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anyone picked up Nightmare of Druaga?

Between World of Warcraft and NetHack, I've been in a dungeony mood, lately. The new Nightmare of Druaga game is from Chun Soft came out today, and their hacks range from competent to excellent. Anyone picked it up? I'd like to know something more than "8/8/8/7" before dropping $65 on a game (!) ... thanks!


And even i am moderately surprised
i could have got it last night - but i have to many games going on at the moment.
Might pick it up tonight, after drinking.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Curious about it myself, but didn't Arika develop this update? Any thoughts are appreciated.

Anywhoo, Tales of Destiny had a nifty 100-floor dungeon as an optional quest WAY late in the game which obviously was a refitted homeage to the classic Tower of Druaga...not exactly a total remake, but the loot was crazy.


Brandon F said:
Curious about it myself, but didn't Arika develop this update?
I thought so too.

The cover is absolutely fantastic, though. I'm going to end up buying it just because of it.
I've been playing it today. Haven't put in enough time to tell how it stacks up next to the other Chunsoft dungeonhacks, but I can give ya some lame ass sub-IGN impressions.

Right now I've got the game paused, and I'm on the 7th floor of the first dungeon. Well, first one after the tutorial dungeon, anyway. Played through the first 5 or so floors a few times, and the layouts have not been random. Died once, lost all my equipment. Did not lose my levels or any stats as far as I can tell. Gil was born again with his gold armor, which has crappy stats, but looks a billion times better than all the loot I've found so far. Kinda weird. Had to start over from the first floor.

Doesn't seem to be any hunger/food in the game. Not sure what's to keep you from lollygagging. The game has a whole fog of war/light radius thing going on, and the darkness seems to vary from level to level. Maybe. Twice now I've been hacking things up and had the lights go out, so I was stumbling around like an idiot cuz I was unable to see anything other than the square I was standing on. Not sure if it was a result of an enemy spell, or if I was taking too long. Doesn't seem to be time related, cuz the second time it happened I'd only been on the floor for what felt like a short time. Oh yeah, you gotta find a key before you can go to the next floor, just like the old Druaga.

Killing a certain (seemingly random) enemy will make special chests appear on the floor. Some floors just silver chests, others I've found silver and gold. Some none at all. Dunno what triggers it. I can't read most of this stuff. The menus, stats, items, special attacks and equipment are all in English, though, which is great for me. NPC text and descriptions are in Japanese of course. Text flies by quickly and so far all the NPC menus have been easy to navigate.

I've yet to have any weapons break, and I don't see anything close to a durability stat. Weapons have slots, but so far I haven't found anything to put in them. Wait, I did find some gems, but I used them as spells - maybe you can put them in slots? Each weapon seems to come with its own special ability, and you can quickly choose which you want to use with the right stick. Left stick is for items. You move with the cross pad. R2 heals. Doesn't seem to be a button that lets you run like in Torneko or Shiren, though there is a Foot option greyed out in the menu. Makes me think you can find a speed up shoe like in the arcade game. There's a whole chart for elemental stuff but I haven't found anything that affects it yet.

Hmm, there's something called Oracle of Ishtar on the menu. I think it gives you hints for what requirements you have to meet in order to get the silver/gold chests. But they're in Japanese. So I'm screwed for these. Also a Valuables menu, which is currently empty, and there's History, which keeps track of a bunch of stuff that I'd probably dig if I could read any of it. Seems like you can earn titles, and there's a Treasure Box menu that shows all the floors you've found gold/silver chests on and what was in them.

Oh, yes, the load screens feature tiny sprites from Tower of Druaga running around. It's darling.

I've been digging it so far, despite not having much of a clue what I'm doing. Gil moves a bit slow, but I guess it wouldn't be Druaga if he were the Flash. Not sure if the game's worth the damn near $70 yet, but I am having fun, and the box art is one of the best this gen. Or at least I think so.

Oh, and Chunsoft developed, Arika published, Namco license. I think. Unless Chunsoft just slapped their name on the thing and didn't do anything more than lend the fushigi no dungeon (or whatever) name to it...


Rummy Bunnz said:
I think this is my favorite word ever.

Game sounds kinda cool, though. Maybe I'll have more reasons than the cover to get it!


I guess it really isn't that special -- I just love the coloring style. Beautiful!
OK, I'm a dumbass - you can skip around like the other Chunsoft games by simply holding X. Oy.

And gems go in slots. And the darkness is the time limit. And God is it a bitch to get around once the lights go out.

And another and - the box art is most definitely special. Purple and gold, man. Can't go wrong.
Does it sadden anyone else that the our same little group of 4-5 people are the only ones who pay attention to rad games like this? :(


bobbyconover said:
Does it sadden anyone else that the our same little group of 4-5 people are the only ones who pay attention to rad games like this? :(

Well, isn't the game heavy on Japanese, or at least require you to know some Japanese? I reckon that would reduce a good number of initially interested people.


bobbyconover said:
Does it sadden anyone else that the our same little group of 4-5 people are the only ones who pay attention to rad games like this? :(

I don't know how many people on this forum are in Japan, but the game was pimped to hell in stores I went to, so its not like people there won't know about it.
That doesn't address your issue at all, but hey, its kinda comforting.
On that note, I really need to get a PS2 that plays Japanese games. I'm far to paranoid about modding mine.


bobbyconover said:
Does it sadden anyone else that the our same little group of 4-5 people are the only ones who pay attention to rad games like this? :(

I found out about this game a few weeks ago searching around for gaming lore...was kinda wary of the "Mysterious Dungeon" engine but the art is kickin'. Wonder if Namco will bring it over for fans of the old games
belgurdo said:
I found out about this game a few weeks ago searching around for gaming lore...was kinda wary of the "Mysterious Dungeon" engine but the art is kickin'. Wonder if Namco will bring it over for fans of the old games

I would love to play the game, but I don't have a modded/Japanese PS2, and my Japanese way rusty. I would love for Namco to bring it over to North America...


Rummy Bunnz said:
Oh, and Chunsoft developed, Arika published, Namco license. I think. Unless Chunsoft just slapped their name on the thing and didn't do anything more than lend the fushigi no dungeon (or whatever) name to it...
Actually, I think's it's just using ChunSoft's Torneko 3 engine (like DQV) and Arika developed it themselves.

belgurdo said:
Wonder if Namco will bring it over for fans of the old games
6 months ago I'd have said "no way", but with Symphonia's surprise success and Taiko/Katamari set to hit this fall, I think Namco Hometek's finally starting to turn around. So I can safely say "maybe". :)


And even i am moderately surprised
fuck, i think i drank too much.

I bought Alien Syndrome on the way home instead....


And even i am moderately surprised
i dunno if it was ULTRA low expectations (based on the previous Sega ages installments) but it seemed fairly average (!) - which is actually quite good in the Sega Ages realm! ;)
Does it sadden anyone else that the our same little group of 4-5 people are the only ones who pay attention to rad games like this? :(
Well, some of us "others" can manage to make our way through Katamari fairly easily, but games like Druaga look like it might be a bit too frustrating trying to deal with all the menus honestly. Not to mention the money...If I had extra cash to spare on import games right now, I would have Gradius V but I dont.:(

I bought Alien Syndrome on the way home instead....
Besides I would have prolly bought this before Druaga anyway:p
PanopticBlue said:
Well, some of us "others" can manage to make our way through Katamari fairly easily, but games like Druaga look like it might be a bit too frustrating trying to deal with all the menus honestly.

Yeah, but even Katamari had only the usual suspects interested in the weeks or months before it became the big fad game that it is today - RummyBunz, me, DCharlie, Brandonnn, Aku:Jiki and maybe 2 or 3 others. The same guys who post in every import game thread.


bobbyconover said:
Does it sadden anyone else that the our same little group of 4-5 people are the only ones who pay attention to rad games like this? :(
Yes. :(
At least we (kind of) are a little group! We could all hate each other or something. There's something fishy about that Rummy, though... I'm telling you he's up to no good!

Anyway, um.. I've never found the language barrier to be a problem at all, and I've waded through hundreds of imports. Learn katakana or print a table and you'll be set for most menus. Even if a game doesn't have a single kana in it, a menu system isn't the most difficult thing in the world to figure out. The only thing I ever really miss out on is the story, and I can surely live without that.


aku:jiki said:
Anyway, um.. I've never found the language barrier to be a problem at all, and I've waded through hundreds of imports. Learn katakana or print a table and you'll be set for most menus. Even if a game doesn't have a single kana in it, a menu system isn't the most difficult thing in the world to figure out. The only thing I ever really miss out on is the story, and I can surely live without that.

Wish I could say the same about Tenchu Kurenai, I can probably read enough kanji to pass level 2 Japanese Proficiency and that game is damn hard to read/follow as far as story.
Rummy Bunnz said:
Gil moves a bit slow, but I guess it wouldn't be Druaga if he were the Flash.
Yep, gotta find those jet boots.

It sounds like it really is a mix of the two series. The original Druaga has a special item on each level, each with a different requirement for making it appear. The jet boots are the first or second item you get, and they're pretty much required. Most people who hated the original never got the jet boots. :)

The Druaga elements might make this more interesting to me than Japanese roguelikes usually are (the repetition generally goes to my head before I come close to finishing any of them), but I've got too much other dungeony goodness already to spend $70 on this. ADOM is free, after all. Maybe Play-Asia will have a sale on the game in a few months.
aku:jiki said:
At least we (kind of) are a little group! We could all hate each other or something. There's something fishy about that Rummy, though... I'm telling you he's up to no good!
I'm very clean.

I can't imagine anyone picking this up for U.S. release. Druaga's totally forgotten, and console roguelikes are pretty much universally hated. But who knows. With the Big Woof on the prowl anything's possible.

2 dungeons in, and Druaga's only slightly less import friendly than Katamari. If I can figure it out, anyone can. Not that anyone other than the 5 Westerners who enjoy this genre would bother, but yeah. It be easy.

I've got a real "$15 from Play-Asia in 3 months" vibe from this, too, but I'm a total fool who's willing to pay well over full price for a game that's virtually identical to every other mysterious dungeon installment except for the cute nostalgia license. I'm digging it enough to not regret the price though. But, again, I am a fool. A fool in love with ancient Namco characters and mind numbing dungeon hacks.

Oh yeah. If any of you folks who are whining about not owning a J-PS2 actually, y'know, want to buy one, I've got one that's about a year old and in fine shape that I'm looking to get rid of. Buy now and I'll throw in one or two crappy Japanese games I wish I hadn't bought!


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
I saw on some dumb site that namco registered the trademark for nightmare of druaga in america. EDIT: here, and on a whim I went to the uspto and verified it. I guess now we sit back and watch SCEA deliver the diss!
Hrms. I saw some video of it at game stores yesterday - I'm definitely interested, but I also know it'll be 4000y by October 1st! Decisions, decisions.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
jooey said:
I saw on some dumb site that namco registered the trademark for nightmare of druaga in america. EDIT: here, and on a whim I went to the uspto and verified it. I guess now we sit back and watch SCEA deliver the diss!

Sorry to bump an old thread, but I didn't see the need to making a brand new one. EB just listed it for a October 26th release date. :)


Namco is on a freaking roll! (pun very intended for Katamari Damacy fans)


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
oh yeah, I noticed that but never thought to bump :( hooray for the fall flood of death!
Hrms, wonder if that's for real - Oct 26 is too soon to really get any press in magazines and the like, so I'd wager it's just a placeholder date.

Also: $39.99?! It debuted at 7800y over here. Fuck-you-very-much, Japanese game industry. And people wonder why it's in decline... maybe if games were priced such that normal human beings could buy them!


This game sounds cool, I love dungeon crawlers. I'll give it a chance when it ships here in the US (if it really does)
I love how EB has it registered as a "shooter"... I wouldn't put much credence in their listing to be honest, specially with that dubious date.

Of course it could come out and totally rock for doing so and I'd be wrong...

BUT. I'd be HAPPY and WRONG.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
ManDudeChild said:
Well EB isn't the only place with the information. Both the USPTO and the PlayStation.com website have had it for weeks now.

Awesome, thanks for the info. Its always nice to have more than just Ebgames.com as a source. :lol

That $39.99 price tag is nice...but maybe it could use another $10 being knocked off. I don't think US gamers are going to eat this game up with a spoon or anything. But I guess we are getting off easy either way.

Namco should pull another Katamari and keep the box art exactly the same. :)


Dragona Akehi said:
I love how EB has it registered as a "shooter"... I wouldn't put much credence in their listing to be honest, specially with that dubious date.
EB is not exactly the best with putting info in correctly. especially genres.

they have "ys" listed as "xs" right now, too. unless they fixed that.

i seriously doubt this is coming out in october. unless they don't want previews in the print mags, because it's already too late for that. everyone is or soon will be working on the issue this has to be reviewed in, if it really is coming out in oct.

Grizzlyjin said:
That $39.99 price tag is nice...but maybe it could use another $10 being knocked off. I don't think US gamers are going to eat this game up with a spoon or anything. But I guess we are getting off easy either way.
i agree.

i'm also a bit tired of crawling. then again, i beat all 4 installments of .hack. =P
I can't believe the stuff that's getting localized nowadays. I'm never buying a non-shooter import again.

Namco's rocking it. Now we just need to get them to bring Drill Land here.


Rummy Bunnz said:
I can't believe the stuff that's getting localized nowadays. I'm never buying a non-shooter import again.

Namco's rocking it. Now we just need to get them to bring Drill Land here.
Some GBA games and PS2 Tales would be nice too.


Running off of Custom Firmware
PS2 Wizardry! We need it!

But seriously, this is great news. And it IS surprising just how much is starting to make it out over here in the West. Namco, Nintendo, Sony, Atlus, etc... Just bringing stuff out I'd never though they'd bring!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Never played Technic Beat, and I'm not sure what Mastiff's done except for the woefully underwhelming La Pucelle. :)


Are you talking about the actual game or the localization of La Pucelle? I liked what I saw of the latter a lot, but that was not much at all. Cute voices, though.

Point was that they're doing Technic Beat.


Rummy Bunnz said:
I didn't want to be too greedy. Plus Drill Land is better than all those games put together.
Yeh... Drill Land would make an excellent budget release on GameCube now. :)

I'd still like Klonoa G2 and Mr Driller Ace however...


Alex said:
I love dungeon crawlers, but I have no idea what this is. :(
Based off Namco's Druaga series, developed/published by Arika using ChunSoft's Torneko 3 engine. It's the perfect three way. :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
aku:jiki said:
Are you talking about the actual game or the localization of La Pucelle? I liked what I saw of the latter a lot, but that was not much at all. Cute voices, though.

Point was that they're doing Technic Beat.

I didn't like the actual game much.


welp, it's 4 realz. reviewable druaga landed on my desk today along with a press release confirming the 10/26 US release date. dungeon crawler fans rejoice! etc.
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