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AP: 16 million at imminent risk of dying in African famine as US cuts foreign aid

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There's only so much land and so much money. That chart only goes to 2050. Who is going to be producing all of this food. Who is going to foot the billions and billions of dollars needed to do this? At some point developed countries will have to limit their aid because the cost will be too much. Something has to change on their end.

That's not how it works. There is more overconsumption of food today than there is underconsumption. As long as there is demand for food, there will be food (except when climate change takes its effect). Read the article: the countries affected by this are in a state of war. South Sudan, Somalia, Boko Haram-controlled Nigeria, Yemen etc. If it were an actual resource problem, then nearby countries like Sudan and Kenya would be hit too, but they're not.


Every bit of aid sent to these areas really NEEDS to be tied to some kind of contraceptive program. The growth rate of population in undeveloped countries, particularly in Africa, is unsustainable. They are overpopulating parts of the world that simply can't support the numbers. The culture there is strongly opposed to any kind of birth control method, and it simply CAN NOT CONTINUE.

The countries desperately need aid, but it has to be associated with some kind of program to admonish their stance of anti-contraception and pro-mass reproduction.


While I somewhat agree. This is not as easy as you might think.

There is barely any social security in many places in Africa. There is no retirement in many places in Africa. There are no care houses for the elderly. The reason many families in Africa got so many children is; 1) to help provide for the family (farm work etc.) 2) So they can look after their parents if they get older.

And to make things even more grim. The child death rate is significantly higher in many places of Africa compared to developed worlds, so they can of need to have more children to improve the odds of kids staying alive.
So who's going to foot the bill? I guess it's chump change for Europe in comparison to the prospect of millions of african refugees heading north.

The US could foot $4.4 billion before COB today if folks in charge wanted to do so.

Whether we're talking normal daily operations or a big time crisis we've seen in the past...the price tag by Mar 31 is chump change. Whether we want to help them short-term or long-term is a political question money can't answer. A lot of people need help.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
For a guy that just tried to use NATO as a protection racket, it's ironic that he doesn't understand that foreign aid can usually translate to a favorable business environment for US based corporations seeking raw materials or emerging markets. I mean that's the real basis for the "goodwill" actions by the US throughout the world.

To say that we get nothing in return for foreign aid is laughable


While a complete cut in foreign aid is probably bad, it should be gradually reduced. This whole give them aid and religious propaganda and strip mine them for resources needs to stop. They need to keep their own resources and own their industry and maybe then the quality of life can actually improve. Even on the US side we have all sorts of exploitative poverty porn and treat them like they're some sort of stupid savages who need our help.


While a complete cut in foreign aid is probably bad, it should be gradually reduced. This whole give them aid and religious propaganda and strip mine them for resources needs to stop. They need to keep their own resources and own their industry and maybe then the quality of life can actually improve. Even on the US side we have all sorts of exploitative poverty porn and treat them like they're some sort of stupid savages who need our help.

There is a problem with religious groups being able to push abstinence only education programs whenever the GOP has the presidency. However, PEPFAR has a huge impact on not only HIV rates but in developing better healthcare systems.

Impact on HIV rates as of 2010:

National Institute of Health said:
A clear understanding of the global impact with the struggle against HIV/AIDS and the role that PEPFAR has played in that struggle is appropriate for future public policies, legislation, and programs. To the degree that it succeeded, the objectives and intentions of PEPFAR were met through an embrace of global connections and cooperation in order to reduce the increasing spread of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. The global community is becoming more interconnected and societies are becoming mutually dependent on one another to combat health crises. The increase of social, economic, and political globalization broadens the realization that HIV/AIDS does not recognize race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or geographic borders.

PEPFAR had some impact on the HIV pandemic in the 12 focus countries in sub-Saharan Africa through increasing humanitarian funding, providing access to cost-effective ARV medication, developing improved healthcare infrastructures, and implementing a number of prevention programs. Even though HIV/AIDS cannot be cured as of yet, there is intrinsic value in preventing the rapid spread of this malady. Although the programs and allocated funding of PEPFAR accomplished most of the stated objectives, there remains even more that needs to be accomplished, for HIV/AIDS continues to persist as a global pandemic presenting significant challenges. Despite a few limitations, this study was able to analyze and illustrate the relative effectiveness of PEPFAR funding in lowering the HIV infection rates on the continent of Africa, and has hopefully provided valuable insight for future policy considerations.

  • The objectives and intentions of PEPFAR were met through an embrace of global connections and cooperation in order to reduce the increasing spread of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • On average, ceteris paribus, for every 1 percentage point increase in PEPFAR funding per GDP a country received, the country's HIV infection rate decreased by 0.36 percentage points.
  • For every $1,000 increase in GDP per capita a country received, the HIV infection rate decreased by 0.37 percentage points.
  • For every 1 percentage point increase in healthcare expenditure per GDP, the HIV infection rate decreased by 0.10 percentage points.

Impact on development of health care systems:

The PEPFAR HIV/AIDS program has had noticeable impacts on the Nigerian health system. The impacts are presented using the WHO health system six building blocks. These include service delivery, health workforce, health information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and governance. PEPFAR HIV/AIDS program has improved delivery of prevention and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). The most important measure of PEPFAR's success is the availability of free ART in Nigeria for PLWHA who need this. The PEPFAR program has brought about increased political awareness of and raised the priority given to public health by governments and civil society through its scaling up response to HIV/AIDS. The scaled-up program has direct benefits on the health workforce by preserving HIV-infected health personnel's lives so that they can live longer enjoy better quality of life and return to their jobs; all of which invariably enhances the country's health workforce. Moreover, the training and retraining in PEPFAR HIV/AIDS program have boosted both the morale and the skills of health workforce. Considerable resources have been brought into Nigeria for scaled-up HIV/AIDS treatment by PEPFAR. However, this has contributed to the development of donor dependency syndrome by Nigerian government. There is a non-alignment between PEPFAR HIV/AIDS program and the recipient country's health system. Attention to maternal mortality and other reproductive health services has suffered as NGOs pursue AIDS money and local governments receive signals from the political center to prioritize HIV/AIDS over other problems that are just as serious. A functional health system is important in prevention of the HIV epidemic. Hence efforts should be made to strengthen health systems. The PEPFAR HIV/AIDS program should be harmonized with the country's health system for maximum impact. The WHO in conjunction with PEPFAR and UNAIDS, recommends that the shortage of health workers can be addressed by the following innovative approaches: task-shifting, creation of new cadres, changing role of nurses and involvement of PLWHA as ‘expert patients'

And in general:



Well, that population can be sustained, we just need to produce and share food better.

Not without a massive global economic revolution.

1. Beef is unsustainable, but people like steak and burgers
2. All the fresh water resources are being bought up by companies
3. High fructose corn syrup is king

Those are three things that are probably never going to change. Billions or even trillions of dollars tied up in McDonald's, Coke, and Nestle.


Overpopulation, global warming, fleeting goodwill due to recessions and other crisis, unstable governments - ticking time bomb. Godspeed and it's really going to test EU and Turkey's relations, yikes


contribute something
THIS...is why every vote matters, people!

This is also why it's terrifying for one nation to have so much power over many others. Imperialism is not just morally wrong but very dangerous in practical terms. Such an unequal relationship of wealth and power will invariably lead to mass suffering.


Im sorry but we need to solve pur financial problems and that definently means cuttinf foreign aid. Their are so many other countries that can step up in our stead.


Im sorry but we need to solve pur financial problems and that definently means cuttinf foreign aid. Their are so many other countries that can step up in our stead.

Do you know how minuscule the 2 billion that's being cut is to the overall budget? That small amount won't do much to solve US financial problems and be worth the lack of empathy and humanity in those cuts. I agree that other countries should step up, but the sad reality is if the US steps down there's not really anyone to step up.


That's not how it works. There is more overconsumption of food today than there is underconsumption. As long as there is demand for food, there will be food (except when climate change takes its effect). Read the article: the countries affected by this are in a state of war. South Sudan, Somalia, Boko Haram-controlled Nigeria, Yemen etc. If it were an actual resource problem, then nearby countries like Sudan and Kenya would be hit too, but they're not.

This post isn't getting quoted enough. Many parts of Africa, while poor, are not in extreme poverty -- and are developing robust local economies.

Of course, that doesn't mean that these war-torn countries aren't in desperate need of aid. In fact, it goes to show how badly these conflicts affect the civilian population.


Do you know how minuscule the 2 billion that's being cut is to the overall budget? That small amount won't do much to solve US financial problems and be worth the lack of empathy and humanity in those cuts. I agree that other countries should step up, but the sad reality is if the US steps down there's not really anyone to step up.

Thats the w problem. Noone else steps up and we look like jackasses if we cut any aid.


From https://www.wfp.org/funding/year/2016

as of 26 March 2017

All Donors & Funding Sources
1 USA 2,030,754,755
2 European Commission 894,682,808
3 Germany 884,565,754
4 United Kingdom 355,982,023

5 Canada 211,004,816
6 Japan 207,405,493
7 UN Other Funds and Agencies (excl. CERF) 129,120,180
8 UN CERF 122,092,323
9 Sweden 121,718,815
10 Malawi 112,154,210
11 Australia 86,676,648
12 Private Donors 73,819,936
13 Norway 68,574,118
14 Switzerland 67,340,897
15 Netherlands 66,839,848
16 Pakistan 55,614,046
17 Denmark 46,412,135
18 Republic of Korea 39,398,114
19 Russian Federation 37,000,000
20 Saudi Arabia 35,724,885
21 Belgium 33,917,217
22 Finland 33,327,929
23 France 32,072,100
24 Honduras 25,035,216
25 Italy 23,048,504
26 Ireland 22,384,461
27 China 18,558,997
28 Luxembourg 9,151,427
29 Kuwait 9,000,000
30 Lesotho 8,803,438
34 Spain 5,298,013

We see what Germany and UK give. France, Spain and Italy have no excuse. It's time for them to pick up the slack. If Russia and China want to be superpowers they need to start donating like superpowers.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Im sorry but we need to solve pur financial problems and that definently means cuttinf foreign aid. Their are so many other countries that can step up in our stead.

What financial problems are you referring to? The same problems that make it possible to raise military spending? Or the same problems that make it possible to create new corporate welfare?


What financial problems are you referring to? The same problems that make it possible to raise military spending? Or the same problems that make it possible to create new corporate welfare?

The problem of 20 trillion in debt that our government has put us in and will continue to do so regardless of what party.

Not sure what your implying towards me

Also I disagree with the wall and defense increase fyi


You stingy guys really can't complain with your measly 0.19% national income spending.
Other countries spend multiple times more, with Sweden on the top (1.1%).

Stingy?? WE DO NOT HAVE ANY MONEY , -20 trillion in debt due to Bush and Obama and our government that doesnt give a shit either way

How much in debt is Sweden? Percentage means nothing, We probably send MUCH more money then Sweden in aid in dollars.


I microwave steaks.
The most shocking thing to me is that 16 million people in Africa live or die on US charity , thats absolutely crazy.

I watched a docu last week where basically the moral of the story is foreign aid is making developing countries complacent, killing local businesses, and keeping the fatcats in power.

As sad as this situation is, we really need to restructure the way other countries are delivering aid. It's not as simple as give them food or clothes.


keep your strippers out of my American football
The problem of 20 trillion in debt that our government has put us in and will continue to do so regardless of what party.

Not sure what your implying towards me

Also I disagree with the wall and defense increase fyi

What I am implying is that the debt will always be there. It is a reality that the government deals with and will always deal with. To act like the debt is the reason to cut foreign aid while increasing defense budget and increasing corporate welfare is bullshit. To defend that is bullshit. It's making the decision not to help Africans. It has zero to do with the debt. If it had anything to do with the debt, the wall wouldn't be a proposal. You are literally adding billions to the cost of running the country. While taking out a tiny portion for foreign aid, PBS, and other programs.

Stingy?? WE DO NOT HAVE ANY MONEY , -20 trillion in debt due to Bush and Obama and our government that doesnt give a shit either way

How much in debt is Sweden? Percentage means nothing, We probably send MUCH more money then Sweden in aid in dollars.

Why do you believe the bolded? If we HAD NO MONEY, the increased spending on bullshit wouldn't be proposed right along side the cuts. Did you ever stop and think about that? The country is comfortable and fine with the debt. They are adding to it! But you want to trot out the debt as the reason for this? Come on man. I am going to assume you are just trying to be contrarian and not take you seriously.
Now that would be a good optic. A bunch of Europeans going into africa telling them to stop having kids.

We're talking about saving countless lives from overpopulation and disease. It's that simple. The political history of suppressing the handing out condoms in third world countries is shameful.


We're talking about saving countless lives from overpopulation and disease. It's that simple. The political history of suppressing the handing out condoms in third world countries is shameful.

And the Catholic Church and other good Christian groups along with every other major religion are doing their damnedest to save the poor Africans from contraception.
The problem of 20 trillion in debt that our government has put us in and will continue to do so regardless of what party.

Not sure what your implying towards me

Also I disagree with the wall and defense increase fyi
Can you explain why the debt is a major issue?


Can you explain why the debt is a major issue?

It devalues our dollar and we need to get it under control.

Why is debt NOT an issue?? Take it on a personal level , if you were in debt up to your ears would it be smart to keep adding to it? If your answer is yes then theres our problem. We do not need to keep adding and adding and adding.

Im not saying we shouldnt aid this country but we need to start on a path of lowering debt before we implode.

Dont increase defense , send this country 4 billion. Problem solved
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