.
Isn't it better to try and discuss things peacefully?
America most certainly does not enforce immigration laws. We even send billions in tax returns to illegals who claim children living in another country. We have sanctuary cities and a major problem with drug / illegal activity coming from the southern border. No other country is as lax with illegal immigration as America.
You're probably right that some employers are exploiting them. You know why? Because the government is inept when it comes to immigration. If we knew who was in the country and made sure they had the proper identification (visa, green card or whatever) then employers couldn't do that. Additionally, our government refuses to punish employers who hire illegals, so they are encouraging the behavior which encourages illegals to come north.
We live in times where people can voice their opinions freely and should feel safe to do so. Violence causes fear and anger, there are better ways to protest. According to examples shared here there are cases that violence helped but for the most part violent protests fuel the fire. It brings about awareness of course, but it paints a terrible picture of those involved.
Isn't it better to try and discuss things peacefully?
1. Better use of tax dollars and a tax code that is reasonable
6. Rights of unborn babies especially late term
I'd ask if traffic duty was an option instead.But I don't know why any would want to protect a Trump rally. If I was a cop, I'd opt out of that so fast.
I don't know. I just think this makes those protesting seem like the westboro baptist church people. For me this is going too far, why do they need to protest so violently? I get that they are mad but this just makes them look unreasonable and dangerous.
I guess I just disagree with this form of protest, but hey if it's helpful to bring about positive change great. I just doubt that will be the outcome.
I don't know. I just think this makes those protesting seem like the westboro baptist church people. For me this is going too far, why do they need to protest so violently? I get that they are mad but this just makes them look unreasonable and dangerous.
I guess I just disagree with this form of protest, but hey if it's helpful to bring about positive change great. I just doubt that will be the outcome.
You asked me my opinion and I shared it. If you think otherwise that's fine because that's your opinion.
Why does we talk about violent protesting like it's a sustained thing? There clearly doesn't exist a national movement to use violence to combat Trump. These are just people going to peaceful protests and then getting mad and breaking shit. It's not a philosophy, it's not thought out, it's not romantic. What you are seeing is a insignificant fraction of the movement to defeat trash being jackasses. You really think anyone is gonna see a random a-hole break a window and say "Gee, I guess he has a point."
So no, violent protests don't work unless we are talking about the French Revolution or a violent coup.
From my understanding peaceful protests are more successful than violent protests. Yes there have been cases, like the one you shared earlier, where violent protest helped bring abut the necessary awareness and change. for the most part, however, peaceful protesting is the way to go and the best way bring about positive change.
You can think however you'd like, I'm not trying to stop you. Just sharing my opinions and I will never change my mind in thinking that violent protests are wrong and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. I don't think we are at the point where these types of riots should be considered acceptable.
the liberal stench is strong in this thread
Gonna be a crazy few months up till November. Trump is going to win in a landslide though, I think the country will vote for new blood in DC over existing corruption. just my 2 cents
If you understand stonewall. You understand why people are rioting. Peaceful protests have been tried since slavery ended.
MLK Jr was assasinated. I can't buy that you're being genuine here. As it would mean that you aren't aware that minorities in this country have exhausted every option. If you understand stonewall, and an infinite other number of examples. You'd understand that when you've been ignored and are still being executed in the streets by the truckload, violence happens.
If this was the first instance of minorities protesting, and out the gate it was violent you'd have a point. But it's not being intellectually honest to pretend as if peace hasnt been met with continued behavior, and that there isnt a concurrent effort being made. A response to BLM is making harsher charges for police that are attacked as a hate crime.
I can't believe you're unaware of this.
You use Martin Luther King Jr. as a bludgeon while ignoring much of what he said that does not fit your narrative about rioting. You call rioting a choice - what is the other choice, exactly? Continue to be oppressed?