Just saw a trailer for "The 40 year Old Virgin" and begain thinking to my self: "How can anyone go that long without sex"?? Makes me hve alot of respect for a guy like A.C. Green who despite the temptations of effortless groupie sex that even the most obscure NBA player can get held strong in his beliefs and saved(or is saving) himself for marriage.
For the sake of this thread, I'm asking those over 20 as you are expected by most of society to have gotten laid by the time you entered your twenties, and I while there are probably some, I doubt there are many 40 year olds here, much less 40 year old virgins.
But for those 20 somethings who have yet to have sex, why have you not? Is it because religion, bad luck with women, or is sex just llow on your priority list.??
For the sake of this thread, I'm asking those over 20 as you are expected by most of society to have gotten laid by the time you entered your twenties, and I while there are probably some, I doubt there are many 40 year olds here, much less 40 year old virgins.
But for those 20 somethings who have yet to have sex, why have you not? Is it because religion, bad luck with women, or is sex just llow on your priority list.??