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Any chance of a PS2 price drop for christmas? (U.S.)


$150 is too rich for my blood. With $150, I could get a GCN, a memory card, an extra controller and Ikaruga!

So, any chance of a drop? If it does drop, how much do you think it'll drop to?


Tag of Excellence
I dunno, Sony doesn't have a reason to drop the price. Unless the Xbox takes action and does it first then I don't see Sony following suit.

Anyways it's a good console even if it is $50 more than the competition. Just look at what's on the PS2 and see if there any games that you really want and that'll easily justify the extra $50.
I plan on buying one in the next few days, except I have to pay $300 for it (Network adapter bundle), so consider yourself damn lucky.


Anyways it's a good console even if it is $50 more than the competition. Just look at what's on the PS2 and see if there any games that you really want and that'll easily justify the extra $50.


I'm kinda floating in gamer's limbo right now. I sold my GCN after beating Metroid Prime and Resident Evil. I sold all my GBASP games after beating Metroid Zero and Fire Emblem (although the console is just under my bed collecting dust).

I don't know what happened. I've ALWAYS had a home console. I had an NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Saturn, PSX, and a Dreamcast (which I won from planet G-hop.com R.I.P). I sold my Dreamcast the weekend before SEGA announced they were going 3rd party. Ever since then, things were never quite the same between me and consoles.

I seem to be more interested in PC gaming lately(currently replaying BG2). I wanna get my hands on The Sims 2, Half-life 2 and DOOM3, but I'll have to upgrade my crappy video card first. All three of those games will be out by the end of the year I think, but if I upgrade my video card, knowing myself, theres no way I'll be able to get PS2 because I would be giggly over being able to play Vice City in high res that I'll buy a new game each week just to see how far I can bump up the settings!

Probably the only real things that interest me in PS2 are...

Silent Hill (I only beat the first one. I'd collect the rest.)
King's Field (I loved KF2. Even if people say they suck, I still enjoy the games.)
Final Fantasy X (Only cuz I heard it's better than FF7)
Metal Gear Solid (Beat MGS on PSX. Not a hardcore fan, but hearing that guy yell "Snake?! SNAAAAAAKE!" into the radio every time you die is pretty funny.)

Ahhh'... and maybe Wipeout if the series is still any good. I played and beat the Wipeout, WipeoutXL and the N64 version. Are there any 2D Castlevanias for PS2?

Also, how soon is PS3 gonna be out and is there any word if it will be backwards compatible? No sense in buying a PS2 now if I can just get a PS3 in 2006 and get all the games I missed for even cheaper. =)

EDIT: I'm really interested in DS. So far it's like a car accident. You just gotta give it a look even though you don't know if it's really bad or not.


adelgary said:
I plan on buying one in the next few days, except I have to pay $300 for it (Network adapter bundle), so consider yourself damn lucky.

Really? Is shipping that expensive to where you live? NA packs are $150 just like standalones.


Tag of Excellence
Vieo said:
Ahhh'... and maybe Wipeout if the series is still any good. I played and beat the Wipeout, WipeoutXL and the N64 version. Are there any 2D Castlevanias for PS2?

No and No. Avoid the PS2 Castlevania unless you're really curious, it's an incredibly dull game. FFX isn't better than FF7, you'd want to wait for FFXII and probably check out Dragon Warrior VIII early next year. The Silent Hill series is strangely on a decline since the second game, unless you're a fan I'd reccomend avoiding 3 & 4 and try checking out other quality survival horror games available on the PS2.

It seems like PC Gaming is the way to go for you from my incredibly limited analysis. I'd probably invest some money in a new video card instead, although it's the more costly desicion. You just seem much more enthusiastic about it and your instinct is always the best opinion.

Since opinions vary WIDELY don't take my word on it, I just wanted to provide some insight into what you might be getting into. The best solution is to heavily review what the console has of value for you and see if you're willing to take the plunge.


There's no reason to drop the price when they can't keep them on the shelves at the current price.


Personally, I'm least impressed with the PS2. The last game I really enjoyed one it was Final Fantasy X, and it still wasn't anywhere close to the level FFVII was.

GameCube will soon have(or already does):

Tales of Symphonia
Baten Kaitos
Resident Evil 4
Pikmin 2
Legend of Zelda
Metal Gear Solid

XBox has:

Halo 2
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Doom 3
Silent Hill 4
Medal Gear Solid 2

I really don't understand why the PS2 still manages to be the number 1 seller. I suppose Final Fantasy XII and Dragon Quest VIII will be good, though really it's to early to tell. If I were looking for one console, I'd buy a GameCube(Metroid Bundle) or an XBox(better hardware, no need for a memory card).
No chance.

Despite what others may think, Sony does not drop their price in reaction to their competitors. If Xbox were to take the lead for a couple of months this fall, you would still not see a price drop unless PS2 sales had fallen to unacceptable levels regardless of the competition. If it's selling well, but the Xbox sales better, Sony would be concerned, but I guarantee they wouldn't drop the price.

1) The $149 price point has historically captured a very large number of gamers, and they will keep it at that price until they think that audience has been saturated. That won't happen until you get through at least one holiday season.

2) If they drop the price to $129, Xbox will immediately drop as well, so how does that help them in relation to the Xbox?

I also don't expect Microsoft to drop either. It would certainly help unit sales somewhat, but:

1) There sales are already pretty good and getting better. Better to fight based on games as opposed to hardware price which will always be the same.

2) Same as #2 above. Sony will drop immediately, so it wouldn't provide a competative advantage.

3) Their losing money on each unit already and Sony isn't (assumption of many), so why lose more money?

4) Halo 2 is already going to sell alot of Xbox's for them later this year.


Tag of Excellence
sonycowboy said:
Despite what others may think, Sony does not drop their price in reaction to their competitors.
I'm positive Sony has dropped the PS2 console price accordingly to what their competitors have does a number of times. Remember the whole GameCube/Xbox/PS2 price drop? I don't think Sony followed suit for the hell of it. No matter what you want to perceive Sony wants to stay competitive and wants to be ahead of the game. They don't want to give the edge to Microsoft and they can't undercut as much as Nintendo so they react the best way possible.
TekunoRobby said:
I'm positive Sony has dropped the PS2 console price accordingly to what their competitors have does a number of times. If that weren't true than the PS2 would still be $300.

Not True. At all.

Sony determined the price drops EVERY time last generation. They also determined price drops 2 out of the 3 times THIS generation. The only exception is this past year, when Microsoft jumped the gun.

PS2 drop $299-$199 E3 2002 (Yeah, I'm sure people liked the Xbox price drop 6 months after launch)

PS2 drop $199-$170 E3 2003 (Hmmm. Strange that Xbox dropped to that exact same price, despite the fact it was not established as standard price point. Following the leader?)

Hmmm. When would the next price drop be? .. I wonder... Despite every analyst, publisher, and retailer calling for it last year, it did not happen. Sony didn't want to do it.

Microsoft knew that Sony would drop at E3 this year, just like the two previous years. They also knew that Sony gets the biggest benefit from the price drop, so why not do it a little earlier and get some exclusive time? It was a great idea.

And it also shows, that Sony waited until E3, almost 7 weeks later to drop their price when they wanted to, not as a reaction to Microsoft's drop, even though again everyone thought they would.
I seriously doubt we'll be seeing any pricedrops before Christmas. Every system out there is very affordable right now. Plus, the fact that there's a PS2 shortage around the country right now, and will be until mid-October, I think the demand for PS2s can only go up.


Sonycowboy, are you sure the first price drop was due to Sony? IIRC, weeks before Microsoft and Sony dropped the systems to $199, rumors of the X-box dropping were going everywhere then a scan of the ad showing X-box for $199 from WM made its way to the Internet in early May. Sony dropped PS2 a few days before that ad hit, thus beating Microsoft to the punch, though. As soon as that happened Microsoft made their announcement the same day Sony made the announcement, but it appeared Microsoft did it as an emergency reaction to Sony and Sony appeared to be the first to drop.

I agree with the other drops you posted(Sony first to $179, Microsoft first to $149).
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