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Anyone over the age of 20 and still a virgin??

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I'm not going to lie I was a late bloomer, not losing my viirignity until I was 19. Wasn't a matter of religion, or not being intersted in sex, but going through High School I weighed about 325 pounds give or take 5 pounds..I was pretty popular, especially for a big guy. I had alot of friends, a good amount of female friends, none of whom however would go past a plutonic friendship with a guy of my...gerth.

After High School I lost about 120lbs, muscled up a good bit, and obviously the sex came. Since then, I've more than compensated for those "dry years" but It WAS hard waiting so long. I mean jacking-off can get you but so far, and what made matters worse, is that my best friend and my cousin the two guys I hung out with the most were BIIIG players..Seemed like every other week they had a new chick. I used to say to myself "If I don't get laid the day before my 20th birth day I'm going to pay for it"..In retrospect

BTW..In response to the earlier comment about the girl expecting the guy to last an hour his 1st time...My 1st the girl came twice, and I didn't even cum once.(Talk about disappointed). Selfish chick.Got her self off twice, and had the nerve to say "I'm too tired to go any longer"..
xsarien said:
You sure you're just not quoting lines from Jackie Brown? ;)

Ive never seen jackie brown.

we were literally sitting on my bed watching the rebels get ready for an assualt on the death star and I said "hey wanna have sex" , ..."ok"....
Tommie Hu$tle said:
Ditto, we think so much alike we would have been great together if you didn't mess it up. ;)
Oh is that right? I messed it up did I now Tommie Boy...
...tell me, is that why you are kicking yourself so hard now is it?

Tommie Hu$tle said:
Excited. Probably closer to stoked if you translate it to American English. Those Aussies have a funny way to them.

Yeah, it means stoked exactly. We use that too.
Yes, we do have a funny way to us, but I know how much you love it Baby.


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
Nameless said:
BTW..In response to the earlier comment about the girl expecting the guy to last an hour his 1st time...My 1st the girl came twice, and I didn't even cum once.(Talk about disappointed). Selfish chick.Got her self off twice, and had the nerve to say "I'm too tired to go any longer"..

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

I was speaking in general terms. The first time for the majority of guys is a short time!! :D :lol Hell my first time lasted a WHOPPING 10 minutes!! :lol :lol

Ahhh I remember it like it was yesterday....

My story, sit back with some marshmallows on a stick:

I was 15 and it was with my best friend of 7 years.... She and I did everything together, I guess we really did do everything together. We were camping at the lake fishing with some buddies for a couple hours, had gotten maybe 5 or 6. She and I decided to take off and get the fire started so we could cook up the fish, leaving them behind to catch more. I was trying to light the kindling while she was about 300 feet away grabbing fire wood when she knocked over a bee hive. I had just finished getting the fire going when she booked it as fast as she could to me and lept at me to hide and knocked me flat on my ass with her squeezing me scared as hell. The fire, THANK GOD FOR THE FIRE! It kept em away from us, and I was in pain so I layed on my back.

She was relieved cause she though she was done for. I looked at her and jokingly said "there's some on you, quick take off your shirt" and she looked at me saying "You'd like that huh?" Keeping with the conversation, I said "Of course, who wouldn't?" After that she just looked at me for a minute or two and then kissed me.... Therein started the fun!

I knew she was my best friend, but that just made it all the more exciting. I wasn't nervous at all because I was always so comfortable around her. So both of us just went with it.

Come to think of it though, it was pretty risky, all our buds were just out on the lake in the boat and probably could see us with the fire like 5 feet away. That and no rubbers/birth control. Just a crazy spontaneous act. I loved it though!!
Alyssa DeJour said:
Oh is that right? I messed it up did I now Tommie Boy...
...tell me, is that why you are kicking yourself so hard now is it?

Well played my dear, well played. I will at admit my wandering eye may have inadverently led me astray once or twice.

*BAAACK to the subject at hand*

Well I know a guy that is rounding (a former co-worker) 35 that hasn't had sex in 7 years or so waiting for the right woman. It's commendable (like jumping on a gernade to save your buddies) but, flawed. The thing about it is to do that he stayed away from women in the process he lost (I don't know if he had) the ablilty to talk to women and at times he ended up being that creepy dude. I mean he is a nice enough guy but, he has no communication skills when it comes to women.


i dont think anybody's first time was probably that great. i know i lasted far longer than i expected, but that's probably due to how nervous i was. still wasnt very enjoyable to lose it to a stranger, as attractive as she was.
some of my latter performances actually were less impressive. once a girl actually yelled, "awwwwwwwwwww come on it was just getting good!".
i'm like "i couldn't hold it in...sorry. feels. too. good."

i share with you guys, because i love you guys. yes. well most of you.


I lost my virginity at a really young age and it's not something I'm proud of. If I could have it to do all over again, I defintely would have waited until I met my wife. I'm sure that's the case with a lot of guys though.


nitewulf said:
i dont think anybody's first time was probably that great. i know i lasted far longer than i expected, but that's probably due to how nervous i was. still wasnt very enjoyable to lose it to a stranger, as attractive as she was.

In the long term, I can understand that. But I think for the immediate, well, let's be frank: satisfaction of it all, a one-night stand may not be too bad for those who have held back because they're just plain self-conscious. Judgement is less harsh from someone who you'll likely never see again.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
Well played my dear, well played. I will at admit my wandering eye may have inadverently led me astray once or twice.
Why thank you my dear, as you well know I always play well, at all games ;)
…Led you astray? Just slightly.
But I must admit that wondering eye was right on the money.
You have impeccable taste Tommie Boy… if I do say so myself…

…particularly that last one... impeccable ;)

Tommie Hu$tle said:
*BAAACK to the subject at hand*

Well I know a guy that is rounding (a former co-worker) 35 that hasn't had sex in 7 years or so waiting for the right woman. It's commendable (like jumping on a gernade to save your buddies) but, flawed. The thing about it is to do that he stayed away from women in the process he lost (I don't know if he had) the ablilty to talk to women and at times he ended up being that creepy dude. I mean he is a nice enough guy but, he has no communication skills when it comes to women.
Actually, you raise a very good point with that Tommie Boy, I'll pay you that.


xsarien said:
In the long term, I can understand that. But I think for the immediate, well, let's be frank: satisfaction of it all, a one-night stand may not be too bad for those who have held back because they're just plain self-conscious. Judgement is less harsh from someone who you'll likely never see again.
well, here is the thing. well from my point of view, there was no passion between me and the woman. we were just fucking. i mean, for the first time, thats just not something i wanna look back at.
with a person i had feelings for, i damn well know it would have been orders of magnitude greater. (ps3 fo life, what! what!)
yes, the pleasure itself is sorta quantifiable, you have an orgasm, its good. blah, blah.
but sex is much more than that.
i hope you see where i am coming from. after the first time, any one night stand would be good, i agree. dont matter. first time, you wanna look back with a fond memory. i dont have that, aside from the fact that she was fucking hot.


Days like these... said:
Furries don't count

Whoa! the whole 'I can't get a girl closeted crew' is in here!!! :lol

Whoa, the mocking fucktard crew is starting to pour in as well.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Boogie said:
Whoa, the mocking fucktard crew is starting to pour in as well.
Yeah, seriously. Doesn't the question in the title itself ask for people like us to respond?


You guys need to watch some good porn before you lose your virginity. It helped me. I lost mine to my first girlfriend who wasn't a virgin and she was greatly surprised how good I was in bed. :lol


sonarrat said:
Say what?!?

...Anyway, I just posted that because I'm not fit to legitimately participate in this thread. :D
Maybe you are/were, don't you use dog years or something? :lol

I'm in the club.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I too am 26 and have not yet sampled the delectable delights offered up by evolutions greatest creation, the human female.

To be honest, I've only ever been in one *serious* relationship in my life, and even that was accidental. Girls (and now women) have always been my better friends, and I've always had more female friends than male. In high school, I was of the "marriage first" mentality. The summer I graduated from hs, I left for Israel where I spent the next 4 years... largely failing to adapt to that society. (That is, I could study, work, etc, but I was never HAPPY.)

Decided to drop out of school and do the army. That was a mistake. 2 months later, I was out. That was about when I decided I needed to come back home to the U.S. So I got a job utilizing my tri-lingual skills... as an international operator for the #2 phone company.

And that's where I met her. Small (like me), amazingly bright and complex, and cute as a button. And amazingly enough, she liked me too. A nice Dutch Jewish girl, tri-lingual as well, although we only overlapped in 2 languages.

When I met her, she was involved with a boyfriend, also Dutch, and had been with him for years, since before she left Holland, I believe. At some point, their relationship fell apart, and I was the one she turned to for help, advice, and support.

Now, I had decided not to get involved with ANYONE, because I knew I'd be in Israel for max a a year in order to save up the cash to move back to the US alone (without my family, who would remain in Israel.) Well, months went by, she never got back with her Dutch bf, and our friendship started to uh... expand.

It was mutually clear to us what my plans were, at least so I thought. At one point, a few months before I left, she invited me to "break in" her new apartment once my shift at the phone company was over. I got off at 2am that night, and she knew this. Obviously, there were no illusions regarding what this visit would entail.

I never went. She never asked again, though our friendship persisted. She's not dumb, she knows why I didn't go. G-d, forget "beauty." Cute and intelligent is the hottest combination there is. I think only now, do I actually regret turning down her offer, though I KNOW it was the mature, intelligent thing to do.

Since meeting her, I just haven't been all that interested in other women, not even those I'm very good friends with today. So, I guess I just haven't felt the need...

It's been almost 5 years since I left Israel. I may try emailing her again, if I can recall her email, and if it hasn't been changed... :/


Yeah I'm 26 and still a virgin. There are a variety of reasons, none religious or moral or what not, but the main one is that I just don't care. Of course in real-life I have to give bullshit reasons that placate my friends like "waiting for the right one/marriage/soulmate/not the right time/concern over VD/etc/and so on/ad infinitum". Otherwise the interrogation would never stop.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Jesus, I'm so used to thinking of 26 year old virginity being the epitome of loserdom and that I at least have a ways to go until I reach that point, but shit, I'm almost only a couple years away.

I'm sure there's a much greater chance it'll happen in during that time than there was in college, though, since my attitude towards it is starkly different than it was back then, and once I settle into some kind of lifestyle in which I'm around people all day again (like a job, or whatever I eventually do), I'm bound to meet someone. And I'm no weirdo or bad looker or stinky guy... I already know I can attract girls. I just need to fucking put it to use.


Mejilan said:
I know what that's like. I'm convinced my parents think I'm gay... :/

I tried to convince my mum that I was gay on Mother's Day (or maybe her brithday) once. She didn't believe me.

True story, guys, true story.


Out of curisotiy, what do you people consider to be "losing" your virginity? Is giving and receiving oral sex counted? What about hand jobs? Everything BUT penetration?

I'm just curious.


hXc_thugg said:
I tried to convince my mum that I was gay on Mother's Day (or maybe her brithday) once. She didn't believe me.

True story, guys, true story.

Um, tact? That's a pretty big bomb to drop, nevermind on Mother's Day/her birthday.


xsarien said:
Um, tact? That's a pretty big bomb to drop, nevermind on mother's day/her birthday.

I have a really close/humorous relationship with my mommy, so it wasn't a big deal at all.

I'm also not really gay and I was just having fun with her.


Army death height crane group location world
21 year old virgin here. I was overweight/very overweight from my teen years to late 2004 and depressed/reclusive for the most part, so obviously nothing was going on. I did know some very attractive girls at a job I had, but believed I had zero chance with them and placed no pressure on myself to "pursue" them. Ironically this allowed my instincts to take full reign and I was controlling their mood in conversations and being "cocky and funny" before that term came about. All I knew is that I felt masculine and powerful during these moments, but was oblivious that I was actually flirting, which I didn't want to do anyway. Some of these girls were flirting back and heavily giving me the impression that I should ask them out. However, mentally I was convinced that there was NO WAY they would want me and were trying to play a cruel joke. I either cut off ties with them or reacted with a tinge of resentment until they "acted normal."

Around this time I happened upon David DeAngelo and other material from "the community". I found the stuff fascinating and spent many hours researching it. I've been extremely shy all my life and still am, but even while 40 LBS overweight I worked up enough courage to start doing "cold approaches." My only crash and burn was with a Chinese tourist who didn't know English. :lol Every other approach went wonderfully, as the girls stopped dead in their tracks and were very friendly when I started a conversation with them. All of them reacted with genuine interest, not annoyance like TV shows would have me believe. In each case I quickly thanked them for their time and bailed, as the pressure was unbearable and I was too self-conscious of my appearance.

Presently I fit comfortably into 34" pants at 6'4", and my body is contrasted between sexy and nasty. On one hand I have what I consider an above average face, I'm tall and have nice hair and skin. My muscles have been developing well after performing compound lifts almost exclusively for a year, while I've been lifting foolishly but somewhat productively for years beforehand. However I still have a soft, flabby gut which is mostly loose skin and small man boobs. I'll have to reduce my bodyfat further to at least get rid of the first problem. I'm aware that I look pretty attractive, at least while clothed, and indentify myself as so that most of the time.

Most of my mental/emotionally issues have been dealt with. I'm happy for the most part with how I conduct myself on a daily basis, feel confident about my long term future, and sometimes get "opened" by women and I'm not nervous at all.

Why am I still a virgin?

1. No driver's license yet. Pathetic, yes. I didn't even feel interested until I was 20 due to my aforementioned reclusiveness. I have my 7th test coming up next week. I think I'll get it this time. :)

2. I quit my job a few days ago. It started out as a sweet gig compared to the last job but rapidly declined into a bunch of bullshit. I still live at home and earned a nice savings, but I have about 15 applications out already. I love working in general and feel a great void, and don't really care about sex until this is straightened out. Even working at a fast-food joint or Wal-Mart would make me happy.

3. When I'm not working or at the gym, I prefer to be at home studying and working on skills that will let me earn my own living. Entertainment is reading or video games. I've been to clubs. I have no problem dancing or talking with girls, but I don't like miss clubs when I'm not there.

I should try using this: "My name is George. I have no job and live with my parents."



Running off of Custom Firmware
ShyGuy said:
Out of curisotiy, what do you people consider to be "losing" your virginity? Is giving and receiving oral sex counted? What about hand jobs? Everything BUT penetration?

I'm just curious.

Penetration, IMHO.


Okay, what the hell, I'll give my own serious response.

I'm 21. Throughout high school, I wasn't really concerned with it. For one, I was of the "waiting until marriage" opinion, and as for a girlfriend in general, I just assumed I'd be able to find someone when I went of to university.

As for now, well, I'm not quite sure if I'm still in the "wait until marriage" camp. Probably not. Quite honestly, I don't have a solid idea of what my opinion about sexuality is.

But let's not kid ourselves here and hide behind lofty ideals. I am mostly a virgin because there hasn't been a single girl to be interested in or attracted to me. Period. I'm halfway through university, and I'm coming to the realization it isn't "just going to happen" because I've gone off to college.

And before anyone brings up "But didn't you have a girlfriend at the beginning of the year?" Kimberly was a fluke, not a turning point. An exception that proves the rule. I met her through lavalife.com. And that didn't even last a month.

That's right, the only way I was able to get a date with a woman was to go through an internet dating site. :p


Running off of Custom Firmware
Boogie said:
That's right, the only way I was able to get a date with a woman was to go through an internet dating site. :p

I wouldn't feel bad if I were you, or hold that as a point against you. While, admittedly, I've never done that, I know a TON of people who have done or are still doing that. JCupid, Match.com, etc. I live in NY, and seriously, about half of the people that I work or study with, that I've actually gotten to know reasonably well, have a history with some kind of online match-making service.


But just the way you keep on exaggerating it through out others threads and just the whole OT in general, I mean if you were maybe 26 like some of these people, then yeah I can understand, but at 21 you've still got some fight left in ya


demi said:
But just the way you keep on exaggerating it through out others threads and just the whole OT in general, I mean if you were maybe 26 like some of these people, then yeah I can understand, but at 21 you've still got some fight left in ya

Half of it is just a shtick. You know, like your while "irreverent goofball" thing :p

The other half is the fact that, imho, age isn't the main factor. I have no "fight" left in me because I don't believe that the passage of time is going to change anything.
Boogie said:
Okay, what the hell, I'll give my own serious response.

I'm 21. Throughout high school, I wasn't really concerned with it. For one, I was of the "waiting until marriage" opinion, and as for a girlfriend in general, I just assumed I'd be able to find someone when I went of to university.

As for now, well, I'm not quite sure if I'm still in the "wait until marriage" camp. Probably not. Quite honestly, I don't have a solid idea of what my opinion about sexuality is.

But let's not kid ourselves here and hide behind lofty ideals. I am mostly a virgin because there hasn't been a single girl to be interested in or attracted to me. Period. I'm halfway through university, and I'm coming to the realization it isn't "just going to happen" because I've gone off to college.

And before anyone brings up "But didn't you have a girlfriend at the beginning of the year?" Kimberly was a fluke, not a turning point. An exception that proves the rule. I met her through lavalife.com. And that didn't even last a month.

That's right, the only way I was able to get a date with a woman was to go through an internet dating site. :p

...I've always wanted to see if shitty sitcom-esque situations could bridge the gap between reality and retardedness, but until now, there's never been an opportunity to truly test the consequences of farrying across those unchartered waters. Boogie, if it's ok with you, I'd like you to be my farry.

Next weekend, I've arranged for you to go on a blind date with a woman far more attractive than yourself. I won't go into too much detail, but let's just say she has a top model faux-hawk, and a long history of mowing through hearts like mexicants mow through grass at lawnclipper conventions. While you nervously attempt to engage in conversation about the merits of Lumines in contrast to (in your opinion) Meteos, I'll feed your golden lines wirelessly from the bathroom.

I'm not gonna predict the outcome.


Army death height crane group location world
Those waiting it out until marriage for religious reasons should realize that they're making more of a 'sacrifice' than others who saved themselves for marriage in the past thousand years. Instead of waiting until marriage at 15/16 years old, today people are waiting into the 20s, or even 30s. And it looks like the average marriage age will rise even more. What was considered normal up to early 20th century is today considered pedophilia. Our physical bodies haven't even caught up yet.

Good points. Also, weren't men allowed multiple wives within Islam and The Old Testament? The concept of having sex with only one woman for my entire life is terrifying and dreadful, even if that's better than where I'm at now. :lol

White Man

hXc_thugg said:
I tried to convince my mum that I was gay on Mother's Day (or maybe her brithday) once. She didn't believe me.

True story, guys, true story.

After my horrible car accident, during the two weeks I no longer remember due to a severe concussion, I apparently told my mom I was gay. Boy, what a two weeks those must've been. It's probably a good thing I don't remember.


I was a virgin up until like 19/20, but I didn't have trouble admitting it when I was so. I took the pressure off myself(plz don't take that the wrong way) by not caring so much about it. Hell, teen years are hell enough without fighting into somebody's pants.


See... technically, I could be a virgin forever, I really don't see me taking it up the chuff, but you never know I guess. Would I still be a virgin if I did someone else up the chuff though? :lol
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