I'm not going to lie I was a late bloomer, not losing my viirignity until I was 19. Wasn't a matter of religion, or not being intersted in sex, but going through High School I weighed about 325 pounds give or take 5 pounds..I was pretty popular, especially for a big guy. I had alot of friends, a good amount of female friends, none of whom however would go past a plutonic friendship with a guy of my...gerth.
After High School I lost about 120lbs, muscled up a good bit, and obviously the sex came. Since then, I've more than compensated for those "dry years" but It WAS hard waiting so long. I mean jacking-off can get you but so far, and what made matters worse, is that my best friend and my cousin the two guys I hung out with the most were BIIIG players..Seemed like every other week they had a new chick. I used to say to myself "If I don't get laid the day before my 20th birth day I'm going to pay for it"..In retrospect
BTW..In response to the earlier comment about the girl expecting the guy to last an hour his 1st time...My 1st the girl came twice, and I didn't even cum once.(Talk about disappointed). Selfish chick.Got her self off twice, and had the nerve to say "I'm too tired to go any longer"..
After High School I lost about 120lbs, muscled up a good bit, and obviously the sex came. Since then, I've more than compensated for those "dry years" but It WAS hard waiting so long. I mean jacking-off can get you but so far, and what made matters worse, is that my best friend and my cousin the two guys I hung out with the most were BIIIG players..Seemed like every other week they had a new chick. I used to say to myself "If I don't get laid the day before my 20th birth day I'm going to pay for it"..In retrospect
BTW..In response to the earlier comment about the girl expecting the guy to last an hour his 1st time...My 1st the girl came twice, and I didn't even cum once.(Talk about disappointed). Selfish chick.Got her self off twice, and had the nerve to say "I'm too tired to go any longer"..