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Anyone playing Battlefront?

Lil' Dice

I'm thinking of picking it up, but wanted to know how many players it supports online. I read 24, but is that 24 'human' players and bots, or 24 players 'plus' bots. If so, how many bots can you add to a 24 player game?


Played 2 levels on my buddys PC version (quick start, Hoth eco base and Geonosis) and I just bought the PS2 version....I will try it out tonite...

BTW,can you play SW Battlefront cross platform?(PS2 vs XBOX vs PC?)


I'm going out to nab it shortly (Xbox), I'll let you know if no one else does before hand.

I've heard from a few places that Lucas's servers are getting pretty hammered, so while I should likely wait a day or so, well, I just wanna shoot something tonight. Blah.


Went to futureshop tonight. It must be selling well they were sold out of XBOX copies. They had only a couple of PS2 left and I got the last PC copy. I think it was a smart idea to release it with the box set.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Just a question for if/when you play the Hoth level. Is it anything like the GC portrayal, with an actual Echo Base with interiors and hangar bays, as well as an Imperial landing zone full of deployed vehicles, or just a big snowfield with vehicles thrown about the level? Are there objective type goals like destroying the shield generator?


MattKeil said:
Unless something's changed since E3, it's 16 players on both consoles.

Xbox version was 24 on one of the recent videos... but it wasn't the gold version so release could be different. AFAIK, Xbox is 24.


I'd avoid the game like the plague for the moment, Xbox version at least. Holy christ, what a mess.
DarthWoo said:
Just a question for if/when you play the Hoth level. Is it anything like the GC portrayal, with an actual Echo Base with interiors and hangar bays, as well as an Imperial landing zone full of deployed vehicles, or just a big snowfield with vehicles thrown about the level? Are there objective type goals like destroying the shield generator?

Yes, there are shield generators to destroy. I'm not sure if they actually do anything though, I watched a friend play through that just to show me the game and nothing really noticeable happened when he destroyed the shield gen and capped some bases. I think they might be more related to the campaign missions, as the game just turned into "Kill em till they ain't no more" play.

Echo base was an actual base too, with the MF sitting in it. Couldn't hop in though :/


so is it player hosted servers like most xbox games, or publisher servers, or a mix of both?

Do you need publisher servers to get the number of players up?


GameFan Alumnus
Player hosted servers, but the connections have been horrible the past two days. I don't know what's going on. It was perfect three days ago. Is Live getting hammered? Hopefully the PC version is handling better, because Xbox is unplayable at this point. I spent 6 hours with Fable tonight because of it.


mrklaw said:
so is it player hosted servers like most xbox games, or publisher servers, or a mix of both?

Do you need publisher servers to get the number of players up?

You can set-up a dedicated server for XBL, but strangely it actually uses a spot for the dedicated server. For instance, my connection allowed me to host a 20 player game with me playing, but if I set up a dedicated server it only allowed 19 people to play.

The player limit is set by your bandwidth, which you can override. I think this may be the cause of some laggy games. People are overriding their player limit. Upload speed is the key here. I think players are mistakingly setting their speed to their download...

Upload speeds and limits

T1 (1.44Mbps) = 24
796Kbps = 20
512kbps = 16
394Kbps = 12
256Kbps = 8 Most broadband cable users
128 Kbps = 4


I played the PC version at a friends place for hours last night.

I wasn't interested in this game one bit, but, wow, I came away really impressed, so much that i'm going to pick it up today along with blood will tell and katamari.

You guys have expressed quite a bit of descent towards the xbox/psx version, but what were u expecting(i hope u didn't buy it for single player -_-)?

Online multiplayer was, if marginally unbalanced, incredibly fun on PC. Driving my AT-ST into the rebel base and causing mass terror was awesome, even if i was actually spawn camping, which leads me to another point.

As it stands, spawn camping can happen quite frequently with infantry falling prey to vehicles easily (one shot kills the little guys generally; it's cheap but oh so satisfying), but i never became frustrated by it and most players had the attitude of "what's fair is fair"--i hope the developers don't change it due a minority of whiners.

The graphics are quite good atleast on PC, can't vouch for the others.

The gameplay/controls were better than expected. I had no problems with them at all. 3rd person and first person view are available; the former being quite playable. Most importantly, piloting ships has been simplified but they still require some skill to use effectively--i didn't crash and die within 3 seconds of take off as i would in battlefield.

Vehicles are tons of fun with the AT-ST being a personal favorite, but mad props must go to the hoth level, where I piloted my snowspeeder around an AT-AT while another player shot the cable: "cable detach, let her go!" (Star wars nerd moment +1)

The best part about the experience was definately how exciting it was. Hardly any lulls in the action and rarely a dull moment, unlike Battlefield which frustrated me because sometimes it would take minutes of running before i spoted an enemy...and then to die from the encounter and repeat..blegh.

Battlefront was a surprisingly fun online game for PC. i'll be picking up my copy from work later today and convincing coworkers and friends to do the same. :)
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