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Anyone Else Suffering (or about to) From AAAitis?

Musashi Wins!

It's not hemorroids.

It's being overwhelmed by all these highly anticipated games finally arriving. Finally getting to play the titles you've been thinking about since the gen got here, or perhaps a little later.

GTA: San Andreas
Halo 2
Metroid Prime 2
Half Life 2
Metal Gear Solid 2

That's just the widely accepted list. I'm not even getting into the hazy tier area, or overlooked excellent games, games that would probably be GOTM in July.

It's almost too much. Not enough time, not enough wow left in me almost. They all deserve a month of their own, but my greed and anticipation get the best of me. When it's all over...I don't know how it will be haha. Waiting for the next time. Playing the next game.

So I know there's going to be tons of argument about GOTY, and not every one here has a desire to play every BIG TITLE (I'm not a Metroid guy myself) but GODDAMN. These games have brought the goods.

Great time to be a gamer!


hyperbolically metafictive
it's really too much. gta is still shrinkwrapped, and i'm not sure i want to drop halo 2 for mgs3 just yet. half-life probably has to wait until next month. and i think i'm going to cancel my japanese psp pre-order...i just won't have time to play it.


Musashi Wins! said:
Metal Gear Solid 2

Don't hold your hopes too high, the ending sucks.

In all seriousness, this is a great month for gaming, and defintley one of my favourite years for gaming, so far. Only 1998 rivals it.


Yeah for sure. I'm polishing off GTA SA right now so I havent even gone back to Halo 2's single player in a week or so... almost done with SA (just have the last few final missions left which I hear are pretty brutal) but now we've got Prime 2 out.. and MGS3 this week or next. I just dont know how I am gonna get to all these in a timely manner. I'll probably beat SA, finish Halo 2, then get MGS3 and beat that -- then go to Prime 2 so I can mix up the game types some and avoid too much in the first person perspective. Then in December we've got KotOR 2 coming which I've already ordered through Outpost.com.

Not to mention I still want to go back through Fable a second time on the evil side. Too many games, not enough time.. :(
This season is too much. I still haven't gotten to Pikmin 2 and Paper Mario 2. Metroid Prime 2 and Half Life 2 are going to be waiting as well. I want to get a DS and I need to finally get a Pstwo (never owned a sony system). Oh well, plenty of time during the dry season, but it means ya don't get to participate in the Hype. :p


Yeah I've yet to get Pikmin 2 or Paper Mario 2 either.. also wanna get Taiko no Tatsujin and Donkey Konga but who knows at this point. The former two will probably be a buy it when the price drops thing at this point.


Yeah and thanks to my exams, GTA:SA and Halo 2 are still shrink-wrapped and sitting tight in my drawer till the end of this week. I'm already lagging right from the start......


Hates quality gaming
I'd love to suffer from AAAitis... I'm getting 8th Style in tomorrow or Friday and I probably won't be able to AAA anything except for a few Light7 or 14 songs.

*insert cricket sounds here*
I'm kind of there.

I got Shin Megami Tensei: Noctourne not too much ahead of GTA: SA. I played it a fair bit of time, maybe 10-15 hours, before putting it down for GTA.

I played GTA up until I got up to the last mission strand, I think Riots is the name, but then it hit me to go back and play SMT (yes I'm one of those people that gets to the end of a game and then puts it down for a while).

I've been playing SMT for the last 4-5 days and I'm pretty sure that I've got a long way to go before I'm willing to stop playing (I'm at Asakusa, I'm level 44, haven't touched the Kalpas, etc).

So here's the problem: I'm a huge Ratchet and Clank fan and still haven't purchased UYA. Between GTA and SMT, I haven't had the time to commit to getting/playing it. If I play SMT till early Dec, then I've got Kotor 2 to get and play since I'm a huge Kotor fan (my fav game this gen). R&C is going to get squeezed into next year unfortunately, but I guess that's not too bad (I've got most of January off).
I was thinking that there would not be enough time for me to enjoy the games I had been anticipating this year...what, with tons of work to do...now, thanks to some fucked up shit in my job this week, I now have LOTS of time :(

Anyway, bring on those games...


I still have Shadow Hearts, Shadow Hearts Covenant, and Shin Megami Tensei in their wrappers, not to mention the rest of my backlog which I won't go into. I still haven't cleared Donkey Konga and Taiko Drum Master to my satisfaction. I'll probably play through one or possibly two games in the first three weeks of December, one of which will be MP2.

I've had to pass on getting a DS--too much money and not enough time for it. Yesterday I saw Paper Mario 2 and Mario Tennis on shelves, and thought that it's entirely likely that I won't get around to buying either of them until they're Player's Choice.
I think its more of the hardware releases that get me.

DS specifically.

But other years have had as many AAA titles more or less (1998 stacks even pretty, IMO even better, for instance).


Console Market Analyst
San Andreas is soaking up all my time. I got the game on launch day, and I'm just now in the early missions of San Fierro. This thing is a monster.

I'll rent Metal Gear Solid 3 over the Thanksgiving Holiday, and try to beat it before returning to a regular schedule in December. Otherwise, there's just no time to consider the rest of the big boys until well into next year.
I haven't had enough budget free for games lately to have AAAitis, but just the thought of all the games that have been squeezed into this month is daunting. I placed priority on MGS3 because of the inevitable spoilers that will be floating around in a week. It will be my only purchase until around after Christmas, so I'll have plenty of time to play it in a leisurely manner (yeah, right) and not worry about anything else. I'm treating SMT3 like a good, long book or anime series: I will not rush it or place too much priority on its completion. That way lies exhaustion.

The Sept-Oct onslaught of SMT3, Katamari, Gradius V, and SH2 had me reeling (as I bought all), but with my current budget I'll be able to give the latter two the time they deserve.


Nope, luckly all those games you listed are FPS. Dont have any interest in them.
But sounds like you going be busy for long time! congrats.

Ranger X

2004 is one hell of a freak year for gamers. I hope 2005 will be bad because i'll need that year to finish all my 2004 games ;)


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I just bring my PS2 (w/ HDL) to the office and get my game on. I'm too tired when I get home to do anything but fuck, eat and smoke.
Since I have to go home for the holidays (and I really don't want to bring a console with me) I really can't play this much the rest of the year. So I guess it's just more GBA for me (hence why I'm pissed Minish Cap is not out this season).
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