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Anyone pick up MK yet?

evil ways

I went to pick it up, they said yes, I pull out my pre-order slip for the Premium Package and the person tries to give me the regular version and says the Premium was delayed till tomorrow.

So you could say I'm a bit bummed out.
That sucks, Evil. Sorry to hear that.

Not Arcade perfect MK? Thanks for the heads up on this...makes me feel better about buying the regular edition in a bit.


Sound glitches. Sound cuts off at times(like the ending), is way too low on the Palce Gates(can barely even hear it). Stutters at times.

Slowdown. Especially in endurances.

Gameplay is speed up. Feels way too fast.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I hear the special editions were delayed. My pre-order still hasn't come in the store yet.


I'm totally waiting for someone to return their copy to Midway for a refund since MK1 isn't 'arcade perfect' as claimed.


It's still the best console port of MK1 ever.

I just did both of Kabal's fatals. They're funny.

Yin Yang Islands music is hilarious! When it's sunny and good it's this cheesy paradise music then it becomes all evil sounding.

The special editions are not delayed, I am playing it right now and a few others have them. According to EB they've just run really short.
I wound up with an XBox special edition w/o pre-order.

I also wound up buying THUG 2 because they had the original THPS1 Warehouse level in it (I could play that for hours alone, and THPS2X was a bit too choppy to do it justice.)

I guess I should also mention that I did not have the slightest intention of buying either of these games and the time is now to admit I have a problem. :D


Gold Member
The special editions are not delayed, I am playing it right now and a few others have them. According to EB they've just run really short.

There are 4 EBs and 2 GameStops in the area and none will have it until tomorrow.


Gold Member
I think I'll just get the regular. $10 for MK1 isn't worth it especially when I hate MK1. I just want MK2 :)


ManaByte said:
There are 4 EBs and 2 GameStops in the area and none will have it until tomorrow.

Ok, and? Like I said...there's a shortage. But it's not delayed. I am playing the game right at this moment. In fact, I've already beaten it as Kabal. The game is OUT.


Gold Member
Anyanka said:
Ok, and? Like I said...there's a shortage. But it's not delayed. I am playing the game right at this moment. In fact, I've already beaten it as Kabal. The game is OUT.

Yes. The regular edition is out :) I'm going to pick it up right now!

evil ways

If I wasn't such a Subzero fanboy, I would've kept it real, settled for the regular version and a $10 refund, but going from Anyanka and others, the packaging is real nice and aside from MAME I don't have a home version of MK1.

So I gotta wait and it kills me, KILLS ME!!


Premium's out too. That's what I got.

The Xbox one wasn't at EB though, they said they'd get it tomorrow(I preordered BOTH versions).

It's dumb how Onaga blows up when you beat him, yet in some endings is just laying there alive.


There's 8 levels in arcade. 6 random, Noob-Smoke and then Onaga.

Perfect amount to me. I never liked 10 and up in most other MKs.....


Gold Member
Playing it now on XBL. Very smooth.

WARNING TO PS2 USERS: There are ALREADY online gameshark codes for infinite health.
Been playing it for the past 40 minutes or so. Basically, if you liked last years MK you'll love this one. Some of the new characters seem pretty lame, and when I see allot of the old ones behind bars in the prison level it makes me hope they are selectable. Still, its got Baraka! His baldes o' fury move has never looked better.


Gold Member
Biff Hardbody said:
Been playing it for the past 40 minutes or so. Basically, if you liked last years MK you'll love this one. Some of the new characters seem pretty lame, and when I see allot of the old ones behind bars in the prison level it makes me hope they are selectable. Still, its got Baraka! His baldes o' fury move has never looked better.

I couldn't pull off Blades of Fury with the old button combo


ManaByte said:
Playing it now on XBL. Very smooth.

WARNING TO PS2 USERS: There are ALREADY online gameshark codes for infinite health.


Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Picked up the Xbox version today. The EB I had the game pre-ordered at had a problem getting the Kollector's Edition, so I got the regular version, then went down the road to the EB in my local mall, which had tons of copies of the Kollector's Edition (for Xbox only it looked like) in stock, so I returned the regular edition and paid the difference. I don't really care too much about MK1 (have it, plus MK2, MK3, and UMK3 playable on MAME on my modded Xbox anyway), but I couldn't resist not having the special edition. :)

The controls seem a bit tighter, although the characters still seem stiff, similar to the Tekken games. I like the traps on the stages, but can't see myself playing with them, since they feel way to cheap and almost unfair at times, so I'll most likely just be playing the game with traps turned off. :p

Out of the new/returning characters, I'm liking Mileena and Kobra the best so far. You guys may see "Johnny," but I see the MK version of Ken.

Can't wait until someone uploads a save to Xbox-Saves so I won't have to bother unlocking all that krap and can just play the game.


Lyte Edge said:
Picked up the Xbox version today. The EB I had the game pre-ordered at had a problem getting the Kollector's Edition, so I got the regular version, then went down the road to the EB in my local mall, which had tons of copies of the Kollector's Edition (for Xbox only it looked like) in stock, so I returned the regular edition and paid the difference. I don't really care too much about MK1 (have it, plus MK2, MK3, and UMK3 playable on MAME on my modded Xbox anyway), but I couldn't resist not having the special edition. :)

The controls seem a bit tighter, although the characters still seem stiff, similar to the Tekken games. I like the traps on the stages, but can't see myself playing with them, since they feel way to cheap and almost unfair at times, so I'll most likely just be playing the game with traps turned off. :p

Out of the new/returning characters, I'm liking Mileena and Kobra the best so far. You guys may see "Johnny," but I see the MK version of Ken.

Can't wait until someone uploads a save to Xbox-Saves so I won't have to bother unlocking all that krap and can just play the game.


evil ways

I got a shitty pre-recorded phonecall from Gamestop saying I could pick up the Premium Package tomorrow after 10:00am or something. That only served the purpose of pissing me off.

So tonight I watch Nip/Tuck, a bit of Chappelle and go to cry myself to sleep.


Anyanka said:
There's 8 levels in arcade. 6 random, Noob-Smoke and then Onaga.

Perfect amount to me. I never liked 10 and up in most other MKs.....

Anyanka are you on Xbox Live? What's your tag?

Also has anyone tried Puzzle Kombat online yet? Any lag?

Are the rules and gamepley in Puzzle Kombat the exact same as Super Puzzle Fighter II? I mean, is there a diamond, linkable chains, color patterns, and whatnot?


Fuck you guys have got me worried about MK1 not being arcade perfect!!!

Midway Arcade Treasures 2 comes out next tuesday...I am seriously going to take a box

cutter to the fucking neck of Ed Boon if MK 2 isn't arcade fucking perfect!!!

I have been waiting SO FUCKING LONG for an arcade perfect version of MK2 on a home

thom said:
Fuck you guys have got me worried about MK1 not being arcade perfect!!!

Midway Arcade Treasures 2 comes out next tuesday...I am seriously going to take a box

cutter to the fucking neck of Ed Boon if MK 2 isn't arcade fucking perfect!!!

I have been waiting SO FUCKING LONG for an arcade perfect version of MK2 on a home

i feel the exact same way. im so very worried about the kollectors edition that im picking up tomorrow, as well as treasures 2 in a week.


Gold Member
I played about fifty games so far...and fought against Scorpion 49 times. Don't these idiots realize there are other characters besides Scorpion?

And I hate the 12 year olds who get their ass kicked and disconnect.


GameFan Alumnus
Just picked up the Xbox special edition at a mom and pop store in the area. Two friends picked up their special editions (Xbox) at an EB, so it's definitely out there. Going to play for the first time now. BTW, none of us pre-ordered either.
I've been playing it all night, and I'm impressed with what they've done with the game. No new gameplay strides, but its really captured the spirit of MK better then any game since II I think. Actually...

It seems like this MK is paying respect to MKII with the inclusion of many of the classic MKII stages like the living forest, dead pool, and portal. I just unlocked thema nd Baraka's MKII outfit...its a nice trip down memory lane.
I made some trades at GameRush and picked up a copy. Didn't open it yet, going to swap it for the Kollectors Edition whenever they get it in. Probably tomorrow.

If you trade in naything, do it at GameRush, damn do they give alot in store credit.

I traded in WWE Day of Reckoning and got $35 out of it. Good, because the game is WAY too short. all in all I got $77 in credit.

Hopefully the second disc is enough to warrant the $10 extra.

And to those asking about it being delayed or shortage, well it's a bit of both really. They noticed halfway through the run that the second disc wasn't being inserted into the Kollectors cases, therefore, a major issue. Don't worry all will be well within the next couple of days.
Gamestop told me that the Kollector's Edition won't be in until tomorrow and that NOBODY in town had it today. SOOOO I called EBGAMES and they had a bunch of them in. Picked one up and immediately brought it home to try out MK1. A little disappointing, but I'm glad I have it. Everything Anayanka said is true. It DOES have the music cut out from time to time for brief moments. It DOES have the music turned way way down in the Palace Gates stage. It DOES feel a lot faster for some reason. That said, its the closest to arcade we've ever seen, but its bullshit that the package says "arcade perfect". Its still fun and its a trip down memory lane, but I really hope Midway Arcade Treasures 2 doesn't pull this kinda shit.

Puzzle Kombat is addictive. Its exactly like Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo. If you took out the MK characters and put in SF ones, nobody would know the difference. Thats' a good thing since that game rocked hard and is VERY rare to see these days.

MK: Deception itself is awesome. I agree completely with Biff when he says the game feels like it captures that MK "feel" that's been missing for a long time. Previous efforts didn't even come CLOSE to creating the atmosphere this game has. It really takes me back to my early teens. I love the interactive arenas this time. I've smashed people through walls and ceilings and shit without even trying. Its cool. I also pulled off a stage fatality IN MY FIRST ROUND. It was awesome. I won't spoil it, but lets just say I didn't see it coming. :D

I'm a veteran of fighting games. I used to play in Marvel vs Capcom 2 tourneys and back when Soul Calibur 2 was in arcades, I never knew anybody that could beat me when I was in my prime. I never really got into VF or Tekken so much. I played them all, but never really mastered anybody like I did in SC or MvC. So make of that what you will when you hear all this shit about how "hardcore fighting fans could never love this game". That's just snobbery.


Gold Member
I didn't buy the Kollector's Edition because I despise MK1. It's a clunky, stiff, fighter. Now, Midway Treasures 2, with MKII, I must have. MKII is the best of the series and Deception is the best MK game since MKII came out.


I still cannot figure out for the life of me, why the fuck Midway would choose to slap the first three MK games onto the back of OTHER games instead of releasing a full fledge Mortal Kombat Anthology game with MK 1, 2, 3, and UMK3 complete with Xbox Live play. Seriously, do they NOT know how fucking hot this would sell? Do they NOT know how many mk fans there are out there who want this? Do they NOT read messageboards to see for themselves what people are asking for?

I boggles my mind to see some of the decisions made by people in charge of well....making decisions. C'mon Midway give the fans want they want....the first three MK games online.


not an idiot
i've always loved mortal kombat 1, we use to have these killer tourneys at home with it and it is by far and away my favorite. i had mastered it so much and gotten so used to it and the timing of it, that i just never lost. when part 2 came out, i immediately hated it because my timing was off since they sped it up... so i just never got around to getting into it.

i would adore an arcade perfect part 1, but alas, if u guys says it has all these problems, i probably won't mess with it then. too bad though, mortal kombat one is my favorite fighting game of alltime (cept for boxing games) and it's not even close... next best one is tekken 1 on the playstation, that one was also fun.
so anyway.. i played this game... and seeing people talk about how awesome it is gives my stomach that same feeling i get when i hear people say things like "bush destroyed kerry in that debate"...

i don't think i'll go any further than that...


sad thing is, i've played the konquest mode for 10 minutes now and already i'm enjoying it more than shenmue. =/
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