evil solrac v3.0 said:oh goody. as far as i see it, virgins are incomplete people? help a brother out. i understand his choice but to say that you cant be in a relationship with a virgin beacuse they may not be compatible or such ois a little short sighted. but that's just me.
Haha, BANNED for sex bragging. Stupid sexually active fucker.turok4n64 said:im 21 and just had sex for the 1st time 2 days ago..already addicted..
demon said:Haha, BANNED for sex bragging. Stupid sexually active fucker.
No, he hated on Ape Escape 3 in the gaming forum.demon said:Haha, BANNED for sex bragging. Stupid sexually active fucker.
aoi tsuki said:No, he hated on Ape Escape 3 in the gaming forum.
snaildog said:Supermarkets are awesome places to work for random no-effort highschool girlfriends, the more checkouts the better.
Mejilan said:I too am 26 and have not yet sampled the delectable delights offered up by evolutions greatest creation, the human female.
The point wasn't to judge people for their choices, their religious beliefs, or for the way things have worked out for them, but rather to give another perspective. If someone's not a virgin by choice, my post really wasn't for them (although the comments in this thread about not having a girlfriend because they feel it would be a waste of money seem so wrong on so many levels). People deserve a caring, sensitive someone who will treat them right when the right time comes; no one deserves to be shunned because they haven't slept around or whatever, don't read that into what I wrote.demon said:In other words, smart experienced people should stay away from virgins. Gotcha.
Any good relationship is built on the foundation of a great friendship, mutual respect, and attention to each other's needs. Sexuality and intimacy are a huge part of that. I think you're focusing on a romantic ideal--rather than straight-up reality--if you try to convince yourself otherwise. You don't break up with your boyfriend because he has a really good friend he respects. You break up with your boyfriend because he fucked someone else, regardless of whether he likes or respects them.evil solrac v3.0 said:there is more to people than how well they can perform in bed. there IS more to a relationship than that you know.
ToxicAdam said:cocksmith...
:lolKabuki Waq said:everyone of you guys would get more pussy if you just stopped caring about getting pussy.
Kabuki Waq said:everyone of you guys would get more pussy if you just stopped caring about getting pussy.
Himuro said:So what about the gay guys?
Suerte said:Using that theory, I should be knee deep in pussy right now.
24 and am in no hurry, or for that matter, really not interested
snaildog said:I lost it at 17; kinda surprising when I look back on it, cos I was one of those anti-social highschoolers that never went out. Supermarkets are awesome places to work for random no-effort highschool girlfriends, the more checkouts the better.
demon said:Haha, BANNED for sex bragging. Stupid sexually active fucker.
Is it so shocking to have never been to a strip club? I never have either...alejob said::lol
I like being alone, so I guess I'm kinda afraid that a girl will grab me with her claws and trap and annoy me for the rest of my life. I'm kind of weak, but can be brutally honest since I'm not good with words to get around stuff(Damn girls didn't believe I've never been to a strip club). But then I guess if I love her I'll be happy being trapped. I'm to shy to ever have casual sex or one night stand or whatever. I'm slow in many ways(not in my head though). Took for ever to get a real job, took forever to decide what to study, took for ever to get my driver license. I guess its taking forever for other things to happen too.
Ark-AMN said:Hehe, I don't have that much of an interest in music either (at least what passes for "music" these days) but I still manage to listen to some tunes now and then, though admittedly there's little variety anymore and I just listen to whats on my puny mp3 player on the way to and from classes.
EDIT: oh yeah, I've never had a gf either or anything even close to resembling such. I suppose I should lament that, but for some reason, I dont.
Kabuki Waq said:everyone of you guys would get more pussy if you just stopped caring about getting pussy.
Not really, it's just an overgeneralizing blanket theory. With some guys, caring way too much, putting too much effort into it and coming off as desperate etc. is their problem. That doesn't exactly apply to us, though.Boogie said:Fucking retarded theory![]()
demon said:Is it so shocking to have never been to a strip club? I never have either...
Kabuki Waq said:There no such thing as gay guys.....its just something you fuckers want everyone else to believe....you pretend to be gay so you get lots of female friends and then when you get close enough you ask them to "convert" you. The girls will always say yes because they t want to tell their friends that they were hot enough to turn a gay guy straight.
Im on to you bastards!
:lol :lol :lolArk-AMN said:24 and am in no hurry, or for that matter, really not interested
I got way more important things to worry about, like money for one, and my future career. From what I've seen, relationships take up way too much time and money for my taste and I don't want to give up what little free time I have on them.
As for sex, well, I'm pretty much asexual.
demon said:Not really, it's just an overgeneralizing blanket theory. With some guys, caring way too much, putting too much effort into it and coming off as desperate etc. is their problem. That doesn't exactly apply to us, though.![]()
xsarien said:Never? Not shocking per se, but definitely a little...off.
xsarien said:Never? Not shocking per se, but definitely a little...off.
Oh dear... you poor, poor sexually active souls. I guess you just gotta take the good with the bad, eh?suikodan said:For those who are still virgins and aren't under pressure, sometimes I envy you. Sex is like opening a Pandora Box, the good stuff is that sex is good but the bad stuff is that you want more.
ZombieSupaStar said:i lost mine at 18
while star wars was on no less.
wasnt anything special, I just kinda looked over at her and said "hey wanna have sex" she said "ok" and that was it.
suikodan said:For those who are still virgins and aren't under pressure, sometimes I envy you. Sex is like opening a Pandora Box, the good stuff is that sex is good but the bad stuff is that you want more.
What do you mean? It's not like virgins never masturbate.suikodan said:For those who are still virgins and aren't under pressure, sometimes I envy you. Sex is like opening a Pandora Box, the good stuff is that sex is good but the bad stuff is that you want more.
xsarien said:Never? Not shocking per se, but definitely a little...off.
Crispy said:On the other hand, a friend of mine never had a girlfriend, never kissed. Then on his 18th he had his first, had sex and hasn't been without a girlfriend for more than a few weeks at a time after that! So this supports the theorie that having sex, generates more sex...or something like that.
I don't see how it's degrading when you're 15. Your experience was obviously different, but the ones I've worked at (and obviously ToxicAdams' who agreed further up the page) have been full of outgoing girls that practically lash out at any unsuspecting guy that walks past. Well that's exaggerating, but if you spend long enough at one place you can't really help getting to know the girls.loxy said:What do you mean by this? I read your post a couple times trying to figure out what you are trying to say. I worked at a supermarket for my first job (I was 15 at the time) and it was more degrading than anything else.
Well, it rings true with me. When i hit a dry spell, there's the initial withdrawal cravings that reach a ridiculous peak, then it falls off. After a while, i don't think about sex. The first time it happened was after my first few times having sex at age 17. i didn't have sex for something like two years after that. i became completely apathetic towards sex after that and thought i was "asexual". :lol i even told the girl i started dating that at the time, and proved that theory wrong after i started screwing her silly.demon said:Oh dear... you poor, poor sexually active souls. I guess you just gotta take the good with the bad, eh?