Joel Was Right
I use about 10GB each month. I pay around $70, but then again I'm in Europe - we dont get charged for incoming calls/texts
I use about 10GB each month. I pay around $70, but then again I'm in Europe - we dont get charged for incoming calls/texts
I am on sprint and get decent enough service in the bay area. I am with them because my work has a sprint tower on site and at my house in the boonies I get the occasional signal. T mobile is terrible around here and Verizon the best by far. Curious to see if I get a better signal at home with my new phone compared to my old gs3.I put up with Verizon and their pricing because their coverage is absolutely beast. If I'm driving to LA or up to Oregon I know I'll have coverage all the way. T-Mobile is pretty spotty especially in some of the cutovers to 5 and Sprint? Good luck with that. I'm 90% sure that Sprint think the west coast of the country is somwehere around the San Antonio area.
Wait, Americans get charged for people calling them or sending them texts? That's insane! What if someone texts or calls you repeatedly, you'd get charged a bunch for something you have no control over! I don't think the UK did this ever, certainly in the last 15 years I've owned a mobile phone.I use about 10GB each month. I pay around $70, but then again I'm in Europe - we dont get charged for incoming calls/texts
I think the black is okay. The colored ones pick dirt and discolor quite bad. That's what I've read anywayYou guys don't recommend the leather cases from Apple right? They look so nice.
What the hell, that is ridiculous! You guys have it really awful when it comes to stuff like thisYup, the coat of a call and text is split between sender and receiver.
It sucks particularly for texts, because like you say you have no control over it. With a call you can at least not answer it. Worse when some people somehow get your number and start spamming it.
Wait, Americans get charged for people calling them or sending them texts? That's insane! What if someone texts or calls you repeatedly, you'd get charged a bunch for something you have no control over! I don't think the UK did this ever, certainly in the last 15 years I've owned a mobile phone.
You guys don't recommend the leather cases from Apple right? They look so nice.
I think the black is okay. The colored ones pick dirt and discolor quite bad. That's what I've read anyway
I think the black is okay. The colored ones pick dirt and discolor quite bad. That's what I've read anyway
I put up with Verizon and their pricing because their coverage is absolutely beast. If I'm driving to LA or up to Oregon I know I'll have coverage all the way. T-Mobile is pretty spotty especially in some of the cutovers to 5 and Sprint? Good luck with that. I'm 90% sure that Sprint think the west coast of the country is somwehere around the San Antonio area.
Wait, Americans get charged for people calling them or sending them texts? That's insane! What if someone texts or calls you repeatedly, you'd get charged a bunch for something you have no control over! I don't think the UK did this ever, certainly in the last 15 years I've owned a mobile phone.
I wonder if the cost is actually split, or if they're just charging both parties the same we'd pay over here. I mean, paying for texts is already ridiculous as they're sent in the packets that your phone constantly sends to cell towers to determine where you are anyway. I think all phone contracts in the UK include unlimited texts now.Yup, the coat of a call and text is split between sender and receiver.
It sucks particularly for texts, because like you say you have no control over it. With a call you can at least not answer it. Worse when some people somehow get your number and start spamming it.
That's better then, still seems a lot pricier than our equivalent though.Pretty much every plan these days is unlimited talk and text.
Wait, Americans get charged for people calling them or sending them texts? That's insane! What if someone texts or calls you repeatedly, you'd get charged a bunch for something you have no control over! I don't think the UK did this ever, certainly in the last 15 years I've owned a mobile phone.
I am on sprint and get decent enough service in the bay area. I am with them because my work has a sprint tower on site and at my house in the boonies I get the occasional signal. T mobile is terrible around here and Verizon the best by far. Curious to see if I get a better signal at home with my new phone compared to my old gs3.
So any news on the 6S/6S+ yet?
Any ever use AT&T Next? Wondering what the experience is like? Am I better off just waiting for my 2yr upgrade or would it end up costing me more doing Next?
Good question. I can't wait to read them.So when are the reviews coming out again?
So when are the reviews coming out again?
I'm in no hurry. I just had it in my head that they were releasing 3PM CDT for some reason, but figured something was up when no one was mentioning it.Why so much rush for reviews? We've all already bought it or will buy it, does it make any difference to you?
Thank you9pm EST today
Why so much rush for reviews? We've all already bought it or will buy it, does it make any difference to you?
What else is there to do while waiting the next decade for 6+ to shipWhy so much rush for reviews? We've all already bought it or will buy it, does it make any difference to you?
Not trying to be an asset, but I think an article for people to switch from Apple to Android would get more traffic.Apple transition guide if you're coming over from Android:
My 6+ will be delivered on Friday, but is still in the "Preparing for Shipment" stage. My patience is being thoroughly tested...
Not trying to be an asset, but I think an article for people to switch from Apple to Android would get more traffic.
Die hard apple fan, but I totally see Apple losing people this Gen, even with the pre orders.
Why so much rush for reviews? We've all already bought it or will buy it, does it make any difference to you?
Why so much rush for reviews? We've all already bought it or will buy it, does it make any difference to you?
I was going to go for black anyways, will probably pick it up with my phone on friday.
I got a black leather case with my 5S last year and I love it. It does look fairly worn out now but it's pretty comfortable and looks cool.
Not trying to be an asset, but I think an article for people to switch from Apple to Android would get more traffic.
Die hard apple fan, but I totally see Apple losing people this Gen, even with the pre orders.
Losing to who ?
You do know that android isn't a phone right ?
How do you know? Where is the option to cancel on your order page (or where should it be if you can cancel)?I can no longer cancel my att order.
You guys don't recommend the leather cases from Apple right? They look so nice.
Yes, but it is a platform and in many ways now an ecosystem. Losing sales (I don't see this happening) would certainly be a blow to Apple. The move to larger phones is a direct move to compete with Android flagships which have being steadily increasing in screen size over the past 24-36 months.
How do you know? Where is the option to cancel on your order page (or where should it be if you can cancel)?